#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse from os import path, makedirs, walk, listdir, remove from shutil import copy, rmtree from subprocess import run def folder(default_search, user_input): if path.sep in user_input: return user_input else: the_path = path.dirname(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__))) the_path = path.join(the_path, default_search, user_input) return the_path parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=''' Expand a patchset into a git repository (based on git-am) ''') parser.add_argument('patchset', metavar='PATCHSET', action='store', type=lambda x: folder('patchset', x), help='Patchset (assumed in ../patchset/)') parser.add_argument('worktree', metavar='WORKTREE', action='store', type=lambda x: folder('worktree', x), help='Destination worktree (assumed in ../worktree/)') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--base', metavar='SRC', action='store', default='SuperMarioProj.1994-02-09', type=lambda x: folder('base', x), help='Base source tree (default=SuperMarioProj.1994-02-09, assumed in ../base/)') group.add_argument('--base-commit', metavar='REV', action='store', help='Base commit') parser.add_argument('--branch', metavar='BRANCH', action='store', default='master', help='Destination branch') args = parser.parse_args() assert path.exists(args.patchset) assert not path.exists(path.join(args.patchset, '.git')) # protect against argument swap horst = ['-c', 'user.name=Horst Beepmanh', '-c', 'user.email=<>'] makedirs(args.worktree, exist_ok=True) run(['git', 'init'], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) run(['git', 'checkout', '--orphan', args.branch], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) # This cleans the working directory, because the manpage's suggestion `git rm -rf .` does not work run(['git', 'reset'], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) for do_delete in listdir(args.worktree): if do_delete != '.git': do_delete = path.join(args.worktree, do_delete) try: rmtree(do_delete) except NotADirectoryError: remove(do_delete) if args.base_commit is not None: run(['git', 'reset', '--hard', args.base_commit], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) else: for walk_base, walk_dirs, walk_files in walk(args.base): walk_dirs[:] = [x for x in walk_dirs if not x.startswith('.')] walk_files[:] = [x for x in walk_files if not x.startswith('.')] other_dir = path.join(args.worktree, path.relpath(walk_base, args.base)) makedirs(other_dir, exist_ok=True) for this_file in walk_files: copy(path.join(walk_base, this_file), other_dir) run(['git', 'add', '.'], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) run(['git', *horst, 'commit', '-m', path.basename(args.base)], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) run(['git', 'tag', args.branch+'-patchset-base'], cwd=args.worktree, check=True) patchfiles = [path.join(args.patchset, x) for x in sorted(listdir(args.patchset)) if path.splitext(x)[1].lower() == '.patch'] run(['git', *horst, 'am', *patchfiles], cwd=args.worktree, check=True)