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; File: WindowMgrExtensions.a
; Contains: Routines stolen from WindowMgr patches
; This file contains the glue between LayerMgr.c and WindowMgr.a
; It also implements LayerBracket which sets up and restores
; Layers for many windowmgr calls. The layerbracket mechanism should
; be implemented inside each routine and ripped out of here.
; Written by: Fred Monroe
; Copyright: © 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM7> 11/3/92 SWC Changed PaletteEqu.a->Palettes.a.
; <SM6> 7/1/92 PN Fine tuning InitFasterInvals
; <SM5> 6/25/92 PN Roll in the previous fix into DispTable.a so I don't have to use
; settrapaddress
; <SM4> 6/24/92 PN Fix AlwaysRectRgn for ROM build since we cannot allocate space
; in the ROM
; <SM3> 5/22/92 FM Add GetRear Window
; <SM2> 5/8/92 FM Make changes for windowmgr
load 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'LayerEqu.a'
include 'Palettes.a'
include 'PalettePriv.a'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
; *** move these equates into system equate files
CurLayer EQU $A90
WMgrUpdate EQU $AFC
selectGetDeskPort equ -5
hasLayerlessApps equ 0
InitWindows Proc Export
IMPORT __InitLayers
subq #2,sp ; Make room for error result.
JSR __InitLayers
addq #2,sp
MakeDeactiveGlue PROC EXPORT
IMPORT MakeDeactive
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get return address
MOVE.L (SP), D0 ; Rom takes parameter in D0
MOVE.L A0, (SP) ; Put return address on stack
JMP MakeDeactive
CallWindowGlue PROC EXPORT
IMPORT CallWindow
MOVEM.L A3/D3, -(SP) ; Save A3 and D3
MOVE.L 12(SP), D3 ; D3 = parameter
MOVE.W 16(SP), D0 ; D0 = message
MOVE.L 18(SP), A3 ; A3 = window pointer
JSR CallWindow ; Go into ROM
MOVEM.L (SP)+, A3/D3 ; Restore A3 and D3
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get return address
ADDQ.L #4, SP ; Clean up stack
JMP (A0) ; And go home
CallWindowDrawGlue PROC EXPORT
IMPORT CallDWindow
MOVE.L A3, -(SP) ; Save A3
MOVE.L 8(SP), A3 ; A3 = window pointer
JSR CallDWindow ; Go into ROM
MOVE.L (SP)+, A3 ; Restore A3
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get return address
ADDQ.L #4, SP ; Clean up stack
JMP (A0) ; And go home
CallWindowCalcGlue PROC EXPORT
MOVE.L A3, -(SP) ; Save A3
MOVE.L 8(SP), A3 ; A3 = window pointer
JSR CallWCalc ; Go into ROM
MOVE.L (SP)+, A3 ; Restore A3
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get return address
ADDQ.L #4, SP ; Clean up stack
JMP (A0) ; And go home
; Called by several window manager routines that need to have the current layer saved,
; set and restored.
LayerBracket PROC ENTRY
; A0 = address of routine to "bracket"
; D0.L = address of window who's parent should be the current layer
; D1.W = number of words of stack to preserve (parameters + return value)
; Stack:
; |-------------------|
; | D1.W words |
; | of "parameters" |
; |-------------------|
; | return address |
; |-------------------| <- SP
MOVE.L (SP), D2 ; Save the return address in D2.
SUBQ.L #8, SP ; We'll need 8 more bytes on the stack.
MOVE.L SP, A1 ; Destination of move in A1.
MOVE.L A0, -(SP) ; Push the routine we'll call on the stack.
LEA 12(A1), A0 ; Source of move in A0.
BRA.S @downDBRA ; Start the copy.
MOVE.W (A0)+, (A1)+ ; Copy a word down.
@downDBRA DBRA D1, @copyDownLoop ; Loop until we're done.
; Now the stack looks like this:
; |-------------------| <- A1
; | 12 bytes of |
; | free space |
; |-------------------| <- A0
; | saved |
; | "parameters" |
; |-------------------|
; | WMgr routine |
; |-------------------| <- SP
; D0.L = address of window who's parent should be the current layer
; D1.W = -1
; D2.L = return address
MOVE.L A6, (A1)
MOVE.L A1, A6 ; Make a stack frame at A1.
MOVE.L D2, 4(A6) ; Save the return address at 4(A6).
SUBQ.L #4+4, SP ; Save space for results.
MOVE.L D0, -(SP) ; Get window for GetParent.
IF hasLayerlessApps THEN
IMPORT __patchGetParent
JSR __patchGetParent ; Get the parent.
IMPORT __GetParent
JSR __GetParent ; Get the parent.
