; ; File: XFLine.a ; ; Contains: Routines for handle F-Line traps in general ; ; Originally Written by: Motorola Inc. ; Adapted to Apple/MPW: Jon Okada ; ; Copyright: © 1990, 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; This file is used in these builds: Mac32 ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; <2+> 6/24/91 BG Folded in Motorola version 2.0 fixes for handling FMOVECR ; instructions with non-zero fields. ; <2> 3/30/91 BG Rolling in Jon Okada's latest changes. ; <1> 12/14/90 BG First checked into TERROR/BBS. ; xfline.a ; Based upon Motorola file 'x_fline.sa'. ; CHANGE LOG: ; 08 Jan 91 JPO Inserted label "fline" at top of code. Modified code ; for branching to system fline handler. Streamlined ; code for reading fline instruction. Renamed label ; "ck_rev" to "flck_rev". ; 13 Jun 91 JPO Folded in Motorola version 2.0 fixes for handling FMOVECR ; instructions with non-zero fields. ; * * x_fline.sa 3.3 1/10/91 * * fpsp_fline --- FPSP handler for fline exception * * First determine if the exception is one of the unimplemented * floating point instructions. If so, let fpsp_unimp handle it. * Next, determine if the instruction is an fmovecr with a non-zero * field. If so, handle here and return. Otherwise, it * must be a real F-line exception. * * Copyright (C) Motorola, Inc. 1990 * All Rights Reserved * * THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF MOTOROLA * The copyright notice above does not evidence any * actual or intended publication of such source code. * X_FLINE IDNT 2,1 Motorola 040 Floating Point Software Package fline: ; <1/8/91, JPO> fpsp_fline: * * check for unimplemented vector first. Use EXC_VEC-4 because * the equate is valid only after a 'link a6' has pushed one more * long onto the stack. * cmp.w #UNIMP_VEC,EXC_VEC-4(a7) beq fpsp_unimp * * fmovecr with non-zero handling here * sub.l #4,a7 ;4 accounts for 2-word difference * ;between six word frame (unimp) and * ;four word frame link a6,#-LOCAL_SIZE fsave -(a7) ; ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,USER_DA(a6) movea.l EXC_PC+4(a6),a0 ;get address of fline instruction ; lea.l L_SCR1(a6),a1 ;use L_SCR1 as scratch - deleted <1/8/91, JPO> ; move.l #4,d0 ; deleted <1/8/91, JPO> ; bsr.l mem_read ; deleted <1/8/91, JPO> ; move.l L_SCR1(a6),d0 ;d0 contains the fline and command word - deleted <1/8/91, JPO> move.l (a0),d0 ; d0 contains the fline and command word <1/8/91, JPO> bfextu d0{4:3},d1 ;extract coprocessor id cmpi.b #1,d1 ;check if cpid=1 bne.b not_mvcr ;exit if not bfextu d0{16:6},d1 cmpi.b #$17,d1 ;check if it is an FMOVECR encoding bne.b not_mvcr * ;if an FMOVECR instruction, fix stack * ;and go to FPSP_UNIMP ;fix_stack: ; label deleted <1/8/91, JPO> cmpi.b #VER_40,(a7) ;test for orig unimp frame bne.b flck_rev ; label renamed <1/8/91, JPO> ; sub.l #UNIMP_40_SIZE,a7 ;emulate an orig fsave - DELETED <6/13/91, JPO> sub.l #UNIMP_40_SIZE-4,a7 ;emulate an orig fsave - ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> move.b #VER_40,(a7) ; clr.b 1(a7) ; DELETED <6/13/91, JPO> move.b #UNIMP_40_SIZE-4,1(a7) ; ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> clr.w 2(a7) bra.b fix_con flck_rev: ; label renamed <1/8/91, JPO> cmpi.b #VER_41,(a7) ;test for rev unimp frame bne fpsp_fmt_error ;if not $40 or $41, exit with error ; sub.l #UNIMP_41_SIZE,a7 ;emulate a rev fsave - DELETED <6/13/91, JPO> sub.l #UNIMP_41_SIZE-4,a7 ;emulate a rev fsave - ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> move.b #VER_41,(a7) ; clr.b 1(a7) ; DELETED <6/13/91, JPO> move.b #UNIMP_41_SIZE-4,1(a7) ; ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> clr.w 2(a7) fix_con: move.w EXC_SR+4(a6),EXC_SR(a6) ;move stacked sr to new position move.l EXC_PC+4(a6),EXC_PC(a6) ;move stacked pc to new position fmove.l EXC_PC(a6),FPIAR ;point FPIAR to fline inst move.l #4,d1 add.l d1,EXC_PC(a6) ;increment stacked pc value to next inst move.w #$202c,EXC_VEC(a6) ;reformat vector to unimp clr.l EXC_EA(a6) ;clear the EXC_EA field move.w d0,CMDREG1B(a6) ;move the lower word into CMDREG1B clr.l E_BYTE(a6) bset.b #UFLAG,T_BYTE(a6) movem.l USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1 ;restore data registers bra uni_2 not_mvcr: movem.l USER_DA(a6),d0-d1/a0-a1 ;restore data registers frestore (a7)+ ; ADDED <6/13/91, JPO> unlk a6 add.l #4,a7 ; bra.l real_fline ; deleted <1/8/91, JPO> move.l (FLINE_VEC040).W,-(sp) ; push vector to user's handler <1/8/91, JPO> rts ; execute user's handler <1/8/91, JPO>