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; File: Error.a
; Contains: Routines which support the process error manager that could not be
; coded in C. Handles hardware exceptions and system errors.
; Written by: Erich Ringewald
; Copyright: © 1986-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <4> 1/8/91 DFH (rdd) Calls to debugExitRoutine no longer dump params
; afterwards, since this is now a Pascal routine.
; <3> 1/8/91 DFH (rdd) Debug entry and exit routines are now Pascal style.
; <0> x/xx/86 ELR New Today.
LOAD 'ProcessMgrIncludes.D'
INCLUDE 'data.a'
; Hardware exception handling. CPU exception vectors are routed through us.
EXPORT (buserr, addrerr, ilglerr, zeroerr):CODE
EXPORT (chkerr, trapverr):CODE
EXPORT (priverr, traceerr, line1111err):CODE
EXPORT (coprocerr, fmterr, uniniterr, spurint):CODE
EXPORT (unass,trap5err,trap6err): CODE
IMPORT (oldExceptionVectors, pCurrentProcess, dont_switch):DATA
IMPORT (IsOldDebugger, pDebugProcess, debugEntryRoutine, debugExitRoutine):DATA
IMPORT (SysErrRecover, CallDebugger):CODE
; ExceptionFunnel. Bottleneck for all exceptions we patch. Exception number is
; divinable from offset of beginning of our re-routing table to the return address atop
; the stack.
ExceptionRegs REG d0-d1/a0/a5
ExceptionRegsSize EQU 16 ; bytes in saved regs
; Calculate the error number
movem.l ExceptionRegs,-(sp) ; save work regs
lea ErrorCatchTab,a5 ; get start of re-routing table
move.l ExceptionRegsSize(sp),d0 ; get return address of bsr.s
sub.l a5,d0 ; subtract base to get 1-based offset * sizeof(bsr.s)
lsr #1,d0 ; normalize to get sys error number
move.w d0,DSErrCode ; save exception number in low memory
move.l ProcessMgrGlobals,a5 ; get Process Mgr a5
tst.l pDebugProcess ; is a debugger registered?
bne.s HandleForDebugger ; yes, go call it
cmp.w #dsTraceErr,d0 ; is it a trace exception?
beq.s LetMacsbugDoIt ; if so, always fall thru to MacsBug
move.b MacJmpFlag,d1 ; get possible debugger flag word
cmp.b #UNIMP,d1 ; is this an implemented flag byte?
bne.s haveFlags ; if so, use it
move.b MacJmp,d1 ; else, use traditional flag
btst #6,d1 ; is there a real debugger?
bne.s LetMacsbugDoIt ; if so, go to it
tst.b IsOldDebugger ; is MacsBug installed?
bne.s LetMacsbugDoIt ; if so, go to it
; This is the standard Process Mgr exception error handling. Call SysError! Takes
; advantage of the fact that our SysError patch will decide whether it's OK to
; ExitToShell, and, if not, just call the ROM to put up the bomb box. It will redo
; some of the checks we just made, but who cares about speed here!
; d0 == DSErrCode == exception code, a5 == ProcessMgrGlobals
_SysError ; ExitToShell or ROM bomb box
; Pass the call on to Macsbug, by returning through the saved vector for this
; error type. Note that many vectors map onto the same error number.
lea oldExceptionVectors,a5 ; get base of table (biased by 1)
asl.w #2,d0 ; vector size is 4
move.l -4(a5,d0.w),ExceptionRegsSize(sp) ; push vector for return (w/ 1-based table)
movem.l (sp)+,ExceptionRegs ; restore work regs
rts ; and jump there
; Table of entry points for the exceptions we handle
buserr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 1
addrerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 2
ilglerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 3
zeroerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 4
chkerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 5
trapverr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 6
priverr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 7
traceerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 8
line1010err bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 9
line1111err bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 10
unass bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 11
coprocerr bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 12
interr1 bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 13
trap5err bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 14
trap6err bsr.s ExceptionFunnel ; exception type 15
; A high-level debugger exists. Pass the error to him unless context switches are
; disabled, or the debugger itself is the errant process.
; There are three calls here, allowing the debugger to filter unwanted errors without
; our having to switch him in.
; 1) The onentry (filter) routine. It expects the the exception frame on the stack
; bottom, and all other registers preserved. It might not return.
; 2) If it does, call CallDebugger(), which will do a foreground switch into the debugger.
; 3) On return, call the onexit routine registered by the debugger. It restarts the
; process, not returning here.