IMPORT __SwapCurLayer
JSR __SwapCurLayer ; Swap the layer and get the old layer.
MOVE.L (SP)+, 8(A6) ; Save the old current layer at 8(A6).
MOVE.L (SP)+, A0 ; Get the window manager routine.
JSR (A0) ; And call it.
; We've completed the window manager routine. The stack looks like this:
; |-------------------|
; | old CurLayer |
; |-------------------|
; | return address |
; |-------------------|
; | old A6 |
; |-------------------| <- A6
; | return value |
; |-------------------| <- SP
MOVE.L 8(A6), -(SP) ; Get window for SetCurLayer.
_SetCurLayer ; Set it back.
MOVE.L 4(A6), D2 ; Save the return address in D2.
MOVE.L A6, A0 ; Source of move in A0.
MOVE.L (A6), A6 ; Remove the stack frame.
SUB.L SP, D1 ; D1 is number of bytes to move back up.
ASR.L #1, D1 ; Divide by two for word count.
LEA 12(A0), A1 ; Destination of move in A1.
BRA.S @upDBRA ; Start the copy.
MOVE.W -(A0), -(A1) ; Copy a word up.
@upDBRA DBRA D1, @copyUpLoop ; Loop until we're done.
MOVE.L A1, SP ; Peel back the stack.
MOVE.L D2, A0 ; Get the return address.
JMP (A0) ; And return.
__SelectWindow PatchProc _SelectWindow
Import SelectWindow
LEA SelectWindow,a0
JMP TwoByFour
IF NOT hasLayerlessApps THEN
__BringToFront PatchProc _BringToFront
Import BringToFront
LEA BringToFront,a0
JMP TwoByFour
__SendBehind PatchProc _SendBehind
Import SendBehind
LEA SendBehind,a0
IMPORT FourByEight
JMP FourByEight
__ShowWindow PatchProc _ShowWindow
Import ShowWindow
LEA ShowWindow,a0
MOVEQ.L #2, D1
MOVE.L 4(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
JMP LayerBracket
__DragWindow PatchProc _DragWindow
Import DragWindow
LEA DragWindow,a0
MOVEQ.L #6, D1
MOVE.L 12(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
JMP LayerBracket
__MoveWindow PatchProc _MoveWindow
Import MoveWindow
LEA MoveWindow,a0
MOVEQ.L #5, D1
MOVE.L 10(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
JMP LayerBracket
__ZoomWindow PatchProc _ZoomWindow
Import ZoomWindow
LEA ZoomWindow,a0
EXPORT FourByEight,WindowAt8
FourByEight MOVEQ.L #4, D1
WindowAt8 MOVE.L 8(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
JMP LayerBracket
__GetAuxWin PatchProc _GetAuxWin,(II,IIci)
Import GetAuxWin
LEA GetAuxWin,a0
MOVEQ.L #5, D1
IMPORT WindowAt8
JMP WindowAt8
__SetWinColor PatchProc _SetWinColor,(II,IIci)
Import SetWinColor
LEA SetWinColor,a0
IMPORT FourByEight
JMP FourByEight
__SetCtlColor PatchProc _SetCtlColor,(II,IIci)
Import SetCtlColor
LEA SetCtlColor,A0
MOVEQ.L #4, D1
IMPORT ControlOwner
JMP ControlOwner
__GetAuxCtl PatchProc _GetAuxCtl,(II,IIci)
Import GetAuxCtl
LEA GetAuxCtl,A0
MOVEQ.L #5, D1
EXPORT ControlOwner
MOVE.L 8(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
BEQ.S @LayerBracket
MOVE.L (A1), A1
MOVE.L contrlOwner(A1), D0
JMP LayerBracket
__DrawNew PatchProc _DrawNew
Import DrawNew
Lea DrawNew,A0
MOVEQ.L #3, D1
MOVE.L 6(SP), D0
IMPORT LayerBracket
JMP LayerBracket
LayerDispatch BeginDispatcher _LayerDispatch
DispatchSelectors __GlobalPortRect = selectGlobalPortRect
DispatchSelectors __PaintOnePal = selectPaintOnePal
DispatchSelectors __EachWindow = selectEachWindow
IF hasLayerlessApps THEN
DispatchSelectors __patchGetParent = selectGetParent
DispatchSelectors __GetParent = selectGetParent
DispatchSelectors __WindowType = selectWindowType
DispatchSelectors __GetDeskPort = selectGetDeskPort
DispatchSelectors __CheckUpdateIn = selectCheckUpdateIn
DispatchSelectors __FrontWindowIn = selectFrontWindowIn
DispatchSelectors __ActiveWindow = selectActiveWindow
DispatchSelectors __GetRootLayer = selectGetRootLayer
