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; File: CommToolboxDispatcher.a
; Written by: Byron Han
; Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 11/3/92 SWC Replaced INCLUDEs with a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <SM3> 7/6/92 PN Take out emCommToolBoxTable and replcace it with
; CommToolboxTable field in CTBBlock. Also delete BigModel since
; it's not used
; <SM2> 6/30/92 PN Change CommToolboxDispatcher to use ExpandMem to store the
; dispatch table instead of pc relative so that this will work in
; SM
; <7> 10/2/90 kaz CM, FT, and TM are now loaded using the CRM to keep track of the
; resources and the apps that call them. <jng>
; <6> 9/18/90 kaz Backing out last change to load the CM, TM, and FT using CRM.
; <BBH>
; <5> 9/11/90 kaz Use _CRMGetResource to load TM, FT, and CM so that we can
; _CRMRelease when the app quits. Removed debugging stuff.
; <4> 4/17/90 dba change module name from DISPATCHER to COMMTOOLBOXDISPATCHER
; <3> 4/11/90 BBH unrolled dispatch table (was DCB.L, now a set of DC.L to allow
; use of linked patch install).
; <2> 3/16/90 BBH stripped out jumk code
; <1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
; 7/27/89 BBH Clarified what bigModel means. Also, changed cmtb resource ID's.
; Rediscovered the multifinder/finder trap management.
; 7/20/89 BBH Changed a BRA to BRA.S to eliminate assembler warning
; 6/2/89 JNG Save D0 and restore before calling managers (Found this since I'm
; using D0 to pass in paramater to core routines.
; 5/24/89 JNG Save/Restore D3-D7 and A3-A4 (D1-D2 and A1-A2 saved by System dispatcher
; 5/4/89 BBH Removed Detach of manager resources. Caused unnecessary sysheap
; growth under multifinder
; 3/29/89 BBH New today.
; The new and improved trap dispatch mechanism for 1 Meg machines or smaller
; Written by Byron Han, Copyright © 1989 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Parts of code are taken from original trap dispatcher from Dean Wong.
; Essentially, this intercepts INIT msgs to the comm toolbox (msg=1)
; and loads them into the dispatch table inside the trap code. This works
; well except when under MultiFinder when we need to have separate dispatch
; tables (and hence trap dispatch code) for each application running.
; So, on the first call to InitXX, we open the communications toolbox file
; and load the manager into memory.
; If we are under Finder, simply put the
; pointer to the start of the manager code into the trap dispatch table.
; Under MultiFinder, copy the trap dispatch code, and do a SetTrapAddress
; to it. Call the new trap code. The new trap code will find the manager code
; without problem (becuase the CommToolbox file is open) and life will go on.
; Applications that patch traps have their patches unpatched when other applications
; get time, so any application in the foreground has its own copy of the CommToolbox
; trap and the associated dispatch code. Applications that are not using the
; CommToolbox have the original trap code available.
; Since the CommToolbox resources are in the system file, they are automatically
; loaded into the system heap and shared under MultiFinderf.
; Under monoFinder, the resources are loaded into the application heap and are
; removed at RsrcZoneInit time.
; My own brilliance has eluded me and led me on a wild gooose chase. 7/27/89.
; Static overhead is about 500 bytes and 1.4 factor penalty as of 2/10/89. BBH
; This is the new universal dispatcher which will work for both large and small
; memory models.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'CommToolboxPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'CommResources.a'
IF (&TYPE('Debugging') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN ; start <BBH>
Debugging: EQU 0
ENDIF ; end <BBH>
COMTRAP EQU $A08B ; ComToolBox trap
UNUSED EQU $A09F ; unimplemented trap
JUGGLERTRAP EQU $A88F ; juggler dispatch trap
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A3-A4,-(SP) ; save registers - across call
; register conventions
; A0 enters with a pointer to the ctb parameter block
; D0 exits with the result code
; internally
; D2, D3 hold the manager and call codes
; A2 holds the pointer to the dispatch table
; D6,D7 are used for performance analysis
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; Save D0 (we trash it here, and core needs it)
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save A0
MOVE.W (A0),D1 ; get the mgr/msg values
MOVE.L #$000000FF,D2 ; message mask
AND.L D1,D2 ; get the message
MOVE.L #$0000FF00,D3 ; manager mask
AND.L D1,D3 ; mask out message…
LSR.L #8,D3 ; and shift out lower byte to get manager
MOVE.L CommToolboxGlobals,A1 ; get expanded memory area <SM3>
MOVE.L CommToolBoxTable(A1),A2 ; get pointer to dispatch table <SM3>
CMP.L #1,D2 ; is message = 1? (init msg)
BNE.S @GoForIt ; nope, so just go and execute it
@LoadIt CLR.L -(SP) ; clear space
MOVE.L #CTB_ConnectionMgrType, -(SP) ; push resource type
MOVE.W D3,D5 ; calculate resource ID
SUB.W #1,D5 ; manager # = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...
ADD.W #CTB_ConnectionMgrID,D5 ; resource ID = baseID, baseID+1, ...
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push the resource ID
; if TM, CM, or FT, use _CRMGetResource
CMP.W #CTB_CTBUtilitiesID,D5
BGE.S @useNormal
; We use CRM so we have an indexed count for the managers.
; When the app quits, we use the CRM to only release it if no
; more apps are using it
IMPORT TrackManagers ; res ID is already on the stack
MOVE.W D5,-(SP) ; push the resource ID
JSR TrackManagers ; track an attempt to load TM, CM, FT
BNE.S @useNormal ; != 0 => already tracked
_CRMGetResource ; handle returned in D0
; must clean up myself -- can i use JSR CRMGetResource instead
ADD.W #10,SP ; res id + type + func result = 10 bytes
BRA.S @gotMgr
@useNormal ; only for CRM & CTBU
_GetResource ; load the resource
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get the resource
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; test it
BNE.S @InstallIt ; install it
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; pop off saved A0
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; pop off saved D0
BRA.S @Exit ; and go home
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the base of the
; internal communications toolbox dispatch table, A0 to be the
; handle to the appropriate manager code, and D3 to contain the
; manager number (1-based)
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; save the resource handle
; MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; push resource handle as parameter
; _DetachResource ; detach the resource
; MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore the resource handle
; _MoveHHi ; move it high (but not in SysHeap)
_HLock ; lock it down
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; dereference the handle
SUBQ.L #1,D3 ; make manager 0 based
LSL.L #2,D3 ; multiply by 4…
ADD.L D3,A2 ; find location in table apropos to manager
MOVE.L A0,(A2) ; install the ptr to manager code
BRA.S @Jump ; go for launch…
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the base of the
; internal communications toolbox dispatch table, and D3 to contain the
; manager number (1-based)
@GoForIt SUB.L #1,D3 ; make manager 0 based
LSL.L #2,D3 ; multiply by 4…
ADD.L D3,A2 ; find location in table apropos to manager
; At this point in time, we expect A2 to point to the pointer of the entry point
; of the appropriate manager
MOVE.L (A2),A1 ; get the manager entry point
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; restore A0 for launch
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; and D0
JSR (A1) ; We have liftoff…
@Exit MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A3-A4 ; restore registers
; To mark the end of the trap dispatch code
END ; that's all folks!