; ; File: EnvironsGlue.a ; ; Contains: glue version of SysEnvirons ; ; Written by: Jim Friedlander ; ; Copyright: © 1987-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: ROM System ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 10/28/92 SWC Changed INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d. ; <5> 7/24/91 MH Added conditional wrapper(s) to prevent duplication of public ; interface declarations: TRUE ; <4> 6/12/91 LN Removed #includes for private interfaces from public interfaces. ; changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to #include ; 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ; <3> 2/25/91 dba change from SystemSixOrBetter to SystemSixOrLater ; <2> 11/4/90 dba get rid of lots of stuff if we have SystemSixOrBetter ; 04 Dec 89 JAL Removed PrNonPortable and HWNonPortable equates because they are ; defined in the Makefile. Keeping Old Rom (64K) Rom code just to ; be paranoid. ; 28 Apr 87 KLH now in interface.o, so I trust it works now. ; 4/6/87 -- JAF this is untested and untried ; if &type('SystemSixOrLater') = 'UNDEFINED' then SystemSixOrLater: equ 0 endif ; glue to implement: ; FUNCTION SysEnvirons(VersionRequested: Integer; VAR theWorld: WorldRec):OSErr; ; ; ; Arguments: ; VersionRequested -which version of SysEnvirons the caller knows about ; TheWorld -Record to contain environs data ; ; Entry: ; A0.L - Pointer to theWorld ; D0.W - VersionRequested ; ; Exit: ; D0.W - Error Code ; noErr (0) ; envNotPresent (-5500) glue determines that call does not exit ; envBadSel (-5501) non-positive VersionRequested passed in ; handled by trap ; envSelTooBig (-5502) selector too big, largest known by call is returned ; handled by trap ; LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'AppleTalk.a' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' ;DUMP 'EnvironsDump.dump' ;INCLUDE 'EnvironsEqu.a' ; include templates and equates PRINT NOMDIR ; don't list HFS macros ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Equates ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF &TYPE('TRUE') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN TRUE EQU 1 ; IMV1p86: "Boolean value in bit 0" -- FALSE EQU 0 ENDIF SysWDProcID EQU 'ERIK' ; for use with OpenWD TwoBitsClear EQU $3FFF ; for compare below (two high bits clear) SysEnvTrap EQU $90 ; trap number of SysEnvirons UnImplTrap EQU $9F ;***************************************************************************** ; ; REMEMBER TO CHANGE curSysEnvVers in SysEqu.a if there is a new version ; of SysEnvirons. TheVersion EQU 1 ; Current version of this call ;***************************************************************************** SysEnvirons PROC EXPORT if not SystemSixOrLater then TST.W ROM85 ; check for old ROMs BMI.S RunRAM ; if so, run the RAM version ; we don't have to worry about saving A0 here, since the parameter is still on the stack MOVE.W #SysEnvTrap,D0 ; still here, let's check for existence of the trap _GetTrapAddress ,NEWOS MOVE.L A0,A1 ; put in A1 so we can call again MOVE.W #UnImplTrap,D0 _GetTrapAddress ,NEWTOOL ; unimplemented trap is in A0 CMPA.L A0,A1 ; compare them BEQ.S RunRAM ; they are the same, so the call doesn't exist, run RAM version TheGlue endif MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; return address MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; @theWorld MOVE.W (SP)+,D0 ; VersionRequested MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; move return address back on the stack _SysEnvirons ; do the call MOVE.W D0,4(SP) ; error code RTS ; RTS to caller if not SystemSixOrLater then ; the call is unimplemented, run the glue version RunRAM MOVE.L 4(SP),A0 ; @theWorld into A0 MOVE.W #TheVersion,D0 ; since we're glue, only return what we know how to WITH SysEnvRec MOVE.L A0,A1 ; Pointer to theWorld, ZeroWorld needs world