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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: BitMaptoRegion.a
; Contains: FUNCTION BitMapToRegionGlue(region: RgnHandle;bMap: BitMap): OSErr;
; Given a region and bitmap, BitMapRgn makes the region a bounding
; region for the 'map. If it can't get memory it will return a
; Memory Manager-type error and an empty region gibbley. Note that
; the region might also be empty with no error (if the bounds is an
; empty rectangle or there are no 1 bits in the bitmap). Lastly,
; if the region would have to exceed 32K it returns a result of
; -500 (rgnTooBigErr).
; The bMap parameter may be a pointer to a bitmap, a pointer to a
; pixmap, or a pointer to a portBits field in a color grafport.
; In the latter two cases, if the pixmap is not 1-bit deep, an error
; result of -148 (pixmapTooDeepErr) is returned.
; (the nibble state machine idea is from the Finder MaskToRgn routine)
; Copyright: © 1988-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 10/28/92 SWC Changed the INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <SM2> 10/26/92 CSS Change a short branch to a word branch.
; <2> 7/24/91 MH Added conditional wrapper(s) to prevent duplication of public
; interface declarations: rgnTooBigErr, pixmapTooDeepErr
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
IF (&TYPE('Debugging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
Debugging EQU 0 ;debugging flag (1 = TRUE)
; FUNCTION BitMapToRegionGlue(region: RgnHandle;bMap: BitMap): OSErr;
; We scan each line of the bitmap and pump inversion points (ip's) into the region
; to put the areas with ones in the bitmap into the region and the areas
; with zeroes outside the region.
; In order to keep track of where we are in "inversion land" we use two
; techniques:
; The first is a scanline buffer which records the changes
; (zeroes to ones and vice versa) as we go. Wherever a change occurs (a
; 1 next to a 0 in the buffer) we need to put out an inversion point.
; The second is a togglin' flag which tells us whether we are "inverted" or not.
; Since we use a state machine in the innermost (nibble) loop to churn out
; ip's, the input to the state machine must be complemented if the flag is set.
; The loop stuff looks like this:
; outer line loop (grows handle in anticipation of worst case for next line)
; longword loop for current line (puts out inter-long ip's as needed)
; loop for 4 nibbles in current long (calls state maching for each nibble)
BitMapRgnTrap EQU $A8D7
UnimplementedTrap EQU $A89F
isCPort EQU 14 ;bit 14 in rowbytes means portBits in CGrafPort
BEQ.S @0
BitMapToRegionGlue PROC EXPORT
;let's check for the existence of the trap
MOVE.W #BitMapRgnTrap,D0
_GetTrapAddress newTool
MOVE.L A0,A1 ;stash address in A1
MOVE.W #UnimplementedTrap,D0
_GetTrapAddress newTool ;unimplemented trap is in A0
CMP.L A0,A1 ;unimplemented?
BEQ.S RunRAM ;skip if so
JMP (A1) ;go to _BitMapRgn
;the trap is unimplemented, run the RAM version
result DS.W 1
paramTop EQU *
regionH DS.L 1
bMapPtr DS.L 1
paramSize EQU paramTop-*
return DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
rowLongs DS.L 1 ;number of longwords per line
rightMask DS.L 1 ;mask for rightmost long of each line
slHandle DS.L 1 ;handle to scanline buffer
numLines DS.W 1 ;number of lines in bitmap
rowNumBytes DS.W 1 ;rowbytes from the bitmap
startSize DS.W 1 ;size of region at start of line
lastLineH DS.L 1 ;last line (zeroes) handle
handSize DS.L 1 ;size of handle (avoid calls to GetHandleSize)
max2Add DS.L 1 ;worst case for bytes we could add for next line
localSize EQU *
LINK A6,#localSize
MOVEM.L A2-A5/D3-D7,-(SP) ;save work registers
CLR.L slHandle(A6) ;no scanline handle, yet
CLR.W result(A6) ;function result presumed zero at start
MOVE.L regionH(A6),A0
MOVE.L (A0),A2
MOVE.W (A2),D0 ;get size of region
MOVE.L D0,handSize(A6) ;save it long
;get boundary rectangle so we can tell how to process the bitmap
MOVE.L bMapPtr(A6),A1 ;get bitmap pointer
MOVE.W rowBytes(A1), D0 ;rowbytes
BPL.S @1 ;it's a bitmap so go ahead
BTST #isCPort, D0 ;is this a ptr to portBits?
BEQ.S @2 ;nope; it's a ptr to a pixmap
MOVE.L baseAddr(A1), A0 ;get the PixMapHandle
MOVE.L (A0), A1 ;and get the real ptr to pixmap
CMP.W #1, pmPixelSize(A1) ;is it 1 bit per pixel deep?
