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1584 lines
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1584 lines
53 KiB
Created: Tuesday, July 30, 1991 at 3:46 PM
C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991
All rights reserved
Change History (most recent first):
<SM3> 10/14/93 pdw Changed CntrlParamBlockRec to use ParamBlockHeader instead of
individual fields.
<SM2> 8/5/93 JDR Moved NumVersions to Types.h
<43> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored comments.
<42> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2ƒ version. Fixed Inline for
PBSetFInfoSync and PBSetFInfoAsync calls. Adjusted some comment
formats to match the DSG Database. Temporarily lost the updated
copyright date; will be restored. Updated the creation date (3rd
line of this file.)
<41> 2/5/91 dnf stb, gs, Add VolMountInfoHeader.
<40> 2/5/91 stb gs: change ioDirFlg back to its historical value
<39> 2/1/91 stb dnf,dnf003: change the inlines to set the HFS bit (10 in the
trap word) for all HFS calls which have a dirID (CatSearch,
<38> 1/28/91 LN Checked in Database Generated File from DSG. changed
foreignprivParam branch of HParamBlock union to
foreignPrivParam; changed ioDirFlg from 3 to 4;moved obsolete
names to end of file
<37> 1/25/91 stb JDR: remove MakeFSSpec
<36> 1/18/91 stb & dnf; add Get/SetForeignPrivs; fix spelling on bHasBTreeMgr;
add authentication constants; change to FSSpec *spec for
<35> 1/16/91 dnf (dfh) Add fsUnixPriv
<34> 1/10/91 PP (PWD) Remove AFPVolMountBlock structure since it should not be
made public.
<33> 1/7/91 JDR (dba) Adding the FSSpecArray type.
<32> 1/2/91 dba (JDR) fix PBCloseWDAsync (wasn’t asynchronous), and the trap
number for AllocContig
<30> 12/14/90 PP (JSM) Remove duplicate definition of MediaType and
<29> 12/14/90 dnf (w/dba) Change ioDestNamePtr (in FIDParam), ioObjNamePtr (in
ObjParam) and ioNewName and ioCopyName (in CopyParam) to
StringPtr. This matches Pascal and is more correct.
<28> 12/6/90 JL Fixed PBLockRange,PBUnlockRange,PBSetVInfo Sync and ASync inline
code. Wasn't getting selector into A0 and was calling wrong trap
<27> 12/5/90 dba <dnf> Fix inlines for PBHOpenDFSync and PBHOpenDFAsync. Add
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer definition, definitions for desktop
database icon types, and definitions for vMAttrib bits.
<26> 11/29/90 JL Put formal parameter names back.
<25> 11/29/90 PP (prp/JSM) Fix typos and struct names of VolumeMount equates.
<24> 11/27/90 PWD Add VolumeMount equates, three associated a060 traps
<23> 11/7/90 JL Changed all #defines to anonymous enums
<22> 11/4/90 dba fixed some scrambled comments; got rid of some extraneous
parameter names; used constStr255Parameter; made some parameters
void* instead of Ptr; added more use of const in parameters;
used const FSSpec * instead of FSSpecPtr for calls that take
input-only FSSpecs
<21> 10/30/90 dnf (dnf/ngk) moved FSpCreateResFile and FSpOpenResFile into Resources.h. Added
OpenDF and HOpenDF high-level glue. Removed async parameter (and #pragma
glue) for DTGetPath, DTCloseDown and DTOpenInform. (dnf/th) Changed FXInfo and
DXInfo to add fdXFlags/frXFlags fields.
<20> 10/21/90 gbm (with dba) Made compatible with 3.2 C compiler (and incompatible
with previous compilers).
<20> 10/10/90 JAL Added Sync and ASync calls, New style #Pragma Parameters for MPW 3.2 C.
<19> 9/5/90 JNG Update FXInfo and DXInfo
<18> 8/29/90 dnf Add FSpExchangeFiles, Fix definition of FSpCreateResFile
<17> 8/6/90 dnf Add inline code for _FSp traps
<16> 8/6/90 dnf Add definitions of _FSp traps
<15> 6/2/90 dnf Correct the length of CatPostionRec and the dirInfo record, Add
definitions for FSP glue.
<14> 5/4/90 dnf Add MakeFSSpec function prototype
<13> 4/25/90 dnf Change filler length in DTPBRec
<12> 4/25/90 dnf Fix DTPBRec param block
<11> 4/13/90 dnf Add ioAPPLParID, ioDTLgLen and ioDTPyLen to DTParam. Move it
out of HParamBlockRec (since it's now too big) and rename it
(since there's a different convention for things that aren't in
Move DTParam out of HParamBlockRec because it's now too big.
<10> 4/10/90 dnf Change hFileInfo back to hfileInfo to remain consistent
w/existing interfaces.
<9> 3/16/90 dnf Added FSSpec record and AltAccessParam. Changed DT call names to
match latest from traps.a. Added OpenDF/HOpenDF and
Get/SetAltAccess. Removed obsolete call names again and also
removed non-existant high-level FileOpen calls.
<8> 3/8/90 JAL Changed changed hfileInfo to hFileInfo to stay consistent.
<7> 2/25/90 dnf Rename CSParam.ioQuant to ioSearchTime, positionRec to
CatPositionRec. Remove obsolete call names.
