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; File: I2C.a
; Contains: Routines for reading and writing I-squared-C serial ROMS.
; Written by:
; Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <K2> 5/20/93 EH Fixed up comments.
; <1> 5/20/93 EH first checked in
;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— <5> HJR
; Routine: X24c01aGetID
; This routine talks to the X24c01a Xicor Serial ROM part to get the Ethernet ID
; address stored therein. The X24c01a belongs to a class of parts whose interface
; is the standard I-squared-C (I2C) inteface, consististing of two signals, a clock
; and a bi-directional data signal.
; On Blackbird, the clock signal is hooked up to PB0 of the VIA 1 cell inside Whitney.
; the clock signal is hooked up to PB1 of the VIA 1 cell inside Whitney.
; Since there are an increasing number of I2C ROMs in Macintosh products, we may
; want to generalize this solution at some point. But for now...
;———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— <5> HJR
print off
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
include 'i2cEqu.a'
print on
machine MC68040
* bra.s BBirdGetENetID
; Routine: BBirdGetENetID
; Inputs: a0.l - points to memory in which to place the ROM ID bytes
; Outputs: a0.l - points to valid ROM ID bytes
; or points to zeroes
; Trashes:
; Function: Gets the EtherNet ID from the Serial EtherNet ID ROM.
ENetregs REG d0-d7/a5
movem.l ENetregs, -(sp)
moveq #retryCnt, d3 ; set the retry count
move.l VIA, a5 ; point to the via
bsr.w SendStart ; send Start Condition
move.b #$A0, d4 ; send slave address for write
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
beq.s @sendWordAddr ; Ack OK? then go on
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
cmpi.w #WereLosers, d0 ; are we totally dead?
beq.s @exit ; totally dead, so exit with ID = 0
dbra d3, @ReadCmdStart ; retry if non-zero retry count
bra.s @exit ; retries exhausted, so punt with ID = 0
moveq #0, d4 ; send read addr = 0
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error ; Ack OK? then go on
bsr.w SendStart ; send another Start Condition
move.b #$A1, d4 ; send slave address for read
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error
move.l a0, a1 ; save our pointer
moveq #8-1, d1 ; get 8 bytes
bsr.w GetByte ; get a byte
bsr.w SendAck ; send acknowledge
move.b d4, (a0)+ ; save it
dbra d1, @byteLoop
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
@exit bsr.w SendStop
movem.l (sp)+, ENetregs
; Routine: BBirdSetENetID
; Inputs: a0.l - points to ROM ID in memory to send to ROM
; Outputs:
; Trashes:
; Function: Sets the EtherNet ID for the Serial EtherNet ID ROM.
movem.l ENetregs, -(sp)
moveq #retryCnt, d3 ; set the retry count
move.l VIA, a5 ; point to the via
moveq #2-1, d6 ; page cnt: two pages = eight bytes
moveq #0, d7 ; write address start
move.l a0, a1 ; save our pointer
bsr.s SendStart ; send Start Condition
move.b #$A0, d4 ; send slave address for write
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
beq.s @sendWordAddr ; Ack OK? then go on
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
bsr.s SendStop ; stop the music
cmpi.w #WereLosers, d0 ; are we totally dead?
beq.s @exit ; totally dead, so exit with ID = 0
dbra d3, @PageWriteStart ; retry if non-zero retry count
bra.s @exit ; retries exhausted, so punt with ID = 0
move.l d7, d4 ; starting write addr for this page
bsr.w SendByte
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; get Acknowledge
bne.s @error ; Ack OK? then go on
moveq #4-1, d1 ; send 4 bytes
@byteLoop move.b (a0)+, d4 ; get byte to send
bsr.s SendByte ; send it
bsr.w ReceiveAck ; wait for acknowledge
bne.s @error ; punt on error
dbra d1, @byteLoop ; loop thru page bytes
bsr.s SendStop ; stop the music
bsr.w Wait10ms ; wait for ROM's internal write cycle
addq.w #4, d7 ; bump write addr to next page
dbra d6, @PageWriteStart ; loop thru 2 pages = eight bytes
move.l a1, a0 ; restore our pointer
@exit movem.l (sp)+, ENetregs
; Routine: SendStart
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: None
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Sends Start condition for transaction to Ethernet ID ROM.
; Start indicated by HIGH to LOW Data transition while Clock is HIGH.
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; must init data ...
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; ... before clock
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait start-setup time
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; set the start condition
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait start-hold time
bclr.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; and drop the clock
; Routine: SendStop
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: None
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Sends Start condition for transaction to Ethernet ID ROM.
