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; File: TFSDIR2.a
; Contains: This file contains file-level routines which use filenames.
; Copyright: © 1983-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 8/27/93 BH Removed <SM3>. The flushing stuff is now in CmdDone.
; <SM3> 8/3/93 BH Flushing critical volume info when changed for a volume in a
; manual-eject drive.
; <SM2> 5/21/92 kc Append "Trap" to the name of ReName to avoid name conflict with
; the glue.
; <SM1> 4/1/92 kc Roll in FixVolumeRenames patch from FileMgrPatches.a.
; Rolled in the Disappearing Folder patch.
; Rolled in RenameCheckVolNameLength in FileMgrPatches.a.
; • Pre-SuperMario comments follow •
; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; 1/14/87 BB Fixed FileDelete to return "paramErr" error rather than the file
; system internal error "FSDSIntErr" if attempting to delete the
; root directory. NOTE: this is not patched for the Mac+ or MAUI.
; 4/15/86 PWD Fix rename bug when renameing an external volume.
; 1/13/86 LAK After Renaming MFS volume with SetVolName, take the exit which
; sets D0=0. This incorporates the patch in ROM75Fix.
; 10/6/85 PWD Changed to use new SetVolName routine throughout (move to
; TFSVol).
; 10/1/85 LAK Don't worry about adjusting internal errors - done by CmdDone.
; 9/21/85 LAK Fixed bug in above.
; 9/20/85 PWD Changed Rename to allow source vol. spec by VRefNum only.
; 9/20/85 LAK Call TrashFBlocks when deleting a file.
; 9/5/85 LAK Don't allow rename for locked files.
; 8/28/85 LAK New today.
; 8/28/85 LAK Added CkDirBusy, Gt1stWDCB, GtNxtWDCB, Gt1stWDVMatch,
; GtNxtWDVMatch subroutines. Refuse to delete a directory which
; has an open WDCB.
; 6/20/85 PWD Changed to use new system CNode equates
; 6/19/85 PWD Changed internal errors to FSDSIntErr instead of IOErr.
; 4/25/85 PWD Changed to convert internal error codes to IOErr.
; 3/10/85 PWD Split off MFS-specific code into MFSDir2. Added code to deal
; specifically with TFS volumes.
; 8/29/83 LAK Changed ReName to update affected FCBs FCBFlPos (rename may
; cause a directory entry to migrate).
; 4/20/83 LAK Minor change to CkFileBusy.
; 2/8/83 LAK Fixed rename bug (A5 trash)
; 1/16/83 LAK Added latest changes; cosmetic and documentation updates.
; External Routines: FileDelete,ReName,TFMove
; Internal Routines: CkFileBusy, CkDirBusy, Gt1stWDCB, GtNxtWDCB,
; Gt1stWDVMatch, GtNxtWDVMatch
; Routine: Gt1stWDCB,GtNxtWDCB
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- FCB start pointer (GtNxtFCB)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtFCB)
; A1.L (output) -- unchanged
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next WDCB
; CCR set so that BCS will not br when past last WDCB
; Called By: Gt1stWDMatch,GtNxtWDMatch
; Function: Scan through the WDCBs.
; Routine: Gt1stWDVMatch,GtNxtWDVMatch
; Arguments: A1.L (input) -- WDCB start pointer (GtNxtWDMatch)
; D1.W (input) -- offset to current FCB (GtNxtWDMatch)
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer to match against
; A1.L (output) -- WDCB start pointer
; D1.W (output) -- offset to next WDCB on same volume
; CCR set so that BNE will not br when past last WDCB
; Called By: CkDirBusy
; Function: Scan through the WDCBs which match a certain volume.
; Modification History:
; <28Aug85> LAK New today.