<6> 2/16/90 DNF Add fsSBNegate
<2> 1/9/90 dnf Add fsSBFlParID
<1.4> 11/11/89 ngk Added Desktop manger calls
<1.3> 9/5/89 dnf Added CatSearch equates
<1.2> 7/31/89 EKN Added FIDParam and FileIDs calls.
<1.1> 11/9/88 CCH Fixed headers and removed projector resource.
<1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
#ifndef __FILES__
#define __FILES__
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __SEGLOAD__
#include <SegLoad.h>
enum {
/* Finder Constants */
fsAtMark = 0,
fOnDesk = 1,
fsCurPerm = 0,
fHasBundle = 8192,
fsRdPerm = 1,
fInvisible = 16384,
fTrash = -3,
fsWrPerm = 2,
fDesktop = -2,
fsRdWrPerm = 3,
fDisk = 0,
fsRdWrShPerm = 4,
fsFromStart = 1,
fsFromLEOF = 2,
fsFromMark = 3,
rdVerify = 64,
ioDirFlg = 3, /* see IM IV-125 */
ioDirMask = 0x10,
fsRtParID = 1,
fsRtDirID = 2
enum {
/* CatSearch SearchBits Constants */
fsSBPartialName = 1,
fsSBFullName = 2,
fsSBFlAttrib = 4,
fsSBFlFndrInfo = 8,
fsSBFlLgLen = 32,
fsSBFlPyLen = 64,
fsSBFlRLgLen = 128,
fsSBFlRPyLen = 256,
fsSBFlCrDat = 512,
fsSBFlMdDat = 1024,
fsSBFlBkDat = 2048,
fsSBFlXFndrInfo = 4096,
fsSBFlParID = 8192,
fsSBNegate = 16384,
fsSBDrUsrWds = 8,
fsSBDrNmFls = 16,
fsSBDrCrDat = 512,
fsSBDrMdDat = 1024,
fsSBDrBkDat = 2048,
fsSBDrFndrInfo = 4096
enum {
fsSBDrParID = 8192,
/* vMAttrib (GetVolParms) bit position constants */
bLimitFCBs = 31,
bLocalWList = 30,
bNoMiniFndr = 29,
bNoVNEdit = 28,
bNoLclSync = 27,
bTrshOffLine = 26,
bNoSwitchTo = 25,
bNoDeskItems = 20,
bNoBootBlks = 19,
bAccessCntl = 18,
bNoSysDir = 17,
bHasExtFSVol = 16,
bHasOpenDeny = 15,
bHasCopyFile = 14,
bHasMoveRename = 13,
bHasDesktopMgr = 12,
bHasShortName = 11,
bHasFolderLock = 10,
bHasPersonalAccessPrivileges = 9
enum {
bHasUserGroupList = 8,
bHasCatSearch = 7,
bHasFileIDs = 6,
bHasBTreeMgr = 5,
bHasBlankAccessPrivileges = 4,
/* Desktop Database icon Constants */
kLargeIcon = 1,
kLarge4BitIcon = 2,
kLarge8BitIcon = 3,
kSmallIcon = 4,
kSmall4BitIcon = 5,
kSmall8BitIcon = 6,
kLargeIconSize = 256,
kLarge4BitIconSize = 512,
kLarge8BitIconSize = 1024,
kSmallIconSize = 64,
kSmall4BitIconSize = 128,
kSmall8BitIconSize = 256,
/* Foreign Privilege Model Identifiers */
fsUnixPriv = 1,
/* Version Release Stage Codes */
developStage = 0x20,
alphaStage = 0x40
enum {
betaStage = 0x60,
finalStage = 0x80,
/* Authentication Constants */
kNoUserAuthentication = 1,
kPassword = 2,
kEncryptPassword = 3,
kTwoWayEncryptPassword = 6
enum {hFileInfo,dirInfo};
typedef unsigned char CInfoType;
struct FInfo {
OSType fdType; /*the type of the file*/
OSType fdCreator; /*file's creator*/
unsigned short fdFlags; /*flags ex. hasbundle,invisible,locked, etc.*/
Point fdLocation; /*file's location in folder*/
short fdFldr; /*folder containing file*/
typedef struct FInfo FInfo;
struct FXInfo {
short fdIconID; /*Icon ID*/
short fdUnused[3]; /*unused but reserved 6 bytes*/
char fdScript; /*Script flag and number*/
char fdXFlags; /*More flag bits*/
short fdComment; /*Comment ID*/
long fdPutAway; /*Home Dir ID*/
typedef struct FXInfo FXInfo;
struct DInfo {
Rect frRect; /*folder rect*/
unsigned short frFlags; /*Flags*/
Point frLocation; /*folder location*/
short frView; /*folder view*/
typedef struct DInfo DInfo;
struct DXInfo {
Point frScroll; /*scroll position*/
long frOpenChain; /*DirID chain of open folders*/
char frScript; /*Script flag and number*/
char frXFlags; /*More flag bits*/
short frComment; /*comment*/
long frPutAway; /*DirID*/
typedef struct DXInfo DXInfo;
struct GetVolParmsInfoBuffer {
short vMVersion; /*version number*/
long vMAttrib; /*bit vector of attributes (see vMAttrib constants)*/
Handle vMLocalHand; /*handle to private data*/
long vMServerAdr; /*AppleTalk server address or zero*/
long vMVolumeGrade; /*approx. speed rating or zero if unrated*/
short vMForeignPrivID; /*foreign privilege model supported or zero if none*/
typedef struct GetVolParmsInfoBuffer GetVolParmsInfoBuffer;
#define ParamBlockHeader \
QElemPtr qLink; /*queue link in header*/\
short qType; /*type byte for safety check*/\
short ioTrap; /*FS: the Trap*/\
Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*FS: address to dispatch to*/\
ProcPtr ioCompletion; /*completion routine addr (0 for synch calls)*/\
OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/\
StringPtr ioNamePtr; /*ptr to Vol:FileName string*/\
short ioVRefNum; /*volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol)*/
struct IOParam {
short ioRefNum; /*refNum for I/O operation*/
char ioVersNum; /*version number*/
char ioPermssn; /*Open: permissions (byte)*/
Ptr ioMisc; /*Rename: new name (GetEOF,SetEOF: logical end of file) (Open: optional ptr to buffer) (SetFileType: new type)*/
Ptr ioBuffer; /*data buffer Ptr*/
long ioReqCount; /*requested byte count; also = ioNewDirID*/
long ioActCount; /*actual byte count completed*/
short ioPosMode; /*initial file positioning*/
long ioPosOffset; /*file position offset*/
typedef struct IOParam IOParam;
struct FileParam {
short ioFRefNum; /*reference number*/
char ioFVersNum; /*version number*/
char filler1;
short ioFDirIndex; /*GetFInfo directory index*/
unsigned char ioFlAttrib; /*GetFInfo: in-use bit=7, lock bit=0*/
unsigned char ioFlVersNum; /*file version number*/
FInfo ioFlFndrInfo; /*user info*/
unsigned long ioFlNum; /*GetFInfo: file number; TF- ioDirID*/
unsigned short ioFlStBlk; /*start file block (0 if none)*/
long ioFlLgLen; /*logical length (EOF)*/
long ioFlPyLen; /*physical length*/
unsigned short ioFlRStBlk; /*start block rsrc fork*/
long ioFlRLgLen; /*file logical length rsrc fork*/
long ioFlRPyLen; /*file physical length rsrc fork*/
unsigned long ioFlCrDat; /*file creation date& time (32 bits in secs)*/
unsigned long ioFlMdDat; /*last modified date and time*/
typedef struct FileParam FileParam;
struct VolumeParam {
long filler2;
short ioVolIndex; /*volume index number*/
unsigned long ioVCrDate; /*creation date and time*/
unsigned long ioVLsBkUp; /*last backup date and time*/
unsigned short ioVAtrb; /*volume attrib*/
unsigned short ioVNmFls; /*number of files in directory*/
unsigned short ioVDirSt; /*start block of file directory*/
short ioVBlLn; /*GetVolInfo: length of dir in blocks*/
unsigned short ioVNmAlBlks; /*GetVolInfo: num blks (of alloc size)*/
long ioVAlBlkSiz; /*GetVolInfo: alloc blk byte size*/
long ioVClpSiz; /*GetVolInfo: bytes to allocate at a time*/
unsigned short ioAlBlSt; /*starting disk(512-byte) block in block map*/
unsigned long ioVNxtFNum; /*GetVolInfo: next free file number*/
unsigned short ioVFrBlk; /*GetVolInfo: # free alloc blks for this vol*/
typedef struct VolumeParam VolumeParam;
struct CntrlParam {
short ioCRefNum; /*refNum for I/O operation*/
short csCode; /*word for control status code*/
short csParam[11]; /*operation-defined parameters*/
typedef struct CntrlParam CntrlParam;
struct SlotDevParam {
short ioRefNum;
char ioVersNum;
char ioPermssn;
Ptr ioMix;
short ioFlags;
char ioSlot;
char ioID;
typedef struct SlotDevParam SlotDevParam;
struct MultiDevParam {
short ioRefNum;
char ioVersNum;
char ioPermssn;
Ptr ioMix;
short ioFlags;
Ptr ioSEBlkPtr;
typedef struct MultiDevParam MultiDevParam;
union ParamBlockRec {
IOParam ioParam;
FileParam fileParam;
VolumeParam volumeParam;
CntrlParam cntrlParam;
SlotDevParam slotDevParam;
MultiDevParam multiDevParam;
typedef union ParamBlockRec ParamBlockRec;
typedef ParamBlockRec *ParmBlkPtr;
struct HFileInfo {
short ioFRefNum;
char ioFVersNum;
char filler1;
short ioFDirIndex;
char ioFlAttrib;
char filler2;
FInfo ioFlFndrInfo;
long ioDirID;
unsigned short ioFlStBlk;
long ioFlLgLen;
long ioFlPyLen;
unsigned short ioFlRStBlk;
long ioFlRLgLen;
long ioFlRPyLen;
unsigned long ioFlCrDat;
unsigned long ioFlMdDat;
unsigned long ioFlBkDat;
FXInfo ioFlXFndrInfo;
long ioFlParID;
long ioFlClpSiz;
typedef struct HFileInfo HFileInfo;
struct DirInfo {
short ioFRefNum;
short filler1;
short ioFDirIndex;
char ioFlAttrib;
char filler2;
DInfo ioDrUsrWds;
long ioDrDirID;
unsigned short ioDrNmFls;
short filler3[9];
unsigned long ioDrCrDat;
unsigned long ioDrMdDat;
unsigned long ioDrBkDat;
DXInfo ioDrFndrInfo;
long ioDrParID;
typedef struct DirInfo DirInfo;
union CInfoPBRec {
HFileInfo hFileInfo;
DirInfo dirInfo;
typedef union CInfoPBRec CInfoPBRec;
typedef CInfoPBRec *CInfoPBPtr;
struct HIOParam {
short ioRefNum;
char ioVersNum;
char ioPermssn;
Ptr ioMisc;
Ptr ioBuffer;
long ioReqCount;
long ioActCount;
short ioPosMode;
long ioPosOffset;
short filler1;
typedef struct HIOParam HIOParam;
struct HFileParam {
short ioFRefNum;
char ioFVersNum;
char filler1;
short ioFDirIndex;
char ioFlAttrib;
char ioFlVersNum;
FInfo ioFlFndrInfo;
long ioDirID;
unsigned short ioFlStBlk;
long ioFlLgLen;
long ioFlPyLen;
unsigned short ioFlRStBlk;
long ioFlRLgLen;
long ioFlRPyLen;
unsigned long ioFlCrDat;
unsigned long ioFlMdDat;
typedef struct HFileParam HFileParam;
struct HVolumeParam {
long filler2;
short ioVolIndex;
unsigned long ioVCrDate;
unsigned long ioVLsMod;
short ioVAtrb;
unsigned short ioVNmFls;
short ioVBitMap;
short ioAllocPtr;
unsigned short ioVNmAlBlks;
long ioVAlBlkSiz;
long ioVClpSiz;
short ioAlBlSt;
long ioVNxtCNID;
unsigned short ioVFrBlk;
unsigned short ioVSigWord;
short ioVDrvInfo;
short ioVDRefNum;
short ioVFSID;
unsigned long ioVBkUp;
unsigned short ioVSeqNum;
long ioVWrCnt;
long ioVFilCnt;
long ioVDirCnt;
long ioVFndrInfo[8];
typedef struct HVolumeParam HVolumeParam;
struct AccessParam {
short filler3;
short ioDenyModes; /*access rights data*/
short filler4;
char filler5;
char ioACUser; /*access rights for directory only*/
long filler6;
long ioACOwnerID; /*owner ID*/
long ioACGroupID; /*group ID*/
long ioACAccess; /*access rights*/
typedef struct AccessParam AccessParam;
struct ObjParam {
short filler7;
short ioObjType; /*function code*/
StringPtr ioObjNamePtr; /*ptr to returned creator/group name*/
long ioObjID; /*creator/group ID*/
long ioReqCount; /*size of buffer area*/
long ioActCount; /*length of vol parms data*/
typedef struct ObjParam ObjParam;
struct CopyParam {
short ioDstVRefNum; /*destination vol identifier*/
short filler8;
StringPtr ioNewName; /*ptr to destination pathname*/
StringPtr ioCopyName; /*ptr to optional name*/
long ioNewDirID; /*destination directory ID*/
long filler14;
long filler15;
long ioDirID; /*same as in FileParam*/
typedef struct CopyParam CopyParam;
struct WDParam {
short filler9;
short ioWDIndex;
long ioWDProcID;
short ioWDVRefNum;
short filler10;
long filler11;
long filler12;
long filler13;
long ioWDDirID;
typedef struct WDParam WDParam;
struct FIDParam {
long filler1;
StringPtr ioDestNamePtr; /* dest file name */
long filler2;
long ioDestDirID; /* dest file's directory id */
long filler3;
long filler4;
long ioSrcDirID; /* source file's directory id */
short filler5;
long ioFileID; /* file ID */
typedef struct FIDParam FIDParam;
/* Catalog position record */
struct CatPositionRec {
long initialize;
short priv[6];
typedef struct CatPositionRec CatPositionRec;
struct FSSpec {
short vRefNum;
long parID;
Str63 name;
typedef struct FSSpec FSSpec;
typedef FSSpec *FSSpecPtr, **FSSpecHandle;
typedef FSSpecPtr FSSpecArrayPtr; /* pointer to array of FSSpecs */
/* The following are structures to be filled out with the _GetVolMountInfo call
and passed back into the _VolumeMount call for external file system mounts. */
typedef OSType VolumeType; /* the "signature" of the file system */
#define AppleShareMediaType 'afpm' /* the signature for AppleShare */
struct VolMountInfoHeader {
short length; /* length of location data (including self) */
VolumeType media; /* type of media. Variable length data follows */
typedef struct VolMountInfoHeader VolMountInfoHeader;
typedef VolMountInfoHeader *VolMountInfoPtr;
struct AFPVolMountInfo {
short length; /* length of location data (including self) */
VolumeType media; /* type of media */
short flags; /* bits for no messages, no reconnect */
char nbpInterval; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */
char nbpCount; /* NBP Interval parameter (IM2, p.322) */
short uamType; /* User Authentication Method */
short zoneNameOffset; /* short positive offset from start of struct to Zone Name */
short serverNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Server Name string */
short volNameOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Name string */
short userNameOffset; /* offset to pascal User Name string */
short userPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal User Password string */
short volPasswordOffset; /* offset to pascal Volume Password string */
char AFPData[144]; /* variable length data may follow */
typedef struct AFPVolMountInfo AFPVolMountInfo;
typedef AFPVolMountInfo *AFPVolMountInfoPtr;
struct CSParam {
FSSpecPtr ioMatchPtr; /* match array */
long ioReqMatchCount; /* maximum allowable matches */
long ioActMatchCount; /* actual match count */
long ioSearchBits; /* search criteria selector */
CInfoPBPtr ioSearchInfo1; /* search values and range lower bounds */
CInfoPBPtr ioSearchInfo2; /* search values and range upper bounds */
long ioSearchTime; /* length of time to run search */
CatPositionRec ioCatPosition; /* current position in the catalog */
Ptr ioOptBuffer; /* optional performance enhancement buffer */
long ioOptBufSize; /* size of buffer pointed to by ioOptBuffer */
typedef struct CSParam CSParam;
typedef CSParam *CSParamPtr;
struct DTPBRec {
short ioDTRefNum; /* desktop refnum */
short ioIndex;
long ioTagInfo;
Ptr ioDTBuffer;
long ioDTReqCount;
long ioDTActCount;
char ioFiller1;
char ioIconType;
short ioFiller2;
long ioDirID;
OSType ioFileCreator;
OSType ioFileType;
long ioFiller3;
long ioDTLgLen;
long ioDTPyLen;
short ioFiller4[14];
long ioAPPLParID;
typedef struct DTPBRec DTPBRec;
typedef DTPBRec *DTPBPtr;
struct ForeignPrivParam {
long ioFiller1;
long ioFiller2;
Ptr ioForeignPrivBuffer;
long ioForeignPrivActCount;
long ioForeignPrivReqCount;
long ioFiller3;
long ioForeignPrivDirID;
long ioForeignPrivInfo1;
long ioForeignPrivInfo2;
long ioForeignPrivInfo3;
long ioForeignPrivInfo4;
typedef struct ForeignPrivParam ForeignPrivParam;
typedef ForeignPrivParam *ForeignPrivParamPtr;
union HParamBlockRec {
HIOParam ioParam;
HFileParam fileParam;
HVolumeParam volumeParam;
AccessParam accessParam;
ObjParam objParam;
CopyParam copyParam;
WDParam wdParam;
FIDParam fidParam;
CSParam csParam;
ForeignPrivParam foreignPrivParam;
typedef union HParamBlockRec HParamBlockRec;
typedef HParamBlockRec *HParmBlkPtr;
struct CMovePBRec {
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
ProcPtr ioCompletion;
OSErr ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
long filler1;
StringPtr ioNewName;
long filler2;
long ioNewDirID;
long filler3[2];
long ioDirID;
typedef struct CMovePBRec CMovePBRec;
typedef CMovePBRec *CMovePBPtr;
struct WDPBRec {
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
ProcPtr ioCompletion;
OSErr ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
short filler1;
short ioWDIndex;
long ioWDProcID;
short ioWDVRefNum;
short filler2[7];
long ioWDDirID;
typedef struct WDPBRec WDPBRec;
typedef WDPBRec *WDPBPtr;
struct FCBPBRec {
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short ioTrap;
Ptr ioCmdAddr;
ProcPtr ioCompletion;
OSErr ioResult;
StringPtr ioNamePtr;
short ioVRefNum;
short ioRefNum;
short filler;
short ioFCBIndx;
short filler1;
long ioFCBFlNm;
short ioFCBFlags;
unsigned short ioFCBStBlk;
long ioFCBEOF;
long ioFCBPLen;
long ioFCBCrPs;
short ioFCBVRefNum;
long ioFCBClpSiz;
long ioFCBParID;
typedef struct FCBPBRec FCBPBRec;
typedef FCBPBRec *FCBPBPtr;
struct VCB {
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short vcbFlags;
unsigned short vcbSigWord;
unsigned long vcbCrDate;
unsigned long vcbLsMod;
short vcbAtrb;
unsigned short vcbNmFls;
short vcbVBMSt;
short vcbAllocPtr;
unsigned short vcbNmAlBlks;
