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OpenEdge ABL
226 lines
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OpenEdge ABL
File: dpMisc.p
Contains: Code for handling globals and identifying applications.
Written by: Nick Kledzik
Copyright: © 1989-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
This file is used in these builds: BigBang
Change History (most recent first):
<12> 11/26/90 ngk Added FailNonWrn and IgnoreWrn routines and
lots of comments about how failure handling works.
<11> 8/2/90 ngk add DoNotPutInRegister
<10> 7/30/90 ngk Added IgnoreOSErr
<9> 7/2/90 ngk Added IsEditionFile.
<8> 5/31/90 ngk Changed em globals from a handle to a pointer
<7> 4/7/90 ngk Add dynamic array. Add Failure handling. Fix USES
<6> 3/10/90 ngk Fixed order of USES files.
<5> 2/25/90 ngk Changed GetCurrentAppSignature to GetAppSignature.
<4> 2/4/90 ngk Removed Desktop database routines
<3> 1/8/90 ngk Renamed getCurrentAppRefNum
<2> 1/6/90 ngk Changed USES to use Editions.p and EditionsPrivate.p
<1.9> 11/13/89 ngk Added GetStateAndLock and RestoreState. Removed Desktop manger
externals. Cleaned up USEs.
<1.8> 11/4/89 ngk Changed AppRefNum to be a handle to app's globals.
<1.7> 10/24/89 ngk Put all interface stuff that should go in other parts of the
system here.
<1.6> 10/2/89 ngk EASE sucks
<•1.5> 10/2/89 ngk nothing
<1.4> 9/18/89 ngk Added unsigned multiple and divide
<1.3> 8/29/89 ngk Added GetCurrentAppSignature
<1.2> 8/8/89 ngk Added DeskTop Manager support routines.
<1.1> 5/29/89 ngk Changed to work with new dpCompileOptions scheme
<1.0> 5/19/89 ngk Submitted for first time
To Do:
UNIT dpMisc;
{ • public Interface files }
StandardEqu, Editions,
{ • private Interface files }
PROCEDURE UnSignedDivide(numerator: {unsigned}LONGINT;
denom: {unsigned}INTEGER;
VAR quotient,remainder: {unsigned}INTEGER);
PROCEDURE UnSignedMultiply(mult1, mult2: {unsigned}INTEGER;
VAR result: {unsigned}LONGINT);
FUNCTION dpGetGlobalsLocation: EdtnMgrGlobalsPtrPtr;
FUNCTION dp_CallEditionOpenerProc(selector: EditionOpenerVerb;
VAR PB: EditionOpenerParamBlock;
routine: EditionOpenerProcPtr): OSErr;
FUNCTION dp_CallFormatIOProc(selector: FormatIOVerb; VAR PB: FormatIOParamBlock;
routine: FormatIOProcPtr): OSErr;
PROCEDURE dpSetCurrentAppRefNum(app: AppRefNum);
FUNCTION dp_GetCurrentAppRefNum(VAR app: AppRefNum): OSErr;
FUNCTION GetAppSignature(PSN: ProcessSerialNumber; VAR signature: OSType): OSErr;
{ only called thruough QuitEditionPack }
PROCEDURE RemoveAppsGlobals(whichApp: AppRefNum);
FUNCTION dpSameBytes(aPtr, bPtr: UNIV Ptr; byteCount: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
FUNCTION dpNewDynamicArray(headerSize: Size; slotSize, initialSlots: INTEGER;
FUNCTION MyNewHandle(amount: Size): Handle;
VAR arrayH: DyanmicArrayHandle): OSErr;
FUNCTION dpFindElement(arrayH: DyanmicArrayHandle; headerSize: Size;
FUNCTION Matches(anEntryIndex: INTEGER; anEntryPtr: UNIV Ptr): BOOLEAN;
VAR foundIndex: INTEGER; VAR foundPtr: UNIV Ptr): BOOLEAN;
FUNCTION dpAddDynamicArrayEntry(arrayH: DyanmicArrayHandle; headerSize: Size;
VAR entryIndex: INTEGER; VAR entryPtr: UNIV Ptr): OSErr;
FUNCTION dpGetDynamicArrayEntry(arrayH: DyanmicArrayHandle; headerSize: Size;
entryIndex: INTEGER; VAR entryPtr: UNIV Ptr): OSErr;
FUNCTION IsEditionFile(fdType: OSType): BOOLEAN;
*** Failure handling stategy ***
Just about every routine in the Edition Mgr returns an OSErr. If the return
value is not noErr then the routine failed (unless it is a warning).
