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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
File: CommToolboxPriv.h
Contains: Internal interface to the CommResource Mgr and the CommToolbox Utilities
Written by: Byron Han, Jerry Godes
Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<33> 8/27/91 JSM Cleanup header, remove Pre70 stuff.
<32> 8/20/91 BH move CRMReserveRF into public interfaces
<31> 8/9/91 JNG Moved CRMReleaseRF into main interfaces
<30> 6/25/91 JNG Move CRMIsDriverOpen into CommResources.h
<29> 6/18/91 BH rename choose messages
<28> 1/9/91 kaz <jng> Changing ModemStringType and PrinterStringType to STR# to
include driver names. Changing ChooseIDStrID from -32512 to
<27> 12/21/90 JL changed constStrxxParameter to ConstStrxxxParam to match change
in Types.h
<26> 12/13/90 JNG Use the System Icon LDEF <kaz>
<25> 11/4/90 dba miscellaneous cleanup, including using (void) instead of (),
more care about const, including use of constStr255Parameter,
getting rid of extraneous parameter names, getting rid of stuff
on lines after #endif (not acceptable for ANSI standard), etc.
<24> 11/1/90 fjs add defines for the color icons associated with the serial ports
<23> 10/5/90 kaz Removing _CTBKeystrokeFilter references. <jng>
<22> 10/2/90 kaz Adding CRMAppRec to keep track of the processes that init the
Term, FT, or Conn Mgrs; renamed reserved to appList to CTBBlock;
added bitfields for initialized mgrs; added prototypes for
handling the app list; fixed spelling of some messages. <jng>
<21> 9/10/90 gbm dont you just hate it when boneheads check in files that they
obviously havent compiled... I do :)
<20> 9/10/90 JNG Have ResFileRec contain canonical form of file name; Add in new
resources for choose
<19> 8/23/90 kaz Added GetMemErr(), GetResErr() macros.
<18> 8/15/90 kaz Added PlaceWindow() prototype
<17> 8/6/90 kaz Renaming GoodDrawOutlineButton(); added DoGrayOutline().
<16> 5/24/90 kaz Combined GetIndfinf & GetIndflst; added Getflst()
<15> 5/22/90 kaz Updated FontInfoRec to have a textMode; Merged FontInfoRec &
TextState; renamed Parse_finf and Parse_flst; added routines to
Get & Set TextState
<14> 4/11/90 kaz Added CmdPeriod Prototype
<13> 3/22/90 BBH moved getglobals macro here from CommResourceMgr.c
<12> 3/20/90 kaz Merging in changes from 1.0
- struct for accessing QD globals
- new routines in CommToolboxUtilityRoutines
<11> 3/18/90 BBH keep IconPrivateBlock's unused field for Tools 1.0
compatibility. Sorry for the flip flops
<10> 3/18/90 BBH remove change to IconPrivateBlock
<9> 3/18/90 BBH returned hasSM (renamed unused) to IconPrivateBlock since the
tools assume that the procID is the second word in the
IconPrivateBlock data structure (this uncovered the bug in
<8> 3/16/90 BBH added CTB_VersionType
<7> 3/16/90 BBH added Menus.h to include list to support GetMenuItem routine in
<6> 3/16/90 BBH added FontInfoRec, parse_finf, parse_flst,
GoodDrawOutlineButton, FindMenuItem
<5> 3/15/90 BBH add proper include in case they were not included before
(Memory and Resources and Dialogs)
<4+> 3/15/90 BBH add OSUtils to include list, fix typos
<4> 3/15/90 BBH add proper include in case they were not included before (Memory
and Resources and Dialogs)
<3> 3/14/90 BBH added min system heap resource (temporary until ptch's go in)
