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; File: TimeMgr.a
; Contains: The Macintosh OS Time Manager
; Written by: Gary G. Davidian
; Copyright: © 1988-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM5> 11/9/93 KW added some eieioSTP macros. Only expands for CygnusX1 ROM
; <SM4> 11/12/92 PN Get rid of ≥ 020 conditionals for ROM builds
; <3> 9/10/92 AEK Roll in new _microseconds and PrimeTime fix from Quicktime
; code for _microseconds was already there, so just remove old one
; <2> 3/27/92 JSM Merge in Philip’s change: Export Labels for Patch roll-in.
; <1> • Pre-SuperMario comments follow •
; <9> 2/12/92 JSM Moved this file to TimeMgr folder, keeping all the old
; revisions.
; <8> 11/16/91 DTY Checked in Wayne Meretzky’s new version of __MicroSeconds,
; conditionalized for TheFuture.
; <7> 9/9/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <6> 9/22/90 dba Break some routines into separate PROCs so they can be cut back
; in the linked patch version. Also change conditionals so the the
; linked patch version of the Time Mgr. is universal (does not
; assume 68020 or existence of the Power Mgr. chip). This file is
; now used as the source both of the Time Mgr. in ROM and of the
; Time Mgr. patches.
; <5> 9/19/90 BG Removed <3>. 040s are behaving more reliably now.
; <4> 7/25/90 GGD Added support for the _MicroSeconds trap which returns a 64 bit
; Microsecond counter which is usefull for timestamping and
; timing. Deleted some Eclipse NOPs which would not be assembled
; for 68040s
; <3> 6/20/90 CCH Added some NOPs for flaky 68040's.
; <2> 1/12/90 CCH Added include of “HardwarePrivateEqu.a”.
; <1.4> 11/13/89 MSH Pmgr equates now in record format.
; <1.3> 2/23/89 GGD Stored the underflow retry adjustment constant in RAM to allow
; better patching flexability. On systems with PowerManagers,
; switch into fast mode in FreezeTime, and restore mode in
; ThawTime, to reduce drift in the time critical section, and to
; prevent a potential loop in the underflow path.
; <1.2> 1/30/89 GGD Added new features for BigBang and the new ROMs. This includes
; support for extended time manager tasks, and improves accuracy
; and reduces drift even more.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.4> 10/16/88 GGD Changed resolution to 20µs with range of 1 day. Improved long
; term accuracy, and added initialization code to do runtime
; timings to make it processor speed independent. Coded around the
; bug in Rockwell VIA timers. Removed machine specific
; conditionals in favor of the "Cpu" equate. Improved conversion
; constants for better accuracy. Went back to having state in the
; system heap.
; <•1.3> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.2> 8/16/88 GGD Added InitTimeMgr initialization routine. Changed usage of
; TimeVars, is now head of active list, no state in SysHeap.
; <1.1> 8/5/88 GGD Completely re-written. Lots of bug fixes and new features.
; 7/26/88 GGD Completely re-wrote the Time Manager, replacing all of the code
; and comments from the old version. This version fixes numerous
; bugs, and adds several new features.
; <1.0> 2/10/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
TITLE 'Time Manager - Macintosh Time Manager'
; Macintosh Time Manager.
; Written by Gary G. Davidian, July 26, 1988.
print off
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
print on,nomdir
if forROM then
use68020Opcodes: equ 1
machine MC68020
use68020Opcodes: equ 0
machine MC68020 ; some 020 opcodes in stuff that is run-time determined
; globals in system heap (same RECORD in TimeMgrPatch.a; move it to an equate file if you like)
TimeMgrPrivate record 0,increment ; time manager private storage
ActivePtr ds.l 1 ; pointer to soonest active request
TimerAdjust ds.b 1 ; number of VIA ticks used loading timer
TimerLowSave ds.b 1 ; low byte of VIA timer from last FreezeTime <4>
RetryAdjust ds.w 1 ; number of via ticks for underflow retry
CurrentTime ds.l 1 ; number of virtual ticks since boot
BackLog ds.l 1 ; number of virtual ticks of ready tasks
**** NOTE: The ordering of the following 4 fields must not change (FreezeTime Depends on it) <4>
HighUSecs ds.l 1 ; high 32 bits of microsecond count <4>
LowUSecs ds.l 1 ; low 32 bits of microsecond count <4>
FractUSecs ds.w 1 ; 16 bit fractional microsecond count <4>
CurTimeThresh ds.w 1 ; CurrentTime threshold for updating µsec count <4>
**** end of order dependent fields <4>
PrivateSize equ *-TimeMgrPrivate ; size of this record
USecsInc equ $FFF2E035 ; 65522.8758µsec (16.16 fixed point) <4>
ThreshInc equ 3208 ; = 3208 internal ticks <4>
; The time manager maintains a linked list of tasks that are waiting for
; their timer to run out. The list is ordered by expiration time, with
; ActivePtr pointing to the task with the earliest timeout. The tmCount
; field of the each task on the list contains the number of virtual ticks
; a task must wait after the task in front of it expires. For the task
; at the head of the list, this is the time to wait after the VIA timer
; expires.
; The TimerAdjust variable is used to account for the number of VIA ticks
; that go by while we are trying to load a new timer value. This is
; computed at runtime, so that it is processor speed independent.
; User visible changes since Inside Macintosh Vol. 4 was published.
; 1) tmCount field is a LONGINT, not an INTEGER (documentation error).
; 2) RmvTime, and PrimeTime now correctly return a result code (noErr)
; in register D0. Numerous other bugs that were not as visible have
; also been fixed.