BEQ.S @1 ;if yes, we're fine
MOVE.W #pixmapTooDeepErr, D0 ;return an error otherwise
BRA BMRBadEmpty ;clean up and bail out
MOVE.W rowBytes(A1), rowNumBytes(A6) ;get the rowbytes from the bit/pixmap
ANDI.W #$7FFF, rowNumBytes(A6) ;mask off pixmap flag
MOVE.L bounds+topLeft(A1),D2 ;get topLeft
MOVE.W bounds+right(A1),D0 ;get right
;figure the number of longs per row (according to width, not rowbytes)
;so we can get a scanline buffer
SUB.W D2,D0 ;right - left
BLE BMREmptyOut ;if empty rect. then empty region
ADD.L D4,D4 ;double width for 2 bytes/ip
ADDQ.L #4+2,D4 ;add 4 bytes for y value and $7FFF word
;add 2 more for the $7FFF if the last line
ADD.L D4,D4 ;double, just 'cause I feel like it!
MOVE.L D4,max2Add(A6) ;save max. bytes for a given line
MOVEQ #32,D7 ;(side effect: clear high word of D7)
DIVU D7,D0 ;number of longs = width/32
;get a mask for the rightmost long into rightMask
MOVE.L D0,D3 ;save remainder(hi word)
SWAP D3 ;get remainder from width/32
MOVEQ #-1,D1 ;default rightmost long mask
TST.W D3 ;zero remainder?
BEQ.S @0 ;yes, $FFFF is a good mask
ADDQ.W #1,D0 ;we need one more long
SUB.W D3,D7 ;32 - remainder = zero bits to shift in
ASL.L D7,D1 ;get proper mask
@0 MOVE.L D1,rightMask(A6)
MOVE.L D0,rowLongs(A6) ;save # of longs
ASL.L #2,D0 ;longs => bytes
;get the scanline buffer (D0 = number of bytes per line)
_NewHandle clear ;get a scanline buffer (of zeroes)
BNE BMRBadEmpty ;if we failed then return a NIL handle
MOVE.L A0,slHandle(A6) ;save buffer handle
;figure the number of lines
SWAP D3 ;get top
MOVE.W bounds+bottom(A1),D0 ;get bottom
SUB.W D3,D0 ;bottom - top
BLE BMREmptyOut ;if empty rect. then empty region
MOVE.W D0,numLines(A6) ;number of lines
MOVE.L baseAddr(A1),A4 ;point to start of map
MOVE.W #rgnData,D7 ;initial region size
;OK, now we start the loops.
; A1 will point to the bitmap long,
; A2 to the region.
; A3 points to the current scanline buffer long.
; A4 will point to the row in the map.
; A5 points to the current word (= size + A2)
; D1 holds the current long (modified).
; D2 holds the leftmost coordinate of bitmap.bounds.
; D3 has the y coordinate, and
; D4 the x coordinate (high word stays clear!).
; D5 has number of longs remaining for current line.
; D6 holds the (on or off) value of the "beam" (for the line).
; D7 holds the size outside the longword loop (used as scratch while nibbling).
; (we assume at the very end that D7's high word has remained clear)
MOVE.L regionH(A6),A2
MOVE.L (A2),A2 ;point to start of region
LEA (A2,D7.W),A5 ;point to new region start + size
MOVE.L handSize(A6),D1 ;get handle size
SUB.W D7,D1 ;handle size - region size
CMP.L max2Add(A6),D1 ;is there enough for worst case on next line?
BGE.S @1 ;skippy if so
MOVE.L handSize(A6),D0 ;get handle size
ADD.L max2Add(A6),D0 ;add more than enough for worst case on next line
MOVE.L D0,handSize(A6) ;save new size
MOVE.L regionH(A6),A0 ;region handle
BNE BMRBadEmpty ;if we failed then return a NIL handle
BRA.S BMRHScramLine ;rederef. handle and recompute current pointer
MOVE.W D2,D4 ;get current x coordinate from left
MOVEQ #0,D6 ;beam initially off
MOVE.L A4,A1 ;start of current line into map pointer
MOVE.L rowLongs(A6),D5 ;longs remaining for current line
MOVE.L slHandle(A6),A3 ;A3 points to the current "differences" long
MOVE.L (A3),A3
; Note: within this loop we assume that nothing will be done to move the heap
MOVE.W D3,D0 ;get y position
BSR OutputRgnWord ;output y pos to region
MOVE.W D7,startSize(A6) ;save size at line start (a la Derwood)
BRA NextBMRLong ;enter the long loop
MOVE.L (A1)+,D0 ;fetch the next long for this line
MOVE.L (A3),D1 ;get differences long
EOR.L D0,D1 ;compute the differences
BNE BMRDiff ;if not the same, skip ahead
;since we want to skip this long (it matches the previous line) we need to
;put out an ip if the beam is on
TST.B D6 ;beam on?
