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2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00
; File: ScriptMgrInit.a (formerly SMgrInit.a)
; Contains: Script Manager initialization routines and tables.
; Written by: JDT Joe Ternasky
; KWK Ken Krugler
; MED Mark Davis
; LDC Lee Collins
; PKE Peter Edberg
; Copyright: © 1986-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM11> 5/27/93 CSS Don't initialize emNumer and emDenom because these are obsolete
; fields.
; <SM10> 5/21/93 CSS Initialize some expandmem: emNumer, emDenom, emScriptAppGlobals
; from ScriptMgrExtTail.a.
; <SM9> 5/21/93 CSS Rollin from Reality:
; <33> 5/19/93 PKE #1086200: Change roman dispatch table initialization to handle
; nil entries in romanDispTable by setting the corresponding
; dispatch table entry to be nil. Then make nil entries in
; romanDispTable for IsSpecialFont and RawPrinterValues for ROM
; builds.
; <SM8> 1/27/93 CSS Rollin fix to auto-install scripts. This fix loads the itlb
; resource for each script an determines if the auto-install bit
; (for simple scripts) is set. If it is this patch installs the
; script. This fixes a bug Radar#1060646 "WorldScript I and/or
; Cyrillic does not work correctly." Wherein, the Cyrillic script
; was not installing. Also, fixed the vectors for getscript and
; setscript for roman scripts to call the new routines
; "RomanGetScript" and "RomanSetScript." This is per Radar bug
; #1025998.
; <SM7> 12/15/92 CSS Look for dictionary manager in ROM.
; <SM6> 11/19/92 RB When looking for the standard Chicago font, look in ROM first.
; <SM5> 10/2/92 PN Add initDictionary to the initialization process
; <32> 6/17/92 HA #1029756,<PKE>: Removing StyledlineBreak to
; ScriptMgrExtensions.a.
; <31> 6/12/92 FM More changes to bring the rom build up to date with system 7
; along w/ additional cleanup:
; -Combined many of the "if forROM" conditionals in romanDispTable,
; and utilTableBase, for readability.
; -Moved PatchTable and PatchTableAUX to ScriptMgrPatch.a since we
; only need them in system builds. (ScriptMgrPatch.a is only for
; system builds now)
; -Added the internal SMgrPostMunging vector so that we can call it from
; GetOSEvent instead of being so incestuous and JSRing directly
; into the ScriptMgr.
; -PrintAction is still conditionalized forRom only because it is in
; ScriptMgrExtensions.a which isn't linked into 'ptch' 4.
; -Removed the obsolete FixSMgrWorld vector setup.
; -Removed the obsolete and already commented out FixSPExtra vector setup.
; -Removed versionAddress import since it is no longer used.
; <30> 5/31/92 FM Made many changes to bring the rom build up to date with system 7
; -Changed NFindWord to xNFindWord (the C routine).
; -Added NFindScriptRun, ScriptToRange, xTestLetter, and SCLwrString to
; rom dispatch table so we match 7.0
; -imported NFindScriptRun,ScriptToRange,xTestLetter,SCLwrString
; Font2RealScript,RealScript,xNFindWord,TruncString,TruncText
; ReplaceText,InitScripts,AddScriptFonts,IsCmdChar,InitScriptApp
; CleanupScriptApp,ReInitScripts,FindCharInSet,InitKeybdMenu
; SetKbdMenuInfo, and RebuildKeybdMenu for dispatch table.
; -got rid of use of smgrVersPtch4, romanVersPtch4 since they aren't
; in the rom build. Used romanVersPriv and smgrVersPriv instead.
; <29> 5/19/92 PKE #1030321,<jh>: Expand dispatch table for private interface to
; existing NFindScriptRun routine.
; <28> 5/14/92 PKE #1027061,<ha>: Expand dispatch table for new internal
; ScriptToRange routine that returns resource ID range for a
; script.
; <27> 4/29/92 FM Get rid of conditionals: SysVers,
; <26> 4/22/92 PKE #1027368,<FM>: For non-ROM builds, we move Roman CharType to
; ptch 27 for all CPUs and patch it out entirely, so don't put its
; address in the dispatch table here.
; <25> 12/10/91 PKE #1017754: For non-ROM builds, move PrintAction to ptch 27 for
; all CPUs.
; <24> 12/6/91 PKE #1017161: Expand dispatch table for new private routine
; TestLetter.
; <23> 10/23/91 YK Roll back to revision 21. <22> was moved into
; ScriptMgrExtTail.a.
; <22> 10/23/91 JH Added InitDictionaryMgr to load the dictionary manager code.
; Can be found at very end of ScriptInit.
; <21> 10/8/91 PKE For Cube-E (and Bruges): Expand dispatch table for new
; (currently private) routines RealScript, Font2RealScript,
; SCLwrString (needed for bugs #1013149, #1012949). Clean up some
; conditionals, remove code that is conditionalized out.
; <20> 1/14/91 PKE (stb) Expand dispatch table for Kevins new private routine
; FindCharInSet, needed for Dialog Mgr and Finder.
; <19> 12/14/90 PKE (DC) Dont install GetOSEvent patch if A/UX running. Dont
; install InitApplZone patch on 7.0 (no longer needed).
; <18> 12/10/90 PKE (VL) Expand dispatch table for new private routine
; ReInitScripts, needed for network booting.
; <17> 7/25/90 PKE Expand dispatch table for new private routines InitScriptApp and
; CleanupScriptApp.
; <16> 7/23/90 PKE For 7.0, move romanDispTable (table of offsets used to
; initialize Roman dispatch table) here, so it gets cut back. Use
; smgrSixPack instead of $606.
; <15> 7/20/90 PKE For 7.0, FixSMgrWorld code is moved into ptch 27, so dont
; initialize its vector here.
; <14> 7/11/90 PKE Expand dispatch table for new internal routine _IsCmdChar.
; <13> 6/13/90 PKE Expand dispatch table for new internal routine
; _RebuildKeybdMenu.
; <12> 5/31/90 PKE Expand dispatch table for new internal routine _SetKbdMenuInfo.
; <11> 5/24/90 PKE For 7.0, moved table of initial values for dispatch table here
; (from ScriptMgrUtil.a) so it gets cut back.
; <10> 5/5/90 PKE For 7.0, remove InitWindows and InitResources patches.
; <9> 4/10/90 PKE Used smgrSysVers and smgrROMVers instead of buildLevel. Deleted
; conditionalized definitions of forRom, SysVers, Scripts604.
; Started organizing for ROMification of 7.0 extensions. Cleaned
; up tables at end; removed obsolete test code, deleted doKeyboard
; symbol and code conditionalized on it. Conditionalized <7> so
; object compares work against official 6.0.x sources.