<2> 3/14/90 BBH Merged in CommResourcePriv.h, CTBPrivate.h, and CTBCoreIntf.h
<1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
#ifndef __CommToolboxPriv__
#define __CommToolboxPriv__
#ifndef __RESOURCES__
#include <Resources.h>
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
#ifndef __DIALOGS__
#include <Dialogs.h>
#ifndef __MENUS__
#include <Menus.h>
#ifndef __OSUTILS__
#include <OSUtils.h>
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __PROCESSES__
#include <Processes.h>
// the resource types and resource ID's to be used by the CommToolbox
/* the following 7 resources are temporary to be merged into ptch code */
#define CTB_InstallType 'INIT'
#define CTB_InstallID 29
#define CTB_DispatcherType 'proc' /* this used to be ctbd -32512 */
#define CTB_DispatcherID -32509
#define CTB_GestaltProcType 'proc' /* this used to be ctbg -32510 */
#define CTB_GestaltProcID -32508
#define CTB_PatchType 'ctbp' /* this used to be type ctb∂ */
#define CTB_Patch1 -32512 /* allocate low memory */
#define CTB_Patch2 -32511 /* register builtin ports */
#define CTB_Patch3 -32510 /* perform gestalt installation */
/* end temporary */
#define CTB_ConnectionMgrType 'cmtb'
#define CTB_FileTransferMgrType 'cmtb'
#define CTB_TerminalMgrType 'cmtb'
#define CTB_CTBUtilitiesType 'cmtb'
#define CTB_CommResourceMgrType 'cmtb'
#define CTB_ConnectionMgrID -32512
#define CTB_FileTransferMgrID -32511
#define CTB_TerminalMgrID -32510
#define CTB_CTBUtilitiesID -32509
#define CTB_CommResourceMgrID -32508
#define CTB_VersionType 'ctb ' // used to be ctbv -32512
#define CTB_VersionID -32512
#define CTB_KeyclickType 'snd ' /* this used to be ctb$ -32511 */
#define CTB_KeyclickID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseType 'proc' /* this used to be choo -32512 */
#define CTB_ChooseID -32512
#define CTB_DITLPackType 'proc' /* this used to be ditl -32512 */
#define CTB_DITLPackID -32511
#define CTB_NuLookupType 'proc' /* this used to be nlup -32510 */
#define CTB_NuLookupID -32510
#define CTB_NuLookupParmsType 'flst' /* this used to be parm -32510 */
#define CTB_NuLookupParmsID -32510
#define CTB_ModemIconType 'ICN#' /* this used to be ctbi -32512 */
#define CTB_Modem4ColorIconType 'icl4'
#define CTB_Modem8ColorIconType 'icl8'
#define CTB_ModemIconID -32512
#define CTB_PrinterIconType 'ICN#' /* this used to be ctbi -32511 */
#define CTB_Printer4ColorIconType 'icl4'
#define CTB_Printer8ColorIconType 'icl8'
#define CTB_PrinterIconID -32511
#define CTB_ModemStringType 'STR#' /* this used to be ctbs -32512 */
#define CTB_ModemStringID -32512
#define CTB_PrinterStringType 'STR#' /* this used to be ctbs -32511 */
#define CTB_PrinterStringID -32511
#define CTB_CommFolderNameType 'STR ' /* this used to be ctbs -32510 */
#define CTB_CommFolderNameID -32510
#define CTB_MarkerType 'ctb ' /* lets CTB6 installer scripts know CTB7 is installed */
#define CTB_CTB6MarkerID 0
#define CTB_CTB7MarkerID 1
#define CTB_ChooseDLOGID -32512
#define CTB_ChoosehdlgID -32512
#define CTB_ChoosedctbID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseDITLID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseSTRsID -32510
#define CTB_ChooseLDEFID -32512
#define CTB_ChoosehmnuID -32512
#define CTB_ChoosefinfID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseflstID -32512 /* preferred over finf */
