/************************************************************ Created: Saturday, December 15, 1990 at 4:31 PM Windows.h C Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1990 All rights reserved. ************************************************************/ #ifndef __WINDOWS__ #define __WINDOWS__ #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__ #include #endif #ifndef __EVENTS__ #include #endif #ifndef __CONTROLS__ #include #endif enum { documentProc = 0, dBoxProc = 1, plainDBox = 2, altDBoxProc = 3, noGrowDocProc = 4, movableDBoxProc = 5, zoomDocProc = 8, zoomNoGrow = 12, rDocProc = 16, dialogKind = 2, userKind = 8, /*FindWindow Result Codes*/ inDesk = 0, inMenuBar = 1, inSysWindow = 2, inContent = 3, inDrag = 4, inGrow = 5, inGoAway = 6, inZoomIn = 7, inZoomOut = 8 }; enum { /*window messages*/ wDraw = 0, wHit = 1, wCalcRgns = 2, wNew = 3, wDispose = 4, wGrow = 5, wDrawGIcon = 6, /*defProc hit test codes*/ wNoHit = 0, wInContent = 1, wInDrag = 2, wInGrow = 3, wInGoAway = 4, wInZoomIn = 5, wInZoomOut = 6, deskPatID = 16, /*Window Part Identifiers which correlate color table entries with window elements*/ wContentColor = 0, wFrameColor = 1, wTextColor = 2, wHiliteColor = 3, wTitleBarColor = 4 }; typedef pascal void (*DragGrayRgnProcPtr)(void); struct WindowRecord { GrafPort port; short windowKind; Boolean visible; Boolean hilited; Boolean goAwayFlag; Boolean spareFlag; RgnHandle strucRgn; RgnHandle contRgn; RgnHandle updateRgn; Handle windowDefProc; Handle dataHandle; StringHandle titleHandle; short titleWidth; ControlHandle controlList; struct WindowRecord *nextWindow; PicHandle windowPic; long refCon; }; typedef struct WindowRecord WindowRecord; typedef WindowRecord *WindowPeek; struct CWindowRecord { CGrafPort port; short windowKind; Boolean visible; Boolean hilited; Boolean goAwayFlag; Boolean spareFlag; RgnHandle strucRgn; RgnHandle contRgn; RgnHandle updateRgn; Handle windowDefProc; Handle dataHandle; StringHandle titleHandle; short titleWidth; ControlHandle controlList; struct CWindowRecord *nextWindow; PicHandle windowPic; long refCon; }; typedef struct CWindowRecord CWindowRecord; typedef CWindowRecord *CWindowPeek; struct WStateData { Rect userState; /*user state*/ Rect stdState; /*standard state*/ }; typedef struct WStateData WStateData; typedef WStateData *WStateDataPtr, **WStateDataHandle; struct AuxWinRec { struct AuxWinRec **awNext; /*handle to next AuxWinRec*/ WindowPtr awOwner; /*ptr to window */ CTabHandle awCTable; /*color table for this window*/ Handle dialogCItem; /*handle to dialog manager structures*/ long awFlags; /*reserved for expansion*/ CTabHandle awReserved; /*reserved for expansion*/ long awRefCon; /*user Constant*/ }; typedef struct AuxWinRec AuxWinRec; typedef AuxWinRec *AuxWinPtr, **AuxWinHandle; struct WinCTab { long wCSeed; /*reserved*/ short wCReserved; /*reserved*/ short ctSize; /*usually 4 for windows*/ ColorSpec ctTable[5]; }; typedef struct WinCTab WinCTab; typedef WinCTab *WCTabPtr, **WCTabHandle; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif pascal void InitWindows(void) = 0xA912; pascal void GetWMgrPort(GrafPtr *wPort) = 0xA910; pascal WindowPtr NewWindow(void *wStorage,const Rect *boundsRect,ConstStr255Param title, Boolean visible,short theProc,WindowPtr behind,Boolean goAwayFlag,long refCon) = 0xA913; pascal WindowPtr GetNewWindow(short windowID,void *wStorage,WindowPtr behind) = 0xA9BD; pascal void CloseWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA92D; pascal void DisposeWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA914; void setwtitle(WindowPtr theWindow,char *title); pascal void GetWTitle(WindowPtr theWindow,Str255 title) = 0xA919; pascal void SelectWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA91F; pascal void HideWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA916; pascal void ShowWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA915; pascal void ShowHide(WindowPtr theWindow,Boolean showFlag) = 0xA908; pascal void HiliteWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Boolean fHilite) = 0xA91C; pascal void