2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

1271 lines
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; File: CommResourceMgrUtilities.a
; Contains: Resource chain manipulation routines for the CommResourceMgr
; Written by: Byron Han.
; Ported to Assembler by Jerry Godes.
; Copyright: © 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 8/12/93 kc <mb>: I deleted all of the "TheFuture" conditionals in all of
; the CommToolbox per Mike Bell's instructions. I also had to
; delete some old code that was compiled under the "CubeE"
; conditional.
; <15> 6/8/92 JSM Fix ProcessMgrExists routine (already conditionalized for
; TheFuture) to match the one in FileMgrPatches.a that looks at
; emProcessMgrExists. Like that file, we may want to invert the
; sense of this routine when we really turn it on so we can just
; do a tst.
; <14> 2/7/92 BH took out constants in CommToolboxPriv.a for resource map
; structure and use constants in ResourceMgrPriv.a
; also set the twoDeep bit after opening the resource file so when
; we splice below the system map we dont screw up the font folder
; <13> 10/4/91 JSM Change PsychoticFarmerOrLater conditionals to TheFuture.
; <12> 10/2/91 DTY Conditionalise <9> and <10> out of CubeE.
; <11> 7/2/91 BH change routines to prefix with __ to avoid glue conflicts
; <10> 6/25/91 BH bracket all calls to _HOpenResFile and _CloseResFile with
; _BeginSystemMode and _EndSystemMode
; <9> 6/17/91 BH fix problem with CRMReleaseRF which does not set return code
; properly when useCount > 1
; <8> 12/6/90 JNG Don't muck w/ file name in CRMOpenRFPerm <kaz>
; <7> 10/2/90 kaz Changin' ResFileRec field theFile to theName to reflect parity
; in private interface files. <jng>
; <6> 9/10/90 JNG Resolve aliases in CRMOpenRFPerm; Change ResFileRec to use
; canonical file specification.
; <5> 7/2/90 kaz Code shrinkage/cleanup
; <4> 4/11/90 BBH fixed call to CRMFindCommunications to properly setup stack
; (converted to pascal calling conventions instead of internal
; assembler dispatch table convention)
; <3> 4/9/90 BBH removed _CRMFindCommunications
; <2> 3/16/90 BBH make it compile please
; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
; Pre-BBS Modification History
; 1/25/90 BBH Renamed a bunch of routines (added _ before them) to prevent
; conflicts between glue and the toolbox
; 8/3/89 BBH Fixed problem with saving D1 in calling HOpenRFPerm
; Also fixed bug in getting the address of the resource filename
; that is in the resource file record being managed
; 7/27/89 JNG Added CRMGetIndToolName, CRMGetIndFile, CRMFindCommunications,
; CRMCountFiles
; 6/23/89 JNG Start port
; To Do:
; • Move CRMGetIndTool etc calls to C and use caching of folder information
; • _CRMCountFiles & _CRMGetIndFile are similar. Try to combine
; • Use StandardEntry routine that loads CTBGlobals & resFiles into a0, a1
print push
print off
load 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'Aliases.a'
IF (&TYPE('CommToolboxPriv') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
INCLUDE 'CommToolboxPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'MFPrivate.a' ; <10>
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a' ; <10>
INCLUDE 'ResourceMgrPriv.a' ; <14>
print pop
SysRefNum EQU 2
RomRefNum EQU 1
isAliasBit EQU 15 ; file is an alias
EXPORT __CRMOpenRFPerm, __CRMReserveRF, __CRMReleaseRF, __CRMGetRFCount, __CRMToolPreflight, \
__CRMToolPostflight, __CRMCountFiles, __CRMGetIndFile, \
; Routine: IsInRMap
; Arguments: refnum - resource file reference number
; Return: true or false
; Behavior: returns TRUE if a resource map with the given refnum is found in the
; resource chain
; Called by: _CRMReleaseRF
; Calls: nothing
; Register Usage:
; On Entry
; D0 - refnum to look for
; Internal
; A0 - Resource map pointer
; D1 - temp to save refnum
; D2 - temp for comparison
; On exit
; D0 - 1 if it was found, 0 otherwise
movem.l d1-d2,-(SP)
move.w d0,d1
clr.w d0 ; Pessimism
move.l TopMapHndl,a0 ; Get TopMapHndl
@1 move.l a0,d2 ; Is it nil?
beq.s @done ; Yup, no go
move.l (a0),a0 ; Dereference
CMP.W mRefNum(a0),d1 ; <14>
;-------cmp.w ResourceMapRecord.refNum(a0),d1 ; Do we match
beq.s @2 ; Yup, we're done
move.l mNext(a0),a0 ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a0),a0 ; Keep going young man
bra.s @1
@2 move.w #$1,d0
@done movem.l (SP)+,d1-d2
tst.w d0 ; set flag for caller
DbgInfo.new IsInRMap
; Routine: AddResFileRec
; Arguments: none
; Return: resource file record handle if successful, NIL if not
; Behavior: will attempt to allocate a resource file record handle from the
; system heap and will splice record into top of the resource
; file record handle list pointer to off of the CTBGlobal.
; Called by: _CRMOpenRFPerm
; Calls: NewHandleSysClear
; This routine adds a resource file record (an internal CRM data structure) to the top of the
; list of resource files being tracked/managed by the Communications Resource Manager
; The data structure is created in the system heap.
; If NIL is returned, the data structure was not created.
; Register Usage:
; d0 - temp for cmp
; a1 - ResourceFileRecord pointer
; a2 - CTBGlobal data
; On Exit
; a0 - Return value for the ResFileRecHandle
AddResFileRec FUNC
movem.l a1-a2,-(SP)
MOVE.L #ResFileRec.size,D0
_NewHandle sys, clear ; Create the record - we depend on the clear later
move.l a0,d0 ; Check for a valid handle
beq.s @done
move.l (a0),a1 ; dereference it
move.l CommToolboxGlobals,a2 ; Get Global list
move.l CTBBlock.resFiles(a2),ResFileRec.next(a1) ; Next handle
move.l a0,CTBBlock.resFiles(a2) ; Put new one into list
@done movem.l (SP)+,a1-a2
DbgInfo.new AddResFileRec
; Routine: FindResRefNum
; Arguments: _refnum - file reference number
; Return: resource file record handle if found, NIL if not
; Behavior: will attempt to locate a resource file record handle from the
; resource file record list pointed to off of the CTBGlobal.
; Called by: _CRMReserveRF, _CRMReleaseRF, _CRMGetRFCount
; _CRMToolPreflight, _CRMToolPostflight
; Calls: nothing
; This routine searches the list of resource files tracked by the communications resource
; manager for a record with resource file reference number refnum.
; If NIL is returned, the data structure was not found.
; Register Usage:
; Entry
; D0 - refnum
; Internal -
; D1 - temp for address comparison
; A1 - dereferenced ResFileRecHdl
; Exit
; A0 - ResFileRecHdl
FindResRefNum FUNC
movem.l d1/a1,-(SP) ; save off temp regs
move.l CommToolboxGlobals,a0 ; Get resource file list
move.l CTBBlock.resFiles(a0),a0
@1 move.l a0,d1 ; Check end of list
beq.s @done
move.l (a0),a1 ; Check matching refnums
cmp.w ResFileRec.refNum(a1),d0
beq.s @done ; We found it - lets take off
move.l ResFileRec.next(a1),a0 ; Onward James
bra.s @1
movem.l (SP)+,d1/a1 ; Restore temp regs
DbgInfo.new FindResRefNum
; Routine: DeleteResFileRec
; Arguments: none
; Return: nothing. will quietly succeed or fail
; Behavior: will attempt to delete a resource file record handle from the
; resource file record list pointed to off of the CTBGlobal.
; Called by: _CRMReleaseRF
; Calls: DisposHandle
; This routine deletes the given resource file record handle from the list of
; resource files tracked by the communications resource manager.
DeleteResFileRec PROC
movem.l a1-a2,-(SP) ; Save Regs
move.l CommToolboxGlobals,a2 ; Get Resource File list
move.l CTBBlock.resFiles(a2),a1
cmp.l a0,a1 ; Are we deleting the first elt?
bne.s @notFirst
move.l (a1),a1 ; Yes, change the header pointer
move.l ResFileRec.next(a1),CTBBlock.resFiles(a2)
bra.s @deleteIt
@notFirst ; Nope, check the next pointers
@1 move.l a1,d0
beq.s @deleteIt ; We're done without finding the item -
; we still want to delete the record passed in
; even though we haven't tracked it
move.l (a1),a1
cmp.l ResFileRec.next(a1),a0 ; Is next the one we want?
bne.s @next
move.l (a0),a2 ; Yup, relink the list
move.l ResFileRec.next(a2),ResFileRec.next(a1)
bra.s @deleteIt
move.l ResFileRec.next(a1),a1 ; Move on to next item
bra.s @1
_DisposHandle ; Free the data
movem.l (SP)+,a1-a2 ; restore the regs
RTS ; and go home
DbgInfo.new DeleteResFileRec
; Routine: _CRMOpenRFPerm
; Arguments: fName - filename, vRefNum - volume reference number, dirID - directory ID
; Return: reference number of file opened, -1 if failed
; Behavior: Searches the resource file record list pointed to off of CTBGlobal.
; (a) If the file has been opened previously with the same current heapZone,
; then return the file reference number
; (b) If the file has been previously opened without the same current heapZone,
; then register the file name, dirID, and vRefNum along with the new
; heapZone as a new entry in the list.
; Do a stripaddress on the filename before opening to prevent problems re TN 232
; Return the file reference number returned from HOpenResFile.
; The resource map is loaded in the current zone. The resource map handle is
; stored in the resource file record.
; *** The resource map is removed from the resource map chain. ***
; TopMapHandle is set to the resource file just below the resource file
; opened and cut out of the chain.
; CurMap is set to the new topmost resource file.
; (c) If the file has never been opened, do the same as the previous case (b)
; <10> modifications
; Set process to system process before opening the file - this allows persistent
; connections to be opened after the process manager is initted and bypasses the
; sanity checking in FSCleanup called from the CleanupApplication trap which
; auto closes all files opened by an application
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: CompareFileName, AddResFileRec,
; HOpenResFile, CloseResFile, UseResFile
; Register Usage
; On Entry -
; A0 - pointer to the parameters (Record defined below)
; Internal -
; d0 - temp (used for checking pointers,lengths in EqualString, address for StripAddress)
; d1 - vRefNum
; d2 - dirID
; d3 - current zone
; d4 - refNum
; d5 - 0 if process mgr exists, 1 otherwise <10>
; a0 - ResFileRecHandle
; a2 - ResFileRec
; a3 - file name
; On Exit -
; D0 - refnum
IMPORT ZeroPB,ProcessMgrExists
Parms Record 0
sel DS.W 1
dirID DS.L 1
vRefNum DS.W 1
fName DS.L 1
Locals RECORD {A6Link}
LocalStart EQU *
thePB ds.b ioFQElSize
theAlias ds FSSpec
temp ds.w 1
tempName ds.b 64
LocalSize EQU LocalStart -* ; size of all the local variables
A6Link DS.L 1 ; place holder for A6 link
RetAddr DS.L 1 ; place holder for return address
LINK a6,#Locals.LocalSize
movem.l d1-d5/a1-a3,-(SP) ; added d5 <10>
move.w Parms.vRefNum(a0),d1 ; Save off the parameters into locals
move.l Parms.dirID(a0),d2
move.l Parms.fname(a0),a3
move.l a3,d0
move.l d0,a3
move.l TheZone,d3
;================================================= start <10>
@pmcheck ; check for process manager
moveq #1,d5 ; does not exist
bsr ProcessMgrExists
bne.s @afterpmcheck
moveq #0,d5 ; does exist
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
move.l CommToolboxGlobals,a2 ; Get resource files list
move.l CTBBlock.resFiles(a2),a2
@1 move.l a2,d0 ; End of list?
beq.s @notFound
move.l (a2),a2
cmp.w ResFileRec.theName.vRefNum(a2),d1 ; Matching volumes?
bne.s @next
cmp.l ResFileRec.theName.parID(a2),d2 ; Matching directories?
bne.s @next
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a2),d3 ; Matching heap zones? (Same application)
bne.s @next
clr.l d0 ; Set up for the CmpString
lea.l ResFileRec.theName.name(a2),a0 ; The current res file's name
move.b (a0)+,d0
swap d0
move.l a3,a1 ; The name we're looking for
move.b (a1)+,d0
_CmpString ; This gives case insensitive, diacrit sensitive
beq @found
move.l ResFileRec.next(a2),a2 ; Onwards
bra.s @1
@notfound ; Not recorded
lea Locals.thePB(a6),a0 ; Set up the PB
move.l #ioFQElSize,d0
JSR ZeroPB ; Clear everything
move.w d1,ioVRefNum(a0) ; vRefNum
move.l d2,ioDirID(a0) ; dirID
move.l a3,ioNamePtr(a0) ; Name
bmi @problem1
move.w ioFlUsrWds + fdFlags(a0),d0
btst #isAliasBit,d0
beq.s @gotRealFile
; We have an alias - resolve it
move.w d1,Locals.theAlias.vRefNum(a6)
move.l d2,Locals.theAlias.parID(a6)
move.l a3,a0
lea Locals.theAlias.name(a6),a1
moveq #32,d0
subq #2,sp
pea Locals.theAlias(a6)
st -(sp)
pea Locals.temp(a6)
pea Locals.temp(a6)
move.w (sp)+,d0
tst.w d0
bne @problem1
move.w Locals.theAlias.vRefNum(a6),d1
move.l Locals.theAlias.parID(a6),d2
lea Locals.theAlias.name(a6),a0
lea Locals.tempName(a6),a1
move.l a1,a3
moveq #32,d0
bra.s @tryAgain
;================================================= start <10>
MOVEM.L D1-D2,-(SP) ; save registers for the duration of the open
; D1 is vrefnum, D2 is dirID
tst.l d5 ; process mgr?