#define CTB_ChooseCNTLID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseMENUID -32512
#define CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID -32511
#define CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID -32511
#define CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID -32509
#define CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID -32509
#define CTB_NulookuphdlgID -32510
#define CTB_NulookupDLOGID -32510
#define CTB_NulookupdctbID -32510
#define CTB_NulookupDITLID -32510
#define CTB_NulookupSTRsID -32510
#define CTB_NulookupLDEFID -32510
#define CTB_PopupCDEFType 'CDEF'
#define CTB_PopupCDEFID 63
/* added since CTB6 */
#define CTB_PopupTriangleType 'PICT'
#define CTB_PopupTriangleID -8224 /* owned by cdef 63 */
#define CTB_PopupExpandType 'proc' /* this expands menuwidth */
#define CTB_PopupExpandID -8224 /* owned by cdef 63 */
// Communications Resource Manager
// partial declaration of resource map handle
typedef struct ResourceMapRecord {
long theHeader[4];
struct ResourceMapRecord
short refNum;
} ResourceMapRecord, *ResourceMapPtr, **ResourceMapHandle, ***ResourceMapHandlePtr;
// structures used by CRM for manipulating the resource map chain
typedef struct CRMToolContext { /* NOTE if this structure changes,
have to change as well */
short oldProcID;
ResourceMapHandle oldHidden; // old resfile just below system file
short toolProcID;
Boolean wasBelow; // were we already below the system map?
} CRMToolContext, *CRMToolContextPtr;
// structures used to manage resource files
typedef struct ResFileRec {
FSSpec theName; /* Canonical File id */
short refNum; /* resource file reference number */
ResourceMapHandle /* the resource map */
THz pZone; /* zone the resource map resides in */
long useCount; /* number times opened/closed */
CRMToolContext special; /* special context for CTBSetupPreflight/Postflight */
long reserved; /* who knows what */
struct ResFileRec **next; /* next in the chain */
} ResFileRec, *ResFileRecPtr, **ResFileRecHdl;
// data structure used to keep track of resources (useCount etc)
typedef struct CRMResourceCount {
struct CRMResourceCount *next;
long theHandle;
long useCount;
short refnum;
} CRMResourceCount, *CRMResourceCountPtr;
// bit field for cmtbFlags below
#define cmInUse 1
#define ftInUse 1 << (CTB_FileTransferMgrID - CTB_ConnectionMgrID)
#define tmInUse 1 << (CTB_TerminalMgrID - CTB_ConnectionMgrID)
// data struct to keep a list of processes that have inited a mgr
typedef struct CRMAppRec {
ProcessSerialNumber aProcess;
short cmtbFlags; // tmInUse, etc.
long reserved;
struct CRMAppRec *next;
} CRMAppRec, *CRMAppRecPtr;
// commtoolbox dispatcher format
typedef struct DispatchCode {
short instruction; // bra.s @OK
long table[19]; // table of manager pointers
short CTBrefnum; // ignored
short big; // ignored
} DispatchCode, *DispatchCodePtr;
// CommToolbox Globals pointed to by 0xBB4
#define CTBBlockVersion 1
typedef struct CTBBlock {
short version; // should be CTBBlockVersion
QHdrPtr CRMQueue; // queue of devices being managed
long resList; // queue of resources being managed
short private; // What is this?
CRMAppRecPtr appList; // List o' processes that call us
ResFileRec **resFiles; // queue of files being managed
ResourceMapHandle toolResChain; // ?????