BringToFront(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA920; pascal void SendBehind(WindowPtr theWindow,WindowPtr behindWindow) = 0xA921; pascal WindowPtr FrontWindow(void) = 0xA924; pascal void DrawGrowIcon(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA904; pascal void MoveWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,short hGlobal,short vGlobal, Boolean front) = 0xA91B; pascal void SizeWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,short w,short h,Boolean fUpdate) = 0xA91D; pascal void ZoomWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,short partCode,Boolean front) = 0xA83A; pascal void InvalRect(const Rect *badRect) = 0xA928; pascal void InvalRgn(RgnHandle badRgn) = 0xA927; pascal void ValidRect(const Rect *goodRect) = 0xA92A; pascal void ValidRgn(RgnHandle goodRgn) = 0xA929; pascal void BeginUpdate(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA922; pascal void EndUpdate(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA923; pascal void SetWRefCon(WindowPtr theWindow,long data) = 0xA918; pascal long GetWRefCon(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA917; pascal void SetWindowPic(WindowPtr theWindow,PicHandle pic) = 0xA92E; pascal PicHandle GetWindowPic(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA92F; pascal Boolean CheckUpdate(EventRecord *theEvent) = 0xA911; pascal void ClipAbove(WindowPeek window) = 0xA90B; pascal void SaveOld(WindowPeek window) = 0xA90E; pascal void DrawNew(WindowPeek window,Boolean update) = 0xA90F; pascal void PaintOne(WindowPeek window,RgnHandle clobberedRgn) = 0xA90C; pascal void PaintBehind(WindowPeek startWindow,RgnHandle clobberedRgn) = 0xA90D; pascal void CalcVis(WindowPeek window) = 0xA909; pascal void CalcVisBehind(WindowPeek startWindow,RgnHandle clobberedRgn) = 0xA90A; pascal long GrowWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Point startPt,const Rect *bBox) = 0xA92B; Boolean trackgoaway(WindowPtr theWindow,Point *thePt); pascal short FindWindow(Point thePoint,WindowPtr *theWindow) = 0xA92C; short findwindow(Point *thePoint,WindowPtr *theWindow); pascal long PinRect(const Rect *theRect,Point thePt) = 0xA94E; pascal long DragGrayRgn(RgnHandle theRgn,Point startPt,const Rect *boundsRect, const Rect *slopRect,short axis,DragGrayRgnProcPtr actionProc) = 0xA905; pascal Boolean TrackBox(WindowPtr theWindow,Point thePt,short partCode) = 0xA83B; pascal void GetCWMgrPort(CGrafPtr *wMgrCPort) = 0xAA48; void getwtitle(WindowPtr theWindow,char *title); pascal void SetWinColor(WindowPtr theWindow,WCTabHandle newColorTable) = 0xAA41; pascal Boolean GetAuxWin(WindowPtr theWindow,AuxWinHandle *awHndl) = 0xAA42; long growwindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Point *startPt,const Rect *bBox); pascal void SetDeskCPat(PixPatHandle deskPixPat) = 0xAA47; WindowPtr newwindow(void *wStorage,const Rect *boundsRect,char *title,Boolean visible, short theProc,WindowPtr behind,Boolean goAwayFlag,long refCon); pascal WindowPtr NewCWindow(void *wStorage,const Rect *boundsRect,ConstStr255Param title, Boolean visible,short procID,WindowPtr behind,Boolean goAwayFlag,long refCon) = 0xAA45; WindowPtr newcwindow(void *wStorage,const Rect *boundsRect,char *title, Boolean visible,short procID,WindowPtr behind,Boolean goAwayFlag,long refCon); pascal WindowPtr GetNewCWindow(short windowID,void *wStorage,WindowPtr behind) = 0xAA46; pascal short GetWVariant(WindowPtr theWindow) = 0xA80A; long pinrect(const Rect *theRect,Point *thePt); #define GetGrayRgn() (* (RgnHandle*) 0x09EE) pascal void SetWTitle(WindowPtr theWindow,ConstStr255Param title) = 0xA91A; Boolean trackbox(WindowPtr theWindow,Point *thePt,short partCode); pascal Boolean TrackGoAway(WindowPtr theWindow,Point thePt) = 0xA91E; pascal void DragWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Point startPt,const Rect *boundsRect) = 0xA925; long draggrayrgn(RgnHandle theRgn,Point *startPt,const Rect *boundsRect, const Rect *slopRect,short axis,DragGrayRgnProcPtr actionProc); void dragwindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Point *startPt,const Rect *boundsRect); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif