{ File: CommToolboxPriv.p Contains: Internal interface to the CommResource Mgr and the CommToolbox Utilities Written by: Byron Han Jerry Godes Copyright: © 1988-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <25> 8/27/91 JSM Cleanup header, remove Pre70 stuff. <24> 8/20/91 BH move CRMReserveRF into public interfaces <23> 8/9/91 JNG Moved CRMReleaseRF into main interfaces <22> 6/25/91 JNG Move CRMIsDriverOpen to CommResources.p <21> 6/18/91 BH rename choose constants <21> 6/18/91 BH rename choose constants <20> 1/9/91 kaz Changing ModemStringType and PrinterStringType to STR# to include driver names. Changing ChooseIDStrID from -32512 to -32510. <19> 12/13/90 JNG Use the System IconLDEF <18> 11/1/90 fjs add new constants for the color icon types <17> 10/16/90 kaz Adding CRMAppRec to keep track of the processes that init the TM, FT, or CM; renamed reserved to appList in CTBBlock; added bitfields for initialized mgrs; added prototypes for handling the app list; Removed _CTBKeystrokeFilter references; Renamed CRMStruct to CRMResourceCount. Term, FT, or Conn Mgrs; renamed reserved to appList to CTBBlock; added bitfields for initialized mgrs; added prototypes for handling the app list; fixed spelling of some messages. Removing _CTBKeystrokeFilter references. Renamed CRMStruct to CRMResourceCount. <16> 10/5/90 PN Restore the project <15> 9/10/90 JNG Have ResFileRec contain canonical form of file name; Add in new resources for choose <14> 8/15/90 kaz Added PlaceWindow() prototype <13> 8/6/90 kaz Renaming GoodDrawOutlineButton; adding DoGrayOutline. <12> 5/24/90 kaz Combined GetIndflst and GetIndfinf; added Getflst() <11> 5/22/90 kaz Updated 'flst' and FontInfoRec to include a txMode field; merged FontInfoRec & TextState records; added Get and SetTextState (like GetPenState) <10> 4/11/90 kaz Added CmdPeriod() Prototype <8+> 3/20/90 kaz Merging in stuff from 1.0 - struct for accessing QD globals - new routines in CommToolboxUtilityRoutines <8> 3/18/90 BBH keep unused in IconPrivateBlock for Tools 1.0 compatibility with the Icon LDEF (unused was hasSM) <7> 3/16/90 BBH added CTB_VersionType <6> 3/16/90 BBH added MIN and MAX interfaces to CommToolboxUtilityRoutines.c <5> 3/16/90 BBH added DoTheIcon, parse_finf, and parse_flst, FindMenuItem and GoodDrawOutlineButton <4> 3/15/90 BBH fix selector typos <3> 3/14/90 BBH added DITL package selectors <2> 3/14/90 BBH integrate CRMPrivate.p CTBCoreIntf.p CTBPrivate.p and add resource type for min system heap size (temporary until ptch's are installed) <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT CommToolboxPriv; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$I+} {$SETC CommToolboxInc := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingProcesses} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Processes.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := CommToolboxInc} {$IFC UNDEFINED CommToolboxPriv} {$SETC CommToolboxPriv := 1} { This file contains the resource types and resource ID's to be used by the CommToolbox } { the following 6 resources are temporary to be merged into ptch code } CONST CTB_InstallType = 'INIT'; CTB_InstallID = 29; CTB_DispatcherType = 'proc'; { this used to be ctbd -32512 } CTB_DispatcherID = -32509; CTB_GestaltProcType = 'proc'; { this used to be ctbg -32510 } CTB_GestaltProcID = -32508; CTB_PatchType = 'ctbp'; { this used to be type ctb∂ } CTB_Patch1 = -32512; { allocate low memory } CTB_Patch2 = -32511; { register builtin ports } CTB_Patch3 = -32510; { perform gestalt installation } { end temporary } CTB_ConnectionMgrType = 'cmtb'; CTB_FileTransferMgrType = 'cmtb'; CTB_TerminalMgrType = 'cmtb'; CTB_CTBUtilitiesType = 'cmtb'; CTB_CommResourceMgrType = 'cmtb'; CTB_ConnectionMgrID = -32512; CTB_FileTransferMgrID = -32511; CTB_TerminalMgrID = -32510; CTB_CTBUtilitiesID = -32509; CTB_CommResourceMgrID = -32508; CTB_VersionType = 'ctb '; { this used to be ctbv -32512} CTB_VersionID = -32512; CTB_KeyclickType = 'snd '; { this used to be ctb$ -32511 } CTB_KeyclickID = -32512; CTB_ChooseType = 'proc'; { this used to be choo -32512 } CTB_ChooseID = -32512; CTB_DITLPackType = 'proc'; { this used to be ditl -32512 } CTB_DITLPackID = -32511; CTB_NuLookupType = 'proc'; { this used to be nlup -32510 } CTB_NuLookupID = -32510; CTB_NuLookupParmsType = 'flst'; { this used to be parm -32510 } CTB_NuLookupParmsID = -32510; CTB_ModemIconType = 'ICN#'; { this used to be ctbi -32512 } CTB_Modem4ColorIconType = 'icl4'; CTB_Modem8ColorIconType = 'icl8'; CTB_ModemIconID = -32512; CTB_PrinterIconType = 'ICN#'; { this used to be ctbi -32511 } CTB_Printer4ColorIconType = 'icl4'; CTB_Printer8ColorIconType = 'icl8'; CTB_PrinterIconID = -32511; CTB_ModemStringType = 'STR#'; { this used to be ctbs -32512 } CTB_ModemStringID = -32512; CTB_PrinterStringType = 'STR#'; { this used to be ctbs -32511 } CTB_PrinterStringID = -32511; CTB_CommFolderNameType = 'STR '; { this used to be ctbs -32510 } CTB_CommFolderNameID = -32510; CTB_MarkerType = 'ctb '; { lets CTB6 installer scripts know CTB7 is installed } CTB_CTB6MarkerID = 0; CTB_CTB7MarkerID = 1; CTB_ChooseDLOGID = -32512; CTB_ChoosehdlgID = -32512; CTB_ChoosedctbID = -32512; CTB_ChooseDITLID = -32512; CTB_ChooseSTRsID = -32510; CTB_ChooseLDEFID = -32512; CTB_ChoosehmnuID = -32512; CTB_ChoosefinfID = -32512; CTB_ChooseflstID = -32512; { preferred over finf } CTB_ChooseCNTLID = -32512; CTB_ChooseMENUID = -32512; CTB_ChooseConfirmDLOGID = -32511; CTB_ChooseConfirmDITLID = -32511; CTB_ChooseUnavailableDLOGID = -32509; CTB_ChooseUnavailableDITLID = -32509; CTB_NulookuphdlgID = -32510; CTB_NulookupDLOGID = -32510; CTB_NulookupdctbID = -32510; CTB_NulookupDITLID = -32510; CTB_NulookupSTRsID = -32510; CTB_NulookupLDEFID = -32510; CTB_PopupCDEFType = 'CDEF'; CTB_PopupCDEFID = 63; { added since CTB6 } CTB_PopupTriangleType = 'PICT'; CTB_PopupTriangleID = -8224; { owned by cdef 63 } CTB_PopupExpandType = 'proc'; { this expands menuwidth } CTB_PopupExpandID = -8224; { owned by cdef 63 } { CommRsrcMgr } CTBBlockVersion = 1; cmInUse = 1; { values for cmtbFlags bitfield } tmInUse = 2; ftInUse = 4; { CommToolboxCore } CMSel = 0; { manager selectors } TMSel = 1; FTSel = 2; BndType = 0; { tool res selectors } DefType = 1; ValType = 2; SetType = 3; ScrType = 4; LocType = 5; CTBNoTools = 8; { common error code } { Common