/* File: FileTransferMgrUtilities.c Contains: Utility routines for the File Transfer Manager and glue Written by: Byron Han Copyright: © 1988-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Change History (most recent first): <8> 2/7/92 BH fixed problem with calling FDEFExecuteFDEF with old calling conventions for CubeE (we are now aligning all of file transfer mgr code to use conventions introduced in <4> by darin, essentially reversing <7> <6> and <5> <7> 11/18/91 DTY Make the ROM build use the CubeE version of FDEFExecuteFDEF. <6> 10/4/91 JSM Change PsychoticFarmerOrLater conditionals to TheFuture. <5> 10/2/91 DTY Conditionalise <2> and <4> out of CubeE. <4> 7/10/91 dba use a parameter of type FTHandle and figure out the defProc prarameter automatically <3> 7/10/91 BH rename to FDEFExecuteFDEF <2> 7/10/91 BH made FDEFCallFDEF a pascal long instead of untyped routine <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in */ // This file is INCLUDED by either the manager or the glue code // it does NOT stand alone pascal long FDEFExecuteFDEF(FTHandle theHandle, short msg, long p1, long p2, long p3) { long rval; CRMToolContext context; pascal long (*callProc) (FTHandle, short, long, long, long); CRMToolPreflight((**theHandle).procID, &context); (ProcPtr) callProc = (**theHandle).defProc; rval = (*callProc) (theHandle, msg, p1, p2, p3); /* and away she goes */ CRMToolPostflight(&context); return(rval); }