; <8> 3/27/90 PKE Use new conditional flags for gestaltScriptMgr.
; <7> 3/20/90 EMT Removed unnecessary ROM85 references and oldMacTweek code.
; <6> 3/19/90 PKE Use new smgrUseDispTablePtr conditional.
; <5> 2/22/90 PKE Moved FixSpExtra to ptch 27, so dont initialize sVectFixSpExtra
; here anymore (see <3>).
; <4> 1/30/90 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Changed conditionals so ROM and System 7 bug
; fix also goes in System 6.0.5 - high byte of smgrGenFlags should
; be set from itlc flags.
; <3> 1/11/90 PKE Initialize new sVectFixSpExtra vector.
; <2> 1/4/90 PKE Updated conditionals to put SS-6.0.4 changes in 6.0.5 as well as
; 7.0. Updated header to BBS format.
; <1> 12/18/89 CCH Adding for the first time into BBS. Changed include 'inc.sum.a'
; to load 'StandardEqu.d'. Updated file name references.
; (BBS versions above, EASE versions below)
; <3.1> 9/17/89 PKE For 7.0, don't install gestaltScriptMgr function here (see 2.5).
; It has been moved to ptch 27, so we install it there. Delete
; initialization of new ScriptRecord font/size fields for Roman
; ScriptRecord (see 2.1); this is now done in ptch 27. Use
; romanVersPriv/RomanVersPtch4 to set Roman Script System version
; number, instead of public romanVers.
; <3.0> 9/15/89 PKE For 7.0, set version number to smgrVersPtch4 when ptch 4 is
; installed.
; <2.9> 8/28/89 PKE For 7.0, don't install patches for InitMenus, DrawMenuBar, and
; InitFonts. These routines will call the Script Manager code
; through vectors. So, install new vectors for SMgrCalcRect and
; SMgrInitFonts.
; <2.8> 8/26/89 PKE Cleaned up conditionals, changing newItl2Tables to buildLevel
; >= 1. Changed Initialize to SMgrInitialize for System build too.
; Install SwapIcon, SwapKybd,FixSMgrWorld vectors for System
; builds too. Omit PatchTable entirely for Rom builds.
; <2.7> 8/25/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4 SCRIPTS BUILD: Don't install TEInit patch for
; Scripts604, 7.0. NOTE: May have to add back load 'nEqu.d' when
; we roll this over to Fiction for 6.0.4 Scripts build.
; <2.6> 8/24/89 PKE Removed "load 'nEqu.d'" per SES. Removed gratuitous
; conditionals. Removed local definition of EntryTable macro,
; include PatchMacs.a instead.
; <2.5> 8/5/89 PKE NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Install Gestalt selectors for Script Manager.
; <2.4> 7/10/89 PKE USE FOR AURORA IF YOU WANT TO DELETE PADDING: Deleted padding
; words, overpatching is only for hardware-specific stuff. Don't
; initialize vectors that don't exist in Esprit version of
; SMgrRecord. Deleted some superfluous 'forPatch' conditionals.
; <2.3> 6/30/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA: Initialize new internal vectors for
; SwapIcon,SwapKybd,FixSMgrWorld.
; <2.2> 6/28/89 PKE NEEDED FOR AURORA ONLY: Add 320 words of padding for
; overpatching.
; <2.1> 6/23/89 PKE Initialize new ScriptRecord font/size information for Roman
; system; skip definition of buildLevel (done in ScriptEqu.priv).
; <2.0> 5/30/89 PKE (ROM & System 7.0 only) Initialize the keyboard cache at Script
; Manager init time and copy in KCHR 0.
; <1.9> 4/26/89 PKE (ROM & 7.0 only) Allocate dispatch tables in RAM for ScriptUtil
; & RomanUtil; fill in pointer/limit info in SMgr & Script globals
; <1.8> 3/28/89 PKE Copy script location info from itlc to SMgrRecord at boot time.
; <1.7> 3/13/89 CCH Commented out references to xUprString, since it's not patched
; anymore.
; <1.6> 3/5/89 PKE Add in xKeyTrans patch for Big Bang; change smgrKeyCache to
; emKeyCache in code conditionalized on doKeyboard & set up
; ExpandMem pointer as necessary for this. Replace smgrEMOffset
; references with ExpandMemRec.emIntlGlobals . Correct Big Bang
; test for SMgr already initialized. Don't set
; ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags for Roman; it is set
; properly from itlb for SysVers >= $604.
; <1.5> 3/2/89 CCH Removed creation of ExpandMem and put it in StartInit.a.
; <1.4> 2/21/89 PKE Replaced with RomProj version, which already had system and Rom
; sources merged.
; EASE ROMproj history:
; <1.7> 2/21/89 PKE Don't do smgrItlRID initialization; change conditionals to add
; ROM version improvements to Sys $700 version. Fix up includes:
; always use include 'inc.sum.a'.
; <1.6> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equate names
; <1.5> 2/3/89 PKE Merged with current system sources (CCH's 01/16-17/1989 merge of
; 6.0.3 and 7.0 sources, done in RES.sys:smgr)
; <1.4> 12/15/88 PKE Check in changes per comment below for 12/14/88:
; 12/14/88 pke Always check expandMem and set it up if necessary; write
; SMgrRecord address directly to intlSpec instead of going thru
; SMgrEMOffset in expandMem; for Rom, skip code that installs
; patch vectors; write itlc flags data into high byte of
; smgrGenFlags in SMgrRecord.
; <1.3> 11/14/88 CCH Put semicolons in comments so program would assemble.
; <1.2> 11/14/88 PKE Synchronize EASE and Projector; Get ready to skip PatchTable
; stuff if forROM; (with MED) use SMgrInitRegs; put in info for
; xKeyTrans patch roll-in
; <1.1> 11/11/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; old EASE ROMproj history:
; <•1.6> 10/27/88 (LDC) Mods by Carl Hewitt and Brian McGhie in the process of putting
; Script Manager in ROM
; EASE SYSproj history:
; <1.3> 2/14/89 PKE Updated to use MPW 3.0 final ScriptEqu.a equates
; <1.2> 1/17/89 CCH Merged changes from 6.0.3.
; <1.1> 1/16/89 CCH Merged 6.0.3 final sources into 7.0.
; <1.0> 11/16/88 CCH Added to EASE.
; pre-EASE history (recent changes here went into EASE ROMproj, not SYSproj):
; 10/14/88 ldc More changes for rom build compatibility
; 10/10/88 ldc Replaced load with include for 'inc.sum.a', added conditional
; assembly for ROM, removed code conditional on "forPatch"
; 10/5/88 ldc Replaced incorrect use of ScriptRecord.scriptFlags with
; ScriptRecord.scriptBundle.itlbFlags
;---------------------------------- As of 2/02/89, the above changes are only in the forRom file;
; some of these things should be done for System $700 as well.
; 9/23/88 ldc Patch UprString.
; 6/17/88 ldc added vector initialization for SmgrInternal routines
; 6/15/88 ldc Added smgrItlrID initialization
; 6/7/88 ldc Began romification
;---------------------------------- Changes above are for ROM or buildLevel 2
; 6/6/88 med Reformat for ptch version
; 2/5/88 med Get the version number from the header, so testers can alter it
; 2/5/88 med Reordered init code slightly/ for testing, expand expandmem if
; too small
; 2/4/88 med Remove Launch offset, add InitResources and InitApplZone offsets
; 2/4/88 med If the Script Manager is already active, dont install
; 12/17/87 med Add lwrString
; 12/17/87 med Allow os traps in patchloop
; 11/24/87 med Added syserr if can't get pointer in system heap.
; 11/21/87 med Exported CodeEntry
; 11/10/87 med Removed OldMac support, Bail if not at least Mac+
; 8/18/87 med Initialized CharPortion
; 7/8/87 med Add InitWindow patch
; 3/6/87 med Check for substitute Chicago fond.
; Added smScriptFlags initialization.
; 2/28/87 med Removed keyboard cache allocation and loading (to KeyNTrans).
; Removed DSAT loading (to PTCH 0).
; 2/2/87 med Changed testing code to load keyboard on old macs
; 1/29/87 med Fixed old ROM test.
; Factored in code for sysheap vs bufptr allocation.
; Restored debugger break under compile flag
; 1/29/87 med Added and used smgrEMOffset (use equates, Joe!).
; Made expandMem conditional, since Jerome will add it.
; 1/19/87 jdt Added low memory expansion block initialization. Replaced
; resource type constants with literals.
; 1/13/87 jdt Removed NewBufPtr call from untweaked initialization.
; 12/22/86 jdt Added checks on nil handles after GetResource calls. Changed
; compatabilitiy flag names.
; 12/15/86 jdt Added debugging code in initialization for Mark.
; 12/9/86 jdt Split utility routines from initialization code.
; 12/5/86 jdt Moved NewBufPtr into temporary code area for MED. This resource
; should load into the application heap if aisTweaks is on and the
; system heap if aisTweaks is off. Changed WimpyKybd and WimpyIcon
; to SwapKybd and SwapIcon. Various comments added or modified.
; 12/3/86 jdt Added alternate initialization code for small system heap.
; Script Manager and Roman Script globals now in system heap.
; 12/2/86 jdt Fixed bug in ResetKCHR with register-based ADB calls. Removed
; special loading above BufPtr at intialialization time. Removed
; loading of default KCHR resource (-1).
; 11/21/86 jdt Removed Roman equates file. Removed KeyTrans entry in patch
; table.
; 11/21/86 MED Always check ResErr after calling GetResource. Use KCHR
; resources in the ROM when possible. WimpyKybd now switches ADB
; keyboards as well.
; 11/20/86 jdt Replaced standard equates load.
; 10/9/86 JDT Added SMgrTrans entry to trap patch table, modified WimpyKybd to
; use the script manager globals instead of changing the Key1Trans
; hook variables. Reorganized the script manager initialization to
; load the default KCHR last. The default KCHR is now loaded into
; the keyboard cache.
; 10/7/86 JDT Played fast and loose with the deep shit alert tables.
; 10/1/86 KWK Modified to always load -1 KCHR and enable the keyboard during
; the boot sequence.
; 9/16/86 JDT Fixed WimpyKybd stuff for switch-launch from our new system to
; the wretched domestic system.
; 9/13/86 JDT Broke script manager initialization file into two peices:
; SMgrInit for the initialization code and script manager core
; routines and SMgrPatch for the trap patches and SMgrUtil. Added
; check for option-d on boot to drop into the debugger.
; 9/12/86 JDT Roman script is enabled at initialization time so that its
; bundle will be read in. Also, the configuration resource is
; released during initialization time, event though it will be
; read in again during the first launch.
; 9/11/86 JDT Slash and burn keyboard mission. Removed patch to SystemTask and
; returned all keyboard swapping checks to GetOSEvent. We now
; flush the event queue of all pending keyboard events when the
; keyboard is swapped.
; 9/10/86 JDT Small fixes to Font2Script and FontScript. KeyHook now keeps its
; own globals, so they are not initialize here. Now load KSWP
; resource at launch time, and check for keyboard swapping in new
; patch to SystemTask. GetOSEvent patch now uses the keyboard
; swapping mechanism to simulate keyboard swapping with the mouse.
; Configuration resource now includes the FontForce and IntlForce
; flags, which are set at boot time.
; 9/10/86 MED A0 not set when setting ApFontID, changed to a3. Fixed bug in
; Font2Script where a1 was used instead of a0.
; 9/9/86 MED Fixed IntlScript to not munge d0, and to check for script absent.
; 9/9/86 JDT Changed launch code to use Ken's script initialization plan.
; Toggling modifier is shift instead of command, and toggling
; rectangle is to the left of the switcher arrows.
; 9/7/86 MED Fixed Font2Script to take AppFont/SysFont/FontForce into
; account.
; 9/6/86 JDT New smMunged verb added to environment verb table and supported
; by GetOSEvent patch, KeyScript routine and SetEnvirons routine.
; Count verb added and supported by the Launch patch.
; 9/5/86 JDT New two-step configuration process. We try to configure at at
; the beginning of a switch-launch and check the system script at
; the end of a switch-launch. Added Font2Script trap selector.
; 9/4/86 JDT System script initialization added to Launch code. Hooks for
; FontScript and KeyScript removed from Script Manager core.
; ScriptUtil trap selectors added for FontScript, IntlScript, and
; KeyScript.
; 9/3/86 JDT Wet'n'wild reorganization. Region bundles eliminated.
; 8/30/86 JDT Moved ScriptUtil trap patch into this file. Added first-cut
; versions of GetEnvirons and SetEnvirons.
; 8/27/86 JDT Moved DeadKey variables from KeyTrans to Script Manager globals.
; 8/25/86 KWK Modified trap patching to work with old ROMs.
; 8/24/86 KWK Minor bug fixes (MOVE.L Joe). Register usage cleanup.
; smgrCore/risCore allocated above bufptr.
; 8/21/86 JDT Modified for Script Manager. Broke into script manager and roman
; utilities files.
; 8/21/86 KWK Save/Restore registers on entry/exit.
; 8/21/86 JDT Moved RIS code from here to the SSSInit.
; 8/20/86 KWK No longer try to recover old DSAT storage.
; 8/20/86 JDT SyncRegion no longer scrolls. GetOSEvent now returns the
; toggling events to the application.
; 8/19/86 JDT Reorganized Launch patch code for default setup of RIS, cleaner
; handling of old system files during the wretched switch-launch.
; 8/19/86 KWK Added DSAT setup/SIS init at launch, modified for new trap
; interface, moved RIS init code to trap code file.
; 8/9/86 JDT Added region icon drawing and toggling user interface.
; 8/5/86 JDT Reorganized the initialization procedure and package.
; 7/29/86 JDT Split the initialization into two phases. We now create the sis
; core and ris entry at boot time and fill in the region bundle
; table at launch time.
; 7/20/86 JDT Changed current region to ignore the sisKeyScript.
; 7/17/86 JDT Added the wonderful word-finding algorithm. Mark is responsible
; for this thing. Not me, no way.
; 7/14/86 JDT Added current and toggle routines for regions.
; 7/13/86 JDT First draft.
; To Do:
; Figure out how & when to initialize Gestalt for ROM (smgrROMVers >= 2) pke 4/05/90
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'ScriptPriv.a'
include 'PatchMacros.a' ; <2.6>
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ; <19>
tenPercent equ $0199 ; 4.12 fixed point 10%
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CutBackPt Proc Export
EntryTable 0 ; <=== Last table entry
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; routine: SmgrInitialize
; warning: This routine preserves all registers.
; This routine creates the script manager globals and the Roman script entry
; and initializes then. It moves all of the Script Manager and Roman script
; code above BufPtr and patches several traps.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Link the stack and save the registers.
; register usage:
; a4.l Script manager globals pointer.
; a3.l Relocated code pointer.
; a2.l Patch tables and script entry pointers.
; d7.b Flag for old roms.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SmgrInitialize proc export
import PatchStart ; start of real routines
import SmgrTable,RomanTable,versionAddress
; <6>
import utilTable,utilTableBase ; SMgr dispatch table <04/26/89 pke>
import romanDispTable ; Roman dispatch table <04/26/89 pke>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SmgrInitRegs: reg d0-d7/a0-a4 ; <11/04/88 med>
with smgrRecord ;
link a6,#0 ; link the stack.
movem.l SmgrInitRegs,-(sp) ; save all registers.
move.l ExpandMem,a4 ; (need ExpandMem in a4 later) <12/14/88 pke>
; moved this up for doKeyboard code below <03/05/89 pke>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; if we are testing, test for opt-d, and drop into the debugger
IF testScriptManager THEN ; for testing <1.28.87med>
btst #2,KeyMap+7 ; option key?
beq.s @skipDebugger ; no, skip check.
btst #2,KeyMap ; 'd' for debugger?
beq.s @skipDebugger ; no, skip it.
; The user wants the debugger. If we are on 128k ROMs or less, we need to load
; the keyboard first. There used to be some code that supposedly did this, but
; it had gotten obsolete and was deleted. We should add something… <9>
_Debugger ; debugger break.
ENDIF ; testScriptManager
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; We used to set up ExpandMem here if it was not already active; now this is done
; in RomAllFix for the system and before initializing system resources (and calling
; SMgrInitialize) in the ROM. <03/02/89 cch>
IF NOT forRom THEN ; do system initialization <10/27/88 bbm>
cmpi.l #-1,intlSpec ; already initialized? <12/14/88 pke><03/05/89 pke>
bne SMgrInitDone ; bail if so <2/4/88med>
; Code that used to be here: If testScriptManager is true, make sure
; ExpandMem is big enough. No longer necessary. <9>
ENDIF ; NOT forRom
;<10/10/88ldc> here we allocate script manager global space in RAM off of intlSpec
;Note: a4=ExpandMem pointer
with SmgrRecord
move.l #smgrSize,d0 ; load size of block.
bsr NewBufPtr ; allocate and clear globals.
move.w #smgrVersPriv,smgrVersion(a0) ; stuff version number for ptch4
move.l a0,ExpandMemRec.emIntlGlobals(a4) ; store into globals block. <1.28.87med><03/05/89 pke>
move.l a0,intlSpec ; store into low memory.
move.l a0,a4 ; copy pointer for SMgr.
;Note: now a4=SMgrRecord pointer
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Allocate and install the dispatch table (assumes >= 1 entry). New <04/26/89 pke>
smLowCall32 equ smLowCall++$FFFF0000 ; make longint; assumes smLowCall<0
with SmgrRecord ;
move.l #2*(smHighCall-smLowCall32+2),d0 ; size of dispatch table
bsr NewBufPtr ; allocate and clear table
lea -2*smLowCall32(a0),a1 ; point to entry for selector=0
move.l a1,smgrDispTable(a4) ; save pointer in globals
move.w #smLowCall,smgrDispLow(a4) ; save low limit in globals
move.w #smHighCall,smgrDispHigh(a4) ; save high limit in globals
lea utilTableBase,a1 ; start of offsets table
lea utilTable,a3 ; get base addr for offsets
move.w #(smHighCall-smLowCall32)/2,d0 ; number of entries - 1
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; get offset from utilTable
lea 0(a3,d1.w),a2 ; make it a real vector
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; stuff it in table
dbra d0,@dispTabLoop ; if more, keep going
endwith ;
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install the routine vectors in the script manager core.
; Load pointer to start of the patch code <10/10/88ldc>
lea PatchStart, a3 ; return patch start as start of code, not copy
LEA SmgrTable, A2 ; load table pointer.
MOVE.L (A2)+,D0 ; get offsets.
BEQ.S SMgrDone ; last entry is zero.
LEA 0(A3,D0.W),A0 ; get routine address.
SWAP D0 ; get second offset.
MOVE.L A0,0(A4,D0.W) ; stuff vector in globals.
BRA.S SMgrLoop ; do the next entry.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install the ScriptUtil and LwrString trap so that these will be supported.
; Install Script Manager patches to other traps.
; In System 7, we check for A/UX before installing some patches. <19>
IF NOT forRom THEN ; Skip for ROM - trap addrs are <12/14/88 pke>
; in disptable
import PatchTable, PatchTableNoAUX
LEA PatchTable,A2 ; load address of patch table.
; <19>
bsr.s PatchLoop ; install patches we always want
move.w HwCfgFlags,d0 ; check em the compulsive way
btst.l #hwCbAUX,d0 ; is it A/UX time?
bne.s PatchDone ; if so skip the mac-only patches
lea PatchTableNoAUX,A2 ; load address of patch table.
bsr.s PatchLoop ; install patches we only want if not A/UX
bra.s PatchDone
move.w (A2)+,D0 ; load offset (and trap code).
BEQ.S @return ; last entry is zero. <19>
MOVE.W D0, D1 ; d1 not touched by trap.
bclr #15,d0 ; tool trap?
beq.s @GetToolTrap ; yes => use new call.
