/* File: dpResources.r Contains: owned resources for the Edition Manager Written by: Nick Kledzik Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): 11/12/92 kc Remove shell variable path names. Add compile time conditional. 11/2/92 kc Add #if !NewBuildSystem around the inclusion of EditionMgr.PACK.rsrc. We will delete it code later. <31> 6/28/92 DTY Mark Edition Manager 'PACK' as purgeable. <30> 4/28/92 DTY Get rid of hasBalloonHelp conditional. <29> 3/27/92 DTY Dean gets too big for his britches and gets caught checking files in without making sure the system still builds. <28> 3/27/92 DTY Set resSysHeap bit on 'PACK' resource. <27> 10/2/91 JSM StandardFile3Types.r is now StandardFileTypes.r. <26> 2/20/91 ngk RLC,#82851: Fix balloon string for preview. <25> 1/14/91 ngk in remove yes/no dialog, move action button to right side <24> 12/14/90 ngk Add error dialog if edition can not be found <23> 10/30/90 ngk disable edition location pop up user item <22> 8/27/90 ngk Add 'dctb' resource to main dialogs to have CDialog's. <21> 8/2/90 ngk Combined sf and em hdlg's in NewPub and NewSub dialogs. <20> 7/30/90 ngk Update help strings to J. Trumbles latest. Add help balloons for NewPublisher and NewSubscriber. Include StandardFile3Types.r <19> 7/24/90 ngk Changed rGrayRectPictID to 11 <18> 7/24/90 RLC Change explicit include of BalloonTypes.r to plain include (BalloonTypes.r is now part of {RIncludes}). <17> 7/2/90 ngk Added sub DLOG's for options dialogs. <16> 6/7/90 DC Fix up ALRT's and DLOG's for auto-positioning <15> 6/1/90 ngk Fix help items in options dialog. <14> 5/31/90 ngk Added STR for name of preference file. Designed new SectionOptionsDialog layout. <13> 4/11/90 ngk use new standard file dialog layouts <12> 3/22/90 RLC Update types to reflect the helpItem changes to 'DITL' type in Types.r <11> 3/21/90 ngk Rearranged NewXDialog items. <9> 3/10/90 ngk Removed include of 'dlcd' code <8> 2/27/90 ngk Add Balloon help resources 'hdlg' and 'STR#' for 'OptionsDialog. <7> 2/25/90 ngk Added string for edition file mdDate if edition file can not be found. <6> 2/4/90 ngk Touch up SectionOptions dialog <5> 1/22/90 ngk Move volume icon in NewPublisherDialog to make room for border around file list. Removed comment boxes. <4> 1/6/90 ngk include code resources <3> 1/6/90 ngk rearange dialogs to not have a comments box <2> 12/28/89 dba include Types.r <1.7> 11/13/89 ngk Cleaned up SectionOptionDialog items <•1.6> 10/2/89 ngk Updated to use "Edition" instead of "Publication" <1.5> 9/25/89 ngk New resources for imporved SectionInfoDialog <1.4> 8/29/89 ngk Shifted around PublishAs and SubscribeTo to fit better on small screens. <1.3> 8/8/89 ngk Added preview and comment fields to PublishAs & SubscribeTo <1.2> 6/15/89 ngk Added rUnsavedPublishers alert <1.1> 5/29/89 ngk Added SectionInfoDialog and Publisher Update mode to PublishAsDialog <1.0> 5/19/89 ngk Submitted for first time */ #if !NewBuildSystem include $$Shell("ObjDir")"EditionMgr.PACK.rsrc" 'PACK' (11) as 'PACK' (11, sysHeap, purgeable); #endif #include "Types.r" #if NewBuildSystem #include "StandardFileTypes.r" #else #include $$Shell("StandardFile")"StandardFileTypes.r" #endif #define PackNumber 11 #define ownedByPackage 0xE800 #define ownedResourceBase (ownedByPackage + (PackNumber << 5)) // DLOG's #define rNewSubscriberDialog (ownedResourceBase + 0) /* -5792 */ #define rNewPublisherDialog (ownedResourceBase + 1) /* -5791 */ #define rSubscriberOptionsDialog (ownedResourceBase + 2) /* -5790 */ #define rPublisherOptionsDialog (ownedResourceBase + 3) /* -5789 */ #define rRemoveYesNoDialog (ownedResourceBase + 4) /* -5788 */ #define rOpenPublisherErrorDialog (ownedResourceBase + 5) /* -5787 */ #define rReconnectErrorDialog (ownedResourceBase + 6) /* -5786 */ // STR#'s #define rNewSubscriberHelpStrings (ownedResourceBase + 0) /* -5792 */ #define rNewPublisherHelpStrings (ownedResourceBase + 1) /* -5791 */ #define rSubscriberOptionsStrings (ownedResourceBase + 2) /* -5790 */ #define rPublisherOptionsStrings (ownedResourceBase + 3) /* -5789 */ #define rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings (ownedResourceBase + 4) /* -5788 */ #define rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings (ownedResourceBase + 5) /* -5787 */ // STR's #define rLastEditionUsedString (ownedResourceBase + 6) /* -5786 */ // PICT's #define rBlackDoubleLinePictID (ownedResourceBase + 2) /* -5790 */ #define rUpdateClusterBorderPictID (ownedResourceBase + 3) /* -5789 */ // PICT's for visual frosting of options dialogs resource 