Tool Messages } CTBInitMsg = 0; CTBDisposeMsg = 1; CTBSuspendMsg = 2; CTBResumeMsg = 3; CTBMenuMsg = 4; CTBEventMsg = 5; CTBActivateMsg = 6; CTBDeactivateMsg = 7; CTBGetErrorStringMsg = 8; { except for connection manager since I BBH f*cked up } CTBIdleMsg = 50; CTBResetMsg = 51; CTBAbortMsg = 52; CTBValidateMsg = 0; CTBDefaultMsg = 1; CTBPreflightMsg = 0; CTBSetupMsg = 1; CTBItemMsg = 2; CTBFilterMsg = 3; CTBCleanupMsg = 4; CTBGetMsg = 0; CTBSetMsg = 1; CTB2EnglishMsg = 0; CTB2IntlMsg = 1; { CommToolboxUtilities privates } ChooseCM = 0; ChooseTM = 1; ChooseFT = 2; { ChooseRec messages } { ctbChooseNoChangelHandle means bring up dialog to select tool or configure tool, but only return the toolName and the new configPtr (i.e. do not dispose of old handle or create new one ctbChooseNoDialog means change to the toolName and config sent in without bringing up the dialog ctbChooseNoChangleTool means popup only contains current tool (cannot change tool) } ctbChooseNoChangeHandle = 1; ctbChooseNoDialog = 2; ctbChooseNoChangeTool = 4; { DITL package selectors } AppendMsg = 1; CountMsg = 2; ShortenMsg = 3; TYPE { CommResourceMgr privates } ResourceMapHandlePtr = ^ResourceMapHandle; ResourceMapHandle = ^ResourceMapPtr; ResourceMapPtr = ^ResourceMapRecord; ResourceMapRecord = RECORD theHeader : ARRAY[0..3] OF LONGINT; next : ResourceMapHandle; refNum : INTEGER; END; CRMToolContextPtr = ^CRMToolContext; {NOTE::: ifthis changes change CRMToolPreflight/} { CRMToolPostflight} CRMToolContext = PACKED RECORD oldProcID : INTEGER; oldHidden : ResourceMapHandle; toolProcID : INTEGER; wasBelow : BOOLEAN; END; DispatchCodePtr = ^DispatchCode; DispatchCode = PACKED RECORD instruction: INTEGER; table: ARRAY[0..18] OF LONGINT; CTBrefnum: INTEGER; big: INTEGER; END; ResFileRecHdl = ^ResFileRecPtr; ResFileRecPtr = ^ResFileRec; ResFileRec = PACKED RECORD theName : FSSpec; { Canonical File Specification } refNum : INTEGER; { resource file reference number } resMap : ResourceMapHandle; { handle to master resource map } pZone : THz; { zone where resource map resides } useCount : LONGINT; { use count in the current heap } special : CRMToolContext; { context saved for setup } reserved : LONGINT; next : ResFileRecHdl; { next in the chain } END; { Tracks individual resources } CRMResourceCountPtr = ^CRMResourceCount; CRMResourceCount = RECORD next : CRMResourceCountPtr; { next in chain } theHandle : LONGINT; { resource to track } useCount : LONGINT; { # of times used } refNum : INTEGER; { what is this for? } END; CRMAppRecPtr = ^CRMAppRec; CRMAppRec = RECORD aProcess : ProcessSerialNumber; { unique process id } cmtbFlags : INTEGER; { bit field for TM, FT, CM } reserved : LONGINT; next : CRMAppRecPtr; { next in chain } END; CTBGlobalPtr = ^CTBBlockPtr; CTBBlockPtr = ^CTBBlock; CTBBlock = RECORD version : INTEGER; CRMQueue : QHdrPtr; resList : LONGINT; private : INTEGER; appList : CRMAppRecPtr; { list of apps that call FT, TM, CM } resFiles : ResFileRecHdl; toolResChain: ResourceMapHandle; secret : ARRAY[0..15] OF LONGINT; END; { CommToolboxCore } CoreHandle = ^CorePtr; CorePtr = ^CoreRecord; CoreRecord = RECORD procID : INTEGER; flags : LONGINT; errCode : OSErr; refCon : LONGINT; userData : LONGINT; defProc : ProcPtr; config : Ptr; oldConfig : Ptr; reserved0 : LONGINT; reserved1 : LONGINT; reserved2 : LONGINT; END; { CommToolboxUtilities privates } { IconLDEF Cell Data } CellDataH = ^CellDataP; CellDataP = ^CellDataBlock; CellDataBlock = RECORD icon : PACKED ARRAY[0..31] OF LONGINT; mask : PACKED ARRAY[0..31] OF LONGINT; title : STR255; END; { CommToolboxUtilityRoutines } GrafWorldPtr = ^GrafWorld; GrafWorld = RECORD { Accessing QD Globals } privates : PACKED ARRAY [0..75] of BYTE; randSeed : LONGINT; screenBits : BitMap; arrow : Cursor; dkGray, ltGray, gray, black, white : Pattern; thePort : GrafPtr; END; {System IconLDEF data} NewCellDataBlock = RECORD cHand : Handle; cFont : integer; cFace : Style; cSize : integer; cName : Str255; END; NewCellDataBlockP = ^NewCellDataBlock; NewCellDataBlockH = ^NewCellDataBlockP; { CommToolboxLDEF private storage } IconPrivateH = ^IconPrivateP; IconPrivateP = ^IconPrivateBlock; IconPrivateBlock = RECORD unused : BOOLEAN; { has to be here for CTB 1.0 compatibility } procID : INTEGER; { res ref num of tool } tempData : NewCellDataBlockH; {Data for new IconLDEF } END; { choose data structures } ChooseRecPtr = ^ChooseRec; ChooseRec = RECORD reserved : LONGINT; msg : LONGINT; idleProc : ProcPtr; filterProc : ProcPtr; newTool : Str63; newConfig : Ptr; eventProc : ProcPtr; END; { For accessing 'finf' and 'flst' resources, etc } TextState = RECORD theFont : INTEGER; theFace : Style; theSize : INTEGER; theMode : INTEGER; END; { CommResourceMgr routines } FUNCTION CRMOpenRFPerm(fName: STR63; vRefNum: INTEGER; dirID: LONGINT): INTEGER; { returns refnum. res map put in sysheap } FUNCTION CRMGetRFCount(refNum: INTEGER): INTEGER;{ returns usage count } FUNCTION CRMCountFiles(fType: OSType; vRefNum: INTEGER; dirID: LONGINT): INTEGER; { # files with given type } FUNCTION CRMGetIndFile(VAR fName: STR63; fType: OSType; vRefNum: INTEGER; dirID: LONGINT; index: INTEGER): OSErr; { return index_th file of given type } PROCEDURE CRMToolPreflight(procID: INTEGER; VAR crmContext: CRMToolContext); PROCEDURE CRMToolPostflight(crmContext: CRMToolContext); {$IFC UNDEFINED COMMRESOURCEMGR} FUNCTION CRMParseRefNum(refNum: INTEGER; VAR fName: STR63; VAR vRefNum: INTEGER): OSErr; { given file refnum, return fName and WD } FUNCTION CRMCreateCommunications(VAR vRefNum: INTEGER; VAR dirID: LONGINT): OSErr; { creates folder named Communications in system folder } { find folder named Communications in blessed folder } PROCEDURE CRMDumpResChain; FUNCTION CRMCheckTool(fName: STR63; fType: OSType; vRefNum: INTEGER; dirID: LONGINT) : Boolean; {is fName the correct fType?} {$ENDC} { CRM App List Handling Rotuines } FUNCTION TrackManagers(mgrID: INTEGER): INTEGER; FUNCTION FindApp(aProcess: ProcessSerialNumber): CRMAppRecPtr; FUNCTION AddApp(aProcess: ProcessSerialNumber): CRMAppRecPtr; PROCEDURE RemoveApp(theApp: CRMAppRecPtr); { CommToolboxCore } FUNCTION InitManager(selector: Integer) : OSErr; PROCEDURE CTBGetToolName(procID : INTEGER; VAR name : STR255; MgrSel: INTEGER); FUNCTION CTBGetProcID(name: STR255; MgrSel: INTEGER): INTEGER; FUNCTION