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; File: piMAIN.a
; Contains: Pascal Interface for MPP and ATP drivers
; Written by: Gene Tyacke (GRT)
; Gursharan Sidhu (GSS)
; Alan Oppenheimer (ABO)
; Rich Andrews (RFA)
; Copyright: © 1984-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM3> 1/29/93 RB Do not move the SCCLockout value to the status register, always
; do an ORI.W with it so that NuKernel works and the stack is not
; changed.
; <SM2> 10/28/92 SWC Changed INCLUDEs to a LOAD of StandardEqu.d.
; <3> 7/24/91 MH also: MPPRefNum, ATPRefNum as per <2> below
; <2> 7/24/91 MH Added conditional wrapper(s) to prevent duplication of public
; interface declarations: tLAPRead, tLAPWrite, tDDPRead,
; tDDPWrite, tNBPLookUp, tNBPConfirm, tNBPRegister,
; tATPSndRequest, tATPGetRequest, tATPSdRsp, tATPAddRsp,
; tATPRequest, tATPResponse
; 8/24/84 GRT,GSS Version 1.0 Developers Release
; 8/28/84 GRT Code crunch start on versions P/13,P/14...
; 9/15/84 GRT Version 1.1 tested (P/16)
; 9/20/84 RFA UnlockAndLinkHdl not building queue right (P/17)
; 10/3/84 RFA,GRT Code crunch pass two started (P/18)
; 11/6/84 GRT DDP checksum algorithim fixed (PI/1.1C)
; 11/13/84 GRT Changed SUBQ.W to SUBQ.B in ATPRqComp's BDS test loop(PI/1.1D)
; 11/14/84 GRT BTST in ATP calls changed to test bit 0 and not 1 of Pascal
; booleans (PI/1.1E)
; 11/28/84 GRT In ATPSndRequest, clearing high byte of atpNumRsp field before
; returning to the user (PI/1.1E)
; 12/3/84 GRT NBP 1st pass code crunch; GetHdlAndLock params made into .LONG's
; 12/14/84 GRT ATPLoad call checks to make sure MPP is opened before trying to
; open the ATP driver. ATPUnload only closes the driver is the
; system size is 128K.
; 12/17/84 GRT CmpEventPost made into two different routines; one for LAP and
; DDP, and one for NBP and ATP. The original one did not always
; post events correctly when using LAP or DDP async calls.
; 12/17/84 GRT ATP ioRefNum made into constant (-11) instead of getting it
; from the driver. OpenMPP and CloseMPP calls added.
; 12/18/84 GRT LAPProtType record packing changed in interface so corresponding
; change is made here in the assembly. NBP async completion routines
; must save A0 (abRecHandle) until post event call is made. (PI/1.1G)
; 1/3/85 GRT Changed GetNodeNumber call to GetNodeAddress. It also returns
; the network number as well as the node number.
; 1/4/85 RFA Added TIDValid bit support so that ATPReqCancel will work, and
; added SktQElList plus other stuff so that ATPRspCancel works.
; ListLink is new field in ATP's IOQElement (PI/1.1I)
; 1/9/85 GRT,ABO New calls: IsMPPOpen and IsATPOpen added. Names of
; OpenMPP and CloseMPP changed to MPPOpen and MPPClose.
; 1/11/85 GRT Release 1.2a to Library, testers
; 1/21/85 GRT Using new ATalk include file; Changed SPBConfig to SPConfig
; 1/24/85 GRT Version number changed to 3.0
; 2/7/85 GRT In LAPWrite, LAPProtType offset incorrect
; 2/11/85 GRT Removing all occurrances of RTE's in the code
; 2/16/85 GRT Final (for now) Developers Release
; 3/15/85 GRT Doing actual _RecoverHandle call instead of looking at current
; zone ptr so Switcher and File Server Dispatcher will work.
; 4/27/85 GRT Made code into one .PROC so it can be made into a separate
; code resource file.