Gt1stWDCB MOVE.L WDCBSPtr,A1 ; get WDCB ptr <28Aug85>
MOVEQ #2,D1 ; index to first FCB <28Aug85>
RTS ; <28Aug85>
GtNxtWDCB ADD.W #WDCBLen,D1 ; go to next FCB <28Aug85>
CMP.W (A1),D1 ; reached the end yet? <28Aug85>
RTS ; let the caller test (BCS if not) <28Aug85>
BSR.S Gt1stWDCB ; <28Aug85>
gt1stLoop CMP.L WDVCBPtr(A1,D1),A2 ; on the same volume? <28Aug85>
BEQ.S gtNxtRTS ; <28Aug85>
BSR.S GtNxtWDCB ; <28Aug85>
BCS.S gt1stLoop ; loop thru them all <28Aug85>
MOVE #0,CCR ; clear Z bit <28Aug85>
gtNxtRTS RTS ; BEQ for match, BNE at end . . . <28Aug85>
; Routine: CkDirBusy
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- IO parameter block ptr
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer
; A5.L (input) -- file directory entry pointer
; D0.W (output) -- result code (0 if file not open)
; D1.W (output) -- WDCB index if directory busy
; All other registers are preserved.
; Calls: Gt1stWDCB,GtNxtWDCB
; Called by: FileDelete
; Function: Searches WDCB buffer to see if the directory is
; currently open.
; Modification History:
; <28Aug85> LAK New today.
MOVEM.L D2/A1,-(SP) ; Preserve A1/D2 <28Aug85>
MOVE.L dirDirID(A5),D2 ; Get dir number from TFS cat. entry <28Aug85>
; scan through the WDCBs and look for a match of directory number and same volume
BSR.S Gt1stWDVMatch ; get first WDCB for this volume <28Aug85>
@0 BNE.S @1 ; br if no match <28Aug85>
CMP.L WDDirID(A1,D1),D2 ; for the same directory? <28Aug85>
BEQ.S @3 ; br if so - error <28Aug85>
BSR.S GtNxtWDVMatch ; try the next <28Aug85>
BRA.S @0 ; and loop <28Aug85>
@1 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; not busy . . . <28Aug85>
@2 MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2/A1 ; restore A1/D2 <28Aug85>
RTS ; <28Aug85>
@3 MOVE.W D1,IORefnum(A0) ; note the refnum of WDCB entry <28Aug85>
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; directory is busy <28Aug85>
BRA.S @2 ; <28Aug85>
; Routine: CkFileBusy
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- IO parameter block ptr
; A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer
; A5.L (input) -- file directory entry pointer
; D0.W (output) -- result code (0 if file not open)
; D1.W (output) -- FCB index if file busy
; D2.L (output) -- FilFLNum(A5)
; All other registers are preserved.
; Calls: Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB
; Called by: FileDelete,MFSDelete,GetFileInfo,GetMFlInfo
; Function: Searches FCB buffer to see if the file directory entry
; pointed to by A5 is already open.
; Modification History:
; 10 Dec 82 LAK New today.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Now calls procs to search thru FCBs.
; 20 Apr 83 LAK Changed to return refnum of entry found when file is
; found to be busy already.
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Changed to use Gt1stMatch instead of Gt1stFCB, GtNxtFCB.
; Now returns file number in D2 (no one uses it tho).
; 10 Mar 85 PWD Changed to check volume sigword and handle (possibly) different
; file descriptor data structures to find file number.
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; Preserve A1
MOVE.L FilFLNum(A5),D2 ; Get file number from TFS cat. entry
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BEQ.S @0 ; If TFS, handle TFS catalog entries
MOVE.L FlFlNum(A5),D2 ; get the file number from MFS dir. entry
; scan through the FCBs and look for a match of file number and same volume
@0 BSR Gt1stMatch
BEQ.S @2 ; fail if any match
@1 MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore A1
@2 MOVE.W D1,IORefnum(A0) ; note the refnum of fcb entry
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; file is busy
BRA.S @1
; Routine: FileDelete
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block; uses:
; IOFileName,IOFileType
; D0.W (output) -- error code
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,CVFlgs,FndFilName,CkFileBusy,DAlBlks,RemovEntry,
; CmdDone
; Function: Delete a file. The file is removed from
; the directory and its blocks are freed up (both resource and
; normal fork blocks are deallocated). The entry is zeroed and
; any following entries are moved down. All blocks associated
; with the file are marked free in the block map and the VCB
; info is marked dirty.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Redid for new file data structures.
