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2019-06-29 15:17:50 +00:00
File: CycloneDigi.h
Contains: Header file for Cyclone VDig Component
Written by: Dan Hitchens
Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM7> 6/17/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
<LW5> 6/17/93 DH For b8 (fc2) build; -Changed kEdge_BigSmall from 998 to 992
<LW4> 5/25/93 DH For b7 (fc1) build;-Added kPALEdge_LineDouble that is used to
define when vertically we need to swith to line doubling if 1
meg. VRAM;
<LW3> 4/15/93 fau Changed all the CLUT addresses to use the latest addressing.
<LW2> 1/13/93 DH Added new defines: kCIVIC_opt_stand and kCBITS_opt_stand.
<SM5> 12/9/92 DH Upadate for beta cand. build
<SM4> 10/29/92 DH Updated for A5 build.
<SM3> 7/16/92 DH Updated for d9 build; Added new constant for line doubling
<SM2> 6/29/92 DH Updated latest to SuperMario for first alpha build
<P2> 5/22/92 DH Update for D6 build
/* Apple Cyclone Hardware Unique CycloneDigi.h */
File name: CycloneDigi.h
Function: Header file for a Cyclone digitizer component
History: 1/27/92 New today
Things Changed This Build:
-Changed kEdge_BigSmall from 998 to 992
#ifndef _CycloneDigi_
#define _CycloneDigi_
/* ------Constants unique to Cyclone ------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Cyclone video defaults */
#define kWhiteDefault 0
#define kBlackDefault 0xffff
#define kBrightDefault 0x7fff
#define kContrastDefault 0
#define kHueDefault 0x7fff
#define kSaturationDefault 0x2c00 /* saturation for normal NTSC */
#define kDMSD_Chip 0x8a /* Philips DMSD I2c chip address */
#define kVDC_Chip 0xb8 /* Philips VDC I2c chip address */
#define kEdge_BigSmall 992 /* Was 998 (499*2) try (496*2) Edge between big and small video (in bytes) which ='s (2*pixels)*/
#define kEdge_LineDouble 338 /* Edge where we start line doubline if not enough VRAM (no. of horz. lines)*/
#define kPALEdge_LineDouble 510 /* Edge where we start line doubline if PAL and greater then vertical lines.*/ //B7_Fix+++++
#define kVDoubleLine 0x50036208 /* Civic II double video lines on output; disable=1, enable=0 */
/* ------CLUT Addresses for Sebastian (as defined in PSC ERS.)---------------------------------- */
#define kSeb_CLUT_Addr 0x50f30800 /* addr. for access to CLUT/Test Address Register */
#define kSeb_CLUT_Data 0x50f30810 /* addr. for access to CLUT Data Register */
#define kSeb_CLUT_Ctrl 0x50f30820 /* addr. for access to CLUT Control Register */
#define kSeb_Ctrl_16 0x08 /* Sebastian Ctrl., 8/16 bit video select, 0=8-bit, 1=16-bit video*/
#define kSeb_Ctrl_CLUTSel 0x40 /* Sebastian Ctrl., CLUT select 0=graphics, 1=video */
#define kSeb_Ctrl_OverE 0x80 /* Sebastian Ctrl., Overlay Enable bit; 1=enable.
#define kSeb_CLUT_TData 0x50f30830 /* addr. for access to CLUT Test Data Register */
/* ------CIVIC Addresses------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
#define kCIVIC_vinVFP 0x50036600 /* Video In Vertical Front Porch */
#define kCBITS_vinVFP 12
#define kCIVIC_vinVAL 0x500365c0 /* Video In Vertical Active Area */
#define kCBITS_vinVAL 12
#define kCIVIC_vinHFP 0x50036240 /* Video In Horz. Front Porch */
#define kCBITS_vinHFP 12
#define kCIVIC_evblankdelay 0x50036200 /* Video early Horz. Front Porch */
#define kCBITS_evblankdelay 2
#define kCIVIC_vinEHAL 0x500361c0 /* Video In Horz. Active Area */
#define kCBITS_vinEHAL 12
#define kCIVIC_conv 0x50036054 /* Convolution enable bit */
#define kCBITS_conv 1
#define kCIVIC_d64_32 0x5003604c /* 64 or 32 bit wode graphics memory */
#define kCBITS_d64_32 1
#define kCIVIC_opt_stand 0x50036040 /* Used to determine if optionl VRAM is installed=1, 0=standard */
#define kCBITS_opt_stand 1
#define kCIVIC_VSCDIVIDE 0x5003602c /* Used to control 8-bit or 16-bit video-in */
#define kCIVIC_vdc_clock_e 0x50036018 /* VDC clock enable (allow or not VRAM access from VDC)*/
#define kCBITS_vdc_clock_e 1
#define kCIVIC_big_small_v 0x50036014 /* Video-in big/small video line */
#define kCBITS_big_small_v 1
#define kCIVIC_vdc_int_e 0x50036010 /* VDC Field Interrupt enable */
#define kCBITS_vdc_int_e 1
#define kCIVIC_clr_vdc_int 0x5003600c /* Clear VDC Interrupt */
#define kCBITS_clr_vdc_int 1
#define kCIVIC_vdc_int 0x50036008 /* Contains VDC interrupt */
#define kCBITS_vdc_int 1
#define kCIVIC_VAL 0x50036580 /* Graphics Vertical Active Area start */
#define kCBITS_VAL 12
#define kCIVIC_HAL 0x50036380 /* Graphics Horz. Active Line start */
#define kCBITS_HAL 12