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; File: PictButtonCDEF.a
; Contains: This file contains the control definition procedure (CDEF) for the
; "Pict Button control". It is like the standard button control, except
; it draws a picture instead of text for the contents of the button.
; Written by: Nick Kledzik
; Copyright: © 1982-1990 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 11/8/90 ngk <VL> Changed dimmed state to draw in true gray unless version of
; picb is 2.
; <1> 6/18/90 ngk first checked in
; <0+> 6/16/90 ngk Submitted for the first time.
; The parameters for the button are read from a 'picb' resource. It
; currently contains the PICT resource ID of the picture to draw and
; the offset from the top left corner of the control rect to begin
; drawing the picture. The picture is never scaled. It is clipped
; to fit inside the control rect.
; Before drawing the picture, the foreground and background colors are
; set up based on the hilite state of the control. Your PICT should
; have the opcodes which change the fore or back-ground colors last. This
; way in the "inverted state", the beginning items will draw with fore-
; and back-ground colors swapped and hard colored items will remain the same.
; This disabled state is drawn using gray (average of fore- and back-ground
; color) if version = 1 and color machine with color graphport and enough
; depth, otherwise the picture is drawn and then 50% gray is BICed over it.
; (Forcing dithering to disable might be desired for a solid colored pict.
; For instance, a red record button would look more disabled if it had
; half its pixels off, as opposed to a dimmed red.)
; type 'picb' {
; integer = 1; /* version */
; integer; /* PICT resource ID */
; integer; /* delta v */
; integer; /* delta h */
; fill long; /* space for handle */
; };
; resource 'picb' (200) {
; 300, /* PICT resource ID */
; 0, /* dv */
; 0 /* dh */
; };
; To Do:
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'ColorEqu.a'
; FUNCTION PushButProc( selector: INTEGER;
; theControl: ControlHandle;
; message: INTEGER;
; param: LongInt): LongInt;
; stack frame definition
StackFrame RECORD {A6Link},DECR
result DS.L 1 ; LongInt
paramSize EQU *-8 ; prameters to remove on return
; parameters
selector DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
theControl DS.L 1 ; ControlHandle
message DS.W 1 ; INTEGER
param DS.L 1 ; LongInt
ReturnAddr DS.L 1
A6Link DS.L 1
; locals variables
isDimmed DS.B 1 ; Boolean
isInverted DS.B 1 ; Boolean
theControlRect DS.W 4 ; Rect
tempRect DS.W 4 ; Rect
savedPen DS.B psRec
savedFgColor DS.B rgbColor
savedBkColor DS.B rgbColor
frameColor DS.B rgbColor
bodyColor DS.B rgbColor
textColor DS.B rgbColor
theQDprocs DS.B cqdProcsRec
oldQDprocsPtr DS.L 1
oldCommentProc DS.L 1
savedClip DS.L 1
frameSize EQU * ; size of link
picb RECORD 0
version DS.W 1 ; 1 => dim with true gray, 2=> dim by dithering
pictResID DS.W 1 ; resource ID of PICT to use
dv DS.W 1 ; vertical offset from topLeft of button to draw picture
dh DS.W 1 ; horizontial offset from topLeft of button to draw picture
pictHandle DS.L 1 ; handle to copy of PICT resource
BRA.S @0 ; skip header
; standard header
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W 61 ; resource ID
DC.W 2 ; version #
WITH StackFrame
LINK A6,#frameSize ; set up a stack frame to address parameters <C59/30Jun86> DAF
MOVEM.L D3-D7/A1-A4,-(SP) ; save work registers
; buttons only handle messages 0,1,2,3,4,10,11
MOVE.W selector(A6),D0
CMP.W #dispCtlMsg,D0 ; inspect message value <1.2>
BLS.S @MsgOK ; if < 4, it’s OK <1.2>
CMP.W #calcWholeCtlMsg,D0 ; <1.2>
BEQ.S @MsgOK ; 10 is OK too <1.2>
CMP.W #calcThumbCtlMsg,D0 ; <1.2>
bne.s @done ; And 11 <1.2>
; fetch the parameters into registers
LEA 8(A6),A0 ; get ptr to first parameter
MOVE.L (A0)+,D3 ; get param in D3
MOVE.W (A0)+,D0 ; get message
MOVE.L (A0)+,A3 ; get the control handle
MOVE.W (A0)+,D7 ; get selection index
CLR.L (A0) ; clear out function result
move.l (a3),a0 ; get control pointer in A0
tst.b contrlHilite(A0)
smi isDimmed(a6) ; set up whether it is dimmed
sgt isInverted(a6) ; set up whether it is inverted
move.l contrlRect(a0),theControlRect(a6) ; make local copy of rect
move.l contrlRect+4(a0),theControlRect+4(a6)
; Determine type of system. We need to know if we have color QuickDraw
; and a color window.
CMP.W #$3FFF,ROM85 ; do we have color QD?
SLS D6 ; set boolean depending on color or B&W system
bhi.s @haveD6
move.l contrlOwner(A0),a1 ; get window it is in
move.w portVersion(A1),d1 ;
and.w #$C000,d1 ; are we using a color grafport?
sne d6 ; if so set d6 to true
; case out on the message number
CMP.W #dispCtlMsg, D0 ; Does message need adjusting? <1.2>
BLS.S @loMsg ; Don’t adjust if not. <1.2>
SUBQ.W #calcWholeCtlMsg-dispCtlMsg-1, D0 ; Adjust message for address calculation <1.2>
ADD D0,D0 ; double for word index
LEA GoPushBut,A1 ; get table address
ADD 0(A1,D0),A1 ; compute dispatch address
JSR (A1) ; dispatch to appropriate routine
; we’re done -- restore registers and return to caller
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D3-D7/A1-A4 ; restore work registers
UNLK A6 ; unlink stack frame
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get return address
ADD #paramSize,SP ; strip parameters
JMP (A0) ; return to caller
; PushButProc dispatch table -- entries must be long branches!
DC.W DrawPBut-GoPushBut ; draw is message 0
DC.W HitPBut-GoPushBut ; hit test is message 1
DC.W CalcPBut-GoPushBut ; calc regions is message 2
DC.W InitBut-GoPushBut ; new button is message 3
DC.W DispBut-GoPushBut ; dispose button is message 4
DC.W CalcWholePBut-GoPushBut ; calc whole regions is message 10 <1.2>
DC.W CalcThumbPBut-GoPushBut ; calc thumb regions is message 11 <1.2>
MyComment DC.B $00 ; nop / pad
DC.B $A1 ; longComment
DC.W $0000 ; kind
DC.W 8 ; size of following data
DC.L ('nick') ; my marker
MyA6Offset EQU *-MyComment ; offset to place to store A6
DC.L $0 ; A6 will go here
MyCommentLen EQU *-MyComment ; size of the comment inserted
InitBut move.l theControl(A6),A3 ; get the control handle
move.l (A3),A0 ; get control pointer
subq #4,sp ; room for result
move.l #'picb',-(sp)
move.w ContrlRfCon+2(A0),-(sp) ; low word of refcon is 'picb' res ID
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; duplicate picb, cause we will be modifying it
move.l a0,a2
move.l (a3),a0 ; get control pointer
move.l a2,contrlData(A0) ; set handle to copied 'picb'
beq.s @done ; if no handle then skip out
subq #4,sp ; room for result
move.l #'PICT',-(sp)
move.l (a2),a0 ; get control pointer
move.w picb.pictResID(a0),-(sp) ; get res ID of PICT to load
move.l (sp)+,a0 ; duplicate picture, cause we will munge it
move.l (A2),A1 ; get picb pointer
move.l a0,picb.pictHandle(A1) ; set handle to copied PICT
beq.s @done
subq #4,sp ; result
move.l a0,-(sp) ; handle to munge
moveq #10,d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ; offset
moveq #0,d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ; ptr1
move.l d0,-(sp) ; len1
pea MyComment ; ptr2
moveq #MyCommentLen,d0
move.l d0,-(sp) ; len2
addq #4,sp
@done rts
DispBut move.l theControl(A6),A0 ; get the control handle
move.l (A0),A0
move.l ContrlData(A0),d0 ; get handle to 'picb'
beq.s @done
move.l d0,a2
move.l (a2),a0
move.l picb.pictHandle(a0),a0 ; get handle to copied 'PICT'
_DisposeHandle ; dump 'picb'
move.l a2,a0
_DisposeHandle ; dump 'PICT'
@done rts
; saves off StdComment for current port and installs MyCommentProc
; only called on Color QD systems
move.l grafGlobals(A5),A2 ; get GrafGlobals base
move.l thePort(A2),A2 ; get current port
move.l grafProcs(a2),d0
move.l d0,oldQDprocsPtr(a6) ; save off current StdProcs
move.l d0,a0
bne.s @hasProcs ; if currently not NIL then use it
pea theQDprocs(a6)
_SetStdCProcs ; else allocate my own procs record
lea theQDprocs(a6),a0
move.l a0,grafProcs(a2) ; stuff pointer to my own procs
@hasProcs move.l commentProc(a0),oldCommentProc(a6) ; save off current comment handler
lea MyCommentProc,a1
move.l a1,commentProc(a0) ; override comment handle to be me