; 10 Dec 82 LAK Broke out routine to search FCBs by filenum (share it
; with GetFileInfo).
; 14 Dec 82 LAK Removed undelete scheme.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Modified RemovEntry for new directory format (no entry
; length); updated documentation.
; 04 Jun 83 LAK No longer calls DtrmVol (this is done by FndFilName) since
; case of write-protected diskette is a low-percentage hit.
; Uses CkFilMod subroutine to save code.
; 9 May 85 PWD CkFlMod no longer checks for file entry, so directories can
; be deleted at last. Directories with files still in them
; cause a FBsyErr.
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to leave VCB file/directory count up to CMDeleteCN
; <28Aug85> LAK Don't delete a directory if there's a WDCB open for it.
; <14Jan87> BB Fixed FileDelete to return "paramErr" error rather than the file
; system internal error "FSDSIntErr" if attempting to delete
; the root directory. NOTE: this is not patched for the Mac+
; or MAUI.
BSR FSQueue ; queue it up
BSR CkFilMod ; find File and check if we can mod vol.
; If we've made it this far without being derailed into CmdDone, the volume is
; writable and we know the file exists: now see if file is locked or is busy.
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE MFSDelete ; If not, leave it to the MFS code.
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked
BTST #FilWrtFlag,FilFlags(A5) ; well, is it?
BNE.S FDelExit ; br if so
BCLR #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Assume it's not a directory
CMP.B #CMDirCN,cdrType(A5); Is the CNode a directory?
BNE.S @1 ; Nope.
BSET #DirCN,HFSFlags ; Otherwise, set a flag for future reference
BSR.S CkDirBusy ; Is the directory busy?
BRA.S @2 ; br to check
@1 CMP.B #cdrFilRec,cdrType(A5) ; Is this a file?
BNE.S DeleteIt ; If not, it won't be open
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save D2 across CkFileBusy call
BSR.S CkFileBusy ; Check if the file is busy?
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; restore D2
TST.W D0 ; busy?
@2 BNE.S FDelExit ; exit if busy . . .
; Free up the space previously occupied by the file's contents:
DeleteIt BSR PushCName ; Create a copy of the string on the stack:
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save D2 for use as 'scratch'
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; Catalog hint
CMP.B #CMFilCN,cdrType(A5); Is this a file?
BNE.S @0 ; If not, it doesn't occupy any real space
MOVE.L FilFLNum(A5),D0 ; Get file number from TFS cat. entry <20Sep85>
JSR TrashFBlocks ; Trash all file blocks (pass A2,D0) <20Sep85>
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; DirID from FindFilName <21Sep85>
JSR DeallocFile ; Free disk space occupied by file
BNE.S FDelExit ; Punt on errors
; Restore parent ID and remove the file from the catalog:
@0 MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Parent directory ID
JSR CMDeleteCN ; Delete the catalog node
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore rounded string length again
BSR PopCName ; Remove CName from A6 stack again
CMP.W #CMNotEmpty,D0 ; Was the directory non-empty?
BNE.S @1 ; No - something else went wrong <14Jan87>
MOVEQ #FBsyErr,D0 ; Recycle a nice error code
BRA.S FDelExit ; exit FileDelete <14Jan87>
@1 CMP.W #CMRootCN,D0 ; attempt to delete the root directory? <14Jan87>
BNE.S FDelExit ; no, exit FileDelete <14Jan87>
MOVEQ #paramErr,D0 ; yes, return illegal param error code <14Jan87>
FDelExit BRA CmdDone
; Routine: ReName
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to parameter block:
; D0 (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,FndFilName,CVFlgs,RemovEntry,FndFilSpc,
; GtEntryLen,CmdDone
; Function: Rename a file or a volume. For files, the directory is
; first searched for the target name (to make sure we don't
; get two files with the same name). If not found, the directory
; is then searched for the real file (using the source name);
; the entry is copied onto the stack and removed from the directory
; block. FndFilSpc is used to find space for the changed entry.