'PICT' (rUpdateClusterBorderPictID, purgeable) { 42, {0, 0, 92, 306}, $"1101 0100 0A00 0000 0000 5C01 3209 AA55" $"AA55 AA55 AA55 3000 0000 0000 5C01 32FF" }; resource 'PICT' (rBlackDoubleLinePictID, purgeable) { 38, {0, 0, 3, 16}, $"1101 0100 0A00 0000 0000 0300 1022 0000" $"0000 1000 2200 0200 0010 00FF" }; // name of preferences file that holds alias to last edition used resource 'STR ' (rLastEditionUsedString, purgeable) { "Last Edition Used" }; // NewSubscriberDialog resource 'DLOG' (rNewSubscriberDialog, purgeable) { {0, 0, 166, 494}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rNewSubscriberDialog, "", noAutoCenter }; resource 'dctb' (rNewSubscriberDialog, purgeable) { {} }; resource 'DITL' (rNewSubscriberDialog, purgeable) { { {135, 402, 155, 482}, Button { enabled, "Subscribe" }, {104, 402, 124, 482}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, {0,0,0,0}, HelpItem { disabled, HMScanhdlg {rNewSubscriberDialog} }, {8, 385, 24, 487}, UserItem { enabled }, {32, 402, 52, 482}, Button { enabled, "Eject" }, {60, 402, 80, 482}, Button { enabled, "Desktop" }, {29, 162, 159, 380}, UserItem { enabled }, {6, 162, 25, 380}, UserItem { enabled }, {91, 401, 92, 483}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {39, 14, 159, 134}, UserItem { disabled }, {8, 42, 24, 110}, StaticText { disabled, "Preview" }, {6, 150, 160, 151}, Picture { enabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {160, 6, 161, 150}, Picture { enabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {161, 8, 162, 486}, UserItem { enabled }, } }; // NewPublisherDialog resource 'DLOG' (rNewPublisherDialog, purgeable) { {0, 0, 188, 494}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rNewPublisherDialog, "", noAutoCenter }; resource 'dctb' (rNewPublisherDialog, purgeable) { {} }; resource 'DITL' (rNewPublisherDialog, purgeable) { { {161, 402, 181, 482}, Button { enabled, "Publish" }, {130, 402, 150, 482}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, {0,0,0,0}, HelpItem { disabled, HMScanhdlg {rNewPublisherDialog}}, {8, 385, 24, 485}, UserItem { enabled }, {32, 402, 52, 482}, Button { enabled, "Eject" }, {60, 402, 80, 482}, Button { enabled, "Desktop" }, {29, 162, 127, 380}, UserItem { enabled }, {6, 162, 25, 380}, UserItem { enabled }, {117, 401, 118, 483}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {157, 165, 173, 377}, EditText { enabled, "" }, {136, 165, 152, 377}, StaticText { disabled, "Name of new edition:" }, {87, 402, 107, 482}, UserItem { disabled }, {45, 14, 165, 134}, UserItem { disabled }, {8, 42, 24, 110}, StaticText { disabled, "Preview" }, {6, 150, 182, 151}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {182, 6, 183, 150}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {183, 8, 184, 486}, UserItem { disabled }, } }; // SubscriberOptionsDialog resource 'DLOG' (rSubscriberOptionsDialog, purgeable) { {40, 40, 195, 517}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rSubscriberOptionsDialog, "", noAutoCenter }; resource 'dctb' (rSubscriberOptionsDialog, purgeable) { {} }; resource 'DITL' (rSubscriberOptionsDialog, sysheap, purgeable) { { {124, 405, 144, 465}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, {124, 330, 144, 390}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, {120, 401, 148, 469}, UserItem { disabled }, {54, 330, 74, 466}, Button { enabled, "Cancel Subscriber" }, {83, 330, 103, 466}, Button { enabled, "Open Publisher" }, {83, 160, 103, 296}, Button { enabled, "Get Edition Now" }, {84, 35, 102, 124}, RadioButton { enabled, "Manually" }, {65, 35, 83, 153}, RadioButton { enabled, "Automatically" }, {10, 8, 26, 104}, StaticText { disabled, "Subscriber to:" }, {8, 110, 28, 280}, UserItem { disabled }, {35, 6, 38, 469}, Picture { disabled, rBlackDoubleLinePictID }, {54, 11, 144, 310}, Picture { disabled, rUpdateClusterBorderPictID }, {47, 18, 64, 104}, StaticText { enabled, "Get Editions:" }, {110, 17, 122, 101}, UserItem { enabled }, {125, 17, 137, 101}, UserItem { enabled }, {110, 106, 122, 305}, UserItem { enabled }, {125, 106, 137, 305}, UserItem { enabled }, {112, 329, 113, 467}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {0,0,0,0}, HelpItem { enabled, HMScanhdlg {rSubscriberOptionsDialog} }, {150, 8, 151, 469}, UserItem { disabled }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rSubscriberOptionsStrings, purgeable) { { /* [1] */ "Latest Edition: ", /* [2] */ "Last Received: ", /* [3] */ "Are you sure you want to remove this subscriber?", /* [4] */ "Edition can not be found.", /* [5] */ ", because the volume it is on could not be