bne.s @afterbegin1
subq.l #2,sp ; space for return value
_BeginSystemMode ; <10>
addq.l #2,sp ; ignore return
MOVEM.L (SP),D1-D2 ; changed number of saved registers from D0-D2/A0-A2
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
clr.w -(SP)
move.w d1,-(SP) ; vRefNum
move.l d2,-(SP) ; dirID
move.l a3,-(SP) ; Name
move.b #fsRdPerm,-(SP) ; Read Only
move.w (SP)+,D4 ; Here's the refnum
;================================================= start <10>
tst.l d5 ; process mgr?
bne.s @afterend1
subq.l #2,sp ; space for return value
_EndSystemMode ; <10>
addq #2,sp
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D2 ; restore vrefnum and dirID
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
cmp.w #-1,D4 ; Did we have an error
beq.S @problem1
JSR AddResFileRec ; a0 on exit handle to new record
move.l a0,d0
beq.S @problem ; Nil handle
move.l (a0),a2
; Fill in the fields of the ResFileRec
move.l #$40,d0 ; copy all for less code size
move.l a3,a0
lea ResFileRec.theName.name(a2),a1
move.w d1,ResFileRec.theName.vRefNum(a2)
move.l d2,ResFileRec.theName.parID(a2)
move.w d4,ResFileRec.refNum(a2)
move.l TopMapHndl,ResFileRec.resMap(a2)
move.l d3,ResFileRec.pZone(a2)
; clr.l ResFileRec.useCount(a2) ; These two fields are zeroed since we're doing
; clr.l ResFileRec.reserved(a2) ; a NewHandle, sys, clear
move.l TopMapHndl,a0
move.l (a0),a0
MOVE.L mNext(a0),TopMapHndl ; <14>
CLR.L mNext(a0) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a0),TopMapHndl
;-------clr.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a0)
; <14>
; this bit is being set because CommToolbox likes to put the resource files
; below the system map while the tool code is being executed
; as a result, with the Font Folder changes for Cube E, we need to maintain
; the ability to find font files below the system file (and also below the
; tool file since we splice in just _below_ the system and not at the bottom
; of the resource chain
bset #twoDeepBit,mInMemoryAttr(a0) ; ••• <14>
move.l TopMapHndl,a0
move.l (a0),a0
move.w mRefNum(a0),-(SP) ; <14>
;-------move.w ResourceMapRecord.refNum(a0),-(SP)
move.w ResFileRec.refNum(a2),d0
bra.s @done
@problem ; let's close down the file now
;================================================= start <10>
tst.l d5 ; process mgr?
bne.s @afterbegin2 ; <10>
subq #2,sp
addq #2,sp
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
move.w d4,-(SP)
;================================================= start <10>
tst.l d5 ; process mgr?
bne.s @afterend2 ; <10>
subq #2,sp
addq #2,sp
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
move.w #-1,d0
movem.l (SP)+,d1-d5/a1-a3 ; added d5 <10>
DbgInfo.new CRMOpenRFPerm
; Routine: _CRMReserveRF
; Arguments: resource file refnum
; Return: noErr, fnfErr
; Behavior: will attempt to find a resource file record handle from the
; resource file record list pointed to off of the CTBGlobal
; and increment the useCount
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: FindResRefNum
; this routine search for the resource file with given reference number in the
; list managed by the comm resource manager and increment the useCount if found.
; fnfErr is returned if the file cannot be found.
Parms RECORD 0
sel DS.W 1
refNum DS.W 1
move.w Parms.refNum(a0),d0
JSR FindResRefNum ; Get the ResFileRec, d0 - refnum, a0 - ResFileRecHandle
move.l a0,d0
beq.S @err ; Not in the list
move.l TheZone,d0
move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a0),d0 ; Sanity check - Right zone?
bne.s @err
addq.l #$1,ResFileRec.useCount(a0) ; Bump the use count
moveq.l #$0,d0 ; No error
bra.s @done
move.w #fnfErr,d0 ; couldn't find the resource file
DbgInfo.new CRMReserveRF
; Routine: _CRMReleaseRF
; Arguments: resource file refnum
; Return: noErr, fnfErr
; Behavior: will attempt to find a resource file record handle from the
; resource file record list pointed to off of the CTBGlobal
; and decrement the useCount
; If useCount goes to zero or negative, we will splice the
; resource file into the resource map chain if necessary and then
; call CloseResFile. The resource file record handle is then
; disposed of.