; 2/20/86 GRT In ATP; ATPRequest completion munged BDS ptr
; 4/28/86 GRT close down code didn't work if app had a IAZNotify proc
; 4/30/86 GRT _RecoverHandle trap removed in completion routines
; 9/11/86 ABO Convert to MPW
; 12/10/86 SJF Made all routines a set of linkable modules. Each major function
; is now a code PROC. The 'ATPL' resource is eliminated. Also
; removed the use of low-memory location $E0.
; 12/10/86 fixed _RecoverHandle Bug (DDPRdCancel)
; Dec. 86 SJF Added routine ATPEnter2, Fixed ATPReqCancel and ATPRspCancel
; so that they always execute syncronously.
; 12/4/89 JAL Removed error codes which are now in SysErr.a and removed
; PrNonPortable equate which is now defined in the Makefile.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'AppleTalk.a' ; appletalk equates
; Equates (offsets) for the various fields in the ABusRecord
abOpCode EQU 0 ; type of call (enumerated type)
abResult EQU abOpCode+2 ; result code
abUserReference EQU abResult+2 ; user defined space
; * LAP definitions *
lapAddress EQU abUserReference+4 ; level 0 address block
; Offsets into the lapAddress block
lapADest EQU lapAddress ; dest byte
lapASource EQU lapADest+1 ; source byte (contents of lapAddress rec)
lapAType EQU lapASource+1 ; type byte {1.1g change}
lapReqCount EQU lapAddress+4 ; request count
lapActCount EQU lapReqCount+2 ; actual count returned by call
lapDataPtr EQU lapActCount+2 ; pointer to data buffer
; * DDP definitions *
; Any BYTE fields are ODD aligned cause Pascal puts the
; byte data into the low order byte of a word in non-packed records.
ddpTypeField EQU abUserReference+5 ; BYTE! level 1 type field
ddpSocket EQU ddpTypeField+2 ; BYTE! socket number
ddpAddrNet EQU ddpSocket+1 ; address block network number
ddpAddrID EQU ddpAddrNet+2 ; address block node ID
ddpAddrSkt EQU ddpAddrID+1 ; address block socket number
ddpReqCount EQU ddpAddrSkt+1 ; request count
ddpActCount EQU ddpReqCount+2 ; actual count
ddpDataPtr EQU ddpActCount+2 ; pointer to ddp buffer
ddpNodeID EQU ddpDataPtr+5 ; BYTE! for DDPRead, who the pkt was sent to (broadcast?)
; * NBP definitions *
nbpEntityPtr EQU abUserReference+4 ; pointer to the 3 entity strings
nbpBufPtr EQU nbpEntityPtr+4 ; nbp buffer pointer
nbpBufSize EQU nbpBufPtr+4 ; size of the above buffer
nbpDataField EQU nbpBufSize+2 ; misc field for socket num, entry nums
nbpAddrNet EQU nbpDataField+2 ; address block network number
nbpAddrID EQU nbpAddrNet+2 ; address block node ID
nbpAddrSkt EQU nbpAddrID+1 ; address block socket number
nbpRetInterval EQU nbpAddrSkt+1 ; retransmission interval
nbpRetCount EQU nbpRetInterval+1 ; retransmission count
; * ATP definitions *
atpSktNum EQU abUserReference+5 ; atp socket number
atpAddress EQU atpSktNum+1 ; atp Address block
atpRCount EQU atpAddress+4 ; request number of bytes
atpDataPtr EQU atpRCount+2 ; ptr to data buffer
atpRspBDSPtr EQU atpDataPtr+4 ; ptr to BDS
atpBMap EQU atpRspBDSPtr+4 ; bit map
atpTID EQU atpBMap+2 ; transaction ID number
atpActCount EQU atpTID+2 ; actual number returned
atpUserBytes EQU atpActCount+2 ; user defined bytes
atpXO EQU atpUserBytes+4 ; exactly once bit