BEQ.S @1 ;skip if not
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;pump it out
MOVEQ #0,D6 ;beam off
ADD.W #32,D4 ;slip to next long's x coordinate
@2 ADDQ.W #4,A3 ;to next changes buffer long
; Start of State Machine
; Handle state 0001
ADDQ.W #3,D4 ;bump x by 3
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;generate one
ADDQ.W #1,D4 ;bump x by one more
NOT.B D6 ;toggle state
; Handle state 0010
ADDQ.W #2,D4 ;bump x by 2
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;generate one
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint ;and another one
ADDQ.W #1,D4 ;bump once more
RTS ;state doesn't change
; Handle state 0011
ADDQ.W #2,D4 ;bump x by 2
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;generate one
ADDQ.W #2,D4 ;bump
BRA.S TogStateDone ;toggle the state
; Handle state 0100
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #2,D4
; Handle state 0101
BSR.S BMRState4 ;start out as state 4
SUBQ #1,D4
BRA.S State1Common ;use common code
; Handle state 0110
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #1,D4
BRA.S Gen1BumpBy1
; Handle state 0111
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #3,D4
BRA.S TogStateDone
; Gen1InvPoint bumps x by one and then generates a horizontal inversion point
ADDQ.W #1,D4 ;bump by 1, first
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;add x value (ip) to region
; Handle State 1000
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #3,D4
; Handle State 1001
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #2,D4
BRA.S State1Common
; Handle State 1010 (most complicated case)
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
BRA.S Gen1BumpBy1
; Handle State 1011
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
BSR.S Gen1InvPoint
ADDQ.W #2,D4
BRA.S TogStateDone
; Handle State 1100
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
ADDQ.W #2,D4
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BRA.S BumpBy2
; Handle State 1101
BSR.S BMRState12
SUBQ #1,D4
BRA.S State1Common
; Handle State 1110
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
ADDQ.W #3,D4
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+
BRA.S BumpBy1
; State table
BRA.S BMRState10
BRA.S BMRState11
BRA.S BMRState12
BRA.S BMRState13
BRA.S BMRState14
; Handle State 15 or 1111
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;generate one now
NOT.B D6 ;toggle the state
; Handle State 0 or 0000
ADDQ.W #4,D4
; End of the State Guys
MOVE.L D0,(A3)+ ;fix up scanline buffer for next time
; this long is different from the last one, so output a bunch
; of inversion points by pumping it through the state machine, a nibble
; at a time.
MOVEQ #3,D7 ;4 bytes to process (D7 high word clear)
MOVEQ #0,D0 ;prevent need to mask for first nibble
; here is the loop where we feed it through a nibble at a time.
; it's worth it to special case a whole byte of 0
ROL.L #8,D1 ;get next (topmost) byte
TST.B D1 ;is it zero?
BNE.S BMRNibble ;if not, 4 bits at a time
BNE.S BMRNibble ;if beam on, must pass through
;the top 8 are zero, so we can save some time
ADDQ.W #8,D4 ;bump x
;take care of the rightmost long for a line
MOVE.L (A1),D0 ;fetch the long from the bitmap
AND.L rightMask(A6),D0 ;mask off right bits that aren't in map
BRA BMRLastLEntry ;go process this long
; handle the first nibble
MOVE.B D1,D0 ;get byte
EOR.B D6,D0 ;invert nibble when beam is on
LSR.B #4,D0 ;get 1st nibble
ADD.W D0,D0 ;double for word index
JSR BMRHandler(D0.W) ;invoke the handler
; handle the second nibble
MOVE.B D1,D0 ;get byte again
EOR.B D6,D0 ;invert nibble when beam is on
AND.W #%1111,D0 ;mask to it
ADD.W D0,D0 ;double for word index
JSR BMRHandler(D0.W) ;invoke the handler
DBRA D7,BMRByteLoop ;loop for all 8 nibbles
; bump to the next long
SUBQ.W #1,D5 ;decrement longword index
BGT BMRLongLoop ;not at end, loop for whole line
BEQ.S BMRLastLong ;process last long for this line
; we've reached the end of the (this) line
MOVE.W A5,D7 ;current region pointer
SUB.W A2,D7 ;figga region size
CMP.W startSize(A6),D7 ;did we add inv. pts to this line?