long vcbAlBlkSiz;
long vcbClpSiz;
short vcbAlBlSt;
long vcbNxtCNID;
unsigned short vcbFreeBks;
Str27 vcbVN;
short vcbDrvNum;
short vcbDRefNum;
short vcbFSID;
short vcbVRefNum;
Ptr vcbMAdr;
Ptr vcbBufAdr;
short vcbMLen;
short vcbDirIndex;
short vcbDirBlk;
unsigned long vcbVolBkUp;
unsigned short vcbVSeqNum;
long vcbWrCnt;
long vcbXTClpSiz;
long vcbCTClpSiz;
unsigned short vcbNmRtDirs;
long vcbFilCnt;
long vcbDirCnt;
long vcbFndrInfo[8];
unsigned short vcbVCSize;
unsigned short vcbVBMCSiz;
unsigned short vcbCtlCSiz;
unsigned short vcbXTAlBlks;
unsigned short vcbCTAlBlks;
short vcbXTRef;
short vcbCTRef;
Ptr vcbCtlBuf;
long vcbDirIDM;
short vcbOffsM;
typedef struct VCB VCB;
struct DrvQEl {
QElemPtr qLink;
short qType;
short dQDrive;
short dQRefNum;
short dQFSID;
unsigned short dQDrvSz;
unsigned short dQDrvSz2;
typedef struct DrvQEl DrvQEl;
typedef DrvQEl *DrvQElPtr;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
pascal OSErr PBOpen(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA000;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA400;
pascal OSErr PBClose(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCloseSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA001;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCloseAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA401;
pascal OSErr PBRead(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBReadSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBReadSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA002;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBReadAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBReadAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA402;
pascal OSErr PBWrite(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBWriteSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBWriteSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA003;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBWriteAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBWriteAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA403;
pascal OSErr PBGetVInfo(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA007;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA407;
pascal OSErr PBGetVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA014;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA414;
pascal OSErr PBSetVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVolSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA015;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVolAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA415;
pascal OSErr PBFlushVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushVolSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBFlushVolSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA013;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushVolAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBFlushVolAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA413;
pascal OSErr PBCreate(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCreateSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA008;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCreateAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA408;
pascal OSErr PBDelete(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDeleteSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA009;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDeleteAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA409;
pascal OSErr PBOpenDF(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenDFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenDFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701A,0xA060};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenDFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenDFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701A,0xA460};
pascal OSErr PBOpenRF(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenRFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenRFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00A;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenRFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenRFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA40A;
pascal OSErr PBRename(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBRenameSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBRenameSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00B;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBRenameAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBRenameAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA40B;
pascal OSErr PBGetFInfo(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00C;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA40C;
pascal OSErr PBSetFInfo(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFInfoSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00D;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFInfoAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA40D;
pascal OSErr PBSetFLock(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFLockSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFLockSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA041;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFLockAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFLockAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA441;
pascal OSErr PBRstFLock(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBRstFLockSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBRstFLockSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA042;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBRstFLockAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBRstFLockAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA442;
pascal OSErr PBSetFVers(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFVersSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFVersSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA043;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFVersAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFVersAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA443;
pascal OSErr PBAllocate(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocateSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBAllocateSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA010;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocateAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBAllocateAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA410;
pascal OSErr PBGetEOF(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetEOFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetEOFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA011;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetEOFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetEOFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA411;
pascal OSErr PBSetEOF(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetEOFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetEOFSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA012;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetEOFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetEOFAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA412;
pascal OSErr PBGetFPos(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFPosSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFPosSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA018;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFPosAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFPosAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA418;
pascal OSErr PBSetFPos(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFPosSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFPosSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA044;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetFPosAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetFPosAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA444;
pascal OSErr PBFlushFile(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushFileSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBFlushFileSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA045;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBFlushFileAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBFlushFileAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA445;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBMountVol(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBMountVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00F;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBUnmountVol(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBUnmountVol(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA00E;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBEject(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBEject(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA017;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOffLine(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOffLine(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA035;
pascal OSErr PBCatSearch(CSParamPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCatSearchSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCatSearchSync(CSParamPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7018,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCatSearchAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCatSearchAsync(CSParamPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7018,0xA660};
pascal void AddDrive(short drvrRefNum,short drvNum,DrvQElPtr qEl);
pascal OSErr FSOpen(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,short *refNum);
pascal OSErr OpenDF(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,short *refNum);
OSErr fsopen(char *fileName,short vRefNum,short *refNum);
pascal OSErr FSClose(short refNum);
pascal OSErr FSRead(short refNum,long *count,void *buffPtr);
pascal OSErr FSWrite(short refNum,long *count,const void *buffPtr);
pascal OSErr GetVInfo(short drvNum,StringPtr volName,short *vRefNum,long *freeBytes);
OSErr getvinfo(short drvNum,char *volName,short *vRefNum,long *freeBytes);
pascal OSErr GetFInfo(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,FInfo *fndrInfo);
OSErr getfinfo(char *fileName,short vRefNum,FInfo *fndrInfo);
pascal OSErr GetVol(StringPtr volName,short *vRefNum);
OSErr getvol(char *volName,short *vRefNum);
pascal OSErr SetVol(StringPtr volName,short vRefNum);
OSErr setvol(char *volName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr UnmountVol(StringPtr volName,short vRefNum);
OSErr unmountvol(char *volName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr Eject(StringPtr volName,short vRefNum);
OSErr eject(char *volName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr FlushVol(StringPtr volName,short vRefNum);
OSErr flushvol(char *volName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr Create(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,OSType creator,
OSType fileType);
OSErr create(char *fileName,short vRefNum,OSType creator,OSType fileType);
pascal OSErr FSDelete(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum);
OSErr fsdelete(char *fileName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr OpenRF(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,short *refNum);
OSErr openrf(char *fileName,short vRefNum,short *refNum);
pascal OSErr Rename(ConstStr255Param oldName,short vRefNum,ConstStr255Param newName);
OSErr fsrename(char *oldName,short vRefNum,char *newName);
pascal OSErr SetFInfo(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum,const FInfo *fndrInfo);
OSErr setfinfo(char *fileName,short vRefNum,FInfo *fndrInfo);
pascal OSErr SetFLock(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum);
OSErr setflock(char *fileName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr RstFLock(ConstStr255Param fileName,short vRefNum);
OSErr rstflock(char *fileName,short vRefNum);
pascal OSErr Allocate(short refNum,long *count);
pascal OSErr GetEOF(short refNum,long *logEOF);
pascal OSErr SetEOF(short refNum,long logEOF);
pascal OSErr GetFPos(short refNum,long *filePos);
pascal OSErr SetFPos(short refNum,short posMode,long posOff);
pascal OSErr GetVRefNum(short fileRefNum,short *vRefNum);
pascal OSErr PBOpenWD(WDPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenWDSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenWDSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7001,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBOpenWDAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBOpenWDAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7001,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBCloseWD(WDPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseWDSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCloseWDSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7002,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCloseWDAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCloseWDAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7002,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHSetVol(WDPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetVolSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetVolSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA215;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetVolAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetVolAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA615;
pascal OSErr PBHGetVol(WDPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVolSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA214;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVolAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA614;
pascal OSErr PBCatMove(CMovePBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCatMoveSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCatMoveSync(CMovePBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7005,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCatMoveAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCatMoveAsync(CMovePBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7005,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDirCreate(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDirCreateSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDirCreateSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7006,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDirCreateAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDirCreateAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7006,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBGetWDInfo(WDPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetWDInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetWDInfoSync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7007,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetWDInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetWDInfoAsync(WDPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7007,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBGetFCBInfo(FCBPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFCBInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFCBInfoSync(FCBPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7008,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetFCBInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetFCBInfoAsync(FCBPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7008,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBGetCatInfo(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetCatInfoSync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7009,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetCatInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetCatInfoAsync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7009,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBSetCatInfo(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetCatInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetCatInfoSync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x700A,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetCatInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetCatInfoAsync(CInfoPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x700A,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBAllocContig(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocContigSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBAllocContigSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA210;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBAllocContigAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBAllocContigAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA610;