atpEOM EQU atpXO+1 ; end of message bit
atpTimeOut EQU atpEOM+2 ; time out in seconds
atpRetries EQU atpTimeOut+2 ; number of times to retry
atpNumBufs EQU atpRetries+2 ; number of BDS buffers
atpNumRsp EQU atpNumBufs+2 ; number of responses recvd
atpBDSSize EQU atpNumRsp+2 ; size of bds elements
atpRspUData EQU atpBDSSize+1 ; UserBytes recvd in Response
atpRspBuf EQU atpRspUData+4 ; ptr to resp message buf
atpRspSize EQU atpRspBuf+4 ; size of large resp buf
; Pascal data structure offsets
; NBP EntityName data structure offsets
nbpEntObj EQU 0 ; start of entity object
nbpEntTyp EQU nbpEntObj+34 ; start of entity type
nbpEntZone EQU nbpEntTyp+34 ; start of entity zone
; MPP Call Types (for storage in abOpCode of ABusRecord)
IF &TYPE('__AppleTalk__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
tLAPRead EQU 0
tLAPWrite EQU 1
tDDPRead EQU 2
tDDPWrite EQU 3
tNBPLookUp EQU 4
tNBPConfirm EQU 5
tNBPRegister EQU 6
tATPSndRequest EQU 7
tATPGetRequest EQU 8
tATPAddRsp EQU 10
tATPRequest EQU 11
tATPResponse EQU 12
; Offsets in the IOQ element block (usually at the end of the normal
; IOQ element block)
; Write Data Structure Offsets (at the end of the IOQElement Blk)
WDSXtraLAPSize EQU 26 ; size of xtra bytes in IOQ for LAP
WDSXtraDDPSize EQU 40 ; size of xtra bytes in IOQ for DDP
xtraNBPSize EQU 14 ; size of xtra bytes in IOQ for NBP
; Variables after the IO queue element block
abRecHdl EQU IOQElSize ; abRecord handle
qElHdl EQU abRecHdl+4 ; handle to queue element
; LAP and DDP
WDS1Start EQU qElHdl+4 ; start of the WDS 1 data structure
WDS2Start EQU WDS1Start+6 ; start of the WDS 2nd data structure
WDSTerm EQU WDS2Start+6 ; location of the WDS terminator bytes
ABASyncFlag EQU WDSTerm+2 ; async flag (if zero then sync)
WDS1stEntry EQU ABASyncFlag+1 ; LAP or DDP Entry 1
; DDP only
dLAPHdr EQU WDS1stEntry ; beginning of the lap header
dLength EQU dLAPHdr+3 ; length bytes
dCheckSum EQU dLength+2 ; long hdr checksum bytes
dDstNet EQU dCheckSum+2 ; long hdr dest network number
dSrcNet EQU dDstNet+2 ; long hdr src network number
dDstNodeAddr EQU dSrcNet+2 ; long hdr dest node addr
dSrcNodeAddr EQU dDstNodeAddr+1 ; long hdr src node addr
dDstSkt EQU dSrcNodeAddr+1 ; long hdr dest socket
dSrcSkt EQU dDstSkt+1 ; long hdr source socket
dType EQU dSrcSkt+1 ; long hdr type field
sdDstSkt EQU dCheckSum ; short hdr dest socket
sdSrcSkt EQU sdDstSkt+1 ; short hdr src socket
sdType EQU sdSrcSkt+1 ; short hdr type field
compactHdl EQU qElHdl+4 ; hdl to compacted name
theAsyncFlag EQU compactHdl+4 ; async flag for NBPLookUp,etc
asyncflg EQU qElHdl+4 ; caller's async flag
ListLink EQU asyncflg+2 ; link to other IOQEls
bdsHdl EQU ListLink+4 ; handle to our BDS elements
IOPBEnd EQU bdsHdl+4 ; size of this queue element
; Protocol Handler and Socket Listener Table equates
maxHndlr EQU 4 ; currently 4 max handlers
maxSkts EQU 12 ; currently 12 max socket listeners
entrySize EQU 6 ; 6 bytes per handler table entry
; The LAP protocol table is organized by complete entries and not by types
; (i.e., in memory, entry 1 is followed by entry 2, etc). NOTE: This is
; my own table, and not the one used internally by MPP.
theHndlr EQU 0 ; offset of the entries' lap type
theRcvFlag EQU theHndlr+1 ; ditto for pkt recvd flag
thePtr EQU theRcvFlag+1 ; ditto for next read buffer
; The DDP socket table is organized exactly as the LAP protocol table. This
; is also only for use by the interface. The only difference between the tables
; is the socket number at offset zero
theSktNum EQU 0 ; offset into the entries' socket num
; These offsets below are for the new socket table (V1.15 and beyond)
aSktNum EQU 0 ; offset to beginning of socket nums
aRcvFlag EQU aSktNum+maxSkts ; offset to beginning of rcv flags
aRBPtr EQU aRcvFlag+maxSkts ; offset to beginning of read blk ptrs
; ReadBlock size and offsets (used in LAPRead and DDPRead)
rbNxPtr EQU 0 ; next element in read link
rbABHdl EQU 4 ; handle to abRecord associated with read blk
rbAFlag EQU 8 ; async flag
rbRetCksErr EQU 9 ; Return checksum errors flag
rbHdl EQU 10 ; handle to the read block
rdBlkSize EQU 14 ; # bytes in the read blk structure
; MPP Driver Reference Number (currently static)
IF &TYPE('__AppleTalk__') = 'UNDEFINED' THEN
MPPRefNum EQU -(MPPUnitNum+1) ; driver ref number
ATPRefNum EQU -(ATPUnitNum+1) ; atp driver io ref num
; Miscellaneous equates
maxATPBuf EQU 578 ; max # of ATP data bytes
; Local Variables
ENTRY ListEl1,myHndlrTable,theSocketTable,saveArea
ENTRY tmpHandler,myRHALen,tmpHndlrEntry,retAddr
ENTRY returnAddr,SktQElList,MPPName,ATPName
ENTRY NBPLoadStatus,tmpEntityName
ListEl1 DC.L 0 ; ptr to first removable handle
myHndlrTable DCB.B maxHndlr*entrySize,0 ; protocol handler table
theSocketTable DCB.B maxSkts*entrySize,0 ; socket listener table
saveArea DCB.B 6,0 ; temporary variable locations
tmpHandler DC.L 0 ; space for lap proto handler addr
myRHALen DC.W 0 ; number of bytes I added to the RHA
tmpHndlrEntry DC.W 0 ; entry num of the handler we are using
retAddr DC.L 0 ; save place for return address
returnAddr DC.L 0 ; place to save the return address
SktQElList DC.L 0 ; head of IOQElement list
MPPName DC.B 4 ; length of name
DC.B '.MPP ' ; driver name (aligned)
ATPName DC.B 4 ; Size of ATP name
DC.B '.ATP ' ; The name itself (aligned)
NBPLoadStatus DC.B 0 ; [NBPLoad] 0=not loaded, 1=loaded
tmpEntityName DCB.B 99,0 ; space for compacted entity name
; (only used by NBPRemove)
; Misc Routines
; RemoveHdlBlks
; This call is made by almost every procedure in the pascal interface. Its
; purpose is to check and see if there are any memory blocks to be disposed
; of. The memory blocks are linked in a list (zero denoting the last). If
; there are any elements in the list, it disposes of the handles.
; Interrupts are turned off during part of this routine.
; Register Usage
; A0 and D0 are clobbered
; Possible errors:
; D0 may have error from memory manager call
; Modification History:
; 8/24/84 GRT Ready for alpha release
; 8/29/84 GRT CMP.L changed to MOVE.L (code crunch;comments changed)
; 10/01/84 GRT Interrupts turned off
; 10/21/84 MPH Fixed interrupt bug
RemoveHdlBlocks PROC EXPORT
ENTRY RemoveHdlBlks
MOVEM.L A1-A2,-(SP) ; Save registers to be conservative
LEA ListEl1,A1 ; Address of List Head
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; Save old interrupt state
ORI.W #SCCLockOut,SR ; Disable interrupts <SM2> rb
MOVE.L (A1),A0 ; First Handle to Free
MOVE.L (A0),A2 ; Address of Block Text
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; Is List Empty?
