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; File: PalettePriv.a
; Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <8> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <7> 12/13/90 dvb Make .h and .p and .a files consistent.
; <6> 10/31/90 SMC Added equate for flag bit in pmFlags.
; <5> 7/11/90 gbm axe some more multiply defined things
; <4> 7/11/90 gbm axe some multiply defined things
; <3> 6/19/90 DVB Add whiteBit and blackBit
; <1> 1/18/90 DVB first checked in
; To Do:
; Palette Manager private equates
ctMatchBit EQU 3 ; bit in value field saying "been checked"
ctScatterBit EQU 4 ; bit in value field saying "scatter me" <dvb3>
ctScatterVal EQU $1000 ; word-write equivalent of ctScatterBit <dvb3>
ctTolBit EQU 5 ; bit in value field saying "I've been yanked"
ctTolVal EQU $2000
ctReserveBit EQU 6
ctReserveVal EQU $4000
Nil: Equ 0
DitheredBit Equ 0
TolerantBit Equ 1
AnimatedBit Equ 2
ExplicitBit Equ 3
WhiteBit EQU 4
;BlackBit EQU 5
HandledBit Equ 15
ClearBits Equ $3F3F
NNewBit equ 15 ; if set then we interpret it as new AWC PB223
NForeBit equ 14 ; new flag, user wants foreground update AWC PB223
NBackBit equ 13 ; new flag, user wants background update AWC PB223
CForeBit equ 15 ; if set, this palette wants the window updated at Activate time
CBackBit equ 14 ; if set, update this window if someone else Activates
DirtyBit equ 13 ; if set, this palette has been changed by SetEntryColor/Usage
DisposeBit equ 12 ; if set, this palette should be disposed of automatically
PIdMask equ $0FFF ; bits used to record number of the palette in pmPrivate
PmFgBit equ 0 ; bit number set in GrafVars^^.PmFlags if pmForeColor was used
PmBkBit eqU 1 ; bit number set in GrafVars^^.PmFlags if pmBackColor was used
PmNewGVBit equ 15 ; bit number set in GrafVars^^.PmFlags if grafvars are new, larger size
; Juggler™ information AWC PB224
JugglerTrap equ $A88F ; the Juggler trap
UnimplementedTrap equ $A89F ; a guaranteed unimplemented trap
ColorInvalRect equ $0025 ; the ColorInvalRect Selector
_Juggler OPWORD $A88F ; a macro that excutes Erich's disgusting C code
; Palette Manager data structures - the data is kept in a handle at $08B4 which
; lives across launches so that Juggler applications can share the Palette Manager.
PMgrHandle Equ $0DC8
DevLimit Equ 32
; What's in the palette structure? Here are the "missing fields:"
pmWindow EQU $0002 ; parent window [long]
pmPrivate EQU $0006 ; private [short]
pmDevices EQU $0008 ; private [long]
pmSeeds EQU $000C ; private [long]
; What's in a ciInfo structure? More secret fields:
ciFlags EQU $000A ; private [short]
ciPrivate EQU $000C ; private [long]
; pmDev fields - a link consists of a key, a device (0..31), and an entry (0..255).
; For a link, the key (bits 13-15) is 100 binary. In either direction the list
; is terminated by a key of 011. For a forward link the remainder of the word
; specifies the palette number. For a backward link the remainder specifies the
; index. Of course this is a kludge; your superior proposal gladly accepted.
ForeLink Equ 0 ; 100 [NextDevice{5}] [NextEntry{8}]
BackLink Equ ForeLink+2 ; [PaletteEntry]
pmDevSz Equ BackLink+2 ; size of record
; DevInfo record - one of these in PMgrHandle for DevLimit CLUT devices. The DevFrontMost
; field is used to find the FrontMost window for each CLUT device.
DevHandle Equ 0 ; offset to handle within DevInfo
DevFrontMost Equ DevHandle+4 ; offset to FrontMost window field AWC PB223
DevInfoSz Equ DevFrontMost+4 ; size of DevInfo record
; Histogram record - this record consists of a reference count and a pixel value. It
; is mapped onto the scratch handle InfoHandle when the latter is used by Allocate to
; allocate animating entries. It is passed through SortPoints (the Quickdraw call used
; for region manipulation) in order to perform a QuickSort. The reference counts are
; never allowed to go negative.