pascal OSErr PBLockRange(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBLockRangeSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBLockRangeSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7010,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBLockRangeAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBLockRangeAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7010,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBUnlockRange(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBUnlockRangeSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBUnlockRangeSync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7011,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBUnlockRangeAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBUnlockRangeAsync(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7011,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBSetVInfo(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetVInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x700B,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetVInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetVInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x700B,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHGetVInfo(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA207;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA607;
pascal OSErr PBHOpen(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA200;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA600;
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRF(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRFSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA20A;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRFAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA60A;
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDF(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDFSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDFSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701A,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDFAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDFAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701A,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHCreate(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHCreateSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHCreateSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA208;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHCreateAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHCreateAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA608;
pascal OSErr PBHDelete(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHDeleteSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHDeleteSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA209;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHDeleteAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHDeleteAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA609;
pascal OSErr PBHRename(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHRenameSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHRenameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA20B;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHRenameAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHRenameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA60B;
pascal OSErr PBHRstFLock(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHRstFLockSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHRstFLockSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA242;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHRstFLockAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHRstFLockAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA642;
pascal OSErr PBHSetFLock(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFLockSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetFLockSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA241;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFLockAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetFLockAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA641;
pascal OSErr PBHGetFInfo(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetFInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetFInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA20C;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetFInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetFInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA60C;
pascal OSErr PBHSetFInfo(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetFInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA20D;
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetFInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetFInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= 0xA60D;
pascal OSErr PBMakeFSSpec(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSSpecSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBMakeFSSpecSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701B,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBMakeFSSpecAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBMakeFSSpecAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x701B,0xA660};
pascal void FInitQueue(void)
= 0xA016;
#define GetFSQHdr() ((QHdrPtr) 0x0360)
#define GetDrvQHdr() ((QHdrPtr) 0x0308)
#define GetVCBQHdr() ((QHdrPtr) 0x0356)
pascal OSErr HGetVol(StringPtr volName,short *vRefNum,long *dirID);
pascal OSErr HSetVol(StringPtr volName,short vRefNum,long dirID);
pascal OSErr HOpen(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,char permission,
short *refNum);
pascal OSErr HOpenDF(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
char permission,short *refNum);
pascal OSErr HOpenRF(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
char permission,short *refNum);
pascal OSErr AllocContig(short refNum,long *count);
pascal OSErr HCreate(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
OSType creator,OSType fileType);
pascal OSErr DirCreate(short vRefNum,long parentDirID,ConstStr255Param directoryName,
long *createdDirID);
pascal OSErr HDelete(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName);
pascal OSErr HGetFInfo(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
FInfo *fndrInfo);
pascal OSErr HSetFInfo(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
const FInfo *fndrInfo);
pascal OSErr HSetFLock(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName);
pascal OSErr HRstFLock(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName);
pascal OSErr HRename(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param oldName,
ConstStr255Param newName);
