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; File: DialogMgrExtensions.a
; Contains: Extensions to the Dialog Manager used by both the ROM and System.
; Written by: Darin Adler, Kevin MacDonell, Roger Mann, and Jeff Miller
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <3> 6/10/92 JSM Can’t do a beqOld in DSEdit, since it isn’t inside a patch proc.
; Just do the same thing the ROM does: repush the parameters and
; call _TEKey again. This means we don’t need to include
; LinkedPatchMacros.a anymore.
; <2> 6/10/92 JSM Moved some routines here from DialogMgrPatches.a to factor out
; common code in both the ROM and the System. Don’t define
; kProcessInfoRecSize here (it was 6 bytes too big anyway), use
; ProcessInfoRec.size from Processes.a. Implement DSEdit slightly
; differently for ROM builds and System builds.
; <1> 6/10/92 JSM first checked in
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'Processes.a'
; NotOwnActivator
; Check to see whether this process (currently receiving a suspend/resume event)
; has set the doOwnActivate flag.
; Called by DialogSelectFixes and IsDialogEventFixes in DialogMgrPatches.a.
; This could be a problem if called before Process Manager is alive, but then
; you should never get a suspend or resume event if it isn't.
; Z if not ownActivator, z if ownActivator
; Registers Used
; --------------
; d0 trashed
NotOwnActivator Proc Export
NotOwnActivatorFrame RECORD {A6Link},DECR
Return DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
thePSN DS.L 2 ; Process serial number is 8 bytes
theInfo DS.B ProcessInfoRec.size ; ProcessInfo record
LocalSize EQU *
with NotOwnActivatorFrame
link A6, #LocalSize
;set up the info rec's input fields
moveq #ProcessInfoRec.size,d0 ; size of ProcessInfo record
move.l d0,theInfo+processInfoLength(a6)
clr.l theInfo+processName(a6) ; processName = nil
clr.l theInfo+processAppSpec(a6) ; processAppSpec = nil
;Set up PSN to specify current process
clr.l thePSN+highLongOfPSN(a6) ; PSN.high = 0
moveq #kCurrentProcess,d0
move.l d0,thePSN+lowLongOfPSN(a6) ; PSN.low = kCurrentProcess
; Get information about the current process
subq.l #2,a7
pea thePSN(a6)
pea theInfo(a6)
moveq #0,d0
tst.w (a7)+
bne.s @Done
; Test the mode flag for modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch
move.l #modeDoesActivateOnFGSwitch,d0
and.l theInfo+processMode(a6),d0 ; Z if not ownActivator, z if ownActivator
tst.w d0
unlk a6
; FakeUpEvent
; Called by DialogSelectFixes and IsDialogEventFixes in DialogMgrPatches.a.
; Registers Used
; --------------
; On Entry:
; a2 the address of the event record
; On Exit:
; sp Contains an event record which is a clone of the original with
; suspend mapped to deactivate and resume mapped to activate.
; a3 trashed
FakeUpEvent Proc Export
move.l (sp)+,a3 ; save the return address and clear it off the stack
; Build fake event
move.l a2,a0 ; point at the event
add.l #evtBlkSize,a0 ; point at the end of the event record
move.w -(a0),-(sp) ; push modifiers
; convert a suspend event to a deactivate or a resume event to an activate event.
btst #0,3+evtMessage(a2) ; bit 0 is clear if this is a suspend, set if resume
bne.s @SetActivate
bclr #0,1(sp) ; deactivate
bra.s @PushWhere
bset #0,1(sp) ; activate
move.l -(a0),-(sp) ; push where
move.l -(a0),-(sp) ; push when
subq #4,sp ; make room for the window (message)
_FrontWindow ; get window pointer
move.w #activateEvt,-(sp) ; choice of deactivate or activate was made
; in bit 0 of modifiers
subq #2,sp ; make room for the result
pea 2(sp) ; pass the event record in
jmp (a3)
; DSEdit
; This routine adds support for cut/copy/paste to _DialogSelect.
; Called by DBKeyDown in DialogMgr.a for the ROM, or by the DSEditPatch patch on _TEKey in
; DialogMgrPatches.a for the System.
DSEdit Proc Export
IMPORT TEFromScrap ; from Interface.o
IMPORT TEToScrap ; from Interface.o
DSRetAddr EQU 4 ; EventDialog return address
DSItemHit EQU DSRetAddr+4 ; item clicked on
DSWindow EQU DSItemHit+4 ; returned dialog wondow VAR
DSEvent EQU DSWindow+4 ; in/out event
DSResult EQU DSEvent+4 ; function result
FunctionKey EQU $10
CutKey EQU $78
CopyKey EQU $63
PasteKey EQU $76
move.l DSEvent(A6), A0 ; Get the eventrecord ptr
move.l evtMessage(A0), D0 ; get key code in d0
cmp.b #FunctionKey, D0 ; is it the function key ?
bne.s @cmdkey ; if not, check for cmd key
and.l #keyCodeMask, D0 ; get key code
lsr.l #8, D0 ; into byte of D0
move.l teHandle(A4), -(SP) ; Push the TEHandle here to save code
cmp.b #CutKey, D0
beq.s @DoCut ; Is it Cut?
cmp.b #CopyKey, D0
beq.s @DoCopy ; Is it Copy?
cmp.b #PasteKey, D0
beq.s @DoPaste ; Is it Paste?
bra.s @Bail ; don’t pass (char) FunctionKey into TE
@cmdkey move.w evtMeta(A0), D0 ; Check the cmd key
moveq #cmdKey, D2
btst D2, D0
bne.s @checkChar ; if command key pressed, check for Cut/Copy/Paste
move.w d1,-(sp) ; push d1 again (contains character from DBKeyDown)
move.l teHandle(a4),-(sp) ; and teHandle
_TEKey ; call TEKey
bra @Done ; and pop the original parameters off the stack and return
move.l teHandle(A4), -(SP) ; Push the TEHandle here to save code
bclr #5, D1 ; This UPPER cases C/X/V and screws up other things
subi.b #'C', D1 ; Is it Copy?
beq.s @DoCopy
subi.b #'V'-'C', D1 ; Is it Paste?
beq.s @DoPaste
subi.b #'X'-'V', D1 ; Is it Cut?
beq.s @DoCut
addq.l #4, SP ; Remove the handle we pushed
bra.s @Done
bsr.s @ChkSelection ; Don’t cut without a selection
_TECut ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
bra.s @XCcommon ; Do common Cut and Copy stuff
bsr.s @ChkSelection ; Don’t copy without a selection
_TECopy ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
subq.l #4, SP ; Make room for results
jsr TEToScrap ; Copy TEScrap to Desk scrap
addq.l #4, SP ; Ignore the result
bra.s @Done
subq.l #2, SP ; Make room for result
jsr TEFromScrap ; Copy Desk scrap to TEScrap
addq.l #2, SP ; Ignore the result
_TEPaste ; teHandle is already on the stack from above
move.l (SP)+, A0 ; Get the return address
addq.l #6, SP ; Pop off the params
jmp (A0) ; And jump thru
move.l teHandle(A4), A0 ; Get tehandle
move.l (A0), A0 ; Handle -> Ptr
move.w teSelEnd(A0),D1
move.w teSelStart(A0),D0
sub.w D0,D1 ; SelEnd - SelStart
ble.s @noSelection
addq #4, SP ; Yank return addr
bra.s @Bail