_GetTrapAddress NewOS ; get the address.
bra.s @DoneGetTrap ; skip new call.
_GetTrapAddress NewTool ; new tool trap call.
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; offset in Smgr core <6/7/88ldc>
move.l a0,0(a4,d0.w) ; store old trap address in smgr core <4/27/88ldc>
move.w (a2)+,d0 ; offset from PatchStart to new routine <4/27/88ldc>
lea 0(a3,d0.w),a0 ; get address
MOVE.W D1,D0 ; copy trap number.
; allow os traps <12/17/87med>
bclr #15,d0 ; tool trap?
beq.s @SetToolTrap ; yes => use new call.
_SetTrapAddress NewOS ; set trap address.
bra.s @DoneSetTrap ; skip new call.
_SetTrapAddress NewTool ; new tool trap call.
BRA.S PatchLoop ; do the next trap patch.
@return ; <19>
rts ; <19>
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Load the configuration resource and set the flags based on the values
; in it. Allocate the KCHR cache; this space is used to keep a copy of the
; current KCHR. Originally, this was allocated above BufPtr and was used
; because of limited space in the system heap.
with itlcRecord ;
sub.w #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'itlc',-(sp) ; push conf type.
move.w #0,-(sp) ; push conf number.
_GetResource ; load the resource.
move.l (sp),d0 ; handle = nil?
beq BadError ; <05/30/89 pke><9>
move.l d0,a0 ; load conf handle.
move.l (a0),a0 ; load conf pointer.
move.b itlcFontForce(a0),d0 ; load fontForce flag.
move.b d0,smgrFontForce(a4) ; store fontForce flag.
move.b itlcIntlForce(a0),d0 ; load intlForce flag.
move.b d0,smgrIntlForce(a4) ; store intlForce flag.
move.b itlcFlags(a0),d0 ; load itlc Flags byte <12/14/88 pke>
move.b d0,smgrGenFlags(a4) ; put in 1st byte of smgrGenFlags long <12/14/88 pke>
move.l itlcIconOffset(a0),d0 ; load itlc icon loc info: offset,side <03/28/89 pke>
move.l d0,smgrIconOffset(a4) ; save offset,side (1 word & 2 bytes) <03/28/89 pke>
move.w itlcSystem(a0),d0 ; load system code.
move.w d0,smgrSysScript(a4) ; set system script.
move.w #tenPercent,smgrCharPortion(a4) ; set default char portion
_ReleaseResource ; release the conf resource.
endWith ; itlcRecord ;
; assume expandMem is big enough, assume ROMs are later than 64K <05/30/89 pke><9>
with ExpandMemRec
move.l expandMem,a2 ;
move.l emKeyCache(a2),d0 ; do we already have a key cache?
bne.s @doneKeyCacheAlloc ; if so, skip this
clr.l -(sp) ; make room for handle.
move.l #'KCHR',-(sp) ; push KCHR type.
move.w #0,-(sp) ; try for zero.
move.w #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ; look for KCHR in ROM
_GetResource ; get the KCHR resource.
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; load handle.
move.l a0,d4 ; save handle & test if nil
beq BadError ; nil, error bail
_GetHandleSize ; find resource size.
cmp.l #keyCacheMin,d0 ; pick larger of itlc value or KCHR size
bge.s @2
move.l #keyCacheMin,d0
@2 addi.l #keyCacheSlop,d0 ; now add slop value
move.l d0,d3 ; save size
_NewPtr sys,clear ; new pointer of proper size.
bne BadError
move.l a0,emKeyCache(a2) ; store in emKeyCache (expandMem).
; copy KCHR data into cache
move.l a0,a1 ; set up destination.
move.l d4,a0 ; load resource handle.
move.l (a0),a0 ; load resource pointer.
move.l d3,d0 ; load size.
_BlockMove ; copy keyboard table.
endWith ; ExpandMemRec
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Create the Roman Interface System entry and initialize it. For now,
; set the system and application fonts to the standard Macintosh font
; numbers.
with scriptRecord ;
move.l #RomanCoreSize,d0 ; size of Roman entry.
bsr NewBufPtr ; allocate Roman entry.
move.l a0,a2 ; save entry pointer.
move.l a2,smgrEntry+(smRoman*4)(a4) ; store in SMgr globals.
move.w #romanVersPriv,scriptVersion(a2) ; set the version number. <3.1>
move.l #'ZSYS',scriptCreator(a2) ; install the creator.
lea SysResName,a0 ; install the RIS file name
move.l a0,ScriptFile(a2) ; pointer.
move.w #RomanAppFond,scriptAppFond(a2) ; set the app font.
; Allocate and install the dispatch table (assumes >= 1 entry). New <04/26/89 pke>
; Note a2 = ptr to ScriptRecord; no longer need a4; a3=code ptr (save)
move.l #2*(sisHighCall-smGetScript+2),d0 ; size of dispatch table
bsr NewBufPtr ; allocate and clear table
move.l a0,scriptDispTable(a2) ; save pointer in globals
move.w #smGetScript,scriptDispLow(a2) ; save low limit in globals
move.w #sisHighCall,scriptDispHigh(a2) ; save high limit in globals
lea romanDispTable,a1 ; start of offsets table
move.l a1,a4 ; copy it
move.w #(sisHighCall-smGetScript)/2,d0 ; number of entries - 1
move.l a2,-(sp) ; save a2
movea.l #0,a2 ; assume 0 entry in dispatch table <33>
move.w (a1)+,d1 ; get offset from romanDispTable
beq.s @gotAddress ; if 0, leave entry as 0 <33>
lea 0(a4,d1.w),a2 ; make it a real vector
@gotAddress ; <33>
move.l a2,(a0)+ ; stuff it in table
dbra d0,@romanTabLoop ; if more, keep going
move.l (sp)+,a2 ; restore a2
; see if the main System fond (3FFF for Chicago) is around <3/6/87med>
move.w #RomanSysFond,d4 ; assume fond exists
subq #4,sp ; return room
move.l #'FOND',-(sp) ; see if we have real Chicago
move.w d4,-(sp) ; id
MOVE.W #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ; look in ROM first <SM6> rb
tst.l (sp)+ ; was it there?
bne.s @SkipResetFond ; yes, skip
clr.w d4 ; reset to 0
move.w d4,scriptSysFond(a2) ; set the system font.
; end of check for substitute Chicago fond <3/6/87med>
endWith ;
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Install the routine vectors in the Roman entry. This includes the print
; action, keyboard hook, and text utility routines and the RIS name.
; A3 = code ptr, A2 = RIS core ptr, A1 = table ptr
LEA RomanTable,A1 ; load table pointer.
MOVE.L (A1)+,D0 ; get offset (and trap code).