Originally, every routine had a local procedure called FailOSErr that checked
the return value and exited the main procedure if it was not noErr. It turned
out that the Pascal Compiler does no register allocation if a local procedure
exists. So the failure handling was changed to the follow general form:
step1: Boolean;
step2: Boolean;
fi: FailInfo;
step1 := FALSE;
step2 := FALSE;
IF IsFailure(fi, Foo) THEN
IF step1 THEN IgnoreOSErr(UndoStep1);
IF step2 THEN IgnoreOSErr(UndoStep2);
{ do step 1}
step1 := TRUE;
{ do step 2}
step2 := TRUE;
{ do step 3}
END; { Foo }
This whole scheme was developed for minimal code size. Here is a description:
1) IsFailure installs a failure handler and returns FALSE. If an error happens
afterwards, all registers (including SP and PC) are reset to their values
when IsFailure was last called, and IsFailure returns TRUE.
2) Success removes the last installed failure handler.
3) The compiler may put some local variable into registers. This is bad if
they are tested inside the failure case, because the registers are reset
by the failure handling scheme. So, any locals you need in the failure
case must be flagged by DoNotPutInRegister();
4) As a rule all exported routines (they all start with dp_) have a failure handler.
Internal routines may be simple enough to just return an error, or it may invoke
a failure. If you want to do something special if an internal routine returns a
particular error, then you can not use "anErr := dpInternal();". You must install
a dummy handler around the call. For example:
IF NOT IsFailure(fi, anErr) THEN { catch any failures properly }
{ CASE anErr OF ... }
5) IgnoreOSErr just pops the OSErr off the stack, totally ignoring it.
6) Some routines return warnings (i.e. notThePublisherWrn). Often you don't want to
fail with them. You can either use:
anErr := FailNonWrn(dpInternal());
FailNonWrn returns warnings and noErr, but call FailOSErr on anything else.
IgnoreWrn eats warnings and noErr, but call FailOSErr on anything else.
7) If no failure handler is installed and a failure happens, Debugger is called.
You should never let this happen! This is why all exported routines start with dp_.
{ fail if anErr <> 0 }
PROCEDURE FailOSErr(anErr: OSErr);
{ ignore any error }
PROCEDURE IgnoreOSErr(anErr: OSErr);
{ fail if anErr <> 0 and anErr <> a warning }
FUNCTION FailNonWrn(anErr: OSErr): OSErr;
{ ignore any warning, but fail if error }
PROCEDURE IgnoreWrn(anErr: OSErr);
{ call this at start of a function to install a failure handler }
{ It saves off all registers into 'info', including SP and PC }
{ and pushes it to the top of the failure handler stack }
{ Initializes 'resultValue' to noErr }
FUNCTION IsFailure(VAR info: FailInfo; VAR resultValue: OSErr): BOOLEAN;
{ call this at the end of a function to remove a failure handler }
PROCEDURE Success(VAR info: FailInfo);
{ this is needed for all variables in a function that will be tested }
{ in the IsFailure part. }
PROCEDURE DoNotPutInRegister(p: UNIV Ptr);
{$I dpCompileOptions.inc.p }
{$I dpMisc.inc.p }
END. { dpMisc }