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241 lines
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File: FontMath.c
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: © 1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<3> 11/9/90 MR Fix CompDiv when numer and denom have zero hi longs. [rb]
<2> 11/5/90 MR Remove Types.h from include list, rename FixMulDiv to LongMulDiv
<1> 10/20/90 MR Math routines for font scaler. [rj]
To Do:
#include "FSCdefs.h"
#include "FontMath.h"
void CompMul(long src1, long src2, long dst[2]);
long CompDiv(long src1, long src2[2]);
static void CompMul(long src1, long src2, long dst[2])
int negative = (src1 ^ src2) < 0;
register unsigned long dsthi, dstlo;
if (src1 < 0)
src1 = -src1;
if (src2 < 0)
src2 = -src2;
{ unsigned short src1hi, src1lo;
register unsigned short src2hi, src2lo;
register unsigned long temp;
src1hi = src1 >> 16;
src1lo = src1;
src2hi = src2 >> 16;
src2lo = src2;
temp = (unsigned long)src1hi * src2lo + (unsigned long)src1lo * src2hi;
dsthi = (unsigned long)src1hi * src2hi + (temp >> 16);
dstlo = (unsigned long)src1lo * src2lo;
temp <<= 16;
dsthi += (dstlo += temp) < temp;
dst[0] = dsthi;
dst[1] = dstlo;
if (negative)
if (dstlo = -dstlo)
dsthi = ~dsthi;
dsthi = -dsthi;
dst[0] = dsthi;
dst[1] = dstlo;
static long CompDiv(long src1, long src2[2])
register unsigned long src2hi = src2[0], src2lo = src2[1];
int negative = (long)(src2hi ^ src1) < 0;
if ((long)src2hi < 0)
if (src2lo = -src2lo)
src2hi = ~src2hi;
src2hi = -src2hi;
if (src1 < 0)
src1 = -src1;
{ register unsigned long src1hi, src1lo;
unsigned long result = 0, place = 0x40000000;
if ((src1hi = src1) & 1)
src1lo = 0x80000000;
src1lo = 0;
src1hi >>= 1;
src2hi += (src2lo += src1hi) < src1hi; /* round the result */
if (src2hi > src1hi || src2hi == src1hi && src2lo >= src1lo)
if (negative)
while (place && src2hi)
{ src1lo >>= 1;
if (src1hi & 1)
src1lo += 0x80000000;
src1hi >>= 1;
if (src1hi < src2hi)
{ src2hi -= src1hi;
src2hi -= src1lo > src2lo;
src2lo -= src1lo;
result += place;
else if (src1hi == src2hi && src1lo <= src2lo)
{ src2hi = 0;
src2lo -= src1lo;
result += place;
place >>= 1;
if (src2lo >= src1)
result += src2lo/src1;
if (negative)
return -result;
return result;
* a*b/c
long LongMulDiv(long a, long b, long c)
long temp[2];
CompMul(a, b, temp);
return CompDiv(c, temp);
long ShortFracMul(long a, ShortFrac b)
int negative = false;
uint16 al, ah;
uint32 lowlong, midlong, hilong;
if (a < 0) { a = -a; negative = true; }
if (b < 0) { b = -b; negative ^= true; }
al = LOWORD(a); ah = HIWORD(a);
midlong = USHORTMUL(ah, b);
hilong = midlong & 0xFFFF0000;
midlong <<= 16;
midlong += 1 << 13;
lowlong = USHORTMUL(al, b) + midlong;
if (lowlong < midlong)
hilong += ONEFIX;
midlong = (lowlong >> 14) | (hilong << 2);
return negative ? -midlong : midlong;
int32 ShortMulDiv(int32 a, int16 b, int16 c)
return LongMulDiv(a, b, c);
ShortFrac ShortFracDot(ShortFrac a, ShortFrac b)
return SHORTMUL(a,b) + (1 << 13) >> 14;
#define FASTMUL26LIMIT 46340
* Total precision routine to multiply two 26.6 numbers <3>
F26Dot6 Mul26Dot6(F26Dot6 a, F26Dot6 b)
int negative = false;
uint16 al, bl, ah, bh;
uint32 lowlong, midlong, hilong;
if ((a <= FASTMUL26LIMIT) && (b <= FASTMUL26LIMIT) && (a >= -FASTMUL26LIMIT) && (b >= -FASTMUL26LIMIT))
return a * b + (1 << 5) >> 6; /* fast case */
if (a < 0) { a = -a; negative = true; }
if (b < 0) { b = -b; negative ^= true; }
al = LOWORD(a); ah = HIWORD(a);
bl = LOWORD(b); bh = HIWORD(b);
midlong = USHORTMUL(al, bh) + USHORTMUL(ah, bl);
hilong = USHORTMUL(ah, bh) + HIWORD(midlong);
midlong <<= 16;
midlong += 1 << 5;
lowlong = USHORTMUL(al, bl) + midlong;
hilong += lowlong < midlong;
midlong = (lowlong >> 6) | (hilong << 26);
return negative ? -midlong : midlong;
#define FASTDIV26LIMIT (1L << 25)
* Total precision routine to divide two 26.6 numbers <3>
F26Dot6 Div26Dot6(F26Dot6 num, F26Dot6 den)
int negative = false;
register uint32 hinum, lownum, hiden, lowden, result, place;
if (den == 0) return (num < 0 ) ? NEGINFINITY : POSINFINITY;
if ( (num <= FASTDIV26LIMIT) && (num >= -FASTDIV26LIMIT) ) /* fast case */
return (num << 6) / den;
if (num < 0) { num = -num; negative = true; }
if (den < 0) { den = -den; negative ^= true; }
hinum = ((uint32)num >> 26);
lownum = ((uint32)num << 6);
hiden = den;
lowden = 0;
result = 0;
place = HIBITSET;
if (hinum >= hiden) return negative ? NEGINFINITY : POSINFINITY;
while (place)
lowden >>= 1;
if (hiden & 1) lowden += HIBITSET;
hiden >>= 1;
if (hiden < hinum)
hinum -= hiden;
hinum -= lowden > lownum;
lownum -= lowden;
result += place;
else if (hiden == hinum && lowden <= lownum)
hinum = 0;
lownum -= lowden;
result += place;
place >>= 1;
return negative ? -result : result;