BEQ.S @10
MOVE.L (A2),(A1) ; Get next block to list head.
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; Enable interrupts
BEQ.S @20
_DisposHandle ; get rid of handle
BRA.S @00 ; check it
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A1-A2 ; Restore registers
RTS ; Return to caller
; ExitD0,ExitD3
; Common Exit routine for LAP, DDP and NBP
; Call:
; D0 .WORD function result
; A2 .LONG return address of routine
; ExitD3 also restores D3 from stack
MOVE.L (SP)+,D3 ; restore D3
MOVE D0,(SP) ; set return code
MOVE.L D2,A1 ; get return address
JMP (A1) ; exit
; DoControlCall
; Test to see if the call is sync or async and make the appropriate
; call to the MPP driver. In the case of a sync call, the IO completion
; routine is called through an indirect subroutine jump of its address
; stored in A2.
; On Entrance:
; A0 -> IOQ element block
; A2 -> IO completion routine
; D1 = async flag (byte)
; On Exit:
; D0 = result of control call
DoControlCall PROC
MOVE #MPPRefNum,IORefNum(A0) ; store driver refnum
TST.B D1 ; check async flag
BEQ.S @10 ; if zero then it's sync
MOVE.L A2,IOCompletion(A0) ; store IO completion address
_Control ,ASYNC ; make async call
BRA.S @20 ; and then exit
@10 _Control ; make sync call
JSR (A2) ; and call the completion routine
@20 RTS
; CmpEntrance
; Code saving subroutine that sets up registers used in the IO completion
; routines. It also unlocks the abRecord handle (which will be returned
; back to the user.
; On Entrance:
; A0 -> IOQ element block
; On Exit:
; A0 = AB Record handle
; A1 -> AB Record blk
; A2 -> IOQ element block (swapped with A0)
; D0 = result of the unlock call made on the IO queue element
CmpEntrance PROC
MOVE.L A0,A2 ; A2 -> IOQElement blk; A0 is scratch
MOVE.L ABRecHdl(A0),A0 ; A1 -> AB Record block
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; dereference
MOVE D0,abResult(A1) ; return result code
_HUnlock ; unlock the ABRecord handle
; UnlockAndLinkHdl
; This routine unlocks the handle (making it relocatable) and links
; the handle into a list of disposable handles. The ptr to the first
; element is stored in ListEl1. Each link is stored in the first 4
; bytes of the handles' block (not in the master pointer!). A zero
; is stored in the last element denoting the end of the list.
; An assumption is made that there are at least 4 bytes of space in the
; memory block and that they can be trashed (since I store the link there).
; Since this routine is also called by the protocol handler and socket
; listener, interrupts must be turned off during the unlink.
; Call:
; A0 .LONG handle to unlock and link
; Return:
; D0 .WORD error result from _HUnlock call
; Possible errors:
; NIL master pointer
; Can't lock free block
; Modification History:
; 8/24/84 GRT Ready for alpha release
; 8/29/84 GRT Interrupts turned off
; 9/20/84 RFA Changed to add first hdl to queue correctly (P/17)
; 10/01/84 RFA,GRT Free block now linked at beginning of list
; 10/22/84 RFA Shortened interrupt lockout time by moving instruction
UnlockAndLinkHdl PROC
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; save register
_HUnlock ; unlock the relocatable blk
MOVE.L (A0),A1 ; A1 -> memory block
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; turning off interrupts
ORI.W #SCCLockOut,SR ; <SM2> rb
MOVE.L ListEl1,(A1) ; get first element ptr
LEA ListEl1,A1 ; address of variable
MOVE.L A0,(A1) ; insert new list head
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore interrupts
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; restore register
; Cmp1EventPost
; Subroutine that is called after any AppleBus call to the MPP driver
; is made. It posts an event on an async call and also places the IO
; queue element on the disposable memory block list.