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: FindResRefNum, IsInRMap, DeleteResFileRec
; d3 1 if process mgr does not exist <10>
; 0 otherwise
IMPORT ProcessMgrExists
Parms RECORD 0
sel DS.W 1
refNum DS.W 1
movem.l d1-d3/a1-a3,-(sp) ; added d3 <10>
move.w Parms.refNum(a0),d1
move.w d1,d0
JSR FindResRefNum ; Find the resource file record
move.l a0,d0
beq.s @err ; Is it in there?
move.l a0,a1
move.l (a1),a2
move.l theZone,d2
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a2),d2 ; Sanity check the zone
bne.s @err
subq.l #$1,ResFileRec.useCount(a2) ; We've finished with on use
bgt.s @goodexit ; Someone else is still using it <9> changed to goodexit
move.w d1,d0
JSR IsInRMap ; Is it already inthe map?
bne.s @InMap
move.l ResFileRec.resMap(a2),a0 ; No - put it in so close res file works
move.l (a0),a3
move.l TopMapHndl,mNext(a3) ; <14>
;-------move.l TopMapHndl,ResourceMapRecord.next(a3)
move.l a0,TopMapHndl
;================================================= start <10>
move.w d1,-(sp) ; d1 is volatile. d1 is also the refnum so just save
; thepart we care about
moveq #1,D3 ; no pm
bsr ProcessMgrExists
bne.s @afterbegin3
subq.l #2,sp
addq.l #2,sp ; ignore return
moveq #0,D3
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
; refnum is already on stack (see above) <10>
_CloseResFile ; Close it
;================================================= start <10>
tst.l d3 ; process mgr?
bne.s @afterend1
subq.l #2,sp
addq #2,sp
;------------------------------------------------- end <10>
move.l a1,a0
JSR DeleteResFileRec ; Remove our record of it
@goodexit ; <9>
clr.w d0 ; return noErr
bra.s @done
move.w #fnfErr,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3/a1-a3 ; added d3 <10>
DbgInfo.new CRMReleaseRF
; Routine: _CRMGetRFCount
; Arguments: resource file refnum
; Return: noErr, fnfErr
; Behavior: will attempt to find a resource file record handle from the
; resource file record list pointed to off of the CTBGlobal
; and return the useCount
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: FindResRefNum
; this routine search for the resource file with given reference number in the
; list managed by the comm resource manager and return the useCount if found.
; fnfErr is returned if the file cannot be found.
; Register Usage
; Entry -
; D0 - refnum
Parms Record 0
sel DS.W 1
refNum DS.W 1
move.w Parms.refNum(a0),d0 ; get the refNum
JSR FindResRefNum ; D0 - refnum, a0 - ResFileRecHandle
move.l a0,d0
beq.s @err ; Is it in the list?
move.l TheZone,d0
move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a0),d0 ; Sanity check - Right zone?
bne.s @err
move.l ResFileRec.useCount(a0),d0 ; OK just pull out the field
bra.s @done
move.w #fnfErr,d0 ; Couldn't find the resource file
DbgInfo.new CRMGetRFCount
; This routine preflights calls to the communications tool code by manipulating the resource file
; chain. The tool file is placed just BELOW the system file,
; the context of the resource chain is stored in the crmContext record including
; procID of the file just below the system file
; was the tool already installed
; the procID of the tool
; if -1 is passed in for the procID, we get the procID from the crmContext and
; store the context in the heaplist entry for this zone. this is to allow
; jamming the resource map into the resource list when setup dialog is up
__CRMToolPreflight PROC
Parms RECORD 0
sel ds.w 1
crmContext ds.l 1
procID ds.w 1
movem.l d1-d2/a1-a4,-(SP)
moveq #$0,d1
move.l a0,a2
move.l Parms.crmContext(a2),a1
move.w Parms.procID(a2),d0
cmp.w #$FFFF,d0 ; Are we being called from Setup
bne.s @regular
move.w CRMToolContext.toolProcID(a1),d0 ; Get the real procID
move.w d0,Parms.procID(a2)
moveq #$1,d1 ; Set our flag
JSR FindResRefNum ; Now find the file
move.l a0,d0
beq @err ; Not one of ours
move.l TheZone,d2 ; sanity check the zone
move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a0),d2
bne @err ; Wrong zone
; Start filling in the context
move.w #$FFFF,CRMToolContext.oldProcID(a1) ; No oldProcID yet
move.b #$0,CRMToolContext.wasBelow(a1)
move.w Parms.ProcID(a2),CRMToolContext.toolProcID(a1) ; Save off current procID
; A2 is now being converted to be the resMap we are searching for
move.l ResFileRec.resMap(a0),a2
move.l SysMapHndl,a3
move.l (a3),a3
move.l mNext(a3),CRMToolContext.oldHidden(a1) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a3),CRMToolContext.oldHidden(a1) ; OldHidden is first below system
beq.s @nothingHidden ; Above move checks condition codes for us
move.l mNext(a3),a3 ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a3),a3
move.l (a3),a4
move.w mRefNum(a4),CRMToolContext.oldProcID(a1) ; <14>
;-------move.w ResourceMapRecord.refNum(a4),CRMToolContext.oldProcID(a1) ; The previously hidden file
move.l #$0,a4 ; Previous - there isn't any yet
@1 cmp.l a3,a2 ; Is this the resource file?
