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154 lines
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# CompareRevisions - Compare the revision in the named file with another revision
# of the same file.
# Usage: CompareRevisions file
# CompareRevisions compares the revision of the named file with another revision
# of the same file. If they don't match it brings them both up on the screen and
# puts them side by side. A menu is appended to the menu bar to go through
# the changes. When all the changes have been shown, the revision windows are
# restored and closed.
# The differences are shown from bottom to top so that if any changes are made
# in the files, the line offsets are not messed up.
# To add CompareRevisions to a menu, execute the following command:
# AddMenu Project 'CompareRevisions' 'CompareRevisions "{Active}" ∑∑ "{WorkSheet}"'
# This script creates three temporary files which are deleted on exit or abort.
# {ShellDirectory}Compare_File, {ShellDirectory}Compare_State and file,<rev>,
# 1. CompareRevisions calls the script CompareFiles.
# © Apple Computer, Inc. 1988 - 1990
# All rights reserved.
Set Exit 0
Set error 0
# Check parameters.
If {#} ≠ 1
Echo "### Usage - {0} file"
Exit 0
End > Dev:StdErr
# Make sure the file exists
If "" == "`Exists -f "{1}"`"
Echo "### {0} - File ∂"{1}∂" not found"
Exit 4
# Break apart the pathname.
Set f "{1}"
If "{f}" =~ /(≈)®1:(≈)®2/
Set dir "{®1}:"
Set f "{®2}"
Set dir `directory`
If "{dir}" =~ /(≈)®1:/
Set dir "{®1}:"
Set path "{dir}{f}"
# See if the file belongs to a project.
# Then find the name of the parent project.
(Set info "`ProjectInfo "{path}"`" || Set error 1)
(Evaluate "{info}" =~ /[¬,]+,([¬ ∂t+*∂']+)®4([+*]«0,1»)®1[∂']* ≈/
Evaluate "{info}" =~ /≈Project: (≈∫)®2 +Checked out≈/ ) >dev:null
If {error} ≠ 0 || "{info}" == ""
Alert "∂"{path}∂" doesn’t belong to a project."
Exit 0
Set rev1 "{®4}"
# At this point:
# {®1} => '', '+', or '*'
# {®2} => project path
# {path} => file pathname
# {rev1} => revision
# {dir} => file directory path
# {f} => file leaf name
# Is the right project mounted?
(Set revList "`ProjectInfo -s -project "{®2}" "{f}"`") ≥dev:null
If "{revlist}" == ""
Alert "Project ∂"{®2}∂" is not mounted."
Exit 0
# Remove checked out ('+') revisions from the revision list.
If "`Evaluate " {revlist}" =~ /(≈)®7 (∂')«0,1»{f},[¬+]+∂+(∂')«0,1»(≈)®8/`"
Set revlist "{®7}{®8}"
# Remove the current revision from the revision list.
If ".{®1}" !~ /.[+*]/ && "`Evaluate " {revlist}" =~ /(≈[¬'])®7[∂']«0,1»{f},{rev1}[∂']«0,1»(≈)®8/`"
Set revlist "{®7}{®8}"
End > dev:null
If "{revlist}" =~ / */
Alert "No revisions to compare against."
Exit 4 # we're done if the rev list is null
# Request the number of the revision to be compared.
(Set rev2 "`GetListItem -r 8 -m "Compare ∂"{f},{rev1}{®1}∂" with:" -d {revList} ∂
|| Set error {Status}`")
If {error} == 0
(Evaluate "{rev2}" =~ /≈,(≈)®7/ ) >dev:null
Set rev2 "{®7}"
# Rename the active window so we can checkout a read-only copy of the
# revision we want to compare against. We'll have to change the name back.
# Find a temporary directory where I can checkout the file
Set coDir "{MPW}CompareRevisions.Dir:"
Delete -i -y "{coDir}"
NewFolder "{coDir}"
(Checkout "{f},{rev2}" -d "{coDir}" -project "{®2}" || Set error {Status})
If {error} ≠ 0
Alert "∂"{f},{rev2}∂" can’t be checked out [{error}]."
Rename "{path},{rev1}{®1}" "{path}"
Delete -i -y "{coDir}"
Exit 0
Move "{coDir}{f}" "{path},{rev2}"
Delete -i -y "{coDir}"
# Compare the two files and then clean up.
CompareFiles "{path}" "{path},{rev2}" ∑ dev:null
Set MyStatus {Status}
If {MyStatus} == 2
Echo Delete ∂""{path},{rev2}"∂" >> "{ShellDirectory}Compare_State"
Else If {MyStatus} == 0
Alert "Revisions match."
Delete "{path},{rev2}"