; Stack is:
; sp -> d0
; d1
; a0
; a5
; bsr.s return address
; exception frame.
; and A5 == ProcessMgrGlobals
tst.w dont_switch ; are we unswitchable?
bne.s TryMacsBug ; we can't switch -- call old standby
move.l pCurrentProcess,a0 ; get the current guy
cmp.l pDebugProcess,a0 ; is it the debugger?
beq.s TryMacsBug ; don't let debugger handle its own errors
; OK to call debugger filter procedure
movem.l d2/a1,-(sp) ; save more registers
subq.l #2,sp ; room for return value
pea SaveCurrPSN ; push ptr to serial number storage
_GetCurrentProcess ; call OS
addq.l #2,sp ; dump return code
movem.l (sp)+,d2/a1 ; restore registers
lea SaveArea,a0 ; get address of variables
move.l a5,(a0)+ ; set saveA5
move.l ExceptionRegsSize(sp),(a0)+ ; set saveBSRAddr
move.l debugEntryRoutine,(a0)+ ; set saveDBEntry
movem.l (sp)+,ExceptionRegs ; restore some regs
addq.w #4,sp ; get rid of bsr ret addr
; build parameter block on top of exception frame
pea DBWantsIt ; push ptr to boolean
move.l 4+SaveCurrPSN,-(sp) ; push low half of PSN
move.l SaveCurrPSN,-(sp) ; push high half of PSN
pea ReturnFromEntryRoutine ; make it look like a jsr
move.l saveDBEntry,-(sp) ; push the routine addr
rts ; and call it (stack has exception on bottom)
; if he wants this one, switch him in
move.l saveBSRAddr,-(sp) ; push this on again
movem.l ExceptionRegs,-(sp) ; re-save work regs
move.l saveA5,a5 ; restore a5
move.b DBWantsIt,d0 ; does it want it?
beq.s FromDebuggerToMacsBug ; if not, branch
; Do major switch to the system debugger. This suspends the current application
; (the debuggee), so CallDebugger does not return until the debuggee has been resumed.
jsr CallDebugger ; major switch to the debugger
; now that debuggee is running again, call the debugger's exit routine
lea -10(sp),sp ; room for serial number + return value (on bottom)
pea 2(sp) ; push ptr to serial number storage
_GetCurrentProcess ; call OS
addq.l #2,sp ; dump return code
move.l debugExitRoutine,a0 ; address of routine to call (PSN on stack!)
jsr (a0) ; and call it (might not return here)
; NOTE: We should never fall through to here, because the debugExitRoutine should
; clean up and reset the PC. But just in case...
move.w DSErrCode,d0 ; retrieve err val into d0 (need it in mainstream)
bra TryMacsBug ; let it fall thru to the rest
; yucky embedded variables
saveA5 DC.L 0
saveBSRAddr DC.L 0
saveDBEntry DC.L 0
SaveCurrPSN DC.L 0
DC.L 0
DBWantsIt DC.W 0
; System error handling. A patch to _SysError.
; a_syserror. Our patch to SysError. Dole out the error to the appropriate debugger.
; If none, ExitToShell if we think that can help. Otherwise, call system handler. For
; errors in the benign range, flush accumulated events after calling through.
SOFT_SYSERRID_FIRST EQU 16384 ; beginning of softy syserr range
SE_saveregs REG d1-d2/a0-a1
a_syserror PROC EXPORT
IMPORT (NonStopSysErr, SysErrRecover, CallDebugger):CODE
IMPORT (pDebugProcess, dont_switch, debugEntryRoutine, debugExitRoutine):DATA
move.w d0,DSErrCode ; save error in low memory
ext.l d0 ; make err id a longword for C
movem.l d0/a5,-(sp) ; save on stack (d0 on top for NonStopSysErr)
move.l ProcessMgrGlobals,a5 ; and set up our a5
; if the error is benign, we can skip the high-level debugger altogether. Also, these
; are the errors that we should flush events for. Unsigned check to eliminate negatives.
cmpi.w #SOFT_SYSERRID_FIRST,d0 ; range reserved for benignity
bge.s CallSysErrFlush ; if so, don't bother with high-level debugger
; see if we should call high-level debugger filter procedure
move.l pDebugProcess,d0 ; is the debugger running?
beq.s CallSysErr ; if not, branch to old (d0 already on stack)
move.w dont_switch,d0 ; are we in a safe place?
beq.s TrySysDebugger ; if so, go through the debugger hoops
; NOTE: Clearing DSErrCode below assumes no application ever uses DSErrCode to change
; the program flow, since the system will not normally clear it. A potential problem
; could arise where someone hits the resume button and then the app tries to figure
; out from which error it is resuming.
jsr SysErrRecover ; (error code already on top of stack)
clr.w DsErrCode ; if SysErrRecover returns, error is not real
move.l d0,a0 ; get real routine addr into addr register
tst.l d0 ; just set condition codes for the moment
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a5 ; get errid back into d0
beq.s ReturnNow ; jump if there was no special address
move.l a0,-(sp) ; push for rts
rts ; good luck...