bne.S @next
move.b #$1,CRMToolContext.wasBelow(a1) ; Yes - mark it as already below
move.l a4,d0 ; Are we on the first one?
beq.S @doneSplice ; Yup - don't touch the list
move.l (a4),a4 ; No - splice it in
move.l (a3),a3
move.l mNext(a3),mNext(a4) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a3),ResourceMapRecord.next(a4) ; PrevRM^^.next := currRM^^.next
bra.s @doneSplice
move.l a3,a4 ; PrevRM := currRM
move.l (a3),a3
move.l mNext(a3),a3 ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a3),a3 ; currRM := currRM^^.next
move.l a3,d0
bne.s @1
move.l (a2),a3
move.l SysMapHndl,a4
move.l (a4),a4
move.l mNext(a4),mNext(a3) ; <14>
move.l a2,mNext(a4) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a4),ResourceMapRecord.next(a3) ; currRM := SysRM^^.next
;-------move.l a2,ResourceMapRecord.next(a4) ; SysRM^^.next := currRM
tst.w d1 ; Is this a special - ie from setup code
beq.s @done
move.w CRMToolContext.OldProcID(a1),ResFileRec.special.OldProcID(a0) ; Yes - we need to save the context
move.l CRMToolContext.oldHidden(a1),ResFileRec.special.OldProcID(a0)
move.w CRMToolContext.toolProcID(a1),ResFileRec.special.toolProcID(a0)
move.b CRMToolContext.wasBelow(a1),ResFileRec.special.wasBelow(a0)
bra.s @done
move.w #fnfErr,d0
bra.s @goHome
move.w #$0,d0
movem.l (SP)+,d1-d2/a1-a4
DbgInfo.new CRMToolPreflight
; This routine postflights calls to the communications tool code by manipulating the resource file
; chain into the state that it was in before the _CRMToolPreflight call.
; If we need to remove the tool from the resource list and the current map is the system map,
; we need to set the curMap to 0. (system file)
; Register Usage
; Entry -
; A0 - pointer to parameters
; Internal
; A0 - pointer to ResFileRec
; A1 - pointer to CRMToolContext
; A2 - prevRM
; A3 - currRM
; A4 - currRM^
__CRMToolPostflight PROC
Parms Record 0
sel DS.W 1
crmContext ds.l 1
movem.l d0/a1-a4,-(SP)
move.l Parms.crmContext(a0),a1 ; Get context pointer
move.w CRMToolContext.toolprocID(a1),d0 ; find the ResFileRec
JSR FindResRefNum
move.l a0,d0
beq.s @notRegistered ; We're not keeping track of this file
move.l TheZone,d1 ; sanity check the zone
move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l ResFileRec.pZone(a0),d1
bne @done ; Wrong zone
tst.w CRMToolContext.oldProcID(a1) ; Was prefight called from setup?
bne.s @notSpecial
move.l a0,d0 ; Check again
beq @done ; Now, we have an error - can't restore context1
move.w ResFileRec.special.OldProcID(a0),CRMToolContext.OldProcID(a1) ; Yup - restore context
move.l ResFileRec.special.oldHidden(a0),CRMToolContext.oldHidden(a1)
move.w ResFileRec.special.toolProcID(a0),CRMToolContext.toolProcID(a1)
move.b ResFileRec.special.wasBelow(a0),CRMToolContext.wasBelow(a1)
tst.w CRMToolContext.oldProcID(a1) ; Was something hiding before?
blt.s @doneSplice ; yes, Splice it back in
move.l #$0,a2 ; PrevRM
move.l SysMapHndl,a3 ; Start searching for it at the system file
move.l (a3),a4
move.l mNext(a4),a3 ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a4),a3 ; Can't be the system - so go on one
move.l a3,d0
beq.s @doneSplice ; We're at the end of the list
move.l (a3),a4 ;
cmp.l CRMToolContext.oldHidden(a1),a3 ; Is this the old file?
bne.s @next
move.l a2,d0 ; Yes - Is this the first item in the list?
beq.s @doneSplice
move.l (a2),a2 ; No - splice it in
move.l mNext(a4),mNext(a2) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a4),ResourceMapRecord.next(a2) ; PrevRM^^.next := oldHidden^^.next
move.l SysMapHndl,a2 ; oldHidden^.next := SysMapHndl^^.next
move.l (a2),a2
move.l mNext(a2),mNext(a4) ; <14>
move.l a3, mNext(a2); ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a2),ResourceMapRecord.next(a4)
;-------move.l a3,ResourceMapRecord.next(a2) ; SysMapHndl^^.next := oldHidden;
bra.s @doneSplice
move.l a3,a2
bra.s @1
tst.b CRMToolContext.wasBelow(a1) ; Was this file previously below?