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK Changed to use a new rename algorithm; updated for new
; file system data structures.
; 16 Jan 83 LAK Updated for final data structures.
; 05 Jun 83 LAK Added change to allow rename of a file to itself (for case
; changes).
; 29 Aug 83 LAK Fixed bug: rename now updates FCBs for the renamed file (opened
; files may be renamed) to point to correct directory block.
; 19 Jun 85 PWD Added quick fix for renaming files with same name on TFS
; volumes: changed to NOP instead of calling CMRenameCN
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Reverted to calling CMRenameCN for case changes.
; Test: no more room in directory case . . .
; renaming a volume
; renaming both file and volume with 0-length name.
BSR FSQueue ; what a queue command!
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),D2 ; check out the new name
BSR DtrmV2 ; find what volume the new name is on
BNE RNmVol ; br if error (may want to rename vol)
TST.W D2 ; check name length
BEQ RNmVol1 ; if zero, may be volume-conflict rename
MOVE.L A2,A1 ; save volume for the destination name
MOVE.W D3,D7 ; save vol specified indication
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; save dest name ptr and length
BSR DtrmV3 ; det vol source name is on
BNE.S RNmExit ; exit if we can't determine volume
CMPA.L A1,A2 ; are the names on the same volume?
BEQ.S NmOK ; if so, life may be beautiful
TST.W D7 ; otherwise, if dest didn't specify volume,
BEQ.S NmOK ; it's ok (just use source's volume)
BadNewNam MOVEQ #BdNamErr,D0 ; names are on different vols
RNmExit CMP.W #BTExists,D0 ; B*-Tree error?
BNE.S @5 ;
MOVEQ #dupFNErr,D0 ; If entry exists, give better error code
@5 BRA CmdDone ; that's all folks.
NmOK BSR CVFlgs ; is the volume locked/write protected?
BNE.S RNmExit ; exit if so
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE MFSRename ; If not, different rules apply
BSR FndFilName ; search directory for the source file
BNE.S RNmExit ; if not around, bummers
MOVEQ #FLckdErr,D0 ; assume locked <05Sep85>
BTST #FilWrtFlag,FilFlags(A5) ; well, is it? <05Sep85>
BNE.S RNmExit ; br if so <05Sep85>
MOVE.L D6,D4 ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L D7,D5 ; and corresponding catalog hint
MOVEM.L D2/D4-D5/A4,-(A6) ; Save source file name and length
MOVE.L IOFileName(A0),-(A6); Save source file spec.
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),D2 ; Get full new name
MOVE.L D2,IOFileName(A0) ; Try it out for a name
BSR FndFilName ; Look for the new file
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; save dest name ptr and length
MOVE.L (A6)+,IOFileName(A0); Restore original file name
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D2/D4-D5/A4 ; Restore source name and length
TST.W D0 ; Re-check result from FndFilName
BNE.S @10 ; Error is expected
; The destination exists: before giving up completely, though, check if perhaps
; the new file name is the same as the old (though perhaps with slighly more
; pleasing case, for instance):
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; preserve parameter block pointer
MOVEM.L D2/A4,-(A6) ;
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; source name length
MOVE.L A4,A0 ; source name ptr
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; new name length
MOVE.L A4,A1 ; new name ptr
_CmpString ; see if it's a case of the same name
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D2/A4 ; Recover source name, length
BNE.S @5 ; br if not
CMP.L D4,D6 ; Source and dest. DirID identical?
BEQ.S @30 ; If they are, this is a duplicate
; We weren't changing the case of an existing filename:
@5 MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; duplicate file name if found
@10 CMP.W #FNFErr,D0 ; file should not have been found
BNE.S RNmExit ; else exit for ext fs, vol offline errs
; A final check: did the attempt to find the destination file end in the
; same directory?
@20 CMP.L D4,D6 ; Compare source and dest. dirs, resp.