CTBGetVersion(hCore: CoreHandle; MgrSel: INTEGER): Handle; FUNCTION CTBValidate(hCore : CoreHandle; MgrSel: INTEGER) : Boolean; PROCEDURE CTBDefault(VAR ConfigPtr : Ptr; procID : integer; allocate : Boolean; MgrSel: INTEGER); FUNCTION CTBSetupPreflight(procID: INTEGER; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER):Handle; PROCEDURE CTBSetupSetup(procID: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; count: INTEGER; theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER); FUNCTION CTBSetupFilter(procID: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; count: INTEGER; theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR theEvent: EventRecord; VAR theItem: INTEGER; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER) : Boolean; PROCEDURE CTBSetupItem(procID: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; count: INTEGER; theDialog :DialogPtr; VAR item: INTEGER; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER); PROCEDURE CTBSetupCleanup(procID: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; count: INTEGER; theDialog: DialogPtr; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER); PROCEDURE CTBSetupXCleanup(procID: INTEGER; theConfig: Ptr; count: INTEGER; theDialog: DialogPtr; OKed: BOOLEAN; VAR magicCookie: LONGINT; MgrSel: INTEGER); PROCEDURE CTBSetupPostflight(procID: INTEGER; MgrSel: INTEGER); FUNCTION CTBGetConfig(hCore: CoreHandle; MgrSel: INTEGER) : Ptr; FUNCTION CTBSetConfig(hCore: CoreHandle; thePtr: Ptr; MgrSel: INTEGER) : INTEGER; FUNCTION CTBIntlToEnglish(hCore: CoreHandle; inputPtr: Ptr; VAR outputPtr: Ptr; language : INTEGER; MgrSel: INTEGER) : INTEGER; FUNCTION CTBEnglishToIntl(hCore: CoreHandle; inputPtr: Ptr; VAR outputPtr: Ptr; language : INTEGER; MgrSel: INTEGER) : INTEGER; FUNCTION CTBChoose(VAR hCore:CoreHandle; where: Point; idleProc:ProcPtr; MgrSel: INTEGER) : INTEGER; FUNCTION CTBPChoose(VAR hCore:CoreHandle; where: Point; VAR cRec:ChooseRec; MgrSel: INTEGER) : INTEGER; { CommToolboxUtilityRoutines } FUNCTION CRMGetAResource(theType : ResType; procID: Integer) : Handle; FUNCTION FindMenuItem(hMenu: MenuHandle; theItem: Str255): INTEGER; FUNCTION GetIndflst(hInfo: Handle; oldStyle: BOOLEAN; index: INTEGER; VAR finfInfo: TextState): OSErr; PROCEDURE DoSolidOutline(pDialog: DialogPtr; theItem: INTEGER); PROCEDURE DoGrayOutline(pDialog: DialogPtr; theItem: INTEGER); PROCEDURE DoTheIcon(theIcon: Ptr; destRect: Rect; selected: BOOLEAN); FUNCTION MIN(a, b: LONGINT): LONGINT; FUNCTION MAX(a, b: LONGINT): LONGINT; PROCEDURE GetTextState(VAR txState: TextState); PROCEDURE SetTextState(txState: TextState); PROCEDURE Getflst(procID, resourceID, finfIndex: INTEGER; VAR finfInfo: TextState); FUNCTION GetQDGlobals: GrafWorldPtr; PROCEDURE GetItemRect(pDialog: DialogPtr; itemNo: INTEGER; VAR theRect: Rect); PROCEDURE SetUserItemProc(pDialog: DialogPtr; itemNo: INTEGER; theProc: ProcPtr); PROCEDURE PCopyString(srcStr: Str32; VAR destStr: Str32); FUNCTION CmdPeriod(theEvent: EventRecord): BOOLEAN; FUNCTION PlaceWindow(theParent: WindowPtr;childHeight,childWidth: INTEGER): Point; {$ENDC} { CommToolboxPriv } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}