BEQ.S BMRNoLine ;br = no, so back up
BLT BMR32KErr ;if the size decreased, we overflowed
; if the state is on, generate one last inversion point
BEQ.S @1
MOVE.W D4,(A5)+ ;generate a last one
ADDQ.W #2,D7 ;keep sizable advantage
; end the scan line with the traditional $7FFF
BSR.S OutputLastRgnWord
ADDQ.W #1,D3 ;bump y position
MOVE.W D2,D4 ;start x at left again
ADD.W rowNumBytes(A6),A4 ;bump to next row in map
SUBQ.W #1,numLines(A6)
BGT BMRLineLoop ;if we're not done then do next line
BLT.S BMRFinis ;br if really done
; as the last line process an imaginary line of zeroes to end the region…
MOVE.L rowLongs(A6),D0
ASL.L #2,D0 ;longs => bytes
_NewHandle clear ;get a full line of zero bits
BNE BMRBadEmpty ;if we failed then return a NIL handle <SM2> CSS
MOVE.L A0,lastLineH(A6) ;save handle
MOVE.L (A0),A4 ;start of current line
BRA BMRHScramLine ;do this last one (and rederef handle)
SUBQ.L #2,A5 ;back up pointer
SUBQ.W #2,D7 ;back down size
BRA.S BMREOL2 ;go for next line
; Append the "end of line" token to the region
; OutputRgnWord takes the word in D0, appends it to the region,
; and leaves the condition codes set for ADDQ.W D7 (which contains the length)
MOVE.W D0,(A5)+ ;put a word to the region
ADDQ.W #2,D7 ;ink the size
; all done so clean up, output the final $7FFF
MOVE.L lastLineH(A6),A0
SafeDisposeHandle ;get rid of that last line of zeroes
CMP.W #10,D7 ;is region empty of inversion points?
BEQ.S BMREmptyOut ;skip if so (it's an empty region)
BSR.S OutputLastRgnWord ;put End-O-Region ($7FFF) word
BMI.S BMR32KErr ;if we went negative, we overflowed!
; find the smallest rectangle that encompasses all the inversion points
; A0 will point to the current region word, A1 to the start of the line
; D1 will have the smallest x, D2 the largest x, D4 will contain $7FFF
; D3 gets the smallest y value (which we know at the start)
LEA rgnData(A2),A0 ;point A0 past the rgnBBox
MOVE.W D4,D1 ;smallest x so far = $7FFF
MOVE.W #$8000,D2 ;largest x so far = -32768
MOVE.W (A0),D3 ;smallest y there is
BRA.S BMRPackStart ;enter loop
MOVE.L A0,A1 ;remember where the y value is (sort of)
CMP.W (A0)+,D1 ;less than smallest x so far?
BLE.S @1 ;skip if not
MOVE.W -2(A0),D1 ;new smallest x
@1 CMP.W (A0)+,D4 ;end of line?
BNE.S @1 ;if not then keep looking
CMP.W -4(A0),D2 ;last x greater than largest x so far?
BGE.S BMRPackStart ;skip if not
MOVE.W -4(A0),D2 ;new largest x
MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ;get next word (y value or $7FFF)
CMP.W D4,D0 ;if $7FFF then we're done
BNE.S BMRPackY ;otherwise loop
SWAP D3 ;top into top word
MOVE.W D1,D3 ;left into bottom word
MOVE.W -2(A1),D4 ;bottom (from last y at start of line)
SWAP D4 ;move bottom to high word
MOVE.W D2,D4 ;get right
CMP.W #28,D7 ;size = 28? (do we have a rect. region?)
BEQ.S BMRRect ;skip if so
BRA.S BMROut ;return complex region
;the region would exceed 32K, so we have to error out, man
MOVE.W #rgnTooBigErr,D0 ;if >32K needed return error
;we come here after failing a SetHandleSize (or NewHandle)
MOVE.W D0,result(A6) ;OSErr function result
; emptify the region on errors (or when it should be empty with no error)
MOVE.L regionH(A6),A0 ;handle to region
MOVE.L (A0),A2 ;point to it
CLR.L D3 ;(0, 0) to topLeft
CLR.L D4 ;(0, 0) to botRight
MOVEQ #10,D7 ;the size of the region = 10
;output the region with size (longword, high word clear) in D7
;D3 comes in with topLeft, D4 with botRight
MOVE.W D7,(A2)+ ;the size of the region
MOVE.L D3,(A2)+ ;topLeft to rgnBBox
MOVE.L D4,(A2) ;botRight to rgnBBox
MOVE.L D7,D0 ;size
MOVE.L regionH(A6),A0 ;handle to region
MOVE.L slHandle(A6),A0
SafeDisposeHandle ;get rid of the scanline buffer (even if NIL)
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A2-A5/D3-D7 ;restore work registers
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ;pop return address
ADD #paramSize,SP ;pop params
JMP (A0)