HistCount Equ 0 ; offset to reference count within HistRecord
HistIndex Equ HistCount+2 ; offset to index field within HistRecord
; PMgrHandle fields
nDevs Equ 0 ; number of active Clut devices (>0 or no PMgrHandle)
SeedHSize Equ nDevs+2 ; size of pmSeeds handles (integer, nDevs*4)
PListHandle Equ SeedHSize+2 ; handle to hold handles of palettes which animate
APalettes Equ PListHandle+4 ; number of animating PaletteHandles
FreeSpaces Equ APalettes+2 ; number of free spaces for PaletteHandles
SysPalette Equ FreeSpaces+2 ; system palette, if any
scatterDevs EQU SysPalette+4 ; bitmask of devices needing scattering <dvb3>
updateDevs EQU ScatterDevs+4 ; bitmask of devices needing updating <dvb5>
OldExitToShell EQU updateDevs+4 ; For our Exit patch
sevenCluts EQU OldExitToShell+4 ; Handles to purgeable cluts for:1,2g,2c,4g,4c,8g,8c
DevHandles Equ sevenCluts+28 ; first CLUT device handle
; PMgrDataSz is presumed to be long word aligned by a clearing routine below. Keep
; this assumption correct.
PMgrDataSz Equ DevHandles+DevLimit*DevInfoSz
LinkTabs Equ PMgrDataSz
; PListEntry record and PListHandle constants
PaletteRef equ 0 ; a copy of PaletteHandle allocated by NewPalette
Reserves equ PaletteRef+4 ; number of animating entries reserved by palette
PLstEntrySz eQU Reserves+4 ; size of a PListEntry record
ListSpace Equ 16 ; increment for handles in PListHandle
; DevLink record - one of these for each CLUT entry per device
DevLinkSz Equ 2 ; device (part of 1), index (1)
InfoHandSz Equ 512 ; size of scratch area (enough for 256 words)
; SetPalette stack frame, global so it can be used by subsidiary procedures (each of which
; must build a stack frame on A4 and not A6). [spDefs]
WindowCopy equ -4 ; a copy of the window parameter
PaletteH equ WindowCopy-4 ; a copy of the window's palette
PalettePtr equ PaletteH-4 ; locked, dereferenced pointer (PaletteH^)
myEntries equ PalettePtr-2 ; copy of pmEntries
PMgrPtr equ myEntries-4 ; locked, dereferenced pointer (PMgrHandle^)
PDevPtr equ PMgrPtr-4 ; pointer to start of PMgrDevices
PListPtr equ PDevPtr-4 ; locked, dereferenced pointer (PListHandle^)
CurDevice equ PListPtr-2 ; device counter used by SetPalette, SetDev
DevLinks equ CurDevice-4 ; pointer to device link table for current device
Devices equ DevLinks-2 ; copy of PMgrHandle^^.nDev
DevIndexes equ Devices-2 ; number of indexes available on current device
DevCTab equ DevIndexes-4 ; current device ColorTable handle
DeviceSet equ DevCTab-4 ; a set of 0..31, 0th element is least sign. bit
FrontSet equ DeviceSet-4 ; set of devices on which the window is frontmost AWC PB223
WindowRect equ FrontSet-8 ; this is pmWindow's PortRect in global coordinates
InfoHandle equ WindowRect-4 ; handle of our scratch area
InfoPtr equ InfoHandle-4 ; InfoHandle^
SaveGDev equ InfoPtr-4 ; place to save theGDevice
BlackIndex equ SaveGDev-2 ; for current device, this is the last index (ctSize)
MAnimators equ BlackIndex-2 ; master number of animating entries
MTolerators equ MAnimators-2 ; master number of tolerant entries
Animators equ MTolerators-2 ; number of animating entries
Tolerators equ Animators-2 ; number of tolerant entries
Pillages equ Tolerators-2 ; number of entries reserved by other palettes
Updates equ Pillages-2 ; number of updates we've done to DevCTab
Histogram equ Updates-2 ; number of histogram entry to examine next
AvailBits equ Histogram-32 ; one bit each, for up to 256 indices. Used to avoid explicit collisions
spVarSize equ AvailBits ; total of SetPalette stack frame
ENDIF ; ...already included