BEQ.S RomanDone ; last entry is zero.
LEA 0(A3,D0.W),A0 ; find relocated routine.
SWAP D0 ; get entry offset.
MOVE.L A0,0(A2,D0.W) ; stuff routine address in entry.,
BRA.S RomanLoop ; do the next routine.
BadError ; <05/30/89 pke><9>
move.w #dsSysErr,d0 ; load generic error.
_SysError ; system error!
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Perform auto-initialization of script systems based on info in their itlb <SM8> CSS
; Skip if Opt-E or Shift
btst #0,KeyMap+7 ; shift key down?
bne DoneAutoInit ; if yes, skip script install
btst #2,KeyMap+7 ; option key down?
beq.s @noSkipInstall ; no, skip check.
subq #2,sp ; make room for Boolean result
move.w #'e',-(sp) ; push 'e' as the char to test for
import iTestLetter ;
bsr iTestLetter ; returns TRUE if key with Roman 'e' being pressed
tst.b (sp)+ ; what was the result?
bne DoneAutoInit ; if Opt-e, skip script install
@noSkipInstall ;
; no Opt-E, go ahead
with scriptRecord,itlbRecord,ItlbExtRecord
GetSMgrCore a4 ; reset a4 to point to SMgrRecord
move.w #smgrCount-1,d3 ; for all entries.
move.w d3,d0 ; copy index.
lsl.w #2,d0 ; long word offset.
move.l smgrEntry(a4,d0.w),d0 ; script installed?
bne @NextSimple ; yes -> try next entry.
subq.l #4,sp ; make room for handle.
move.l #'itlb',-(sp) ; push bundle type.
move.w d3,-(sp) ; push bundle number.
_GetResource ; load the resource.
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; handle = nil?
beq @NextSimple ; yes -> try next entry.
; we have a prospective itlb, so check if the simple bit is on
move.l d0,a3 ; load bundle handle.
move.l (a3),a0 ; load bundle pointer.
btst.b #smsfAutoInit,itlbFlags+1(a0) ; auto-init it? (+1 for mem test)
beq @ReleaseSimple ; no, try next one
; we have a simple script, so allocate the record, load the font numbers
move.l itlbLocalSize(a0),d0 ; requested size for script locals
cmp.l #scriptSize,d0 ; must be ≥ ScriptRecord size
bcc.s @doneFixLocalRecordSize ; if it already is, skip fix
move.l #scriptSize,d0 ; if too small, fix it
_NewPtr sys,clear ; allocate script local data
bne BadError ; if error, bail
move.l a0,a2 ; save entry pointer.
move.w d3,d0 ; get script number
asl.w #2,d0 ; *4 for long array
move.l a2,smgrEntry(a4,d0.w) ; store in SMgr globals.
; Use SimpleTable to initialize scriptVersion, scriptCreator, scriptFile instead
; of explicitly initializing them here.
; Copy font information from itlb, and check it.
; For 7.0, this is moved to InitScripts.
; copy relevant entries from Roman ScriptRecord to simple ScriptRecord
; a2=simple ScriptRecord
move.l smgrEntry+(smRoman*4)(a4),a0 ; address of roman globals
lea SimpleTable,a1 ; load table pointer.
move.w (a1)+,d0 ; get offset (and trap code).
blt.s @ReleaseSimple ; last entry is -1.
move.w 0(a0,d0.w),0(a2,d0.w) ; copy Roman word to simple scriptRecord
bra.s @SimpleEntryLoop ; do the next routine.
; Don't bother releasing anymore
subq #1,d3 ; don't do Roman
bgt.s @SimpleLoopStart ; keep going until 0 or less
bra DoneAutoInit ; clean exit
endWith ;
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Table of ScriptRecord fields to copy from Roman when auto-initializing
; a script.
; Moved initialization of scriptVersion, scriptCreator, scriptFile here instead
; of explicitly initializing them above.
; Changed terminator to be -1, cause one of the fields we want to initialize
; with this table has an offset of 0.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
with ScriptRecord
dc.w scriptVersion ;
dc.w scriptCreator ;
dc.w scriptCreator+2 ; (long)
dc.w scriptFile ;
dc.w scriptFile+2 ; (long)
dc.w scriptDispTable
dc.w scriptDispTable+2 ; (long)
dc.w scriptDispLow
dc.w scriptDispHigh
dc.w scriptPrint
dc.w scriptPrint+2 ; (long)
dc.w scriptTrap
dc.w scriptTrap+2 ; (long)
dc.w scriptName
dc.w scriptName+2 ; (long)
dc.w $ffff ; now -1 is terminato
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Update from ScriptMgrExtTail.a <SM10> CSS
; Initialize emScriptAppGlobals field.
move.l ExpandMem,a0
move.l #-1,ExpandMemRec.emScriptAppGlobals(a0)
;Roll in from ScripMgrExtTail.a
IF forROM then
bsr InitDictionaryMgr ; Init the dictionarymgr <PN>
; Restore the registers, unlink the stack, and return to the caller.
movem.l (sp)+,SmgrInitRegs ; restore all registers.
unlk a6 ; unlink the stack.
Lea CutBackPt,A0 ; <=== Keep these two lines…
Rts ; <=== in any case
; InitDictionaryMgr
; Called to load the 'dimg' file which contains the
; Dictionary Manager code. We load the resources stick
; them into expand mem, and call it a day.
; JH, 10-9-91
with ExpandMemRec
clr.l -(sp) ;room for our handle
move.l #'dimg',-(sp) ;looking for a 'dimg' resource
move.w #-16385,-(sp) ;with an id of -16385
move.w #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ;check if resource is in ROM (it should be) <SM7> CSS
_GetResource ;see if we can get it
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ;ptr to expandmem rec into a0
move.l (sp)+,emDictionaryMgrPackHandle(a0) ;move the handle into our expandmem handle
; move.w #0,emDictionaryMgrUseCount(a0) ;0 our count
endwith ;ExpandMemRec
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Utility routine to allocate and clear global space
; (was above BufPtr in old systems) <10/10/88ldc>
_NewPtr sys,clear ; <29Jan87med>
beq.s @1 ; no -> skip this. <11/24/87med>
move.w #dsSysErr,d0 ; load generic error. <11/24/87med>
_SysError ; system error! <11/24/87med>
rts ; return to the caller.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This table contains <smgrRecord offset><routine offset> entries used for
; initializing the smgrRecord routine vectors.
SmgrTable proc
with smgrRecord
import PatchStart ; start of patch code
; template:
; import Xxx
; dc.w sVectXxx,Xxx-PatchStart
; PrintAction is in ScriptMgrExtensions.a which isn't linked for 'ptch' 4 but
; does exist for the ROM
IF forRom THEN ; <25>
import PrintAction ; printer action routine.
dc.w smgrPrint,PrintAction-PatchStart
ENDIF ; <25>
;--------------ScriptMgrUtilNum.a internal routines-------------------
; This table contains hooks for internal SMgr routines that have been
; vectorized for future modification.
