; Version: 2.96 ; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 9:18:00 PM ; ; File: FSPrivate.a ; ; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries ; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1990 ; All Rights Reserved ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The following information was formerly in "private" files that were ; not released to the general developer community. ; ; The information in this file is not needed for normal application ; development. These equates and macros were necessary for development ; of the Macintosh ToolBox and Operating System, and are likely to be ; dependent on their current implementation. Use of any information ; in this file is likely to cause your software to fail on future ; versions of Macintosh system software or hardware. ; ; Apple Developer Support will not support any use of the following ; information. ; ; In order to prevent any "accidental" use of this information, it has ; been disabled using the conditional-assembly variable defined below. ; If you change this to a non-zero value, you're on your own. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- IF &TYPE('__IncludingFSPrivate__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN __IncludingFSPrivate__ SET 1 IF (&TYPE('FSPNonPortable') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN FSPNonPortable EQU 0 ENDIF HFSDebug EQU 0 ; include HFS debug traps if 1 IF FSPNonPortable THEN ;begin exclusion of private information ; Function: This file contains the complete File System equates for MFS and HFS. It is ; an extension of the equates defined by old FSEQU.a ; ; Constant definitions ; btsPrBlk EQU 12 ; bits per block in volume map (FS volume) ; ExtendFile option flags EFContig EQU 1 ; force contiguous allocation EFAll EQU 0 ; allocate all requested bytes or none kEFContig EQU 2 ; corresponding constants for MOVEQ kEFAll EQU 1 ; TruncateFile option flags TFTrunExt EQU 0 ; truncate to the extent containing new PEOF kTFTrunExt EQU 1 ; corresponding constants for MOVEQ MACRO ; HFS debugging halt trap _HFSDebug IF HFSDebug THEN ; only included when actually debugging IF &Syslst[1]<>'' THEN DC.W ($F000+&Syslst[1]) ; in case a trap sub-code is specified ELSE DC.W ($A9FF) ; User break ENDIF ENDIF ENDM MACRO ; HFS error halt trap _HFSDSErr _HFSDebug &Syslst[1] ; Pause first if debugging MOVEQ #DSFSErr,D0 ; Error code = 27, Fatal File System Error _SysError ; Stop the engines ENDM ENDIF ;end exclusion of private information strtDir EQU 2 ; directory master block location (block #) bufSiz EQU 512 ; standard file system buffer size in bytes hdrSiz EQU 10 ; size of header prefixed to buffer bufModBit EQU 7 ; dirty bit in high byte of buf tag word bufFNum EQU -10 ; offset from buf start to file number longword bufFlags EQU -6 ; offset from buf start to file flags word bufFBlk EQU -4 ; offset from buf start to file block word bufTag EQU -2 ; offset from buf start to tag word nxFreeFN EQU 16 ; next free file number nxFreeDID EQU 3 ; next free directory id alBlkSize EQU 512 ; default allocation block size (1 sector, in bytes) clpSize EQU 4*512 ; default allocation clump size (in bytes) maxHFSTrap EQU 17 ; Highest TFS trap dispatch index ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; fixed location labels: (equivalent of zero page) hfsVars EQU $36A ; Start of TFS variables in RAM version ; (previously RgSvArea) hfsTmpSize EQU 16 ; Additional temporary space for TFS hfsStkLen EQU 1280 ; Allocate a decent-sized chunk of memory HFSStkTop EQU $36A ; Temporary location of pointer to top of Stack HFSStkPtr EQU $36E ; Temporary location of TFS Stack pointer WDCBsPtr EQU $372 ; Working Directory queue header HFSFlags EQU $376 ; Internal TFS flags DefVRefNum EQU $384 ; Default volume's VRefNum (COULD BE WDRefNum!) ; ; Flag bits in HFSFlags byte: ; hfsReq EQU 0 ; Set if request is specific to TFS dirCN EQU 1 ; Set if a CNode is a directory hfsContd EQU 7 ; Set if Async trap is continued noPMSP EQU 6 ; Set to disable PMSP completely (status flag) skipPMSP EQU 5 ; Set to skip PMSP setup (one-shot) SysCRefCnt EQU $377 ; Usage count byte for system caches (number of vols) CacheFlag EQU $377 ; cache usage count now used as cache flag CacheVars EQU $394 cacheCom EQU $39C noRWIPBit EQU 7 diskRdBit EQU 6 dontInstRC EQU 5 ; set if don't load ramcache in the boot process. <22May90> ; so the RamCache INIT supercedes System's. <22May90> SysBMCPtr EQU $378 ; System-wide bitmap cache pointer SysVolCPtr EQU $37C ; System-wide volume cache pointer SysCtlCPtr EQU $380 ; System-wide control cache pointer PMSPPtr EQU $386 ; Pointer to list of directories on PMSP HFSDSErr EQU $392 ; Final gasp - error that caused IOErr. HFSVarEnd EQU $394 ; End of hfs variable area hfsStkOvf EQU 99 ; Deep trouble alert - HFS stack overflowed. CurDB EQU $340 ; current directory block FSCallAsync EQU $342 ; ONE BYTE FREE NewMount EQU $34A ; (1) used by MountVol to flag new mounts NoEject EQU $34B ; used by Eject and Offline DrMstrBlk EQU $34C ; master directory block in a volume ErCode EQU $3A2 ; use this loc to report errors during async ; routines FSIOErr EQU $3DE ; last I/O error (NEXT WORD FREE) FSQueueHook EQU $3E2 ; hook to capture all FS calls ExtFSHook EQU $3E6 ; command done hook DskSwtchHook EQU $3EA ; hook for disk-switch dialog ReqstVol EQU $3EE ; ptr to VCB of off-line or ext fs volume FSVarEnd EQU $3F6 ; end of file system variables fsVarLth EQU $B6 fsClrWDLen EQU $A2 ;length to clear in boot blocks ; Internal File System Error codes ; ; Cache errors chNoBuf EQU 1 ; no free cache buffers (all in use) chInUse EQU 2 ; requested block in use chnotfound EQU 3 ; requested block not found chNotInUse EQU 4 ; block being released was not in use ; FXM Internal error codes: fxRangeErr EQU 16 ; file position beyond mapped range fxOvFlErr EQU 17 ; extents file overflow ; TFS internal errors fsDSIntErr EQU -127 ; Internal file system error ; BTree error codes btnotfound EQU 32 ; record not found btexists EQU 33 ; record already exists btnospace EQU 34 ; no available space btnoFit EQU 35 ; record doesn't fit in node btbadNode EQU 36 ; bad node detected btbadHdr EQU 37 ; bad BTree header record detected dsBadRotate EQU 64 ; bad BTree rotate ; CM result codes cmnotfound EQU 48 ; CNode not found cmexists EQU 49 ; CNode already exists cmnotempty EQU 50 ; directory CNode not empty (valence = 0) cmRootCN EQU 51 ; invalid reference to root CNode cmbadnews EQU 52 ; detected bad catalog structure ; File IDs result codes cmFThdDirErr EQU 53 ; thread belongs to a directory not a file cmFThdGone EQU 54 ; file thread doesn't exist ; ; extent key record (prefix xkr) ; dataFk EQU $00 ; data fork type rsrcFk EQU $FF ; resource fork type xkrKeyLen EQU 0 ; key length (byte) xkrFkType EQU 1 ; fork