; 3) Time can be represented in microseconds as well as milliseconds.
; Negative values represent negated microseconds. (Although microseconds
; can be specified, the actual resolution of the time manager is
; currently closer to 20 microseconds).
; 4) The high order bit of qType is now a flag to indicate that the
; task timer is active. Set by PrimeTime, cleared when time expires
; or RmvTime is called. Initialized cleared by InsTime.
; 5) tmAddr may be set to zero to indicate that no completion routine
; should be called. (The flag mentioned above may be used to determine
; if the time has expired).
; 6) The completion routine is now passed a pointer (in register A1) to
; the TMTask record associated with it. This makes it more usable
; under Multi-Finder.
; 7) When RmvTime is called on an active task, the tmCount field will
; be returned with the amount of remaining time that had not been
; used (in negative microseconds, or positive milliseconds). If
; the task had already expired, tmCount will contain zero. This
; allows the Time Manager to be used to compute elapsed times, which
; is useful for performance measurments.
; 8) In order to provide better resolution than 1 millisecond, the maximum
; delay time was reduced from about 24 days, to currently about 1 day.
; Larger delay times may still be specified to PrimeTime, but they will
; be converted to the largest possible time instead.
; 9) Support for Extended Time Manager Tasks has been added, _InsXTime is
; used to install them. The new field tmWakeUp is used by the TimeMgr
; to remember when a _PrimeTime is supposed to expire. When _PrimeTime
; is called, if tmWakeUp is non-zero, then the new wakeup time will be
; relative to the old tmWakeUp, instead of relative to the current time.
; This allows for drift free fixed frequency timing tasks, which is needed
; by the Sound Manager.
TITLE 'Time Manager - Equates'
TaskActiveBit equ 7 ; high bit of QType word is active flag
ExtendedTmTaskBit equ 6 ; indicates an extended TmTask record
T2IntBit equ 5 ; VIER/VIFR bit num for VIA Timer 2
; Representations of time in the Time Manager.
; Time is represented externally in two ways, both are stored in a longword,
; if the value is positive, it represents milliseconds, and if it is
; negative, it represents negated microseconds. This representation is used
; as the delay time input to PrimeTime, and as the unused remaining time
; output by RmvTime.
; The VIA1 Timer2 is the 16 bit hardware timer used by the time manager.
; On all current machines, it decrements at a rate of 783360 Hz, and
; generates an interrupt, and keeps counting, when it counts through zero.
; This provides resolution of 1.276 µsec, and a range of 83.660 msec.
; Internally the time manager represents time as a virtual unsigned 36 bit
; VIA timer, which gives a range of about 1 day. However, since we only
; have 32 bits to store time in, we drop the low 4 bits of the timer,
; which reduces the resolution by a factor of 16 to 20.425 µsec.
; Converting between the external and internal forms of time is done by
; multiplying by the proper fixed point constants, and shifting the binary
; point of the 64 bit result to get just the integer portion of the result.
; The computation of the 32 bit conversion constants requires 64 bit
; intermediate results, and unfortunatly the assembler only provides 32
; bit expression evaluation, so the proper constants were computed with
; a 64 bit hex caculator, and hard coded here (yuck!). These are not
; "Magic Numbers", the formula for computing them is provided, so that
; they may be re-computed if any of the parameters ever change.
TicksPerSec equ 783360 ; VIA Timer clock rate
TickScale equ 4 ; Internal time is VIA ticks >> TickScale
MsToIntFractBits equ 26 ; number of fraction bits in 64 bit result
*MsToInternal equ ((TicksPerSec<<(MsToIntFractBits-TickScale))\
MsToInternal equ $C3D70A3E ; msec to internal time multiplier
UsToIntFractBits equ 32 ; number of fraction bits in 64 bit result
*UsToInternal equ ((TicksPerSec<<(UsToIntFractBits-TickScale))\
UsToInternal equ $0C88A47F ; µsec to internal time multiplier
IntToMsFractBits equ 32 ; number of fraction bits in 64 bit result
*InternalToMs equ ((1000<<(IntToMsFractBits+TickScale))\
InternalToMs equ $053A8FE6 ; internal time to msec multiplier
IntToUsFractBits equ 27 ; number of fraction bits in 64 bit result
*InternalToUs equ ((1000000<<(IntToUsFractBits+TickScale))\
InternalToUs equ $A36610BC ; internal time to µsec multiplier
macro ; Macro for interfacing with the MultAndMerge routine.
Convert &Multiplier,&FractionBits
bsr.s MultAndMerge ; input/output is D0
dc.l &Multiplier ; conversion multiplier
if &eval(&FractionBits)=32 then
dc.l 0 ; merge mask (low 32 bits all fraction)
dc.l -1<<&FractionBits ; merge mask (some low bits not fraction)
rol.l #32-&FractionBits,d0 ; position result after merge
TITLE 'Time Manager - Remove Time Manager Task'
TimeMgr proc export
export __InsTime ; Install Time Manager Task
export __RmvTime ; Remove Time Manager Task
export __PrimeTime ; Initiate Time Manager Task Delay
import FreezeTime ; Stop timer
entry ThawTime ; Start timer (used by InitTimeMgr)
entry Timer2Int ; Interrupt handler (vector set up by InitTimeMgr)
with TimeMgrPrivate
; Routine: RmvTime
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to Time Manager Task to remove
; Outputs: D0 - error code (noErr)
; Destroys: none
; Calls: FreezeTime, ThawTime, MultAndMerge
; Called by: OsTrap dispatcher
; Function: Removes the specified Time Manager Task from the control
; of the Time Manager. If PrimeTime had been previously
; called for this task, and the time has not expired yet,
; the amount of unused time will be returned in the tmCount
; field. The unused time will be represented in negated
; microseconds, if it is not too large to fit within 32 bits
; otherwise it will be represented in positive milliseconds.
; Additionally, the TaskActiveBit of the QType field will
; be cleared to indicate that the timer task is no longer
; active.
export AfterFreezeTimeInRmvTime
__RmvTime ; a0-a2/d1-d2 saved by dispatcher
move.l d3,-(sp) ; save d3 also
jsr FreezeTime ; setup to manipulate time queue
moveq.l #0,d2 ; D2 : total time remaining
lea ActivePtr-Qlink(a2),a1 ; A1 : previous := head
@SearchLoop move.l QLink(a1),d0 ; D0 : next := previous.QLink
beq.s @NotActive ; if end, not an active task
exg.l a1,d0 ; A1 : previous := next (save old previous)
move.l tmCount(a1),d1 ; get delay between previous and next
add.l d1,d2 ; add to total time remaining
cmpa.l a0,a1 ; is this the one to remove?
bne.s @SearchLoop ; loop until it is found
movea.l d0,a1 ; A1 : old previous
move.l QLink(a0),d0 ; get successor to removee
move.l d0,QLink(a1) ; previous points to successor
beq.s @Removed ; if no successor, don't adjust time
movea.l d0,a1 ; get pointer to successor
add.l d1,tmCount(a1) ; pass removees time to successor
@Removed move.l d2,d0 ; setup total time remaining in D0
@NotActive ; at this point D0 is total time remaining
sub.l BackLog(a2),d0 ; don't count the backlog
bhs.s @GotRemaining ; if still time remaining
moveq.l #0,d0 ; otherwise, all backlog, return zero time
bsr.w ThawTime ; done manipulating time queue
movea.l d0,a1 ; save a copy of internal time
convert InternalToUs,IntToUsFractBits ; convert internal to µsec
neg.l d0 ; µsecs are passed negated
bmi.s @ConvertDone ; if it fits we're done
move.l a1,d0 ; restore copy of internal time
convert InternalToMs,IntToMsFractBits ; convert internal to msec
move.l d0,tmCount(a0) ; return unused delay time
move.l (sp)+,d3 ; restore saved d3
moveq.l #0,d1 ; clear all of the flags
; (fall in) bra.s __InsTime ; mark task inactive, return with success
TITLE 'Time Manager - Install Time Manager Task'
; Routine: InsTime
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to Time Manager Task to install
; Outputs: D0 - error code (noErr)
; Destroys: none
; Calls: none
; Called by: OsTrap dispatcher, RmvTime (falls into)
; Function: Initializes the fields of a Time Manager Task, to indicate
; that it is inactive.
; NOTE: This routine is documented in Inside Machintosh Vol 4., and
; was used by the old Time Manager to install the task on the
; Time Manager queue. In this version of the Time Manager, the
; queue only contains active tasks, so installation is done by
; _PrimeTime now.
__InsTime ; a0-a2/d1-d2 saved by dispatcher
moveq.l #$1F,d0 ; mask to clear flag bits in QType
and.b QType(a0),d0 ; clear the flags
andi.w #$0600,d1 ; isolate 2 flag bits from trap word
lsr.w #4,d1 ; position the 3 flag bits (high bit zeroed)
or.b d1,d0 ; merge into QType high byte
move.b d0,QType(a0) ; save flags, mark the task initially inactive
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return success
rts ; all done
TITLE 'Time Manager - Multiply 32 by 32'
; Routine: MultAndMerge
; Inputs: D0 - 32 bit multiplier
; (return PC) - 32 bit multiplicand
; (return PC+4) - 32 bit merge mask
; Outputs: D0 - upper 32 bits of 64 bit product, merged with selected
; bits of lower 32 bits of 64 bit product as specified by
; merge mask.
; Destroys: A2, D1, D2, D3
; Calls: none
; Called by: PrimeTime, RmvTime
; Function: Performs a 32 by 32 bit multiply producing a 64 bit result.
; Same function as the 68020 MULU.L D0,D0:D1 instruction.
; The 64 bit product is then merged into a 32 bit result, by
; using a merge mask which has bits set corresponding to which
; bits in the low 32 bits of the product are to be merged into
; the corresponding bit positions of the high 32 bits of the
; product. If the bits specified in the merge mask an non-zero
; in the high 32 bits of the product, then a result of all ones
; will be returned to indicate overflow.
; This routine is used to perform fixed point multiplication,
; where the position of the implied binary point may vary.
; Note: D0 = A B, D1 := C D. Product is derived as follows.
; B*D
; + B*C
; + A*D
; + A*C
; result in d0, d1
; trashes d2, d3
move.l d4,-(sp) ; preserve d4
move.l d1,d2 ; D2 := C D
move.l d1,d3 ; D3 := C D
mulu.w d0,d1 ; D1 := B*D
swap d1 ;
swap d3 ; D3 := D C
mulu.w d0,d3 ; D3 := B*C
swap d0 ; D0 := B A
ext.l d0 ; D0 := A (sign extended)
move.w d0,d4 ; D4 := A
beq.s @ShortMul ; if A is zero, skip next 2 mults
mulu.w d2,d4 ; D4 := A*D
swap d2 ; D2 := D C
mulu.w d2,d0 ; D0 := A*C
add.l d4,d3 ; D3 := A*D + B*C
clr.w d4 ;
addx.w d4,d4 ; D4 := carry from A*D + B*C
@ShortMul add.w d3,d1 ; add middle product to low product
swap d1 ; D1 := low 32 bits of product
move.w d4,d3 ; D3 := copy saved carry
swap d3 ; D3 := high 17 bits of A*D + B*C
addx.l d3,d0 ; D0 := high 32 bits of product
move.l (sp)+,d4 ; restore d4
export MultAndMerge
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; pop return address
move.l (a2)+,d1 ; get multiplicand
if forROM then
mulu.l d0,d0:d1 ; d0:d1 := d0*d1
tst.b CPUFlag ; are we on a machine with long multiply?
bz.s @noLongMultiply
mulu.l d0,d0:d1 ; d0:d1 := d0*d1
bra.s @didMultiply
mulud0d168000 ; d0:d1 := d0*d1 (trash d2, d3)
move.l (a2)+,d2 ; get merge mask
beq.s @Done ; if zero, result in d0 is correct
and.l d2,d1 ; get the non-fraction bits from d1
add.l d0,d2 ; corresponding bits in d0 should be zero
subx.l d2,d2 ; d2 = -1 if d0 overflowed, else zero
or.l d2,d0 ; return d0 = -1 if overflow
or.l d1,d0 ; merge bits from d1 into d0
@Done jmp (a2) ; return to code after constant list
TITLE 'Time Manager - Prime Time Manager Task'
; Routine: PrimeTime
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to Time Manager Task to schedule
; D0 - [long] if >= 0, Delay Time in positive milliseconds
; if < 0, Delay Time in negated microseconds
; Outputs: D0 - error code (noErr)
; Destroys: none
; Calls: FreezeTime, ThawTime, MultAndMerge
; Called by: OsTrap dispatcher
; Function: Schedules a Time Manager Task to run after the specified
; Delay Time expires. The Delay Time may be specified in
; milliseconds, in which case, it must be a positive number,
; or it can be specified in microseconds, in which case, it
; must be negated first.
; Additionally, the TaskActiveBit of the QType field will
; be set to indicate that the timer task is currently active,
; and will be cleared when the specified time has expired.
; NOTE: The Time Manager does not support delay times as long as the
; maximum number of milliseconds that can be passed to this call.
; If delay time specified is too large, then the maximum delay
; time supported will be used instead.
export AfterFreezeTimeInPrimeTime
; a0-a2/d1-d2 saved by dispatcher
__PrimeTime move.l d3,-(sp) ; save d3 also
; start of code from Quicktime patch
; attempts to keep backlog from becoming very large
btst.b #ExtendedTmTaskBit, qType(a0)
beq.s @notExtended
lea 3+tmReserved(a0), a1
tst.l tmWakeUp(a0)
beq.s @startNew
tst.l d0
beq.s @checkCount
clr.b (a1)
bra.s @notExtended
addq.b #1, (a1)
bpl.s @notExtended
bclr.b #ExtendedTmTaskBit, qType(a0)
; end of code from Quicktime patch
tst.l d0 ; see if +msec or -µsec
bpl.s @msec ; µsec are negated, msec pos
@usec neg.l d0 ; get positive number of µsecs
convert UsToInternal,UsToIntFractBits ; convert µsec to internal
bra.s @ConvertDone ; join common code
@msec convert MsToInternal,MsToIntFractBits ; convert msec to internal
jsr FreezeTime ; setup to manipulate time queue
bset.b #TaskActiveBit,QType(a0); mark the task as active
bne.s @AlreadyActive ; if already on the queue don't touch it
btst.b #ExtendedTmTaskBit,QType(a0) ; check for extended tmTask
beq.s @AddToActive ; of standard tmTask, nothing special to do
move.l CurrentTime(a2),d2 ; get current time
move.l tmWakeUp(a0),d1 ; get wake time from last _PrimeTime
beq.s @SetNewWakeTime ; if not set, delay relative to CurrentTime
sub.l d2,d1 ; d1 := time since/till last wakeup
bpl.s @WakeInFuture ; if time till, just add to it
add.l d1,d0 ; subtract time since from desired delay
bcs.s @SetNewWakeTime ; if time still positive, use it
add.l d0,d2 ; new wakeup := old + delay
bne.s @WakeupInPast ; zero is special wakeup value, don't allow it
moveq.l #1,d2 ; use one instead of zero
move.l d2,tmWakeUp(a0) ; update wakeup.
move.l d0,d1 ; remember negated delay
sub.l d0,BackLog(a2) ; remember how late we are
moveq.l #0,d0 ; for negative delay, use zero
lea ActivePtr-Qlink(a2),a1 ; A1 : previous := head
move.l QLink(a1),d2 ; D2 : next := previous.QLink
beq.s @Insert ; if empty, make it the head
exg.l a1,d2 ; A1 : previous := next (save old previous)
sub.l d1,tmCount(a1) ; add backlog of new task to old first task
exg.l a1,d2 ; restore prior previous and next ptrs
bra.s @Insert ; add it to the active list
add.l d1,d0 ; add time till desired delay
add.l d0,d2 ; new wakeup := old + delay
bne.s @StoreWakeup ; zero is special wakeup value, don't allow it
moveq.l #1,d2 ; use one instead of zero
move.l d2,tmWakeUp(a0) ; update wakeup.
