{ Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 3:26 PM Strings.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1991 All rights reserved This file is used in these builds: ROM System Change History (most recent first): <2> 8/8/91 JL Updated Copyright. To Do: } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT Strings; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingStrings} {$SETC UsingStrings := 1} {$I+} {$SETC StringsIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := StringsIncludes} FUNCTION C2PStr(cString: UNIV Ptr): StringPtr; PROCEDURE C2PStrProc(cString: UNIV Ptr); FUNCTION P2CStr(pString: StringPtr): Ptr; PROCEDURE P2CStrProc(pString: StringPtr); {$ENDC} { UsingStrings } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}