long secret[16];
} CTBBlock, *CTBBlockPtr;
#define CRMGetGlobals (* (CTBBlockPtr *) CommToolboxGlobals)
#define GetMemErr() MemError()
#define GetResErr() *((short *) ResErr)
/* internal CommResourceMgr routines */
pascal short CRMOpenRFPerm(ConstStr63Param fName, short vRefNum, long dirID);
pascal short CRMGetRFCount(short refNum);
pascal OSErr CRMParseRefNum(short refNum, Str63 fName, short *vRefNum);
pascal OSErr CRMCreateCommunications(short *vRefNum, long *dirID);
pascal short CRMCountFiles(OSType fType, short vRefNum, long dirID);
pascal OSErr CRMGetIndFile(Str63 fName, OSType fType, short vRefNum, long dirID, short index);
pascal Boolean CRMCheckTool(ConstStr63Param fName, OSType fType, short vRefNum, long dirID);
pascal void CRMDumpResChain(void);
pascal void CRMToolPreflight(short procID, CRMToolContext *);
pascal void CRMToolPostflight(const CRMToolContext *);
/* CRM App List Handling Routines */
pascal short TrackManagers(short mgrID);
CRMAppRecPtr FindApp(const ProcessSerialNumber *);
CRMAppRecPtr AddApp(const ProcessSerialNumber *);
void RemoveApp(CRMAppRecPtr);
// CommToolbox Utilities
// Choose
/* Choose private data structures */
typedef struct ChooseRec {
long reserved;
long msg; // one of {ctbChooseNoChangeHandle, ctbChooseNoDialog, ctbChooseNoChangeTool}
ProcPtr idleProc;
ProcPtr filterProc;
Str63 newTool;
Ptr newConfig;
ProcPtr eventProc;
} ChooseRec, *ChooseRecPtr;
/* ChooseRec messages */
#define ctbChooseNoChangeHandle 1
#define ctbChooseNoDialog 2
#define ctbChooseNoChangeTool 4
/* messages to the choo resource */
#define ChooseCM 0
#define ChooseTM 1
#define ChooseFT 2
// ICON LDEF data structures
/* IconLDEF cell data */
typedef struct CellDataBlock {
long icon[32];
long mask[32];
Str255 title;
} CellDataBlock, *CellDataP, **CellDataH;
typedef struct NewCellDataBlock { /* Structure of new icon ldef's Data */
Handle cHand;
short cFont;
Style cFace;
Str255 cName;
} NewCellDataBlock, *NewCellDataBlockP, **NewCellDataBlockH;
/* CommToolboxLDEF private data */
typedef struct IconPrivateBlock {
Boolean unused; // has to be here for CTB 1.0 compatibility
short procID; /* res refnum for the tool */
NewCellDataBlockH tempData; /* Data for new IconLDEF */
} IconPrivateBlock, *IconPrivateP, **IconPrivateH;
// generic structure for converting finf and flst resources
typedef struct TextState {
short theFont;
Style theFace;
short theSize;
short theMode;
} TextState, *TextStatePtr;
// Accessing QD Globals
typedef struct {
char privates[76];
long randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray; // we really care only for the patterns
Pattern ltGray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
} GrafWorld, *GrafWorldPtr;
// routines in CommToolboxUtilityRoutines
pascal short FindMenuItem(MenuHandle, ConstStr255Param);
pascal OSErr GetIndflst(Handle hInfo, Boolean oldStyle,
short index, TextState *finfInfo);
pascal void DoSolidOutline(DialogPtr pDialog, short theItem);
pascal void DoGrayOutline(DialogPtr pDialog, short theItem);
pascal void DoTheIcon(Ptr theIcon, const Rect *destRect, Boolean selected);
pascal GrafWorldPtr GetQDGlobals(void);
pascal void GetItemRect(DialogPtr, short, Rect *);
pascal void SetUserItemProc(DialogPtr, short, ProcPtr);
pascal void PCopyString(ConstStr255Param, Str255);
pascal Boolean CmdPeriod(EventRecord *);
pascal void GetTextState(TextState *txState);
pascal void SetTextState(TextState *txState);
pascal void Getflst(short procID, short resourceID,
short finfIndex, TextState *finfInfo);
pascal Point PlaceWindow(WindowPtr theParent,short childHeight,short childWidth);
// CommToolbox Utilities Core