DispatchSelectors __InitLayers = selectInitLayers
DispatchSelectors __NewLayer = selectNewLayer
DispatchSelectors __IsLayer = selectIsLayer
DispatchSelectors __GetCurLayer = selectGetCurLayer
DispatchSelectors __SetCurLayer = selectSetCurLayer
DispatchSelectors __SwapCurLayer = selectSwapCurLayer
DispatchSelectors __GetSubWindows = selectGetSubWindows
IF hasLayerlessApps THEN
DispatchSelectors __patchFindLayer = selectFindLayer
DispatchSelectors __FindLayer = selectFindLayer
DispatchSelectors __PositionWindow = selectPositionWindow
DispatchSelectors __AutoPositionWindow = selectAutoPositionWindow
DispatchSelectors __GetWindowState = selectGetWindowState
DispatchSelectors __SetWindowState = selectSetWindowState
DispatchSelectors __CheckWindow = selectCheckWindow
DispatchSelectors __RedrawAll = selectRedrawAll
InitFasterInvals InstallProc
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A1 ; get expanded memory area
WITH ExpandMemRec
; allocate emRectRgn <SM4>
MOVE.L #4,D0 ; D0 = size of globals for emRectRgn <SM4> <SM2> RLM
_NewPtr SYS,CLEAR ; allocate them in system heap <SM4>
MOVE.L A0,emRectRgn(A1) ; stuff pointer in our global <SM4>
MOVE.L A0,A1 ; A1-> ptr to globals
;store away the region handle
subq #4,sp ;make room for region handle
move.l (sp)+,(a1) ;store away the region handle
;; MakePatch FasterInvalRect,_InvalRect
;; MakePatch FasterValidRect,_ValidRect
FasterInvals Proc
Export FasterInvalRect,FasterValidRect
moveq #-1,d0 ;flag it as a valid
bra.s IRectCommon
moveq #0,d0 ;flag that it’s an inval
move.l 4(sp),a0 ;get pointer to rectangle
move.l a4,-(sp) ;save a4 <SM4>
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A4 ; A4 -> Expanded Low Memory <SM4>
MOVE.L ExpandMemRec.emRectRgn(A4),A4 ; A4-> ptr to globals <SM4>
move.l (a4),a1 ;get handle to region <SM4>
move.l (sp)+,a4 ;restore a4 <SM4>
move.l a1,-(sp) ;pass it on the stack to IvalCommon
move.l (a1),a1
add #rgnBBox,a1 ;advance to the bounding box
move.w left(a0),d1 ; <37>
cmp.w right(a0),d1 ;if a vertical line <37>
bge.s @emptyRgn ; fill in empty rgn <37>
move.w top(a0),d1 ; <37>
cmp.w bottom(a0),d1 ;if a horizontal line <37>
bge.s @emptyRgn ; fill in empty rgn <37>
move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ;smash in the rectangle
move.l (a0),(a1)
bra.s @doInval ; <37>
@emptyRgn clr.l (a1)+ ;empty rgn <37>
clr.l (a1) ; <37>
@doInval ; <37>
jsrROM IvalCommon ;must JSR, since he expects a return address
move.l (sp)+,(sp) ;get rid of rectangle pointer
; <41> ActivatePalette — ActivatePalette assumes that the window is in the WindowList (i.e. CurLayer).
; Therefore, we have to call LayerBracket before ActivatePalette.
ActivatePaletteLayerBracket PatchProc _ActivatePalette,(II,IIci)
Import ActivatePalette
LEA ActivatePalette,A0
JMP TwoByFour
; <SM16> FM SetWinColor and SetCtlColor both look for the rearmost window when
; <SM16> FM passed a NIL handle. This is a utility routine to do that for them
GetRearWindow PROC EXPORT ; <SM16> FM
move.l WindowList,d0 ; Get first window <SM16> FM
move.l d0,a1 ; <SM16> FM
beq.s @gotLastWindow ; If no windows, exit loop <SM16> FM
@findLastWindowLoop ; <SM16> FM
move.l d0,a0 ; <SM16> FM
tst.b wVisible(a0) ; Is it visible? <SM16> FM
beq.s @findNextVisibleWindow ; No, go on to the next one <SM16> FM
move.l a0,a1 ; Potential last visible window <SM16> FM
@findNextVisibleWindow ; <SM16> FM
move.l nextWindow(a0),d0 ; Get next window <SM16> FM
bne.s @findLastWindowLoop ; If there’s a window, branch back <SM16> FM
@gotLastWindow ; <SM16> FM
rts ; <SM16> FM