; NOTE: These are filled in by both RAM and ROM versions of the Script
; Mgr, although they are only used by the ROM version. <06/30/89 pke>
; from ScriptMgrUtilNum.a <6/17/88ldc>
import AppendSymbol
dc.w sVectAppendSymbol,AppendSymbol-PatchStart
import ConvertToString
dc.w sVectConvertToString,ConvertToString-PatchStart
import ExpHandling
dc.w sVectExpHandling,ExpHandling-PatchStart
import ExpMatching
dc.w sVectExpMatching,ExpMatching-PatchStart
import CheckForDigits
dc.w sVectCheckForDigits,CheckForDigits-PatchStart
import MatchingSubstring
dc.w sVectMatchingSubstring,MatchingSubstring-PatchStart
import Cond
dc.w sVectCond,Cond-PatchStart
import CheckForm
dc.w sVectCheckForm,CheckForm-PatchStart
import TackOnExp
dc.w sVectTackOnExp,TackOnExp-PatchStart
import MakeExp
dc.w sVectMakeExp,MakeExp-PatchStart
import CheckPartsIntegrity
dc.w sVectCheckPartsIntegrity,CheckPartsIntegrity-PatchStart
import RetrieveChar
dc.w sVectRetrieveChar,RetrieveChar-PatchStart
import IsSubstring
dc.w sVectIsSubstring,IsSubstring-PatchStart
; add five more internal vectors from elsewhere <2.3>
import xSwapIcon
dc.w sVectSwapIcon,xSwapIcon-PatchStart
import xSwapKybd
dc.w sVectSwapKybd,xSwapKybd-PatchStart
import SMgrCalcRect
dc.w sVectSMgrCalcRect,SMgrCalcRect-PatchStart
import SMgrInitFonts
dc.w sVectSMgrInitFonts,SMgrInitFonts-PatchStart
import SMgrPostMunging
dc.w sVectSMgrPostMunging,SMgrPostMunging-PatchStart
; terminator - both fields zero.
dc.w 0,0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This table contains <scriptEntry offset><routine offset> entries used for
; initializing the RIS routine vectors.
RomanTable proc
import PatchStart ; start of patch code
import RomanPrint ; Roman print action routine.
import RomanScript ; Roman ScriptUtil routine.
import RomanName ; Roman script name.
with scriptRecord
dc.w scriptPrint,RomanPrint-PatchStart
dc.w scriptTrap,RomanScript-PatchStart
dc.w scriptName,RomanName-PatchStart
dc.w 0,0
export utilTable, utilTableBase
import BitBucket,BitBucketReg
IF forRom THEN ; <11><21>
import FontScript, IntlScript, Font2Script ; <x4>
import KeyScript ; <x4>
import GetEnvirons, SetEnvirons, GetScript, SetScript ; <x4>
import NFindScriptRun, ScriptToRange, xTestLetter
import SCLwrString, Font2RealScript, RealScript
import xNFindWord, TruncString, TruncText
import ReplaceText, InitScripts, AddScriptFonts
import IsCmdChar, InitScriptApp, CleanupScriptApp
import ReInitScripts, FindCharInSet, InitKeybdMenu
import SetKbdMenuInfo, RebuildKeybdMenu
import StyledLineBreak, FormatOrder, IntlTokenize
import InitDateCache, String2Date, String2Time
import LongSecs2Date, LongDate2Secs, ToggleDate, ValidDate
import xStr2Form, xForm2Str, xFormX2Str, xFormStr2X
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Moved from ScriptMgrUtil.a
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; The selector table is indexed by a ScriptUtil selector and each cell
; is the offset of the proper routine from the beginning of the table.
; change also in ScriptEqu.a, and import above.
; For 7.0, we do something which seems strange. The extensions are in ptch 27,
; which must work with both ptch 4 (this code) and the new ROMs. So, the
; addresses of the new routines are installed into the RAM-based dispatch
; table as part of ptch 27's initialization. However, we still want to leave
; space in the RAM dispatch table created by ptch 4 for the vectors that will
; be installed by ptch 27 (so we don't have to reallocate and copy this table
; except for the new ROMs). Until ptch 27 actually installs the real routine
; addresses, these vectors will point to the BitBucket routine for handling
; unimplemented routines. Since ptch 4 actually creates the RAM dispatch table
; using the table below, we do all of this here.
; For 7.0, we move Get/SetEnvirons and Get/SetScript to ptch 27 and install
; them there, so just put in dummy vectors here.
; For the ROM build we include every vector since the dispatch table
; is set up only once, right here.
; *** We need a better way to handle the conditionals here. The table here needs
; *** to be sized depending on the min and max codes for a given set of
; *** conditionals, and the installation code in ScriptMgrExtTail.a needs to
; *** adapt similarly.
