ComponentMgr Release Notes First created on: 7/1/92 9:38:26 PM ----------------------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------- 7/1/92 9:38:38 PM File: ThingManager.c,11 Owner: John Harvey Project: MainProj∫Toolbox∫ComponentMgr∫ File: TSMInternalUtils.c,38 Owner: John Harvey Project: MainProj∫Toolbox∫TextServicesMgr∫ Radar bug: #1033507,1033505 > Release notes for this change: We put a check into the ThingManager.c that would refuse to open a component if the slop in the system heap was too low. However, I forgot that Bruce Leak told me that the thingmanager is super smart and clever and will put things into app heaps when system memory is too low. That meant that in certain situations components that should have been opened in the app heap weren’t being allowed to open because of lack of space in the system heap. So to fix this we moved the system heap check into TSM. Since input method’s are notorious memory hogs and also have to be opened in the system heap we check for system heap slop after opening one of them. If there isn’t enough space we close the input method. > What was tested: Ran the component test tools saw the attempt to open a component in the system heap fail, and then watched that component get opened in the application heap. ----------------------------------------------------------•---------------------------------------------------------- 7/2/93 4:51:10 PM File: GestaltEqu.h,15 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Interfaces∫CIncludes∫ File: DepVideoEqu.a,47 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Internal∫Asm∫ File: PPCInit.c,6 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫OS∫PPC∫ File: InitItt.c,19 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫OS∫SCSIMgr4pt3∫ File: ThingManager.c,14 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Toolbox∫ComponentMgr∫ File: ThingManagerDisp.a,4 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Toolbox∫ComponentMgr∫ File: ThingManagerDispatcher.a,3 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Toolbox∫ComponentMgr∫ File: DisplayMgr.c,11 Owner: Ian Hendry Project: SuperMarioProj∫Toolbox∫DisplayMgr∫ Radar bug: > Release notes for this change: Reality update: Fix gestalt calls to use new prototype (not code change just type declarations). Partially updated gestalt header file (except I did not move the error declarations that should probably be in Errors.h and I did not change the formatting differences). > What was tested: Build and tested. Found one technically incorrect declaration (but implemented correctly in assmbler. Other than that everything seems to work fine. ----------------------------------------------------------•----------------------------------------------------------