type (byte) xkrFNum EQU 2 ; file number (long) xkrFABN EQU 6 ; starting file allocation block number (word) lenxkr EQU 8 ; length of a xkr ; ; extent data record (prefix xdr) ; numExts EQU 3 ; number of extents per record lenExt EQU 4 ; length of an extent entry maxExtOff EQU lenExt*numExts-lenExt ; max extent entry offset xdrStABN EQU 0 ; starting physical allocation block number (word) xdrNumABlks EQU 2 ; number of allocation blocks (word) lenxdr EQU 12 ; length of a xdr (3 extent entries) ; ; FXM variables (FXVars) storage layout ; fxvFlags EQU 0 ; FXM Flags (byte) fxvTContig EQU 6 ; ...try contiguous allocation first fxvFContig EQU 7 ; ...force contiguous allocation fxvResrv EQU 1 ; reserved (byte) fxvxkrOff EQU 2 ; offset to extent key record fxvxdrOff EQU fxvxkrOff+lenxkr ; offset to extent data record lenFXVars EQU fxvxdrOff+lenxdr ; length of FXM vars ; ; Cache Queue header (prefix cqh) ; cqhFlink EQU 0 ; (long) forward link pointer cqhBlink EQU 4 ; (long) backward link pointer cqhNumBuf EQU 8 ; (word) number of buffers cqhBufSize EQU 10 ; (word) buffer size LenCQH EQU 12 ; length of CQH ; ; Cache Buffer Header definition (prefix cbh) ; cbhFlink EQU 0 ; (long) forward link cbhBlink EQU 4 ; (long) backward link cbhVCBPtr EQU 8 ; (long) VCB pointer cbhFlNum EQU 12 ; (long) file number cbhFRefNum EQU 16 ; (word) file refnum cbhDBlk EQU 18 ; (long) disk block number (-1 = empty) cbhFlBlk EQU 22 ; (long) file block number cbhFlags EQU 26 ; (byte) flags cbhdirty EQU 7 ; ...buffer dirty flag cbhinuse EQU 6 ; ...buffer in use flag cbhempty EQU 5 ; ...buffer is empty cbhFkType EQU 27 ; (byte) fork type ; ...$00 = data fork ; ...$FF = resource fork cbhData EQU 28 ; start of buffer data area lenCBH EQU 28 ; length of cbh ; Local buffer equates cobDBlk EQU cbhDBlk ; (long) disk block cobFlBlk EQU cbhFlBlk ; (long) file block cobFlags EQU cbhFlags ; (byte) flags (only dirty bit is used) ; FlushCache option flags fCfreeBit EQU 1 ; free buffers after flush (save in the hash) <27Aug90> fCtrash EQU 0 ; trash buffer contents after flush ;; kFCfree works as kFCtrash on pre-7.0 RamCache ; on 7.0, kFCfree overrides kFCtrash <28Aug90> kFCfree EQU 3 ; corresponding constant for MOVEQ load <27Aug90> kFCtrash EQU 1 ; ; GetBlock option flags gbrelease EQU 3 ; release block immediately after get gbnoRead EQU 2 ; don't read block from disk gbexist EQU 1 ; get existing cache block gbRead EQU 0 ; read block from disk (forced read) kGBrelease EQU 8 ; corresponding constants for MOVEQ load kGBnoRead EQU 4 ; kGBexist EQU 2 ; kGBRead EQU 1 ; ; RelBlock option flags rbfreeBit EQU 3 ; free the buffer (save in the hash) <27Aug90> rbdirty EQU 2 ; mark buffer dirty rbtrash EQU 1 ; trash buffer contents after release rbwrite EQU 0 ; force write buffer to disk ;; kRBfree works as kRBtrash on pre-7.0 RamCache ; on 7.0, kRBfree overrides kRBtrash <28Aug90> kRBfree EQU 10 ; corresponding constants for MOVEQ load <27Aug90> kRBdirty EQU 4 ; corresponding constants for MOVEQ load kRBtrash EQU 2 ; kRBwrite EQU 1 ; ; ; BTree constants ; btNodeSize EQU 512 ; default node size btMaxDepth EQU 8 ; max tree depth (don't change this) ; ; Tree Path Record (TPR) ; tprNodeN EQU 0 ; node number (long) tprRIndx EQU 4 ; record index (word) lenTPR EQU 6 ; length of TPR lenTPT EQU lenTPR*btMaxDepth ; length of Tree Path Table ; ; Node Descriptor (prefix nd) ; ndFlink EQU 0 ; forward link (long) ndBlink EQU 4 ; backward link (long) ndType EQU 8 ; node type (byte) ndHdrNode EQU 1 ; ...header node ndMapNode EQU 2 ; ...map node ndIndxNode EQU 0 ; ...index node ndLeafNode EQU $FF ; ...leaf node ndNHeight EQU 9 ; node height ndNRecs EQU 10 ; number of records (word) ndResv2 EQU 12 ; reserved (word) lenND EQU 14 ; length of node descriptor ; ; BTree Header (bth) on disk ; bthDepth EQU 0 ; current depth of tree (word) bthRoot EQU 2 ; root node number (long) bthNRecs EQU 6 ; number of leaf records in BTree (long) bthFNode EQU 10 ; node number of 1st leaf node (long) bthLNode EQU 14 ; node number of last leaf node (long) bthNodeSize EQU 18 ; BTree node size in bytes (word) bthKeyLen EQU 20 ; Max. key length (word) bthNNodes EQU 22 ; total number of nodes (long) bthFree EQU 26 ; number of free nodes (long) lenMemBTH EQU 30 ; length of memory resident portion of BTH ; bthResv EQU 30 ; reserved (76 bytes) LenBTH EQU 106 ; length of a BTH ; ; BTree Control Block (btcB) in memory ; btcFlags EQU 0 ; flags (byte) btcDirty EQU 7 ; ...dirty flag btcKeyUpd EQU 6 ; ...index key update required btcNewIRec EQU 5 ; ...new index record required btcDelIRec EQU 4 ; ...index record delete required btcResv EQU 1 ; reserved (byte) btcRefNum EQU 2 ; file refnum (word) btcKeyCR EQU 4 ; pointer to ext key compare routine (long) btcCQPtr EQU 8 ; pointer to cache queue (long) btcVarPtr EQU 12 ; pointer to BTree variables (long) btcLevel EQU 16 ; current level (word) btcNodeM EQU 18 ; current node mark (long) btcIndexM EQU 22 ; current index mark (word) ; ; this part of a btcB is the memory resident portion of the BTH ; btcDepth EQU 24 ; current depth of tree (word) btcRoot EQU 26 ; root node number (long) btcNRecs EQU 30 ; number of leaf records in BTree (long) btcFNode EQU 34 ; node number of 1st leaf node (long) btcLNode EQU 38 ; node number of last leaf node (long) btcNodeSize EQU 42 ; BTree node size in bytes (word) btcKeyLen EQU 44 ; max key length (word) btcNNodes EQU 46 ; total number of nodes (long) btcFree EQU 50 ; number of free nodes (long) LenBTCB EQU 54 ; length of a BTCB ; ; BTree Variables (btVars) layout ; btVTPTable EQU 0 ; Tree Path Table btVRecord EQU btVTPTable+lenTPT ; record buffer ; ; constants ; cmMaxKey EQU 37 ; max catalog key length cmMaxCName EQU 31 ; max CName length cmClpSize EQU 20 ; catalog clump size ; ; CNode types ; cmDirCN EQU 1 ; directory CNode cmFilCN EQU 2 ; file CNode ; ; catalog key record (prefix ckr) ; ckrKeyLen EQU 0 ; key length (byte) ckrResrv1 EQU 1 ; reserved (byte) ckrParID EQU 2 ; parent directory ID (long) ckrCName EQU 6 ; CNode name (str31) lenckr EQU 38 ; length of a ckr ; ; catalog data record (prefix cdr) ; cdrType EQU 0 ; record type (byte) cdrResrv2 EQU 1 ; reserved (byte) cdrData EQU 2 ; start of catalog record data ; ; catalog data record types (variants) ; cdrDirRec EQU cmDirCN ; directory record (directory CNode type) cdrFilRec EQU cmFilCN ; file record (file CNode type) cdrThdRec EQU 3 ; thread record cdrFThdRec EQU 4 ; file thread record ; ; catalog directory record (prefix dir) ; dirFlags EQU 2 ; flags(word) dirVal EQU 4 ; valence (word) dirDirID EQU 6 ; DirID for this directory (long) dirCrDat EQU 10 ; date/time created (long) dirMdDat EQU 14 ; date/time last modified (long) dirBkDat EQU 18 ; date/time last backed up (long) dirUsrInfo EQU 22 ; User info bytes (16 bytes) dirFndrInfo EQU 38 ; Finder Info bytes (16 bytes) dirResrv EQU 54 ; reserved (16 bytes) lendir EQU 70 ; length of a directory record ; ; catalog thread record (prefix thd) ; thdResrv EQU 2 ; reserved (8 bytes) thdParID EQU 10 ; Parent ID for this directory (long) thdCName EQU 14 ; CName for this directory (str31) lenthd EQU 46 ; length of a thread record ; ; catalog file record (prefix fil) ; fThreadFlag EQU 1 ; bit offset into filFlags (set if thd exists) filWrtFlag EQU 0 ; write-allowed bit in flags byte (0 if allowed) filTypMask EQU $FE ; (user file-type in bits 1-7) filFlags EQU 2 ; bit 7=1 (used), bit 0=file lock flag, bit 1=fthread filTyp EQU 3 ; file type (used as a name extension) filUsrWds EQU 4 ; user words for file. (16 bytes) filFlNum EQU 20 ; file number filStBlk EQU 24 ; Start file block (alloc blk size)(0000 if none) filLgLen EQU 26 ; File logical length in bytes (EOF) filPyLen EQU 30 ; File physical length in bytes filRStBlk EQU 34 ; Start file block, resource fork (0000 if none) filRLgLen EQU 36 ; File logical length (EOF), resource fork filRPyLen EQU 40 ; File physical length, resource fork filCrDat EQU 44 ; date/time created (long) filMdDat EQU 48 ; date/time last modified (long) filBkDat EQU 52 ; date/time last backed up (long) filFndrInfo EQU 56 ; Additional finder info for file (16 bytes) filClpSize EQU 72 ; file clump size (word) filExtRec EQU 74 ; First 3 data fork extents (12 bytes) filRExtRec EQU 86 ; First 3 resource fork extents (12 bytes) filResrv EQU 98 ; reserved (4 bytes) lenfil EQU 102 ; length of a file record lencdr EQU lenfil ; max length of a catalog data record ; ; CM variables (CM vars) storage layout ; ckrOff EQU 0 ; offset to catalog key record buffer cdrOff EQU ckrOff+lenckr ; offset to catalog data record buffer lenCMVars EQU lencdr+lenckr ; length of CM vars ; ; FileIDs variables ; fidBogusExtID EQU 15 ; use this for exchanging extents in extents file lenCID EQU 4 ; length of a cnode id numExtToCache EQU 4 ; just guessing for ExchangeFiles destExt EQU 0 ; offset into extFlgsOff if destination has extents srcExt EQU 1 ; offset into extFlgsOff if source has extents ; fid vars storage layout tempKeyOff EQU 0 ; BEST BE FIRST, SO LOCCREC CAN BE CALLED ALSO! extOff EQU lenCMVars ; set up 4 extents srcDIDOff EQU extOff+(numExtToCache*lenxdr)+(numExtToCache*lenxkr); destDIDOff EQU srcDIDOff+lenCID extFlgsOff EQU destDIDOff+lenCID ; flags for existance of extents in extents file srcCNode EQU extFlgsOff+2 ; cnode of source destCNode EQU srcCNode+lencdr ; dest cnode lenFIDSwapVars EQU lenCMVars+(numExtToCache*lenxdr)+(numExtToCache*lenxkr)+(2*lenCID)+2+(2*lencdr) ; some catalog variables + the extents + ; the directory ids of source and dest + ; a word for flagging extents in extent file + ; the cnode records of source and dest ; further file system equates CkdDB EQU $340 ; (2) used when searching the directory NxtDB EQU $342 MaxDB EQU $344 FlushOnly EQU $346 ; (1) flag used by UnMountVol,FlushVol, RegRsrc EQU $347 ; (1) flag used by OpenRF, FileOpen FLckUnlck EQU $348 ; (1) flag used by SetFilLock,RstFilLock FrcSync EQU $349 ; (1) when set, all fs calls are sync'ed RgSvArea EQU $36A ; reg save during async calls. Params EQU $3A4 ; 50 bytes long. For I/O parameter blocks. FSTemp8 EQU $3D6 ; used by rename FSTemp4 EQU $3DE ; used by rename, ckfilmod fsVrsn EQU '1.2A' ; Current file system version ENDIF ; ...already included