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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: DisplaysPriv.a
; Contains: Private Assembly headers for Display Manager
; Written by: Ian Hendry
; Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <11> 11/5/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
; <SM10> 10/10/93 IH Sync with Excelsior.
; <9> 9/10/93 IH Fix cursor bug in horror ROMs and SuperMario.
; <SM8> 08-17-93 jmp Changed the gestaltDMLatestVersion equate to match the one in
; the .h file.
; <7> 8/16/93 IH #1099391 <KON>: Sync w/Reality.
; <6> 8/4/93 IH #1101633,1098397,1101795,1101636,1102280 <KON>: Fix 1102280. Add
; calls for getting declROM info. Add Trap for animation.
; <5> 6/25/93 IH Add new fields to display globals
; <4> 6/1/93 IH Add private trap selector to get timing mode table.
; <3> 5/28/93 IH #1081805,1086363: Put selectors for DMChangedDesktopIconRgn and
; DMDeskClick into the private (negative) range.
; <2> 3/31/93 IH Clean out display manager globals
; <1> 3/25/93 IH first checked in
; <2> 3/17/93 IH Change Display Manager selectors to hide private routines.
; <1> 3/5/93 IH first checked in
INCLUDE 'SysPrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'Traps.a'
; Make sure this is keep up with DisplaysPriv.h
gestaltDMLatestVersion EQU 2
DMGlobalsRec RECORD 0
fDrawingPort ds.l 1 ;
fPortStorage ds.b portRec ;
fWorkingDeskRectRgn ds.l 1 ;
fWorkingDeskFullRgn ds.l 1 ;
fWorkingUpdateRgn ds.l 1 ;
fDeskIconRgn ds.l 1 ;
fDesktopCacheRgn ds.l 1 ;
fAnimationCacheRgn ds.l 1 ;
fAnimatePSN ds.l 2 ;
fAnimateA5 ds.l 1 ;
fSavedDMGlobals ds.l 1 ;
fNextAnimateTime ds.l 1 ;
fIconRgnInvalid ds.b 1 ;
fDeskDrawNest ds.b 1 ;
fDisplayEntrySize ds.w 1 ; Initialized to be sizeof(DisplayInfoRec)
fDisplayNextID ds.l 1 ; Unique id for displays
fDisplayCount ds.w 1 ; How many displays in display table
fDisplayTable ds.l 1 ; Table of information about displays (FUTURE: should I sort and binary search?)
fNotificationCount ds.w 1 ; How many ProcPtrs in notification table
fNotificationTable ds.l 1 ; Table of information about notification (FUTURE: should I sort and binary search?)
fRemovedDevices ds.l 1 ; DeviceList of devices that have been removed (we do not dispose incase device has been cached)
; ••• Warning •••
; The BlackBird/Yeager mirroring code currently accesses these globals directly. So, dont move them
; without updating that code as well.
; •••
fDevicesOverlap ds.b 1 ; If true, *some* gDevices are overlapped (partically or fully).
fDevicesMirrored ds.b 1 ; If true, all gDevices are fully overlapped, smallest gDevice determines rectangle for all devices.
fMirroringBlocked ds.b 1 ; If true, mirroring has been “artifically” blocked (several 3rd-parties asked for this).
fUnused1Byte4 ds.b 1
; Back to regulary scheduled globals
fQDA5World ds.l 1 ; Points to fQDGlobals this value can be stuffed in A5 for display components
fQDGlobals ds.l 1 ; Storage for Display Mgr A5 world.
fUnused1 ds.l 1 ;
fUnused2 ds.l 1 ;
fUnused3 ds.l 1 ;
fUnused4 ds.l 1 ;
dmRecSize equ * ; size for this version
Move.l ExpandMem,A0
Move.l ExpandMemRec.emDisplayManagerGlobals(A0),A0
; Define the private selectors for the Display Manager
selectInstallDisplayManager EQU -1
selectInitDisplayManager EQU -2
selectKillDisplayManager EQU -3
selectSetDesktopIconRgn EQU -4
selectGetDesktopIconRgn EQU -5
selectKeepWindowOnscreen EQU -6
selectNotifyAllProcesses EQU -7
selectSetAnimateProcess EQU -8
selectChangedDesktopIconRgn EQU -9
selectDeskClick EQU -10
selectGetROMMultiModeTable EQU -11
selectGiveDeskTime EQU -12
selectGetBestDepthModeInfo EQU -13
selectPrivateBeginConfigureDisplays EQU -14
selectRemoveCurrentProcessProcs EQU -15
selectDMMoveCursor EQU -16 ; do not want to steal a quickdraw name (MoveCursor should be QD and DMMoveCursor is mine)
selectRegisterExtendedNotification EQU -17
selectSetDisplayID EQU -18
; Define the parameter size passed for each call
paramWordsInstallDisplayManager EQU 0
paramWordsInitDisplayManager EQU 0
paramWordsKillDisplayManager EQU 0
paramWordsSetDesktopIconRgn EQU 2
paramWordsGetDesktopIconRgn EQU 2
paramWordsKeepWindowOnscreen EQU 4
paramWordsNotifyAllProcesses EQU 0
paramWordsSetAnimateProcess EQU 2
paramWordsChangedDesktopIconRgn EQU 0
paramWordsDeskClick EQU 2
paramWordsGetROMMultiModeTable EQU 2
paramWordsGiveDeskTime EQU 0
paramWordsGetBestDepthModeInfo EQU 9
paramWordsPrivateBeginConfigureDisplays EQU 3
paramWordsRemoveCurrentProcessProcs EQU 0
paramWordsDMMoveCursor EQU 4 ; do not want to steal a quickdraw name (MoveCursor should be QD and DMMoveCursor is mine)
paramWordsRegisterExtendedNotification EQU 7
paramWordsSetDisplayID EQU 4
; Macros for Display Manager.
; See DisplaysPriv.h for more details
DoDispatch _DisplayDispatch,selectInstallDisplayManager,paramWordsInstallDisplayManager
DoDispatch _DisplayDispatch,selectInitDisplayManager,paramWordsInitDisplayManager
DoDispatch _DisplayDispatch,selectRemoveCurrentProcessProcs,paramWordsRemoveCurrentProcessProcs
; Add more selectors
DoDispatch _DisplayDispatch,selectSetDisplayID,paramWordsSetDisplayID
ENDIF ; ...already included