BNE BadNewNam ; If they differ, we'd be in trouble
; (leave data on A6 stack)
; OK, all seems well so far, rename the CNode as requested:
@30 BSR PushCName ; Set up source name string on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(SP) ; Save rounded source name length
MOVEA.L A0,A1 ; Stash it for now
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
BSR PushCName ; set up source name on A6 stack
MOVE.L (SP)+,-(A6) ; Save rounded source length more permanently
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded dest. length, too
EXG A0,A1 ; Put them in their proper order
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Source DirID
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; Source Catalog hint
; ( From RenameCheckVolNameLength ) <SM1>
CMP.L #FSRtParID,d0 ; Renamed an entry in root's parent [root]? <SM1>
BEQ.S @checkName ; If so, go update vol. name <SM1>
CMP.L #FSRtDirID,d0 ; Finally, check for rear entries <SM1>
BNE.S @noProblem ; If it's not this, we're all set. <SM1>
MOVE.L a0, -4(sp) ; test by storing onto live stack <SM1>
BNE.S @noProblem ; non-zero entries here are not for us <SM1>
; <SM1>
@checkName CMP.B #VCBMaxNam,(a1) ; max volume name is 27 characters <SM1>
BLS.S @noProblem ; <SM1>
; <SM1>
@badName MOVEQ.L #bdNamErr,d0 ; Don't change vol. name if new <SM1>
Bra.S @70 ; name is longer than 27 characters <SM1>
; <SM1>
@noProblem JSR CMRenameCN ; Update the catalog <SM1>
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; New catalog hint
TST.W D0 ; Error on Rename?
BNE.S @70 ; Don't change vol. name on errors
CMP.L #FSRtParID,D4 ; Renamed an entry in root's parent [root]?
BEQ.S @50 ; If so, go update vol. name
CMP.L #FSRtDirID,D4 ; Finally, check for rear entries
BNE.S @70 ; If it's not this, we're all set.
TST.L 4(A6) ; Check rounded source length
BGT.S @70 ; Non-null source name length: no dice.
@50 BSR SetVolName ; Update the volume name
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; If we're here, all is well
MOVEQ #FSRtParID,D6 ; Make this case easier to spot...
@70 MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore the rounded dest. string length
MOVE.L (A6)+,-(SP) ; Relocate the rounded source length
BSR PopCName ; Remove dest. name string
MOVE.L (SP)+,D2 ; Recover rounded source length
BSR PopCName ; Remove source string from A6 stack
TST.W D0 ; Did an error occur on the rename?
BNE RNmExit ; If so, punt.
CMPI.L #FSRtParID,D6 ; Working with the root directory?
BEQ RNmExit ; Yes - we're all set.
; Finally, update any FCBs for the file if it's currently open:
MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve dest. name and length
BSR PushCName ; set up source name on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Save rounded dest. length, too
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; Set up DirID
MOVE.L D7,D2 ; Recover catalog hint
JSR CMGetCN ; Look up the Catalog entry
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Recover rounded string length
BSR PopCName ; Remove name from A6 stack
TST.W D0 ; So how DID the lookup go?
BNE RNmExit ; Punt on errors
CMPI.B #cdrDirRec,cdrType(A1) ; Is it a directory? <SM1>
BEQ RNmExit ; Hey! we shouldn't even be here... <SM1>
MOVE.B D2,D3 ; Save dest. name length
MOVEA.L A1,A5 ; Stash the catalog entry pointer
MOVEA.L A4,A0 ; Point to source CName
MOVE.L FilFlNum(A5),D2 ; Pick out the file number
BSR Gt1stMatch ; Find the first file with a matching FlNum
BNE RNmExit ; If there are none, we're all set
@100 MOVE.L D7,FCBCatPos(A1,D1) ; Set new catalog hint (may have changed)
LEA FCBCName(A1,D1),A1 ; Point to CName to be filled in
MOVE.B D3,(A1)+ ; Store CName length
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; make sure high word is clear <29Aug85>
MOVE.B D3,D0 ; Set up for block move
_BlockMove ; Copy in the name
MOVEA.L FCBsPtr,A1 ; Restore A1 to its former glory
BSR GtNxtMatch ; And look for the next FCB
BEQ.S @100 ; If found, do it all again
RNmExOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
RNmEx1 BRA RNmExit
; User is trying to rename a volume. Give it a try . . .