bne.s @done
move.l a0,d0
beq.s @done
move.l SysMapHndl,a3 ; Yup - splice it back
move.l a3,a2 ; PrevRM
move.l (a3),a4
move.l mNext(a4),a3
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a4),a3
move.l a3,d0
beq.s @done ; We didn't find it
move.l (a3),a4
cmp.l ResFileRec.resMap(a0),a3 ; Do we match?
bne.s @next1 ; nope
move.l (a2),a2 ; We've got a match
move.l mNext(a4),mNext(a2) ; <14>
move.l #$0,mNext(a4) ; <14>
;-------move.l ResourceMapRecord.next(a4),ResourceMapRecord.next(a2) ; PrevRM^^.next := currRM^^.next
;-------move.l #$0,ResourceMapRecord.next(a4) ; CurrRM^^.next := nil
move.w CRMToolContext.toolProcID(a1),d0
cmp.w CurMap,d0 ; Did we just play with CurMap?
bne.s @done
move.l TopMapHndl,a3 ; Yup - set CurMap to TopMapHndl
move.l (a3),a3
move.w mRefNum(a3),CurMap ; <14>
;-------move.w ResourceMapRecord.refNum(a3),CurMap
bra.s @done
move.l a3,a2
bra.s @2
movem.l (SP)+,d1/a1-a4
DbgInfo.new CRMToolPostflight
; Routine: ZeroPB
; Arguments: Number of bytes to clear, and starting address
; Return: nothing
; Behavior: Clears specified number of bytes
; Called by: _CRMGetIndFile
; Calls: nothing
; Register Usage:
; On Entry
; D0 - number of Bytes to clear
; A0 - starting Address
; Internal
; A0 - Pointer into data
; D0 - remaining # of words
ZeroPB PROC ; zeros PB referenced by A0
MOVEM.L D0/A0,-(SP) ; save it
LSR.L #1,D0 ; divide by two (shift right 1)
SUBQ #1,D0 ; subtract one to get translate to 0 base
CLR.W (A0)+ ; clear
DBGT D0,@TopOfLoop ; D0--; if D0>0 go to top
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A0 ; restore it
RTS ; This is an important instruction
; Routine: _CRMCountFiles
; Arguments: DirID, and VRef num to search in, as well as file type to search for.
; Return: number of files matching input parameters
; Behavior: this routine return the number of files with the given filetype in the folder
; with the given volume reference number and directory ID.
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: _HGetFileInfo
; Register Usage:
; On Entry
; A0 - Pointer to parameters
; Internal
; A0 - Pointer to PB for file system calls
; A1 - Pointer to Parameters
; D0 - temp
; D1 - index number of files
; D2 - number of matching files
; Exit
; D0 - number of matching files
__CRMCountFiles FUNC
Parms RECORD 0
sel ds.w 1
dirID ds.l 1
vRefNum ds.w 1
fType ds.l 1
Locals RECORD {A6Link}
LocalStart EQU *
thePB ds.b ioFQElSize
LocalSize EQU LocalStart -* ; size of all the local variables
A6Link DS.L 1 ; place holder for A6 link
RetAddr DS.L 1 ; place holder for return address
LINK a6,#Locals.LocalSize
movem.l d1-d3/a1,-(sp)
move.l a0,a1
move.w #$1,d1 ; Start with file # 1
clr.w d2 ; No matches yet
move.l Parms.fType(a1),d3 ; Save File type
lea Locals.thePB(a6),a0 ; Set up the PB
move.l #ioFQElSize,d0
JSR ZeroPB ; Clear everything
move.w Parms.vRefNum(a1),ioVRefNum(a0)
move.l Parms.dirID(a1),ioDirID(a0) ; DirID gets trashed by HGetFileInfo, so reset
move.w d1,ioFDirIndex(a0)
bne.s @done ; Trap dispatcher checks D0 for us.
cmp.l ioFlUsrWds+fdType(a0),d3 ; Matching type?
bne.s @noMatch
add.w #$1,d2 ; Yup - add one to count
add.w #$1,d1 ; Next file
bra.s @1
move.w d2,d0 ; give 'em the result
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3/a1 ; Clean up.
DbgInfo.new CRMCountFiles
; Routine: _CRMGetIndFile
; Arguments: DirID, and VRef num of file, as well as index and type
; Return: name of file matching specifications
; Behavior: this routine return the index-th file with the given filetype in the folder
; with the given volume reference number and directory ID.