pointer in A0 BRA.S ZeroWorld ; start filling in the record ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Now for the keyboard table, hiding behind the above BRA -- has to be up here ; because we have a one-pass assembler ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KbdTable DC.B 3,$13,$B,2,1 ; table of kbdType values for envMacKbd, etc. ; extend the table by adding more values to the right ; most frequent to the right KbdTableEnd EQU * KbdTableSize EQU KbdTableEnd-KbdTable ALIGN 2 ; need this because of odd sized table ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ZeroWorld ; routine to zero out bytes of record ; ; On Input: D0 == bytes to zero ; A0 == (copy of) pointer to the world ; A1 == pointer to the world ; ; Register usage: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZeroWorld MOVE.W #SysEnv1Size,D0 ; put the size to zero in D0 -- all we know about in glue ;change this in future versions!!! ASR.W #1,D0 ;count by words SUBQ #1,D0 ;adjust for Debra ZeroLoop CLR.W (A0)+ ;clear next word DBRA D0,ZeroLoop ;loop till done. ; now we've zeroed out the record FillInWorld1 MOVE.W #curSysEnvVers,EnvironsVersion(A1) ; put in latest version number ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get MachineType -- here's the glue that needs to check for XLs and 64K ROMs in addition to all the rest ; this also assumes that future Macs will have 8(ROMBase) > 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GetMachineType MOVE.L ROMBase,A0 ; get ROMBase MOVE.W #EnvXL,MachineType(A1) ; default to XL CMPI.B #$FF,9(A0) ; check for XL BEQ.S DoneType ; yep, it's an XL, let's leave ; still here, we've got a mac TST.B 8(A0) ; check for Mac versus SE/II 0 = Mac, 2,1 = SE/II BGT.S SEorII ; got a fancy Mac MOVE.W #EnvMac,MachineType(A1) ; assume Mac as default TST.W ROM85 ; check for old ROMs BMI.S DoneType ; if ROM85 = FFFF then we're done ; still here, must be a Plus or a 512KE MOVE.W #Env512KE,MachineType(A1); assume 512KE TST.W HwCfgFlags ; test HwCfgFlags for presence of SCSI BPL.S DoneType ; yes, it is a 512E (no SCSI), we're done MOVE.W #EnvMacPlus,MachineType(A1) ; must be a Mac+ (has SCSI, 8(ROMBase) = 0) BRA.S DoneType ; we're done, we have a MacPlus SEorII MOVE.W #EnvMachUnknown,MachineType(A1); assume unknown CMPI.B #02,8(A0) ; check ROM type 1 == MacII, 2 == SE BGT.S UnKnown ; if greater than 2, then it's unknown BEQ.S SE ; it's an SE MOVE.W #EnvMacII,MachineType(A1); it's >0, <= 2, != 2 so, it's 1 BRA.S DoneType SE MOVE.W #EnvSE,MachineType(A1) ; it's an SE UnKnown ; waste a label for clarity! DoneType ; all done ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SYSTEM VERSION code -- just put a zero in here ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLR.W SystemVersion(A1) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get Processor Stuff ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMPI.B #2,CPUFlag ; compare CPUFlag with 2 BGT.S UnKnownCPU ; if greater than 2, we don't know what it is MOVE.B CPUFlag,D0 ; get the CPUFlag ADDQ #1,D0 ; increment by one (zero = unknown_ MOVE.B D0,Processor+1(A1) ; otherwise, we know what it is UnKnownCPU ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HasFPU -- only for newer roms ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TST.W ROM85 BMI.S DoneFPU ; 64K ROMs can't have FPU (HwCfgFlags at $B22 = sys heap on 64K ROMS) BTST #hwCbFPU-8,HwCfgFlags ; check for FPU ; -8 because equates for HwCfgFlags are based on 16-bit word BEQ.S DoneFPU ; not set, leave MOVE.B #TRUE,HasFPU(A1) ; DoneFPU ; all done with this sucker! ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Has ColorQD ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColorQD CMPI.W #TwoBitsClear,ROM85 ; we're actually testing the two hi bits of ROM85 here BHI.S NoColorQD ; false case MOVE.B #TRUE,HasColorQD(A1) NoColorQD ; just fall through here, HasColorQD is already set to 0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get Keyboard type ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE.B KbdType,D0 ; get the low-memory global LEA KbdTableEnd,A0 ; address just beyond table of keyboard type values MOVE.W #kbdTableSize-1,D1 ; and size… @0 CMP.B -(A0),D0 ; have we found the matching keyboard type? DBEQ D1,@0 ; if not found and not done, loop ADDQ.W #1,D1 ; adjust D1 for range 0..n MOVE.W D1,KeyBoardType(A1) ; move in the value and we're done ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get AppleTalk Driver Version Number ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Is the B serial port in use? TST.B PortBUse ; if so, this will be positive. BMI.S DoneAT ; oops - not in use, return 0 ;Port B is in use. Is it in use by AppleTalk? MOVE.B SPConfig,D1 ; get port configuration info AND.B #$0F,D1 ; mask off to Port B info only CMP.B #useATalk,D1 ; is it AppleTalk? BNE.S DoneAT ; nope, return 0 ;Port B is in use by AppleTalk. Get the DCE pointer MOVE.L ABusDCE,A0 ; get .MPP's DCE pointer MOVE.B DCtlQueue+1(A0),ATDrvrVersNum+1(A1) ; put version number in record DoneAT ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Get SysVRef -- returns WDRefNum of directory that contains ; open system file in D0 -- if this call fails, returns 0 ; We use GetFCBInfo here -- slower but smaller ; ; ; Doesn't Assume system 4.1 or 128K or greater ROMs (HFS) ; In the MFS case, just slam BootDrive into SysVRefNum(A1) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE.W BootDrive,SysVRefNum(A1); default for MFS TST.W FSFCBLen BLT.S DoneBoot ; if <0, then MFS installed, we're done GetSysVRef CLR.W SysVRefNum(A1) ; in case we get an error below MOVE.W #(ioHVQElSize/2)-1,D1 ; this many CLR.Ws, minus one for the DBRA @1 CLR.W -(SP) ; push zeros onto the stack, worse case 2 too many. DBRA D1,@1 ; branch if not done MOVE.L SP,A0 ; set up A0 to point to our cleared param block for the HFS calls MOVE.W SysMap,ioRefNum(A0) ; get the fileRefNum of System File _GetFCBInfo ; get info BNE.S FixStack ; oops, clean up stack and leave ; now we need to do a PBHGetVInfo call -- we've already established that we're running HFS MOVE.W ioFCBVRefNum(A0),ioVRefNum(A0); Thanks Bill B. -- no thanks Inside Mac _HGetVInfo ; getVolInfo, to get VFndrInfo (blessed folder's dirID) BNE.S FixStack ; If HGetVInfo fails, branch to ErrorBoot ; we're OK so far, now we just do a OpenWD, the VRef is set up we just need to ; get the id of the blessed folder from ioVFndrInfo[1] and put it into the dirID ; field of the parameter block, and away we go! VInfoOK MOVE.L ioVFndrInfo(A0),ioWDDirID(A0) ; set up the "blessed folder" MOVE.L #SysWDProcID,ioWDProcID(A0); put 'ERIK' into WDProcID _OpenWD ; open a working directory (it's probably already open) BNE.S FixStack ; if OpenWD fails, branch to error MOVE.W ioVRefNum(A0),SysVRefNum(A1) ; put result in parameter block FixStack ADDA #ioHVQelSize,SP ; clean up the stack, same count as above. DoneBoot ; reach here if error (CurBootDrive=0), or MFS ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; End of FillInWorld1 - for future versions (>=2) put checking in here to see how ; much more to fill in, based on selector passed in in D0 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENDWITH ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; All done, cleanup and leave ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CleanUp ; done running glue, set the world right and wave goodbye MOVE.L A1,A0 ; restore A0, 'cause we said we would MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; get return address ADDQ #6,SP ; get rid of parameters, one long, one word MOVE.W #EnvNotPresent,(SP) ; put error return on stack, since the glue is running JMP (A1) ; bye-bye endif ENDP END