; This subroutine only works for LAP and DDP.
; On Entrance:
; A0 = AB record handle
; A2 -> IOQ element block
; On Exit:
; D0 = result of the unlock call made on the IO queue element
Cmp1EventPost PROC
TST.B ABASyncFlag(A2) ; check async flag
BEQ.S @10 ; if zero then its a sync call
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; D0 = event message (ABRecHdl)
MOVE #networkEvt,A0 ; this will be a network event
; A0 = handle of the ABRecord D0 = network event number
_PostEvent ; For D0: 0 = posted, 1 = not posted
@10 MOVE.L qElHdl(A2),A0 ; get the IOQelement block handle
JSR UnlockAndLinkHdl ; remove the handle from memory
; CmpEventPost
; Subroutine that is called after any AppleBus call to the MPP driver
; is made. It posts an event on an async call and also places the IO
; queue element on the disposable memory block list.
; This subroutine only works for NBP and ATP.
; On Entrance:
; A0 = AB record handle
; A2 -> IOQ element block
; On Exit:
; D0 = result of the unlock call made on the IO queue element
CmpEventPost PROC
TST.B theAsyncFlag(A2) ; check async flag
BEQ.S @10 ; if zero then its a sync call
MOVE.L A0,D0 ; D0 = event message (ABRecHdl)
MOVE #networkEvt,A0 ; this will be a network event
; A0 = handle of the ABRecord D0 = network event number
_PostEvent ; For D0: 0 = posted, 1 = not posted
@10 MOVE.L qElHdl(A2),A0 ; get the IOQelement block handle
JSR UnlockAndLinkHdl ; remove the handle from memory
; GetHdlAndLock
; This routine gets a handle to (D0) bytes on the appl heap and locks down
; the handle. This call is register based.
; Call:
; D0 .LONG number of bytes to allocate
; Return:
; A0 .LONG handle to memory block
; D0 .WORD error result
; Condition codes set upon return
; Possible errors:
; Not enough room in zone to allocate memory (NewHandle)
; NIL master pointer (HLock) [This shouldn't happen]
; Can't lock free block (HLock) "
; Modification History:
; 8/24/84 GRT Ready for alpha release
; 10/1/84 GRT Comment changed (we need to pass a long word, not a word)
GetHdlAndLock PROC
_NewHandle ; handle will be in A0
TST D0 ; check for error
BNE.S @10 ; if non zero then exit
_HLock ; lock it down
@10 RTS
; This function checks to see if MPP is open. The boolean function result
; is set to TRUE if it is open, else it will be set to FALSE.
; Returns: TRUE if MPP is open
; FALSE if MPP is not open
; Uses: D0,D1
; Modification History:
; 1/9/84 ABO,GRT New Today
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; clear result (assume FALSE)
MOVE.B PortBUse,D0 ; is Port B in use?
BMI.S @90 ; if not, then just exit
AND.B #$0F,D0 ; clear high bits of flag
SUBQ.B #UseATalk,D0 ; check to see if ATalk is using port
BNE.S @90 ; if not, then MPP is not open
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; else set result to TRUE
@90 MOVE.B D1,4(SP) ; return result back to user
; GetNodeAddress - Returns my AppleTalk node address stored in MPP variables
; FUNCTION GetNodeAddress(VAR myNode,myNet : INTEGER): OSErr;
; Returns: NoErr
; MPP driver not installed
; TOS => .LONG Return address
; .LONG Address of myNet variable
; .LONG Address of myNode variable
; .WORD Function result code
; Modification History:
; 8/24/84 GRT Ready for alpha release
; 1/3/85 GRT Add the network number also
; 1/10/85 GRT Removing call to RemoveHdlBlocks so call can be made from asmb
GetNodeAddress PROC EXPORT
MOVE.L (SP)+,D2 ; return address popped
CLR -(SP) ; clear for function result
JSR IsMPPOpen ; is MPP opened? (D0,D1 are trashed)
TST.B (SP)+ ; check result
BNE.S @10 ; if TRUE then jump and continue
; If driver not installed, just pop off data on stack and jump to exit point
MOVE #NoMPPErr,D0 ; error constant
ADDQ #8,SP ; pop off data
BRA.S @90
; Grab the requested data from the MPP globals variable location
@10 MOVE.L ABusVars,A0 ; pointer to MPP variables
MOVE.L (SP)+,A1 ; address of myNet
MOVE SysNetNum(A0),(A1) ; store current net number
CLR (A1) ; clear entire word out
MOVE.B SysLAPAddr(A0),1(A1) ; stash node number
CLR D0 ; no error
@90 MOVE D0,(SP) ; store func result
MOVE.L D2,A1 ; get return address back
JMP (A1) ; exit
; This function checks to see if ATP is open. The boolean function result
; is set to TRUE if it is open, else it will be set to FALSE. Note that
; we first check to see if MPP is open since you can't run ATP without MPP.