; Called by: Dispatcher, _CRMGetIndToolName
; Calls: _HGetFileInfo
; Register Usage:
; On Entry
; A0 - Pointer to parameters
; Internal
; A0 - Pointer to PB for file system calls
; A1 - Pointer to Parameters
; D0 - temp
; D1 - index number of files
; D2 - number of matching files
; Exit
; D0 - OSErr
__CRMGetIndFile FUNC
Parms RECORD 0
sel ds.w 1
index ds.w 1
dirID ds.l 1
vRefNum ds.w 1
fType ds.l 1
fName ds.l 1
Locals RECORD {A6Link}
LocalStart EQU *
thePB ds.b ioFQElSize
LocalSize EQU LocalStart -* ; size of all the local variables
A6Link DS.L 1 ; place holder for A6 link
RetAddr DS.L 1 ; place holder for return address
LINK a6,#Locals.LocalSize
movem.l d1-d3/a1,-(sp)
move.l a0,a1
move.w #$1,d1 ; Start with file # 1
clr.w d2 ; No matches yet
move.l Parms.fType(a1),d3 ; Save File type
lea Locals.thePB(a6),a0 ; Set up the PB
move.l #ioFQElSize,d0
JSR ZeroPB ; Clear everything
move.l Parms.fName(a1),ioFileName(a0)
move.w Parms.vRefNum(a1),ioVRefNum(a0)
move.l Parms.dirID(a1),ioDirID(a0) ; DirID gets trashed by HGetFileInfo, so reset
move.w d1,ioFDirIndex(a0)
bne.s @notFound
cmp.l ioFlUsrWds+fdType(a0),d3 ; Matching type?
bne.s @noMatch
add.w #$1,d2 ; Yup - add one to count
cmp.w Parms.index(a1),d2 ; Are we at the right index?
bne.s @noMatch
clr.w d0
bra.s @done
add.w #$1,d1 ; Next file
bra.s @1
move.l Parms.fName(a1),a0
clr.b (a0)
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d3/a1 ; Clean up.
DbgInfo.new CRMGetIndFile
; Routine: _CRMGetIndToolName
; Arguments: Index and Type
; Return: name of file matching specifications
; Behavior: this routine return the index-th file with the given filetype in the Communications
; folder
; Called by: Dispatcher
; Calls: _HGetFileInfo
; Register Usage:
; On Entry
; A0 - Pointer to parameters
; Internal
; A0 - Pointer to PB for file system calls
; A1 - Pointer to Parameters
; D0 - temp
; D1 - index number of files
; D2 - number of matching files
; Exit
; D0 - OSErr
__CRMGetIndToolName FUNC
IMPORT CRMFindCommunications, CRMCreateCommunications, CRMGetIndFile
Parms Record 0
sel ds.w 1
toolName ds.l 1
index ds.w 1
bundleType ds.l 1
Locals RECORD {A6Link}
LocalStart EQU *
dirID ds.l 1
vRefNum ds.w 1
LocalSize EQU LocalStart -* ; size of all the local variables
A6Link DS.L 1 ; place holder for A6 link
RetAddr DS.L 1 ; place holder for return address
Link A6,#Locals.LocalSize ; Setup
move.l a2,-(sp) ; save a2
move.l a0,a2
clr.w -(sp) ; return value
pea Locals.vRefNum(a6) ; Does Communications folder exist?
pea Locals.dirID(a6)
JSR CRMFindCommunications
tst.w d0 ; Result in D0
beq.s @FolderExists ; We got the folder
; Why do we create the folder here????
clr.w -(sp) ; Return value
pea Locals.vRefNum(a6)
pea Locals.dirID(a6)
JSR CRMCreateCommunications ; Both procedures take the same parms
move.w (sp)+,d0
bra.s @done ; just made -> no tools here yet
; pascal OSErr CRMGetIndFile(Str63 fName, OSType fType, short vRefNum, long dirID, short index);
clr.w -(sp) ; return value
move.l Parms.toolName(a2),-(sp) ; Ok, now get the info on the file
move.l Parms.bundleType(a2),-(sp)
move.w Locals.vRefNum(a6),-(sp)
move.l Locals.DirID(a6),-(sp)
move.w Parms.Index(a2),-(sp)
jsr CRMGetIndFile
move.l (sp)+,a2
DbgInfo.new CRMGetIndToolName
; STOLEN from {sources}OS:HFS:FileMgrPatches.a <10>
; Routine: ProcessMgrExists
; Function: check if Process Mgr is running
; Input: none
; Output: D0=0 if it is ready; all other registers are preserved.
; Condition codes = (tst.w d0)
; ________________________________________________________________________________
ProcessMgrExists proc export
move.l a0,-(sp) ; save a0
move.l ExpandMem,a0 ; get ExpandMem <15>
tst.w ExpandMemRec.emProcessMgrExists(a0) ; is Process Mgr up yet? <15>
beq.s @notReady ; no <15>
moveq #0,d0 ; DO = 0 means ready <15>
bra.s @exit ; <15>
moveq #1,d0 ; D0 <> 0 means not ready <15>
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; d0 = OSErr, noErr if Process Mgr exists
rts ; leave with condition codes intact