; Data must be LOW coming in (we have just ack'd).
; Stop indicated by LOW to HIGH Data transition while Clock is HIGH.
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; set clock HIGH
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait stop-setup time
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; set the stop condition
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait stop-hold time
; Routine: ClockBit
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: d5.b - level of rcv bit when clock is high
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Pulse high.
; Turns off interrupts so we don't screw up.
move sr, -(sp) ; save status register
ori.w #hiIntMask, sr ; turn off interrupts
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait some more
bset.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; clock goes HIGH
btst.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; get the bit
sne.b d5 ;
bclr.b #vENetIDClk, (a5) ; clock goes LOW
bsr.w Wait10 ; wait some more
move (sp)+, sr ; restore interrupts
; Routine: SendByte
; Inputs: d4.b - byte to send
; Outputs:
; Trashes:
; Function: Sends a byte to the EtherNet ID ROM
sendregs REG d0-d3/d5
movem.l sendregs, -(sp)
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; set Data direction OUT
moveq #1,d1 ; set send/rcv flag
moveq #8-1, d3 ; loop thru 8 bits
@loop rol.b #1,d4 ; get bit to send in the carry
bcc.s @zero ;
bset.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send a one
bra.s @clockData
@zero bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send a zero
@clockData bsr.s ClockBit ; send out a bit
dbra d3, @loop
movem.l (sp)+, sendregs
; Routine: GetByte
; Inputs:
; Outputs: d4.b has the received byte
; Trashes:
; Function: Receives a byte from the EtherNet ID ROM
getByteRegs REG d0-d3/d5
movem.l getByteRegs, -(sp)
bclr.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is IN
moveq #0,d1 ; clear send/rcv flag
moveq #8-1, d3 ; loop thru 8 bits
moveq #0,d4 ; clear for incoming byte
@loop bsr.s ClockBit ; clock in a bit
roxl.b #1,d5 ; get incoming bit into extend bit
roxl.b #1,d4 ; shift incoming bit receive byte
dbra d3, @loop
movem.l (sp)+, getByteRegs
; Routine: ReceiveAck
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs: d0.w - error indicator
; Trashes:
; Function: Waits for an acknowledge bit from the EtherNet ID ROM.
; Data direction must be IN.
ackregs REG d1-d3/d5
movem.l ackregs, -(sp)
bclr.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is IN
moveq #0, d1 ; clear the xmit/rcv flag
bsr.s ClockBit ; get a bit
tst.b d5 ; did we get the ACK?
beq.s @ackOK
moveq #badACK, d0 ; assume we get ACK late
moveq #8-1-1, d3 ; lets try to get ACK for rest of byte
bsr.s ClockBit ; get a bit
tst.b d5 ; did we get the ACK?
beq.s @getToKnownState ; yes, now get into a known state
dbra d3, @tryForAck ; no, try for ACK again
moveq #WereLosers, d0 ; never got an ACK, return PUNT error
bra.s @exit
bsr.s GetByte ; read ROM just in case
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; send out ACK
bsr.w SendStop ; send Stop
bra.s @exit ; return bacACK error
@ackOK moveq #0,d0 ; return happy-Ack
@exit movem.l (sp)+, ackregs
tst.w d0 ; set error condition
; Routine: SendAck
; Inputs: a5.l - points to VIA
; Outputs:
; Trashes: d1, d4
; Function: Sends an acknowledge bit to the EtherNet ID ROM
@sendackregs REG d1/d4
movem.l @sendackregs, -(sp)
bset.b #vENetIDData,vDIRB(a5) ; Data direction is OUT
moveq #1, d1 ; set xmit/rcv flag
bclr.b #vENetIDData, (a5) ; clear for Ack
bsr.w ClockBit ; send Ack bit
movem.l (sp)+, @sendackregs
; Routine: Wait5, Wait10, Wait10ms
; Inputs:
; Outputs:
; Trashes: d2
; Function: Delays 5µs, 10µs, and 10ms
Wait10 move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #2,d2 ; 4 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 5 ms delay
lsr.w #8,d2 ; 9.76 µs delay
lsr.w #1,d2
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop
Wait5 move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #2,d2 ; 4 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 5 ms delay
lsr.w #8,d2 ; 4.88 µs delay
lsr.w #2,d2
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop
Wait10ms move.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 1 ms delay
lsl.w #3,d2 ; 8 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 9 ms delay
add.w TimeVIAdb,d2 ; 10 ms delay
@loop tst.b ([VIA])
dbra d2,@loop