IF NOT forRom THEN ;
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-80) for NFindScriptRun <29>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-78) for ScriptToRange <28>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-76) for TestLetter <24>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-74) for SCLwrString <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-72) for Font2RealScript <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-70) for RealScript <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-68) for HaveFontTranslationTable <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-66) for SetCachedTablesPurge <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-64) for SetCachedTablesNoPurge <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-62) for TranslateNoBreakFromUnicode <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-60) for TranslateToUnicode <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-58) for TranslateFromUnicode <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-56) for FindCharInSet <20>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-54) for ReInitScripts <18>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-52) for CleanupScriptApp <17>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-50) for InitScriptApp <17>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-48) for IsCmdChar <14>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-46) for RebuildKeybdMenu <13>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-44) for SetKbdMenuInfo <12>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-42) for AddScriptFonts
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-40) for InitKeybdMenu
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-38) for InitScripts
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-36) for ReplaceText
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-34) for TruncText
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-32) for TruncString
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-30) for NFindWord
dc.w NFindScriptRun - utilTable ; (-80) for NFindScriptRun <29>
dc.w ScriptToRange - utilTable ; (-78) for ScriptToRange <28>
dc.w xTestLetter - utilTable ; (-76) for TestLetter <24>
dc.w SCLwrString - utilTable ; (-74) for SCLwrString <21>
dc.w Font2RealScript - utilTable ; (-72) for Font2RealScript <21>
dc.w RealScript - utilTable ; (-70) for RealScript <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-68) for HaveFontTranslationTable <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-66) for SetCachedTablesPurge <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-64) for SetCachedTablesNoPurge <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-62) for TranslateNoBreakFromUnicode <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-60) for TranslateToUnicode <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-58) for TranslateFromUnicode <21>
dc.w FindCharInSet - utilTable ; (-56) for FindCharInSet <20>
dc.w ReInitScripts - utilTable ; (-54) for ReInitScripts <18>
dc.w CleanupScriptApp- utilTable ; (-52) for CleanupScriptApp <17>
dc.w InitScriptApp - utilTable ; (-50) for InitScriptApp <17>
dc.w IsCmdChar - utilTable ; (-48) for IsCmdChar <14>
dc.w RebuildKeybdMenu- utilTable ; (-46) for RebuildKeybdMenu <13>
dc.w SetKbdMenuInfo - utilTable ; (-44) for SetKbdMenuInfo <12>
dc.w AddScriptFonts - utilTable ; (-42) for AddScriptFonts
dc.w InitKeybdMenu - utilTable ; (-40) for InitKeybdMenu
dc.w InitScripts - utilTable ; (-38) for InitScripts
dc.w ReplaceText - utilTable ; (-36) for ReplaceText
dc.w TruncText - utilTable ; (-34) for TruncText
dc.w TruncString - utilTable ; (-32) for TruncString
dc.w xNFindWord - utilTable ; (-30) for NFindWord
dc.w ValidDate - utilTable ; (-28)
dc.w xFormStr2X - utilTable ; (-26)
dc.w xFormX2Str - utilTable ; (-24)
dc.w xForm2Str - utilTable ; (-22)
dc.w xStr2Form - utilTable ; (-20)
dc.w ToggleDate - utilTable ; (-18)
dc.w LongSecs2Date - utilTable ; (-16)
dc.w LongDate2Secs - utilTable ; (-14)
dc.w String2Time - utilTable ; (-12)
dc.w String2Date - utilTable ; (-10)
dc.w InitDateCache - utilTable ; (-8)
dc.w IntlTokenize - utilTable ; (-6)
dc.w FormatOrder - utilTable ; (-4)
IF forRom THEN ; <32>
dc.w StyledLineBreak - utilTable ; (-2) <32>
ELSE ; <32>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (-2) <32>
ENDIF ; <32>
IF forRom THEN ; <21>
; old versions for now <21>
dc.w FontScript - utilTable ; (00) FontScript
dc.w IntlScript - utilTable ; (02) IntlScript
dc.w KeyScript - utilTable ; (04) KeyScript
dc.w Font2Script - utilTable ; (06) Font2Script
dc.w GetEnvirons - utilTable ; (08) GetEnvirons
dc.w SetEnvirons - utilTable ; (10) SetEnvirons
dc.w GetScript - utilTable ; (12) GetScript
dc.w SetScript - utilTable ; (14) SetScript
ELSE ; <21>
; new 7.0 versions in (other) patches, fill in dummies here <21>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (00) FontScript
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (02) IntlScript
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (04) for KeyScript
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (06) Font2Script
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (08) for GetEnvirons <x2.6>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (10) for SetEnvirons <x2.6>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (12) for GetScript <x2.6>
dc.w BitBucket - utilTable ; (14) for SetScript <x2.6>
ENDIF ; <21>
; Move here, add proc and imports ; <16>
; Markers of form <xNN> are from RomanUtil.a.
export romanDispTable
import BitBucket, BitBucketReg
import RomanGetScript, RomanSetScript, CharByte ; <SM8> CSS
import Translit, FindWord, HiliteText
import VisibleLength
IF forRom THEN ; <21>
import CharType ; <26>
import Pixel2Char, Char2Pixel
import DrawJust, MeasureJust
import PortionText
import ParseTable
import FindScriptRun
import NPixel2Char, NChar2Pixel
import NDrawJust, NMeasureJust
import NPortionText
; The Roman table is used to map routine selectors to routine offsets.
; For 7.0, PortionText and Pixel2Char are moved to ptch 27, so we just
; put in dummy vectors here. We also need dummy vectors for Kanji
; private routines and new 7.0 routines. <x2>
; For the ROM build we include every vector since the dispatch table
; is set up only once, right here.
romanDispTable ; <04/26/89 pke>
IF (NOT forRom) THEN ; <x2><x4><x10><21>
dc.w RomanGetScript - romanDispTable ; GetScript (12) <x10> <SM8> CSS
dc.w RomanSetScript - romanDispTable ; SetScript (14) <x10> <SM8> CSS
dc.w CharByte - romanDispTable ; CharByte (16)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; CharType (18) <26>
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; Pixel2Char (20)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; Char2Pixel (22)
dc.w Translit - romanDispTable ; Transliterate (24)
dc.w FindWord - romanDispTable ; FindWord (26)
dc.w HiliteText - romanDispTable ; HiliteText (28)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; DrawJust (30)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; MeasureJust (32)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; ParseTable (34) <x11>
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; PortionText (36) <x2><x10>
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; FindScriptRun (38) <x8>
dc.w VisibleLength - romanDispTable ; VisibleLength (40) <x10>
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; IsSpecialFont (42)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; RawPrinterValues (44)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; NPixel2Char (46)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; NChar2Pixel (48)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; NDrawJust (50)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; NMeasureJust (52)
dc.w BitBucket - romanDispTable ; NPortionText (54)
dc.w RomanGetScript - romanDispTable ; GetScript (12) <x10> <SM8> CSS
dc.w RomanSetScript - romanDispTable ; SetScript (14) <x10> <SM8> CSS
dc.w CharByte - romanDispTable ; CharByte (16)
dc.w CharType - romanDispTable ; CharType (18) <26>
dc.w Pixel2Char - romanDispTable ; Pixel2Char (20)
dc.w Char2Pixel - romanDispTable ; Char2Pixel (22)
dc.w Translit - romanDispTable ; Transliterate (24)
dc.w FindWord - romanDispTable ; FindWord (26)
dc.w HiliteText - romanDispTable ; HiliteText (28)
dc.w DrawJust - romanDispTable ; DrawJust (30)
dc.w MeasureJust - romanDispTable ; MeasureJust (32)
dc.w ParseTable - romanDispTable ; ParseTable (34)
dc.w PortionText - romanDispTable ; PortionText (36)
dc.w FindScriptRun - romanDispTable ; FindScriptRun (38)
dc.w VisibleLength - romanDispTable ; VisibleLength (40) <x10>
dc.w 0 ; IsSpecialFont (42) <33>
dc.w 0 ; RawPrinterValues (44) <33>
dc.w NPixel2Char - romanDispTable ; NPixel2Char (46)
dc.w NChar2Pixel - romanDispTable ; NChar2Pixel (48)
dc.w NDrawJust - romanDispTable ; NDrawJust (50)
dc.w NMeasureJust - romanDispTable ; NMeasureJust (52)
dc.w NPortionText - romanDispTable ; NPortionText (54)