; Error is one to be ignored by debuggers. Some of these (like dsForcedQuit) put up a
; dialog. Unfortunately, the event (like mousedown) used to dismiss this dialog can not
; be flushed by the handler. We set up a new return address to take care of the flush.
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a5 ; restore stack and d0/a5
pea FlushEm ; so we return from system handler to flush
movem.l d0/a5,-(sp) ; re-push d0 and a5
bra.s CallSysErr ; go look for system handler
move.l #$0000FFFF,d0 ; events to flush (all of 'em!)
_FlushEvents ; call the OS
rts ; return to SysError caller
; There is a registered system debugger, and it is safe and sane to call it. First
; part of the protocol is to call the debugger's entry (filter) routine. After the RTS
; the stack looks like we just entered _SysErr and have preserved all of the registers
; except sp. The PC will be at the start of debugEntryRoutine.
movem.l SE_saveregs,-(sp) ; save regs
subq.l #2,sp ; room for return value
pea SysErrorPSN ; push ptr to serial number storage
_GetCurrentProcess ; call OS
addq.l #2,sp ; dump return code
movem.l (sp)+,SE_saveregs ; restore regs
move.l debugEntryRoutine,d0 ; hold global in register
addq #4,sp ; forget the d0 on the stack
move.l (sp)+,a5 ; and restore a5
pea DBWantsIt ; push ptr to boolean
move.l SysErrorPSN+4,-(sp) ; push low long of PSN
move.l SysErrorPSN,-(sp) ; push high long of PSN
pea SysRetFromCall ; push return address
move.l d0,-(sp) ; push address of entry routine
move.w DSErrCode,d0 ; restore d0 from low memory
rts ; return to debug filter routine
; check result of filter
moveq #0,d0 ; clear d0 so high-word will be 0
move.w DSErrCode,d0 ; re-get the err (caller's d0)
movem.l d0/a5,-(sp) ; push d0 and a5 (d0 on top!)
move.l ProcessMgrGlobals,a5 ; and set up ours
move.b DBWantsIt,d0 ; does the debugger want control?
beq.s CallSysErr ; if not, branch
; debugger filter proc said "yes", suspend debuggee to do a full switch into debugger
jsr CallDebugger ; suspend current process, call the debugger
; debuggee has been resumed, call debugger's debugExitRoutine
; NOTE: We reget the current PSN so that this is re-entrant while debugger is working
lea -10(sp),sp ; room for serial number + return value (on bottom)
pea 2(sp) ; push ptr to serial number storage
_GetCurrentProcess ; call OS
lea 2(sp),sp ; dump return code
move.l debugExitRoutine,a5 ; get addr of routine
jsr (a5) ; and go do it (PSN itself on the stack)
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a5 ; restore stack and d0/a5
rts ; good luck...
; yucky embedded variables
SysErrorPSN DC.L 0
DC.L 0
DBWantsIt DC.W 0
; IsNonFatalSysErr. Determine whether appropriate handler for specified error is the
; old SysError routine, rather than an ExitToShell.
; NOTE: Have to return "true" for old menu mgr errors so that sys patch can either
; handle them (popups for MacII) or at least change them to the correct (i.e. positive
; ID) errors by recalling _SysError.
move.w 6(sp),d1 ; get error code
move.w #-1,d0 ; assume "true"
beq.s itsAOK ; noErr is fine by me!
cmp.w #dsReinsert,d1 ; well, OK, the user can insert a disk…
beq.s itsAOK
cmp.w #shutDownAlert,d1 ; and we'll even let him shut down!
beq.s itsAOK
cmp.w #hMenuFindErr,d1 ; deal with archaic error (I)
beq.s itsAOK
cmp.w #mBarNFnd,d1 ; deal with archaic error (II)
beq.s itsAOK
cmp.w #dsFinderErr,d1 ; ExitToShell here would be no good
beq.s itsAOK
cmp.w #SOFT_SYSERRID_FIRST,d1 ; range reserved for benignity
bge.s itsAOK
clr.w d0 ; return "false"