mounted", /* [6] */ ", because it is missing", /* [7] */ "", } }; // PublisherOptionsDialog resource 'DLOG' (rPublisherOptionsDialog, purgeable) { {40, 40, 195, 517}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rPublisherOptionsDialog, "", noAutoCenter }; resource 'dctb' (rPublisherOptionsDialog, purgeable) { {} }; resource 'DITL' (rPublisherOptionsDialog, purgeable) { { {124, 405, 144, 465}, Button { enabled, "OK" }, {124, 330, 144, 390}, Button { enabled, "Cancel" }, {120, 401, 148, 469}, UserItem { disabled }, {54, 330, 74, 466}, Button { enabled, "Cancel Publisher" }, {83, 1330, 103, 1466}, Button { enabled, "Hidden Button" }, {83, 160, 103, 296}, Button { enabled, "Send Edition Now" }, {84, 35, 102, 124}, RadioButton { enabled, "Manually" }, {65, 35, 83, 153}, RadioButton { enabled, "On Save" }, {10, 8, 26, 104}, StaticText { disabled, "Publisher to:" }, {8, 110, 28, 280}, UserItem { disabled }, {35, 6, 38, 469}, Picture { disabled, rBlackDoubleLinePictID }, {54, 11, 144, 310}, Picture { disabled, rUpdateClusterBorderPictID }, {46, 18, 63, 112}, StaticText { enabled, "Send Editions:" }, {110, 17, 122, 101}, UserItem { enabled }, {125, 17, 137, 101}, UserItem { enabled }, {110, 106, 122, 305}, UserItem { enabled }, {125, 106, 137, 305}, UserItem { enabled }, {112, 329, 113, 467}, Picture { disabled, rGrayRectPictID }, {0,0,0,0}, HelpItem { enabled, HMScanhdlg {rPublisherOptionsDialog} }, {150, 8, 151, 469}, UserItem { disabled }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rPublisherOptionsStrings, purgeable) { { /* [1] */ "Latest Edition: ", /* [2] */ "Last Change: ", /* [3] */ "Are you sure you want to remove this publisher?", /* [4] */ "Edition can not be found.", } }; // “Remove Section” dialog: keep bounds within main dialog to allow updates resource 'DLOG' (rRemoveYesNoDialog, purgeable) { {0, 0, 80, 200}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rRemoveYesNoDialog, "", centerParentWindow }; resource 'DITL' (rRemoveYesNoDialog, purgeable) { { {50, 120, 70, 190}, Button { enabled, "Yes" }; {50, 10, 70, 80}, Button { enabled, "No" }; {10, 10, 40, 190}, StaticText { disabled, "^0" }; } }; // “Open Publisher Error” dialog: keep bounds within main dialog to allow updates resource 'DLOG' (rOpenPublisherErrorDialog, purgeable) { {0, 0, 120, 290}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rOpenPublisherErrorDialog, "", centerParentWindow }; resource 'DITL' (rOpenPublisherErrorDialog, purgeable) { { {87, 199, 107, 269}, Button { enabled, "OK" }; {10, 78, 74, 277}, StaticText { disabled, "Could not open the publisher document^0." }; {13, 23, 45, 55}, Icon { disabled, 1 }; } }; // “Reconnect Error” dialog: keep bounds within main dialog to allow updates resource 'DLOG' (rReconnectErrorDialog, purgeable) { {0, 0, 110, 280}, dBoxProc, invisible, noGoAway, 0, rReconnectErrorDialog, "", centerParentWindow }; resource 'DITL' (rReconnectErrorDialog, purgeable) { { {77, 197, 97, 267}, Button { enabled, "OK" }; {13, 78, 64, 267}, StaticText { disabled, "Could not locate the edition^0." }; {13, 23, 45, 55}, Icon { disabled, 1 }; } }; #include "BalloonTypes.r" // indexes into help STR# // for New Subscriber #define hsinsPreview 1 #define hsinsPreviewDimmed 2 #define hsinsFileList 3 #define hsinsCancel 4 #define hsinsSubscribe 5 #define hsinsSubscribeDimmed 6 // for New Publisher #define hsinpPreview 1 #define hsinpEditionNameTE 2 #define hsinpCancel 3 #define hsinpPublish 4 #define hsinpPublishDimmed 5 // for Subscriber Options #define hsisoPopUpMenu 1 #define hsisoPopUpMenuDimmed 2 #define hsisoCancelSubscriber 3 #define hsisoOpenPublisher 4 #define hsisoOpenPublisherDimmed 5 #define hsisoGetEditionNow 6 #define hsisoGetEditionNowDimmed 7 #define hsisoAutomatically 8 #define hsisoAutomaticallyChecked 9 #define hsisoManually 10 #define hsisoManuallyChecked 11 #define hsisoLatestEdition 12 #define hsisoLastReceived 13 #define hsisoLatestEditionDimmed 14 #define hsisoCancel 15 #define hsisoOK 16 // for Publisher Options #define hsipoPopUpMenu 1 #define hsipoPopUpMenuDimmed 2 #define hsipoCancelPublisher 3 #define hsipoSendEditionNow 4 #define hsipoSendEditionNowDimmed 5 #define hsipoOnSave 6 #define hsipoOnSaveChecked 7 #define hsipoManually 8 #define hsipoManuallyChecked 9 #define hsipoLatestEdition 10 #define hsipoLatestEditionDimmed 11 #define hsipoLastChange 12 resource 'hdlg' (rNewSubscriberDialog, purgeable) { HelpMgrVersion, /* Help Version */ 0, /* offset to first DITL */ 0, /* options */ 0, /* theProc */ 0, /* variant */ HMSkipItem { /* skip missing message */ }, { HMStringResItem { /* Open/Subscribe button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsSubscribe, /* Enabled button */ rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsSubscribeDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfOpenFolder, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfOpenFolderDimmed }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsCancel, /* Enabled button */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* help on help?? */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Current volume User Item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfVolume, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Eject button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfEject, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfEjectDImmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Desktop button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfDesktop, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfDesktopDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* list of files item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsFileList, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* pop up menu */ }, HMSkipItem { /* divider line */ }, HMStringResItem { /* preview */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsPreview, /* Enabled item */ rNewSubscriberHelpStrings,hsinsPreviewDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rNewSubscriberHelpStrings, purgeable) { { /* [hsinsPreview] Subscribe to dialog, Preview item, Normal */ "This area shows you the contents of the edition selected at right."; /* [hsinsPreviewDimmed] Subscribe to dialog, Preview item, Dimmed */ "This area shows you the contents of the edition selected at right."; /* 26, #82851 */ /* When code is fixed to enable/disable preview userItem then the following */ /* 26, #82851 */ /* string should be appended "It is empty because no edition file is selected" */ /* 26, #82851 */ /* [hsinsFileList] Subscribe to dialog, directory box, Normal */ "This window lists the contents of the folder, disk, or file server named " "above. Double-click a folder or disk to see its contents in this window. " "Double-click an edition to subscribe to it."; /* [hsinsCancel] Subscribe to dialog, cancel button, Normal */ "To close this dialog box without subscribing to an edition, click this " "button."; /* [hsinsSubscribe] Subscribe to dialog, subscribe button, Normal */ "To subscribe to the selected edition, click this button. The material " "stored in the edition (shown in the preview area) is inserted into your " "document. This material is automatically updated when the edition is " "updated by a publisher."; /* [hsinsSubscribeDimmed] Subscribe to dialog, subscribe button, Dimmed */ "To subscribe to the selected edition, click this button. The button " "is not available because nothing is selected."; } }; resource 'hdlg' (rNewPublisherDialog, purgeable) { HelpMgrVersion, /* Help Version */ 0, /* offset to first DITL */ 0, /* options */ 0, /* theProc */ 0, /* variant */ HMSkipItem { /* skip missing message */ }, { HMStringResItem { /* Open/Publish button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpPublish, /* Enabled button */ rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpPublishDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfOpenFolder, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfOpenFolderDimmed }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpCancel, /* Enabled button */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* help on help?? */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Current volume User Item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfVolume, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Eject button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfEject, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfEjectDImmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Desktop button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfDesktop, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfDesktopDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* list of files item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfFileList, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* no help on pop up menu */ }, HMSkipItem { /* no help on divider line */ }, HMStringResItem { /* TextEdit for edition name */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpEditionNameTE, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* prompt */ }, HMStringResItem { /* new folder button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfNewFolder, /* Enabled item */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,hsisfNewFolderDimmed, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* preview */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpPreview, /* Enabled item */ rNewPublisherHelpStrings,hsinpPreview, /* Disabled */ rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0, rStandardFileHelpStringsID,0 }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rNewPublisherHelpStrings, purgeable) { { /* [hsinpPreview] Create Publisher, Preview item, Normal */ "This area shows you the material that will be published (the material that " "is selected in your document)."; /* [hsinpEditionNameTE] Create Publisher, name of edition box, Normal */ "Type a name for the edition in this box. The edition is a file that " "stores the material being published."; /* [hsinpCancel] Subscribe to dialog, cancel button, Normal */ "To close this dialog box without publishing the selected material, click " "this button."; /* [hsinpPublish] Create Publisher, Publish button, Normal */ "To create an edition with the name shown, click this button. The selected " "material from your document (shown in the preview area) will be stored in " "the edition file."; /* [hsinpPublishDimmed] Create Publisher, Publish button, Dimmed */ "To create an edition with the name shown, click this button. The button " "is not available because no name has been provided for the edition."; } }; resource 'hdlg' (rSubscriberOptionsDialog, purgeable) { HelpMgrVersion, /* Help Version */ 0, /* offset to first DITL */ 0, /* options */ 0, /* theProc */ 0, /* variant */ HMSkipItem { /* skip missing message */ }, { HMStringResItem { /* OK button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoOK, /* Enabled item */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, /* Disabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoCancel, /* Enabled item */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, /* Disabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* Outline around the OK button */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel Subscriber button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoCancelSubscriber, /* Enabled button */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Open Publisher button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoOpenPublisher, /* Enabled button */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoOpenPublisherDimmed, /* Disabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Get Edition Now button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoGetEditionNow, /* Enabled button */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoGetEditionNowDimmed, /* Disabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Manually button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoManually, /* Enabled, Unchecked item */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoManuallyChecked, /* Checked */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Automatically button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoAutomatically, /* Enabled, Unchecked item */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoAutomaticallyChecked, /* Checked */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* main title text */ }, HMStringResItem { /* pop up path item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoPopUpMenu, /* Enabled item */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoPopUpMenuDimmed, /* Disabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* double line pict */ }, HMSkipItem { /* cluster border pict */ }, HMSkipItem { /* cluster border title */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Edition: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoLatestEdition, /* Enabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Received: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoLastReceived, /* Enabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Edition date: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoLatestEdition, /* Enabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Received Date: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoLastReceived, /* Enabled */ rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings, purgeable) { { /* [hsisoPopUpMenu] subscriber options, path box, Normal */ "Use this pop-up menu to see the path to the edition for the " "selected subscriber."; /* [hsisoPopUpMenuDimmed] subscriber options, path box, Dimmed */ "Use this pop-up menu to see the path to the edition for the " "selected subscriber. The items in the menu are dimmed because the edition " "cannot be found (it has been deleted, or the disk it is on is " "unavailable)."; /* [hsisoCancelSubscriber] Subscriber options, Cancel subscriber button, Normal */ "To stop subscribing to the edition named in the pop-up menu, click this " "button. The selected material remains in your document, but it is not " "automatically updated when the edition is updated."; /* [hsisoOpenPublisher] Subscriber options, Find publisher button, Normal */ "To open the document that contains the publisher for the selected " "subscriber, click this button."; /* [hsisoOpenPublisherDimmed] Subscriber options, Find publisher button, Dimmed */ "To open the document that contains the publisher for the selected " "subscriber, click this button. This button is not available because the " "edition cannot be found (it has been deleted, or the disk it is on is " "unavailable)."; /* [hsisoGetEditionNow] Subscriber options, Get edition now button, Normal */ "To update the selected subscriber now, click this button. The subscriber " "will be replaced by the material in the edition named above."; /* [hsisoGetEditionNowDimmed] Subscriber options, Get edition now button, Dimmed */ "To update the selected subscriber now, click this button. The button is " "not available because the edition cannot be found (it has been deleted, or " "the disk it is on is unavailable)."; /* [hsisoAutomatically] Subscriber options, Automatically button, Normal */ "To update the selected subscriber automatically whenever the edition is " "changed, click this button."; /* [hsisoAutomaticallyChecked] Subscriber options, Automatically button, Checked */ "The dot in this button indicates that the selected subscriber is updated " "automatically whenever the edition is changed."; /* [hsisoManually] Subscriber options, Manually button, Normal */ "To update the selected subscriber only when you click the Get Edition Now " "button , click this button."; /* [hsisoManuallyChecked] Subscriber options, Manually, Checked */ "The dot in this button indicates that the selected subscriber is updated " "only when you click the Get Edition Now button."; /* [hsisoLatestEdition] Subscriber options, Latest edition, Normal */ "This line tells you the last time the material in the edition was updated " "by the publisher. \n\nIf you are updating automatically, it also tells " "you the last time the selected subscriber was updated by the edition."; /* [hsisoLatestEditionDImmed] Subscriber options, Latest edition, Dimmed */ "This tells you the last time the material in the edition file was updated " "by the publisher. The date is currently unavailable becuase the edition " "cannot be found (it has been deleted, or the disk it is on is unavailable)."; /* [hsisoLastReceived] Subscriber options, Last received, Normal */ "This line tells you the date and time of the last change to the edition " "that the selected subscriber received.\n\nIf this time is earlier " "than the time on the line above, you have not received the latest edition."; /* [hsisoCancel] Subscriber options, cancel button, Normal */ "To cancel any changes you made to the settings in this dialog box and " "close the dialog box, click this button."; /* [hsisoOK] Subscriber options, ok button, Normal */ "To confirm any changes you made to the settings in this dialog box and " "close the dialog box, click this button."; } }; resource 'hdlg' (rPublisherOptionsDialog, purgeable) { HelpMgrVersion, /* Help Version */ 0, /* offset to first DITL */ 0, /* options */ 0, /* theProc */ 0, /* variant */ HMSkipItem { /* skip missing message */ }, { HMStringResItem { /* OK button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoOK, /* Enabled item */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, /* Disabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rSubscriberOptionsHelpStrings,hsisoCancel, /* Enabled item */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, /* Disabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* Outline around the OK button */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Cancel Publisher button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoCancelPublisher, /* Enabled button */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* !Does not show up! Open Publisher button */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Send Edition Now button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoSendEditionNow, /* Enabled button */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoSendEditionNowDimmed, /* Disabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Manually button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoManually, /* Enabled, Unchecked item */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoManuallyChecked, /* Checked */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* On Save button */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoOnSave, /* Enabled, Unchecked item */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoOnSaveChecked, /* Checked */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* main title text */ }, HMStringResItem { /* pop up path item */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoPopUpMenu, /* Enabled item */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoPopUpMenuDimmed, /* Disabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMSkipItem { /* double line pict */ }, HMSkipItem { /* cluster border pict */ }, HMSkipItem { /* cluster border title */ }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Edition Sent: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoLatestEdition, /* Enabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Section: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoLastChange, /* Enabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Edition Sent date: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoLatestEdition, /* Enabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, HMStringResItem { /* Latest Section Date: text */ {0,0}, {0,0,0,0}, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,hsipoLastChange, /* Enabled */ rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0, rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings,0 }, } }; resource 'STR#' (rPublisherOptionsHelpStrings, purgeable) { { /* [hsipoPopUpMenu] Publisher options, Path box, Normal */ "Use this pop-up menu to see the path to the edition for the " "selected publisher."; /* [hsipoPopUpMenuDimmed] subscriber options, path box, Dimmed */ "Use this pop-up menu to see the path to the edition for the " "selected publisher. The items in the menu are dimmed because the edition " "cannot be found (it has been deleted, or the disk it is on is " "unavailable)."; /* [hsipoCancelPublisher] Publisher options, Cancel Publisher button, Normal */ "To permanently stop sending editions from this publisher, click this " "button. Future changes you make to the selected material will not be sent " "on to an edition and subscribers in other documents will not receive the " "changes."; /* [hsipoSendEditionNow] Publisher options, Send edition button, Normal */ "To update the material in the edition now, click this button.\n\nThe " "material in the edition will be replaced with the material in the selected " "publisher."; /* [hsipoSendEditionNowDimmed] Publisher options, Send edition button, Dimmed */ "To update the material in the edition now, click this button. The button " "is not available because the edition is on a disk that is unavailable."; /* [hsipoOnSave] Publisher options, On save button, Normal */ "To update the edition automatically each time you save the document that " "contains the publisher, click this button."; /* [hsipoOnSaveChecked] Publisher options, On save button, Checked */ "The dot in this button indicates that the material in the edition is " "updated automatically each time you save the document that contains the " "publisher."; /* [hsipoManually] Publisher options, Manually button, Normal */ "To update the edition only when you click the Send Edition Now button, " "click this button."; /* [hsipoManuallyChecked] Publisher options, Manually button, Checked */ "The dot in this button indicates that the edition is updated only when you " "click the Send Edition Now button."; /* [hsipoLatestEdition] Publisher options, latest edition, Normal */ "This line tells you the last time this publisher updated the edition."; /* [hsipoLatestEditionDimmed] Publisher options, latest edition, Dimmed */ "This line tells you the last time this publisher updated the edition file. " "It is currently unavailable because the edition file can not be found."; /* [hsipoLastChange] Publisher options, last change, Normal */ "This line tells you the last time you saved changes to the document that " "contains this publisher.\n\nIf this time is later than the time listed " "above, you have not updated the edition with the latest changes to the " "publisher."; } };