pascal OSErr CatMove(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param oldName,
long newDirID,ConstStr255Param newName);
pascal OSErr OpenWD(short vRefNum,long dirID,long procID,short *wdRefNum);
pascal OSErr CloseWD(short wdRefNum);
pascal OSErr GetWDInfo(short wdRefNum,short *vRefNum,long *dirID,long *procID);
/* shared environment */
pascal OSErr PBHGetVolParms(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolParmsSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVolParmsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7030,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetVolParmsAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetVolParmsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7030,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHGetLogInInfo(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetLogInInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetLogInInfoSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7031,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetLogInInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetLogInInfoAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7031,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHGetDirAccess(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetDirAccessSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetDirAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7032,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHGetDirAccessAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHGetDirAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7032,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHSetDirAccess(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetDirAccessSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetDirAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7033,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHSetDirAccessAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHSetDirAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7033,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHMapID(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapIDSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMapIDSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7034,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapIDAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMapIDAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7034,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHMapName(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapNameSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMapNameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7035,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMapNameAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMapNameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7035,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHCopyFile(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHCopyFileSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHCopyFileSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7036,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHCopyFileAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHCopyFileAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7036,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHMoveRename(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMoveRenameSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMoveRenameSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7037,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHMoveRenameAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHMoveRenameAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7037,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDeny(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDenySync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDenySync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7038,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenDenyAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenDenyAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7038,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRFDeny(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFDenySync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRFDenySync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7039,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBHOpenRFDenyAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBHOpenRFDenyAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7039,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBExchangeFiles(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBExchangeFilesSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBExchangeFilesSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7017,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBExchangeFilesAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBExchangeFilesAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7017,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBCreateFileIDRef(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateFileIDRefSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCreateFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7014,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBCreateFileIDRefAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBCreateFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7014,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBResolveFileIDRef(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBResolveFileIDRefSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBResolveFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7016,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBResolveFileIDRefAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBResolveFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7016,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDeleteFileIDRef(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteFileIDRefSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDeleteFileIDRefSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7015,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDeleteFileIDRefAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7015,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBGetForeignPrivs(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForeignPrivsSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetForeignPrivsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7060,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetForeignPrivsAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetForeignPrivsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7060,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBSetForeignPrivs(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForeignPrivsSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetForeignPrivsSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7061,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetForeignPrivsAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetForeignPrivsAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7061,0xA660};
/* Desktop Manager */
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetPath(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetPath(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7020,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTCloseDown(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTCloseDown(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7021,0xA260};