; Returns: TRUE if ATP is open
; FALSE if ATP is not open
; Uses: D1 (IsMPPOpen uses D0 also)
; Modification History:
; 1/9/84 ABO,GRT New Today
CLR -(SP) ; result for call
BSR IsMPPOpen ; check to make sure MPP is open
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; clear result (assume FALSE)
TST.B (SP)+ ; is MPP open??
BEQ.S @90 ; if not then exit
BTST #ATPLoadedBit,PortBUse ; check to see if ATP is loaded in
BEQ.S @90 ; if not, then exit
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; else set result to TRUE
@90 MOVE.B D1,4(SP) ; return result back to user
; MPPOpen - Opens the MPP driver. No error is returned if everything goes
; OK or MPP is already open. This routine can (and probably will) be called
; by other functions or by the user himself.
; Returns: Errors from _Open call
; PortInUse
; PortNotCf
; noErr
; If there is not enough memory in the heap to load MPP, the ROM sometimes
; returns back a -35 (No such volume exists) error as the function result.
; Unfortunately, we can't do anything about it other than watch for it.
; Modification History:
; 12/14/84 GRT New Today
; 1/9/85 ABO,GRT Changed the way we check to see if MPP is loaded. Using
; PortBUse lomem variable
; 1/21/85 GRT Changed SPBConfig to SPConfig (per ABO)
CLR -(SP) ; func result space
CLR D0 ; assume no error
TST.B (SP)+ ; is mpp open?
BNE.S @90 ; if already open then just exit
; MPP is not open
MOVE.B PortBUse,D1 ; is someone else using it?
BMI.S @20 ; if not then branch
; Someone else is using the port so report the error
MOVEQ #PortInUse,D0 ; set error
BRA.S @90
@20 MOVE.B SPConfig,D0 ; get config data
AND.B #$0F,D0 ; clear high bits
SUBQ.B #UseATalk,D0 ; find out if ATalk is using it
BLE.S @30 ; branch if ATalk or port unconfigured
MOVEQ #PortNotCf,D0 ; set port not configured correctly
BRA.S @90
; Make the open call to the driver
@30 SUB #IOQElSize,SP ; allocate queue element on stack
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; put address into A0
LEA MPPName,A1 ; name of driver to open
MOVE.L A1,IOFileName(A0) ; place into IO Q element
CLR.B IOPermssn(A0)
_Open ; open the .MPP driver
ADD #IOQElSize,SP ; deallocate queue element
; D0 should be cleared
@90 MOVE D0,4(SP) ; return function result
RTS ; that's all folks!
; FUNCTION MPPClose : OsErr;
; Returns: Errors from _Close call
; noErr
; Modification History:
; 12/17/84 GRT New Today
SUB #IOQElSize,SP ; allocate queue element on stack
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; put address into A0
MOVE #MPPRefNum,ioRefNum(A0) ; closing the MPP dirver
ADD #IOQElSize,SP ; deallocate queue element
MOVE D0,4(SP) ; return function result
RTS ; that's all folks!