RNmVol CMP.W #NSVErr,D0 ; make sure it's no-such-vol error
TST.W D2 ; name length should be zero
BNE BadNewNam
RNmVol1 CMP.W #VCBMaxNam,d3 ; is the proposed name too long? <SM1>
BHI.S BadNewNam ; > 27 is too long (FixVolumeRenames case 1)<SM1>
TST.W D3 ; volume name should be non-zero
BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; br if nil
BSR DtrmV3 ; check source volume <20Sep85>
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; exit if no such volume
BSR CVFlgs ; see if can do.
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; br if no modification allowed
; TST.W VCBDrvNum(A2) ; make sure it's on-line, too
; BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; exit if not . . .
CMPI.W #$4244,VCBSigWord(A2); HFS volume? <15APR86> PWD
BEQ.S @50 ; Yes - make sure it's not ext. FS <15APR86> PWD
TST.W VCBDrvNum(A2) ; Volume on-line? <15APR86> PWD
BEQ.S RNmEx1 ; No - just forget it <15APR86> PWD
BRA.S @70 ; Yes - go and rename it <15APR86> PWD
@50 BSR ExtOffLinCk ; Our file system, on-line volume? <15APR86> PWD
BNE.S RNmEx1 ; If not, get out now <15APR86> PWD
@70 ; <15APR86> PWD
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),A1 ; get new name pointer
BSR SetVolName ; Change the volume name (blows D0) <13Jan86>
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE.S RNmExOK ; If not, we're all set (exit D0=0) <13Jan86>
; For Turbo volumes, the name of the root is maintained with the volume name:
MOVEQ #0,D2 ; No catalog hint for rename
MOVEQ #FSRtDirID,D0 ; Root directory
MOVEA.L D2,A0 ; Nil CName pointer
LEA VCBVN(A2),A1 ; Point at new name
JSR CMRenameCN ; Rename the catalog root directory
BRA RNmExit ; we're done (and hopefully OK)
; Routine: TFMove
; Arguments: A0 (input) -- pointer to parameter block:
; D0 (output) -- error code
; Calls: FSQueue,DtrmVol,FndFilName,CVFlgs,RemovEntry,FndFilSpc,
; GtEntryLen,CmdDone
; Function: Move a Cnode into a different directory
; Modification History:
; 13 Mar 85 PWD New today
; 6-Aug-85 PWD Fixed to call external file system for ext. fs volumes.
; 7-Aug-85 PWD Fixed to handle CMExists errors (generate DupFNErr)
; 9-Aug-85 PWD Changed to let CMMoveCN take care of updating VCB
; file/directory count fields.
; 22-Aug-85 PWD Fixed bug in dest. vol. determination by saving old FileName Ptr
BSR FSQueue ; Wait our turn
MOVE.L ioFileName(A0),-(A6); Save filename pointer <22Aug85>
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),ioFileName(A0) ; Use new file name <22Aug85>
BSR DtrmV3 ; To check dest. volume
MOVE.L (A6)+,ioFileName(A0); Restore original file name <22Aug85>
MOVE.L A2,A1 ; Save destination volume
MOVE.W D3,D7 ; Save volume spec'd indication
BSR DtrmV3 ; det vol source name is on
BNE.S MvExit ; exit if we can't determine volume
CMP.L A1,A2 ; are the names on the same volume?
BEQ.S MvNmOK ; if so, things are still OK
TST.W D7 ; otherwise, if dest didn't specify a volume,
BEQ.S MvNmOK ; it's ok: use source vol. as real default
BadMvName MOVEQ #BdNamErr,D0 ; Return bad name error
MvExit BRA CmdDone ; And terminate this I/O operation.
MvNmOK BSR CVFlgs ; is the volume locked/write protected?
