2019-06-29 22:03:22 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# In this folder
from splice import splice
2019-06-29 22:56:27 +08:00
from folder import folder
2019-06-29 22:03:22 +08:00
# python3 -m pip install machfs macresources
import machfs
import macresources
# First party
from os import path
import argparse
import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''
Build the sources in the working directory.
2019-06-29 22:56:27 +08:00
parser.add_argument('worktree', metavar='WORKTREE', action='store', type=lambda x: folder('worktree', x), help='Worktree (assumed in ../worktree/)')
2019-06-29 22:03:22 +08:00
parser.add_argument('passthru', metavar='ARG', nargs='+', help='Build script args (RISC/ROM/LC930/dbLite or FNDR)')
config = parser.parse_args()
config.worktree = os.getcwd()
config.tmpdir = path.join(config.worktree, '.dmg')
config.hfsimg = path.join(config.worktree, '.dmg.dmg')
config.vmac = open(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), 'vmac_path.conf')).read().rstrip('\n')
if config.passthru[:1] == ['FNDR']:
config.startapp = None
config.passthru = None
config.startapp = 'Disk:MPW:MPW Shell'
# Massage the args to make sense to :Make:Build
if '-src' not in config.passthru:
loc = 0
if config.passthru and config.passthru[0].isalnum():
loc = 1
config.passthru[loc:loc] = ['-src', '{Src}']
config.passthru[0:0] = ['{Src}Make:Build']
config.passthru = ' '.join(config.passthru)
print('Copying source', flush=True)
except FileNotFoundError:
myignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('BuildImage*', '.*', '*.dmg', '*.dsk', '*.sh', '*.py')
# copy2 preserves mod times, which we need to eventually allow MPW Make to work right
shutil.copytree(config.worktree, config.tmpdir, ignore=myignore, copy_function=shutil.copy2)
all_makefiles = list(glob.glob(path.join(glob.escape(config.worktree), '**', '*.[Mm][Aa][Kk][Ee]'), recursive=True))
def extract_makefile_defines(makefile, seed={}):
makefile = makefile.replace(b'\r', b'\n') # tolerate all sorts of crud
vardict = dict(seed)
grabber = lambda m: vardict.get(m.group(1).decode('ascii'), '').encode('ascii')
for line in text.split(b'\n'):
m = re.match(rb'^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+)', line)
if m:
left = m.group(1).decode('ascii')
right = re.sub(rb'{(\w+)}', grabber, m.group(2)).decode('ascii')
vardict[left] = right
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return vardict
for mkfile in all_makefiles:
with open(mkfile, 'rb') as f:
text = f.read()
defines = extract_makefile_defines(text)
if 'BuildDir' not in defines: continue
for key, macpath in defines.items():
macpath = macpath.replace('"', '')
if key.endswith('Dir') and macpath.startswith('BuildResults:'):
nativepath = path.join(config.tmpdir, *macpath.split(':')[:-1])
os.makedirs(nativepath, exist_ok=True)
print('Splicing amphibian DNA', flush=True) # Ugly, but keeps src tree clean
vol = machfs.Volume()
vol.name = 'Disk'
vol['Src'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['Src'].read_folder(config.tmpdir, date=0x90000000, mpw_dates=True)
print('Making bootable', flush=True)
def folder(name):
return path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), name)
def pstring(string):
string = string.encode('mac_roman')
return bytes([len(string)]) + string
# We need a System Folder
vol['System Folder'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['System Folder'].read_folder(folder('System-7.0.1'), date=0x80000000)
if 1: # has MPW
vol['MPW'] = machfs.Folder()
vol['MPW'].read_folder(folder('MPW-3.2.3'), date=0x80000000)
# Clear Worksheet window and reset its position and size
vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].data = vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].rsrc = b''
# Tell MPW what to do when it starts (can use {Src} in their -c command)
if config.passthru:
bootscript = 'Set Src Disk:Src:; Export Src; Directory {Src}\r'
bootscript += 'Set Exit 0; %s; Quit\r' % config.passthru
vol['MPW']['UserStartup'].data = bootscript.encode('mac_roman')
# Evil tuning: more RAM for MPW because some tools do not use temp mem
mpw = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['MPW']['MPW Shell'].rsrc))
for resource in mpw:
if resource.type == b'SIZE':
resource.data = resource.data[:2] + (0x300000).to_bytes(4, byteorder='big') * 2 + resource.data[10:]
vol['MPW']['MPW Shell'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(mpw)
# Patch the Process Manager to shut down when the last visible app quits,
# which it normally does when the startup app isn't a 'FNDR'.
# At that point, replace ShutDwnUserChoice() with ShutDwnPower().
# Also, follow a special path to the startup app, instead of Finder name global.
sys = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['System Folder']['System'].rsrc))
for resource in sys:
if resource.type != b'scod': continue # "System CODE" resources = Process Mgr
resource.data = resource.data.replace(b'FNDR', b'LUSR')
resource.data = resource.data.replace(b'\x3F\x3C\x00\x05\xA8\x95', b'\x3F\x3C\x00\x01\xA8\x95')
if config.startapp: # Change arg 3 of FSMakeFSSpec(BootVol, 0, FinderName, &mySpec) to custom path
data = bytearray(resource.data)
pea = b'\x48\x78\x02\xE0' # Find 'PEA $2E0' (accesses the Str15 FinderName)...
str_offset = None
while pea in data:
if not str_offset:
while len(data) % 2: data.append(0)
str_offset = len(data)
offset = data.index(pea)
data[offset:offset+2] = b'\x48\x7A' # ...replace with PC-relative 'PEA startapp'
data[offset+2:offset+4] = (str_offset - (offset+2)).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
resource.data = bytes(data)
vol['System Folder']['System'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(sys)
# Patch the Finder to give it a Quit menu item
finder = list(macresources.parse_file(vol['System Folder']['Finder'].rsrc))
for resource in finder:
if resource.type == b'fmnu' and b'Put Away' in resource.data:
data = bytearray(resource.data)
data[3] += 2
resource.data = bytes(data)
vol['System Folder']['Finder'].rsrc = macresources.make_file(finder)
print('Creating HFS disk image')
with open(config.hfsimg, 'wb') as f:
f.write(vol.write(256*1024*1024, align=4096, desktopdb=False))
print('Starting Mini vMac...', flush=True)
subprocess.run(config.vmac + ' ' + shlex.quote(config.hfsimg), shell=True, check=True)
print('Saving changes and cleaning up', flush=True)
vol = machfs.Volume()
with open(config.hfsimg, 'rb') as f:
if config.passthru is not None:
wsheet = vol['MPW']['Worksheet'].data.decode('mac_roman').replace('\r', '\n')
print(wsheet, end='')