add.l BackLog(a2),d0 ; run it after all pending tasks
lea ActivePtr-Qlink(a2),a1 ; A1 : previous := head
@SearchLoop move.l QLink(a1),d2 ; D2 : next := previous.QLink
beq.s @Insert ; if end, insert after previous
exg.l a1,d2 ; A1 : previous := next (save old previous)
move.l tmCount(a1),d1 ; get delay between previous and next
sub.l d1,d0 ; subtract from our delay time
bhs.s @SearchLoop ; loop until our delay between prev and next
add.l d1,d0 ; d0 := delay between previous and new
sub.l d0,d1 ; d1 := delay between new and next
move.l d1,tmCount(a1) ; adjust next task delay time
exg.l a1,d2 ; restore prior previous and next ptrs
@Insert move.l d2,QLink(a0) ; new task followed by next task
move.l d0,tmCount(a0) ; setup new task delay time
move.l a0,QLink(a1) ; previous task followed by new task
bsr.s ThawTime ; done manipulating time queue
move.l (sp)+,d3 ; restore saved d3
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return success
rts ; all done
TITLE 'Time Manager - Timer 2 Interrupt Handler'
; Routine: Timer2Int
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: A0, A1, A2, A3, D0, D1, D2, D3
; Calls: FreezeTime, ThawTime, tmAddr service routine.
; Called by: VIA 1 system interrupt handler
; Function: Services the timer interrupt, and calls the service routine
; if task at the head of the list has expired, or continues
; it running if more time remaining. If nothing on timer
; list, just disables the timer.
; NOTE: The TaskActiveBit in the QType field will be cleared when the
; task timer expires so that applications can poll the timer for
; completion. If the tmAddr field is zero, the service routine
; will not be called. When the service routine is called, A0 points
; to the service routine itself, and A1 points to the expired
; Time Manager task.
export AfterFreezeTimeInTimer2Int
Timer2Int ; a0-a3/d0-d3 saved by IntHand
jsr FreezeTime ; stop the timer, adjust time remaining <4>
move.l ActivePtr(a2),d0 ; get pointer to first active timer task
beq.s ThawTime ; if nothing in queue, just exit
movea.l d0,a0 ; A0 := pointer to timer task
tst.l tmCount(a0) ; see if timer expired
bne.s ThawTime ; if not, let it continue running
move.l QLink(a0),ActivePtr(a2) ; remove it from the active list
bclr.b #TaskActiveBit,QType(a0); mark the task as completed
bsr.s ThawTime ; start next timer running
move.l tmAddr(a0),d0 ; get service routine address
beq.s @NoHandler ; if no service routine, just exit
movea.l a0,a1 ; A1 := pointer to queue element
movea.l d0,a0 ; A0 := address of service routine
jmp (a0) ; return through the service routine
@NoHandler rts ; all done
TITLE 'Time Manager - Thaw Time'
; Routine: ThawTime
; Inputs: A2 - ptr to TimeMgrPrivate
; D3.hi - saved SR (interrupt priority)
; D3.lo - value read from the low byte of the VIA timer masked
; to virtual ticks.
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: D1, D2, A1, A2
; Calls: none
; Called by: RmvTime, PrimeTime, Timer2Int
; Function: Starts timer, based upon head of timer list, adjusts
; time remaining for head of list. Restores interrupt
; priority level.
ThawTime move.l #$0000FFFF>>TickScale,d2; max range (internal form) of VIA timer
add.b TimerAdjust(a2),d3 ; add in the timer loading overhead
move.l ActivePtr(a2),d1 ; check pointer to first active timer task
beq.s @StartTimer ; if no tasks, just start timer with max
movea.l d1,a1 ; point to head of active list
move.l tmCount(a1),d1 ; get time remaining for head
sub.l BackLog(a2),d1 ; remove as much backlog as possible
bhs.s @NoBacklog ; if tmCount >= BackLog
neg.l d1 ; BackLog - tmCount
move.l d1,BackLog(a2) ; update backlog
moveq.l #0,d1 ; run immediatly
bra.s @FindMax ; update timer
@NoBackLog clr.l BackLog(a2) ; no backlog remaining
@FindMax cmp.l d2,d1 ; check remaining time against max
bhs.s @UseMax ; if remaining >= max, use the max instead
move.l d1,d2 ; otherwise, use time remaining
@UseMax sub.l d2,d1 ; remaining := remaining - timer value
move.l d1,tmCount(a1) ; update time remaining
@StartTimer movea.l VIA,a1 ; get base address of VIA1
lea vT2C(a1),a1 ; point to low byte of counter for speed
move.w d3,d1 ; save copy of adjusted original low byte
@Retry add.l d2,CurrentTime(a2) ; update current time
lsl.w #TickScale,d2 ; convert internal form to VIA form
lea vT2CH-vT2C(a1),a2 ; point to high byte for speed
; *** Begining of time critical section
sub.b vT2C-vT2C(a1),d3 ; see how many ticks of overhead used
sub.w d3,d2 ; subtract out overhead ticks
bls.s @Underflow ; if less than 1 tick, fix it up
; VIAs from Rockwell (which we have been shipping for several years) and possibly
; other vendors have a bug. If you load the counter high byte in the same clock
; as the old counter value is counting through zero, when the new counter value
; counts through zero the VIA will not generate an interrupt. To work around this
; "feature", we first load a dummy non-zero value into the high byte of the counter,
; and then load the value we really wanted. This should allow enough time to
; guarantee that it will not be counting through zero at the time we load the real
; counter value. This fixes the "AppleShare server hang problem".