/* Common Tool Messages */
#define CTBInitMsg 0
#define CTBDisposeMsg 1
#define CTBSuspendMsg 2
#define CTBResumeMsg 3
#define CTBMenuMsg 4
#define CTBEventMsg 5
#define CTBActivateMsg 6
#define CTBDeactivateMsg 7
/* except for connection manager since I BBH f*cked up */
#define CTBGetErrorStringMsg 8
#define CTBIdleMsg 50
#define CTBResetMsg 51
#define CTBAbortMsg 52
#define CTBValidateMsg 0
#define CTBDefaultMsg 1
// case these later
#define CTBPreflightMsg 0
#define CTBSetupMsg 1
#define CTBItemMsg 2
#define CTBFilterMsg 3
#define CTBCleanupMsg 4
#define CTBGetMsg 0
#define CTBSetMsg 1
#define CTB2EnglishMsg 0
#define CTB2IntlMsg 1
// DITL package selectors
#define AppendMsg 1
#define CountMsg 2
#define ShortenMsg 3
typedef struct CoreRecord { // looks pretty common to ConnRecord, TermRecord, FTRecord
short procID;
long flags;
OSErr errCode;
long refCon;
long userData;
ProcPtr defProc;
Ptr config;
Ptr oldConfig;
long reserved0;
long reserved1;
long reserved2;
} CoreRecord, *CorePtr, **CoreHandle;
pascal short InitManager(short selector);
/* core setup misceallaneous routines */
pascal void CTBGetToolName(short procID, Str255 name, short mgrSel);
pascal short CTBGetProcID(ConstStr255Param name, short mgrSel);
pascal Handle CTBGetVersion(CoreHandle, short mgrSel);
/* core validate routines */
pascal Boolean CTBValidate(CoreHandle, short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBDefault(Ptr *config, short procID, Boolean allocate, short mgrSel);
/* core setup routines */
pascal Handle CTBSetupPreflight(short procID, long *magicCookie, short mgrSel);
pascal Boolean CTBSetupFilter(short procID, Ptr theConfig, short count, DialogPtr, EventRecord *,
short *theItem, long *magicCookie, short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBSetupSetup(short procID, Ptr theConfig, short count, DialogPtr, long *magicCookie,
short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBSetupItem(short procID, Ptr theConfig, short count, DialogPtr, short *item,
long *magicCookie, short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBSetupCleanup(short procID, Ptr theConfig, short count, DialogPtr, long *magicCookie,
short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBSetupXCleanup(short procID, Ptr theConfig, short count, DialogPtr, Boolean OKed,
long *magicCookie, short mgrSel);
pascal void CTBSetupPostflight(short procID, short mgrSel);
/* core scripting routines */
pascal Ptr CTBGetConfig(CoreHandle, short mgrSel);
pascal short CTBSetConfig(CoreHandle, Ptr thePtr, short mgrSel);
/* core localization routines */
pascal short CTBIntlToEnglish(CoreHandle,
Ptr inputPtr, Ptr *outputPtr, short language, short mgrSel);
pascal short CTBEnglishToIntl(CoreHandle,
Ptr inputPtr, Ptr *outputPtr, short language, short mgrSel);
/* core choose routines */
pascal short CTBChoose(CoreHandle *, Point where, ProcPtr idleProc, short mgrSel);
pascal short CTBPChoose(CoreHandle *, Point where, ChooseRec *, short mgrSel);
/* core utility routines - these reside in CommToolboxUtilityRoutines.c */
pascal Handle CRMGetAResource(ResType, short procID);
// Note that SetupStruct has been renamed CM/FT/TMSetupStruct but the core routines
// use SetupStruct so the next line could very well have been #def SetupStruct TMSetupStruct
#define SetupStruct CMSetupStruct
// selectors for the various code routines
#define CMSel 0
#define TMSel 1
#define FTSel 2
// selectors for the tool res types
#define BndType 0
#define DefType 1
#define ValType 2
#define SetType 3
#define ScrType 4
#define LocType 5
// common error code for no tools in response to InitXXX()
#define CTBNoTools 8