; Restores old StdComment
move.l grafGlobals(A5),A2 ; get GrafGlobals base
move.l thePort(A2),A2 ; get current port
move.l oldQDprocsPtr(a6),d0
move.l d0,grafProcs(a2) ; restore old StdProcs
beq.s @done ; if it was NIL then done
move.l d0,a0
move.l oldCommentProc(a6),commentProc(a0) ; else also restore old commentProc
@done rts
; PROCEDURE StdComment(kind,dataSize: INTEGER; dataHandle: Handle);
move.l 4(sp),d0 ; get dataHandle
beq.s @notMyComment ; NIL handle can't be my comment
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),a0
cmp.l #'nick',(a0)
bne.s @notMyComment
move.l a6,-(sp) ; save off a6
move.l 4(a0),a6 ; retrieve my a6
pea textColor(A6) ; set foreColor
pea bodyColor(A6) ; set backColor
move.l (sp)+,a6 ; restore QD's a6
bra.s @done
; want to call old StdComment, but can't find it without a6
@done move.l (sp)+,a0
add #8,sp
jmp (a0)
; in: d0.w = part identifier
; a0 = pointer to place to store found RGB color
; a1 = pointer to AuxCntlRec
; trashes a1,d1
move.l a1,-(sp)
MOVE.W ctSize(A1),D1 ; get the color table size
ASL #3,D1 ; convert to color table index
@loop CMP.W ctTable+value(A1,D1),D0 ; is this the one?
BEQ.S @FoundIt ; if equal, then done
SUB.W #8,D1 ; try the previous one
BGE.S @loop ; loop while index positive
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; OK, use the first one
lea ctTable+rgb(A1,D1),A1 ; get the address of the color to use
move.l (A1)+,(A0) ; copy RGB value
move.w (A1),4(a0)
move.l (sp)+,a1 ; restore a1
; DrawPBut draws the pushButton
tst.b contrlVis(A0) ; is it visible?
beq @done ; if not, we’re done
; save the penState and set it our way
pea savedPen(A6) ; push pointer to savedPenState
_GetPenState ; remember current penState
_PenNormal ; set the pen the way we want it
tst.b d6
beq @noColor ; no, this system has B&W QD
; save the current port’s colors
PEA savedFgColor(A6) ; save foreColor
_GetForeColor ;
PEA savedBkColor(A6) ; save backColor too
_GetBackColor ;
; get the CtlAuxRec for this guy and lock its colortable <C59/30Jun86> DAF
CLR.L -(SP) ; return the handle here
CLR.B -(SP) ; space for boolean func return
MOVE.L theControl(A6),-(SP) ; push the control handle
PEA 6(SP) ; push a pointer to placeholder
_GetAuxCtl ; get its auxRec
ADDQ #2,SP ; don’t need boolean result
MOVE.L (SP)+,A0 ; get auxCtl handle
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; a pointer to the auxCtlRec
MOVE.L acCTable(A0),A0 ; get colortable’s handle
move.l (A0),a1 ; set up a1 to point to auxCntrlRec
moveq #cFrameColor,d0 ; get frame color for this control
lea frameColor(a6),a0
bsr.s GetColor
moveq #cBodyColor,d0 ; assume body color is cBodyColor
moveq #cTextColor,d2 ; assume text color is cTextColor
tst.b isInverted(a6)
beq.s @1
exg d0,d2 ; oops, it is inverted so swap
@1 lea bodyColor(a6),a0
bsr.s GetColor
move.w d2,d0
lea textColor(a6),a0
bsr.s GetColor
tst.b isDimmed(a6)
beq.s @noColor
move.l (a3),a0 ; get control pointer in A0
move.l contrlData(a0),a0 ; get picb handle
move.l (a0),a0 ; get picb ptr
cmp.w #2,picb.version(a0) ; what version of picb is it
beq.s @noColor ; version 2 => dim button by dithering
move.l theControlRect+botRight(a6),-(sp) ; create a temp rect
move.l theControlRect+topLeft(a6),-(sp) ; that is a copy of boundary
pea (sp)
_LocalToGlobal ; change topleft to global coordinates
pea 4(sp)
_LocalToGlobal ; change botright to global coordinates
subq #4,sp ; GDevice from GetMaxDevice
pea 4(sp)
_GetMaxDevice ; get device for it
move.l (sp)+,d0
; ### really want GetMinDevice. But GetMaxDevice works as long as the button
; is completely on one monitor. Currently, the only place that uses this
; CDEF is StandardFile, which is always on one monitor.