BNE.S MvExit ; exit if so
BSR ExtOffLinCk ; Check if vol is on-line, and ours
BNE.S MvExit ; Punt if it's not
MOVEQ #ParamErr,D0 ; Assume all won't be well
BSR TFSVCBTst ; Are we dealing with a TFS volume? <01Oct85>
BNE.S MvExit ; If not, none of this makes sense
BSR FndFilName ; search directory for the source CNode
BNE.S MvExit ; if not around, bummers
MOVEQ #0,D3 ; Assume it's not a file for now
CMP.B #CDRFilRec,CDRType(A5) ; Is CNode a file?
BNE.S @0 ; If not, there's no file number to use later
MOVE.L filFlNum(A5),D3 ; Save file number
@0 MOVE.L D6,D4 ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L D7,D5 ; and corresponding catalog hint
MOVEM.L D2/A4,FSTemp8 ; Save source file name and length
MOVE.L IOFileName(A0),-(A6); Save source file spec.
MOVE.L IODirID(A0),-(A6) ; Save source DirID
MOVE.L IONewName(A0),IOFileName(A0) ; Get full new name
MOVE.L IONewDirID(A0),IODirID(A0) ; And new DirID spec
MOVEM.L D3-D5,-(A6) ; Save shelter registers across FndFilName
BSR FndFilName ; Look for the new file
MOVEM.L (A6)+,D3-D5 ; Restore copies of source DirID and hint
MOVE.L (A6)+,IODirID(A0) ; Restore original DirID
MOVE.L (A6)+,IOFileName(A0); Restore original file name
TST.W D0 ; Re-check result from FndFilName
BEQ.S @1 ; No error: check if CNode = directory
; There is one error expected from FndFilName: BdNamErr, which is returned for
; zero-length file names. Normally, this is uncool, but here we may be able
; to make do with just the DirID:
CMP.W #BdNamErr,D0 ; Was error as expected?
BNE.S MvExit ; Nope - pass it unchanged
TST.W D2 ; Check name length
BNE.S BadMvName ; If non-zero, it really IS bad news
BRA.S @2
@1 CMP.B #CDRDirRec,CDRType(A5) ; Was CNode found a directory?
BNE.S BadMvName ; If not, that's trouble
MOVE.L DIRDirID(A5),D6 ; Get this directory's ID
MOVEQ #0,D7 ; Hint is lost in the shuffle
@2 MOVEM.L FSTemp8,D2/A4 ; Retrieve source name and length
CMP.L D4,D6 ; Source and dest. DirID identical?
BEQ.S MvExOK ; If so, we're all set now
; OK, all seems well so far, move the CNode as requested:
BSR PushCName ; Set up dest. name string on A6 stack
MOVE.L D2,-(A6) ; Push rounded D2
MOVE.L D3,-(A6) ; Save file number
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; Source DirID
MOVE.L D5,D2 ; Source Catalog hint
MOVE.L D6,D1 ; Destination DirID
MOVE.L D7,D3 ; Destination catalog hint
SUBA.L A1,A1 ; Dest. is fully specified by dirID
JSR CMMoveCN ; Update the catalog
MOVE.L D2,D7 ; Stash the new catalog hint
MOVE.L (A6)+,D3 ; Restore file number
MOVE.L (A6)+,D2 ; Restore the rounded dest. string length
BSR PopCName ; Remove source name string
TST.W D0 ; So how DID the move go?
BEQ.S @10 ; If EQ, fine.
CMP.W #CMExists,D0 ; Just a duplication of effort here?
BNE.S @3 ; If not, that's REAL BAD news.
MOVEQ #DupFNErr,D0 ; Say it in words intelligble to the user
@3 BRA MvExit ; And PUNT.
; Finally, update any FCBs for the file if it's currently open:
@10 MOVE.L D3,D2 ; Set the file number to search for
BEQ.S MvExOK ; If it wasn't a file, don't bother looking
BSR Gt1stMatch ; Find the first file with a matching FlNum
BNE.S MvExOK ; If there are none, we're all set
@20 MOVE.L D7,FCBCatPos(A1,D1) ; Update catalog hint
MOVE.L D6,FCBDirID(A1,D1) ; Set up the new DirID
BSR GtNxtMatch ; And look for the next FCB
BEQ.S @20
MvExOK MOVEQ #0,D0 ; no errors
MvEx1 BRA MvExit