/************************************************************ Created: Friday, November 15, 1991 at 10:10 AM Power.h C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1989-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: BigBang Change History (most recent first): <12> 11/19/91 JL Changed 0x205F hex inlines in SleepQInstall to use the #pragma parameter (__A0) capabilities of the C compiler for better effeciency. <11> 11/7/91 MH add #pragma parameter __D0 to IdleUpdate and GetCPUSpeed to generate correct code. <10> 7/31/91 JL Updated Copyright. <9> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2ƒ version. Switched order of the constants: sleepQType and slpQTyp. Temporarily lost updated copyright date; will be restored. <8> 2/5/91 stb gs: add sleepQType <7> 1/30/91 JL Checked in database generated file from dsg ; changed IdleUpdate - > BOff to Pascal functions. <6> 1/25/91 stb JDR: add sleepRevoke and slpQType <5> 1/23/91 ag AG: Fixed function definitions defined by MSH! <4> 1/22/91 ag MSH: Removed all Power Manager command definitions and the parameter block definition. Added interfaces to interface glue for modem, battery, and wakeup timer. <3> 1/18/91 ag MSH - Removed private Power Manager equates. <2> 11/7/90 JL Changed #defines to anonymous enums To Do: ************************************************************/ #ifndef __POWER__ #define __POWER__ #ifndef __TYPES__ #include #endif enum { /* Bit positions for ModemByte */ modemOnBit = 0, ringWakeUpBit = 2, modemInstalledBit = 3, ringDetectBit = 4, modemOnHookBit = 5, /* masks for ModemByte */ modemOnMask = 0x1, ringWakeUpMask = 0x4, modemInstalledMask = 0x8, ringDetectMask = 0x10, modemOnHookMask = 0x20, /* bit positions for BatteryByte */ chargerConnBit = 0, hiChargeBit = 1, chargeOverFlowBit = 2, batteryDeadBit = 3, batteryLowBit = 4, connChangedBit = 5, /* masks for BatteryByte */ chargerConnMask = 0x1, hiChargeMask = 0x2, chargeOverFlowMask = 0x4, batteryDeadMask = 0x8 }; enum { batteryLowMask = 0x10, connChangedMask = 0x20, /* commands to SleepQRec sleepQProc */ sleepRequest = 1, sleepDemand = 2, sleepWakeUp = 3, sleepRevoke = 4, /* SleepQRec.sleepQFlags */ noCalls = 1, noRequest = 2, slpQType = 16, sleepQType = 16 }; typedef char ModemByte; typedef char BatteryByte; typedef long PMResultCode; struct SleepQRec { struct SleepQRec *sleepQLink; short sleepQType; /*type = 16*/ ProcPtr sleepQProc; /*Pointer to sleep routine*/ short sleepQFlags; }; typedef struct SleepQRec SleepQRec; typedef SleepQRec *SleepQRecPtr; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif pascal OSErr DisableWUTime(void); pascal OSErr GetWUTime(long *WUTime,Byte *WUFlag); pascal OSErr SetWUTime(long WUTime); pascal OSErr BatteryStatus(Byte *Status,Byte *Power); pascal OSErr ModemStatus(Byte *Status); #pragma parameter __D0 IdleUpdate pascal long IdleUpdate(void) = 0xA285; #pragma parameter __D0 GetCPUSpeed pascal long GetCPUSpeed(void) = {0x70FF,0xA485}; pascal void EnableIdle(void) = {0x7000,0xA485}; pascal void DisableIdle(void) = {0x7001,0xA485}; #pragma parameter SleepQInstall(__A0) pascal void SleepQInstall(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr) = 0xA28A; #pragma parameter SleepQRemove(__A0) pascal void SleepQRemove(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr) = 0xA48A; pascal void AOn(void) = {0x7004,0xA685}; pascal void AOnIgnoreModem(void) = {0x7005,0xA685}; pascal void BOn(void) = {0x7000,0xA685}; pascal void AOff(void) = {0x7084,0xA685}; pascal void BOff(void) = {0x7080,0xA685}; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif