;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; File: USTStartTest.a ; ; Contains: Code that collects and assembles all the Macintosh StartTest Manager code ; ; Written by: Gary Rensberger and a host of others (no doubt) ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 5/17/92 kc Include GestaltEqu.a ; 5/1/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments Follow: ; Backed out change


3/6/92 AL As a result of the PROC conditionalizing, the UST files have ; grown too large for their space in the ROM. Therefore, I broke ; out USTTestMgr.a and USTPram.a and put them into a new ; "super-PROC" file called USTStartTest1.a. All future UST source ; files should go in there. The room left by removing them can be ; used by the file USTSubtests.a (the CPU-specific test tables) ; for growth as more machines are added to Horror. ;

01/27/92 jmp Changed the UST start part of HORROR to be one giant assembly, ; and conditionlized so that it would be easy to go back to the ; old way if necessary. Also, padded out the UST part of HORROR ; to match the TERROR/Zydeco ROM map. ;

1/14/92 SWC Removed boxMacIIsi equate since it's now defined in Private.a. ; 5/23/91 HJR Added include to PowerPrivEqu.a. ; 2/18/91 djw Rolled in Scott Smyer's changes ; 1/24/91 CCH Rolled in changes from Scott Smyers. ; 1/14/91 CCH Rolled in Scott Smyers' changes. ; 12/14/90 HJR Added includes of the new files and some local boxflag equates ; util the V8 and SI are rolled in. ; 10/25/90 CCH Included HardwarePrivateEqu.a instead of HardwareEqu.a. ; <15> 1/13/92 RB Updated to reflect Terror changes. ; <14> 9/18/91 JSM Cleanup header. ; <13> 6/12/91 LN removed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' ; <12> 5/23/91 dba get rid of warning ; <11> 9/11/90 SS commented out the includes for the CTE code for now. ; <10> 9/4/90 SS Added includes for the UTE kernel interface files. ; <9> 4/20/90 SS Added include of EgretEqu.a. I am now using equates from this ; file as per suggestion in the code review of 4/16/90. ; <8> 2/27/90 SS Removing the include of EgretEqu.a. The equates that I was ; using from that file I copied into STEqu.a. ; <7> 2/16/90 SS Added flags to statements which were changed to support Ericson. ; <6> 2/15/90 SS Conditionalized the include of EgretEqu.a ; <5> 2/12/90 MA Now INCLUDE 'EGRETEqu.a'. ; <4> 1/11/90 CCH Added include of “HardwarePrivateEqu.a” ; <3> 1/4/90 BG Added an ENDIF to the IF CPU = ... stuff. ; <2> 1/4/90 BG Added a MACHINE MC68040 directive for Eclipse and other -040- ; based machines. Also, converted header to ProjectOr. ; <1.2> 12/8/89 GMR Added RPUBit to USP flags, for Zone-5 Parity support. ; <1.1> 6/13/89 GMR Added file USTCritTests.a which contains Gary D's fast Mod3Test. ; <1.0> 6/11/89 GMR Added for first time to EASE. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT OFF LOAD 'StandardEqu.d' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a' INCLUDE 'STEqu.a' INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a' INCLUDE 'MMUEqu.a' INCLUDE 'BootEqu.a' INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a' ;<9> INCLUDE 'SCSIEqu96.a' INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a' INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a' ; MACHINE MC68040 PRINT ON STRING ASIS CASE ON INCLUDE 'GenericInterface.a' ;<10> INCLUDE 'StdMacros.a' CASE OFF INCLUDE 'CTETypes.a' INCLUDE 'USTMacros.a' ;<10> INCLUDE 'USTSubtests.a' ;<10> INCLUDE 'USTStartUp.a' INCLUDE 'USTCritTests.a' INCLUDE 'USTNonCritTsts.a' INCLUDE 'USTPostProc.a' INCLUDE 'USTPram.a' INCLUDE 'USTTestMgr.a' INCLUDE 'USTEnvirons.a' END