move.b d1,vT2CH-vT2CH(a2) ; *** ROCKWELL VIA FIX, DON'T REMOVE ***
move.b d2,vT2C-vT2C(a1) ; setup timer low byte latch
if use68020Opcodes then ; 68020 shifting is fast
lsr.w #8,d2 ; get high byte of time
move.b d2,vT2CH-vT2CH(a2) ; load high byte of timer, start timer
else ; 68000 shifting is slower than memory
move.w d2,-(sp) ; get high byte of time
move.b (sp)+,vT2CH-vT2CH(a2) ; load high byte of timer, start timer
; *** End of time critical section
if forROM then
if hasPowerMgr then
movea.l PMgrBase,a2 ; PMgr gobals.
cmpi.b #1,PMgrRec.saveSpeedo(a2) ; see if we need to be idle
bne.s @RemainFast ; if not, remain running at fast speed.
tst.w Clock1M ; return processor to idle.
swap d3 ; get saved sr from high word
move.w d3,sr ; restore interrupt priority level
rts ; all done
@Underflow add.w d2,d3 ; recompute original delay value
sub.b d3,d1 ; adjust initial timer low byte
neg.w d2 ; make excess time positive
movea.l TimeVars,a2 ; point to TimeMgrPrivate
add.w RetryAdjust(a2),d2 ; round up before conversion, add in some extra time
lsr.w #TickScale,d2 ; convert it to virtual ticks
add.l d2,BackLog(a2) ; remember how negative we are for next freeze
move.w d1,d3 ; restore initial timer low byte
bra.s @Retry ; now go reload the timer
TITLE 'Time Manager - Read 64 bit MicroSecond counter'
;_______________________________________________________________________ <4>
; Routine: MicroSeconds
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: A0/D0 - 64 bit counter (A0=High, D0=Low)
; Destroys: none
; Calls: none
; Called by: OsTrap dispatcher
; Function: Returns the value of the 64 bit microsecond counter, which
; is useful for timestamping.
__MicroSeconds: proc export ; a0-a2/d1-d2 saved by dispatcher
with TimeMgrPrivate
movem.l d3-d5,-(sp) ; save some others as well
movea.l VIA,a1 ; get base address of VIA1
movea.l TimeVars,a0 ; point to TimeMgrPrivate
moveq.l #0,d1 ; d1 := 0
move.w sr,-(sp)
ori.w #$0700,sr ; disable interrupts
; First we'll read the VIA timer. This is complicated by three
; bits of trivia. First, if an interrupt is pending then reading
; lower eight bits would clear that interrupt so we'll avoid that by
; not reading the actual value in the low eight bits but just using
; zero instead. In fact, because the interrupt may become pending
; between reading the upper and lower bytes we won't read the
; lower byte if the upper byte is a zero even if no interrupt is yet
; pending. The second problem is that between reading the upper
; byte and the lower byte, the lower byte could decrement from 00
; to FF which would mean the upper byte value is wrong. So we'll
; re-read the upper byte after reading the lower byte and if they're
; not equal we'll retry the entire read operation. Finally, in
; the case where the interrupt is pending we must adjust the value
; to take into account the implied latency.
; When we're done we'll have a 32-bit signed value in d1 which can
; be combined with CurrentTime to yield the actual time. Also,
; we'll have the low eight bits from the VIA in d0.
move.b vT2CH(a1),d1 ; d1 := MSBs of timer
btst.b #T2IntBit,vIFR(a1) ; is the interrupt pending?
beq.s no_overflow
overflow: moveq.l #-1,d1 ; force upper bits to ones
move.b d1,d0 ; generate fake LSBs
move.b vT2CH(a1),d1 ; re-read timer in case of roll-over
rol.w #8,d1 ; position MSBs; LSBs become 1's
bra.s done_reading_via
no_overflow:tst.b d1
retry: beq.s dont_read_lsbs ; don't clear the interrupt
move.b vT2C(a1),d0 ; d0 := LSBs of timer
move.b vT2CH(a1),d2 ; d2 := MSBs of timer
cmp.b d2,d1 ; did the MSBs roll?
beq.s have_both_halves
move.b d2,d1
bra.s retry
moveq.l #0,d0 ; pretend they're zeros
lsl.w #8,d1 ; slide the MSBs into position
move.b d0,d1 ; insert LSBs
; So now we have a 32-bit signed value in d1 which indicates
; where time really is with respect to the value in CurrentTime.
; In d0 we have the LSBits of the via timer. Now we convert
; these values into microseconds. This is pretty contorted
; because the unit of VIA ticks is not a rational number.
moveq.l #(1<<TickScale)-1,d2 ; d2 := virtual tick rounding factor
add.l d2,d1 ; round to virtual ticks
asr.l #TickScale,d1 ; convert to virtual ticks by discading LSBs
move.l CurrentTime(a0),d2 ; d2 := time of next interrupt
sub.l d1,d2 ; correct with value in VIA
lea HighUSecs(a0),a1 ; form pointer for speed
move.l (a1)+,d3 ; d3.l := High 32 bits of uSeconds
move.w (a1)+,d4 ; d4.w := Next 16 bits of uSeconds
move.l (a1)+,d5 ; d5.l := 16 LSBs of uSec and 16 bit fraction
swap d0 ; put VIA LSBs in d0.hi
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; d0.w := threshold
move.w (sp)+,sr ; now we can enable interrupts
; Recall that MicroSeconds are maintained internally as an 80 bit
; number with 64 bits of mantissa and 16 bits of fraction.
; The first part of the conversion is to do a huge division by
; repeated subtraction. We look at the CurrentTime and the
; Threshold and increment the Threshold by a value X until it
; is greater than the CurrentTime. Each time we add X to the
; Threshold we add Y to the 80 bit microsecond counter. X and Y
; have been carefully chosen so that X is as close to 2^12 as
; possible and is such that X * Via_Tick_Units is exactly
; representable in a 32.16 fixed point value.
cmp.w d0,d2 ; compare CurrentTime to Threshold
bmi.s threshold_ok
addi.w #ThreshInc,d0 ; update threshold
addi.l #USecsInc,d5 ; update Microseconds
bcc.s check_threshold
addq.w #1,d4 ; propagate carry
bcc.s check_threshold
addq.l #1,d3 ; propagate carry
bra.s check_threshold
swap d4
swap d5
move.w d5,d4 ; d3:d4 := 64 bit microseconds count, nearly
swap d5 ; d5 := 16 bit fractional part
; At this point:
; D0.Hi => lower 8 bits of the upper word are the low VIA byte
; D0.Lo => Updated Threshold
; D2 => Updated CurrentTime
; D3.L => 32 high order bits of microseconds counter
; D4.L => 32 low order bits of microseconds counter
; D5.W => 16 bits of microseconds fraction
; Now we need to use the remaining part of Threshold and the four
; LSBs of the VIA timer to provide further accuracy.
move.l d0,d1 ; d1.hi := VIA LSBs
swap d1 ; d1.lo := VIA LSBs
neg.b d1 ; convert it to be additional time
ror.l #TickScale,d1 ; move it into high byte for insertion
sub.w d0,d2 ; CurrentTime := CurrentTime - CurTimeThresh
addi.w #ThreshInc,d2 ; compute additional time
move.w d2,d1 ; combine with VIA MSBs
rol.l #TickScale,d1 ; convert to un-scaled VIA time
mulu.w #InternalToUs>>16,d1 ; convert to microseconds
if 32-IntToUsFractBits-TickScale <> 1 then
lsl.l #32-IntToUsFractBits-TickScale,d1 ; align to form 16.16 fixed point result
add.l d1,d1 ; align to form 16.16 fixed point result
add.w d5,d1 ; add in FractUSecs, set ccr.x to carry out
clr.w d1 ; clear out fraction bits
swap d1 ; get additional µsecs
addx.l d1,d4 ; add additional time to LowUSecs
subx.l d1,d1 ; -1 if ccr.x = 1, 0 if ccr.x = 0
sub.l d1,d3 ; propagate carry into HighUSecs
movea.l d3,a0 ; put result in result registers
move.l d4,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d3-d5 ; restore saved registers
rts ; all done <4>
TITLE 'Time Manager - Freeze Time'
; Routine: FreezeTime
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: A2 - ptr to TimeMgrPrivate
; D3.hi - saved SR (interrupt priority)
; D3.lo - value read from the low byte of the VIA timer masked
; to virtual ticks.
; Destroys: D1, D2, A1
; Calls: none
; Called by: RmvTime, PrimeTime, Timer2Int
; Function: Saves current interrupt priority level, disables all interrupts.
; Reads the VIA timer 2, adjusts tmCount field of all active
; Time Manager Tasks to reflect actual time remaining.
FreezeTime proc export
with TimeMgrPrivate
move.w sr,d3 ; save interrupt priority level
swap d3 ; sr -> high word, zero -> low word
move.w #$0100-(1<<TickScale),d3; setup virtual tick mask
movea.l VIA,a1 ; get base address of VIA1
lea vT2CH(a1),a1 ; point to timer high byte for speed
movea.l TimeVars,a2 ; point to TimeMgrPrivate
ori.w #$0700,sr ; disable all interrupts
if forROM then
if hasPowerMgr then
tst.w Clock16M ; force processor out of idle.
; NOP this out on machines without Power Mgr. chips
export PoundThreeNOPsHereIfNoPowerMgr
tst.w Clock16M ; force processor out of idle.
; The VIA Timer is constantly decrementing, and after the high byte is read, but
; before the low byte is read, the low byte may decrement from 00 -> FF, which
; would mean that the high is off by one, which would be an error of 256 ticks.
; By reading the high byte twice, we can detect and correct this situation.
; We also correct for the case where the high byte counted from 00 -> FF, in which
; case the interrupt pending bit may have been incorrect at the time we read it.
move.b vT2CH-vT2CH(a1),d2 ; get high byte of counter
moveq.l #1<<T2IntBit,d1 ; setup mask to check int pending
and.b vIFR-vT2CH(a1),d1 ; get interrupt pending bit
neg.l d1 ; d1.hi := -1 if int pending, else 0
if use68020Opcodes then ; 68020 shifting is fast
move.b d2,d1 ; insert timer high byte
lsl.w #8,d1 ; position it in the right place
else ; 68000 shifting is slower than memory
move.b d2,-(sp) ; insert timer high byte
move.w (sp)+,d1 ; position it in the right place
move.b vT2C-vT2CH(a1),d1 ; insert timer low byte
sub.b vT2CH-vT2CH(a1),d2 ; see if high byte changed
beq.s @TimeOK ; if not, time is correct
subx.l d2,d2 ; d2 := -1 if counted through zero
or.l d2,d1 ; update sign bits
if use68020Opcodes then ; 68020 shifting is fast
move.b vT2CH-vT2CH(a1),d1 ; re-read timer high byte
lsl.w #8,d1 ; position it in the right place
else ; 68000 shifting is slower than memory
move.b vT2CH-vT2CH(a1),-(sp) ; re-read timer high byte
move.w (sp)+,d1 ; position it in the right place
move.b vT2C-vT2CH(a1),d1 ; insert timer low byte
move.b d1,TimerLowSave(a2) ; save low byte of VIA timer <4>
moveq.l #(1<<TickScale)-1,d2 ; prepare to round to virtual ticks
add.l d2,d1 ; if virtual tick not complete, don't count it
and.b d1,d3 ; save VIA timer truncated to virtual ticks
asr.l #TickScale,d1 ; convert ticks to internal time form
sub.l d1,CurrentTime(a2) ; update current time
move.w CurrentTime+2(a2),d2 ; get low word of current time <4>
@chkThresh lea CurTimeThresh(a2),a1 ; point to CurTimeThresh <4>
cmp.w (a1),d2 ; see if next threshold has been reached <4>
bmi.s @threshOK ; if not reached yet, don't need to increment <4>
addi.w #ThreshInc,(a1) ; update the next threshold <4>
addi.l #USecsInc,-(a1) ; update microsecond counter (low word, and fract) <4>
bcc.s @chkThresh ; if no carry to prop, see if thresh adjusted <4>
addq.w #1,-(a1) ; propagate the carry <4>
bcc.s @chkThresh ; if no carry to prop, see if thresh adjusted <4>
addq.l #1,-(a1) ; propagate the carry <4>
bra.s @chkThresh ; see if threshold adjusted <4>
@threshOK ; <4>
move.l ActivePtr(a2),d2 ; get pointer to first active timer task
beq.s @UpdateBacklog ; if no active tasks, no backlog (d2=0)
movea.l d2,a1 ; setup pointer to task at head
moveq.l #0,d2 ; assume new backlog will be zero
sub.l BackLog(a2),d1 ; adjust the timer, account for backlog
bpl.s @Early ; extra time, no backlog of any kind
add.l tmCount(a1),d1 ; tmCount := tmCount - backlog
bcs.s @UpdateHead ; if no remaining backlog, use remaining count
sub.l d1,d2 ; setup remaining backlog
moveq.l #0,d1 ; no remaining time
@UpdateHead move.l d1,tmCount(a1) ; setup new time remaining
move.l d2,BackLog(a2) ; update backlog time, if any
rts ; all done
@Early add.l tmCount(a1),d1 ; add excess time to time remaining
bra.s @UpdateHead ; update the time remaining counter
TITLE 'Time Manager - Initialize Time Manager'
; Routine: InitTimeMgr
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: none
; Destroys: none
; Calls: none
; Called by: StartInit
; Function: Allocates and initializes the Time Manager's global data
; structures at system boot time. Sets up VIA 1 Timer2
; interrupt handler. Computes the timer adjustment value
; at runtime, since it is processor speed dependent.
InitTimeMgr proc export
import Timer2Int
import ThawTime
with TimeMgrPrivate
@SavedRegs reg a0-a4/d0-d5 ; registers to preserve
movem.l @SavedRegs,-(sp) ; save the registers
moveq.l #PrivateSize,d0 ; size to allocate
_NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; allocate and clear the structure
move.l a0,TimeVars ; setup pointer to private storage
movea.l a0,a2 ; setup for ThawTime
if forROM then
move.w #(1<<(TickScale-1))\ ; round up before conversion
+(1<<TickScale),RetryAdjust(a2) ; add in some extra time
moveq #(1<<(TickScale-1))\ ; round up before conversion
+(2<<TickScale),d0 ; add in some extra time (value for 68000)
tst.b CPUFlag ; what processor do we have?
bz.s @gotRetryAdjust ; 68000, use value computed above
moveq #(1<<(TickScale-1))\ ; round up before conversion
+(1<<TickScale),d0 ; add in some extra time (value for 68020)
move.w d0,RetryAdjust(a2) ; store the computed value
lea Timer2Int,a1 ; get interrupt handler address
move.l a1,Lvl1DT+(T2IntBit*4) ; put into interrupt table
move.w sr,-(sp) ; save interrupt level
ori.w #$0700,sr ; disable interrupts
movea.l Via,a4 ; get VIA pointer
lea vT2C(a4),a1 ; point to low byte of timer 2 for speed
lea vT1C(a4),a3 ; point to low byte of timer 1 for speed
lea vACR(a4),a4 ; point to AUX control reg for speed
moveq.l #-$80+(1<<T2IntBit),d1 ; enable timer 2 interrupts
move.b d1,vIER-vT2C(a1) ; initialize the interrupt enable bit
moveq.l #~(1<<5),d5 ; mask to set timer 2 into timed interrupt mode
and.b vACR-vACR(a4),d5 ; save old AUX control reg
moveq.l #%00111111,d0 ; force timer 1 into one-shot mode
and.b d5,d0 ; clear the bits
move.b d0,vACR-vACR(a4) ; setup temporary AUX control reg
moveq.l #0,d3 ; setup timer low byte value
move.w sr,d3 ; get sr
swap d3 ; sr in high word
move.b d1,vT1CH-vT1C(a3) ; load and start timer 1
move.b d1,vT2CH-vT2C(a1) ; load and start timer 2
move.b vT2C-vT2C(a1),d0 ; get timer 2 low byte
sub.b vT1C-vT1C(a3),d0 ; get initial timer skew
jsr ThawTime ; run the critical section, start timer
move.b vT2C-vT2C(a1),d1 ; get timer 2 low byte
sub.b vT1C-vT1C(a3),d1 ; get final timer skew
sub.b d0,d1 ; don't count initial skew
subi.w #(($FFFF>>TickScale)<<TickScale),d1 ; subtract out loaded timer value
move.b d1,TimerAdjust(a0) ; setup the fudge factor
move.b d5,vACR-vACR(a4) ; restore AUX control reg
st vT2CH-vT2C(a1) ; load and start timer 2
move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore interrupt level
movem.l (sp)+,@SavedRegs ; restore the registers
rts ; Time Manager is initialized