pascal OSErr PBDTAddIcon(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddIconSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTAddIconSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7022,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddIconAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTAddIconAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7022,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIcon(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7023,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7023,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfo(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfoSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7024,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetIconInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetIconInfoAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7024,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPL(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddAPPLSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7025,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTAddAPPLAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTAddAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7025,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPL(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveAPPLSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7026,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7026,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPL(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetAPPLSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPLSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7027,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetAPPLAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetAPPLAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7027,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTSetComment(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTSetCommentSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTSetCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7028,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTSetCommentAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTSetCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7028,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveComment(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveCommentSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7029,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTRemoveCommentAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTRemoveCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7029,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTGetComment(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetCommentSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetCommentSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702A,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetCommentAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetCommentAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702A,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTFlush(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTFlushSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTFlushSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702B,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTFlushAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTFlushAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702B,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTReset(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTResetSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTResetSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702C,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTResetAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTResetAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702C,0xA660};
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfo(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetInfoSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfoSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702D,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTGetInfoAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTGetInfoAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702D,0xA660};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTOpenInform(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTOpenInform(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702E,0xA060};
pascal OSErr PBDTDelete(DTPBPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTDeleteSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTDeleteSync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702F,0xA060};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBDTDeleteAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBDTDeleteAsync(DTPBPtr paramBlock)
= {0x702F,0xA460};
/* VolumeMount traps */
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolMountInfoSize(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVolMountInfoSize(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x703F,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetVolMountInfo(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetVolMountInfo(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7040,0xA260};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBVolumeMount(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBVolumeMount(ParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7041,0xA260};
/* FSp traps */
pascal OSErr FSMakeFSSpec(short vRefNum,long dirID,ConstStr255Param fileName,
FSSpecPtr spec)
= {0x303C,0x0001,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpOpenDF(const FSSpec *spec,char permission,short *refNum)
= {0x303C,0x0002,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpOpenRF(const FSSpec *spec,char permission,short *refNum)
= {0x303C,0x0003,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpCreate(const FSSpec *spec,OSType creator,OSType fileType,
ScriptCode scriptTag)
= {0x303C,0x0004,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpDirCreate(const FSSpec *spec,ScriptCode scriptTag,long *createdDirID)
= {0x303C,0x0005,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpDelete(const FSSpec *spec)
= {0x303C,0x0006,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpGetFInfo(const FSSpec *spec,FInfo *fndrInfo)
= {0x303C,0x0007,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpSetFInfo(const FSSpec *spec,const FInfo *fndrInfo)
= {0x303C,0x0008,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpSetFLock(const FSSpec *spec)
= {0x303C,0x0009,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpRstFLock(const FSSpec *spec)
= {0x303C,0x000A,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpRename(const FSSpec *spec,ConstStr255Param newName)
= {0x303C,0x000B,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpCatMove(const FSSpec *source,const FSSpec *dest)
= {0x303C,0x000C,0xAA52};
pascal OSErr FSpExchangeFiles(const FSSpec *source,const FSSpec *dest)
= {0x303C,0x000F,0xAA52};
/* Obsoolete names for PBGetForeignPrivs and PBSetForeignPrivs */
pascal OSErr PBGetAltAccess(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetAltAccessSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetAltAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7060,0xA060};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBGetAltAccessAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBGetAltAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7060,0xA460};
pascal OSErr PBSetAltAccess(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock,Boolean async);
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetAltAccessSync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetAltAccessSync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7061,0xA060};
#pragma parameter __D0 PBSetAltAccessAsync(__A0)
pascal OSErr PBSetAltAccessAsync(HParmBlkPtr paramBlock)
= {0x7061,0xA460};
#ifdef __cplusplus