addq #8,sp ; deallocate temp rect
subq #2,sp ; room for boolean
move.l d0,-(sp) ; device handle
pea bodyColor(A6)
pea textColor(a6)
_GetGray ; change textColor to gray
tst.b (sp)+
beq.s @noColor ; if no true gray possible, then done
sf isDimmed(a6) ; else, forget that it is dimmed
; save old clip region and clip to the bounding rectangle sected with oldClip
subq #4,sp ; make space for region handle
_NewRgn ; allocate a region
move.l (SP),A2 ; remember region but leave on stack
move.l a2,savedClip(a6) ; save off old clip
_GetClip ; remember the current clipRgn
pea theControlRect(A6) ; push pointer to its bounding rect
_ClipRect ; make that the clipping region
move.l grafGlobals(A5),A0 ; get GrafGlobals base
move.l thePort(A0),A0 ; get current port
move.l clipRgn(A0),-(SP) ; push the current clipRgn
move.l A2,-(SP) ; push the old ClipRgn
move.l clipRgn(A0),-(SP) ; the answer goes into current clip
_SectRgn ; intersect new and old
; calculate roundness as function of rectangle size
BSR RoundCalc ; compute roundNess factor in D4
; erase the background before drawing the picture
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @NoColor2 ; if on B&W, then skip
pea bodyColor(a6)
_RGBBackColor ; set it
pea theControlRect(a6) ; push rect
move.l D4,-(SP) ; push rounding factor
_EraseRoundRect ; paint it the background color
; Draw the picture
move.l theControl(A6),A0 ; get the control handle
move.l (A0),A0
move.l contrlData(A0),d0 ; get handle to 'picb'
beq.s @doneDraw ; bail out if no 'picb'
move.l d0,a1
move.l (a1),a1
move.l picb.pictHandle(a1),d0 ; get handle to PICT
beq.s @doneDraw ; if NIL then don't draw
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),a0
move.l a6,10+MyA6Offset(a0) ; stuff my current a6 into pict comment
move.l d0,-(sp) ; pict handle parameter to DrawPicture
pea tempRect(a6) ; rect parameter to DrawPicture
; calculate bounding rect for drawPicture
move.l 2+botRight(a0),tempRect+botRight(a6); create a temp rect from picture bounds
move.l 2+topLeft(a0),tempRect+topLeft(a6)
move.w theControlRect+top(a6),d0 ; calc desired vertical movement
sub.w tempRect+top(a6),d0
add.w picb.dv(a1),d0
swap d0 ; put vertical in high word
move.w theControlRect+left(a6),d0 ; calc desired horizontal movement
sub.w tempRect+left(a6),d0
add.w picb.dh(a1),d0
pea tempRect(a6) ; VAR Rect
move.l d0,-(sp) ; dh, dv: INTEGER
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @NoColor4 ; if on B&W, then skip
bsr InstallMyCommentHandler
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @NoColor5 ; if on B&W, then skip
bsr RemoveMyCommentHandler
; draw the frame around the button
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @NoColor9 ; if on B&W, then skip
pea frameColor(a6)
pea theControlRect(a6) ; push rect
move.l D4,-(SP) ; push rounding factor
_FrameRoundRect ; frame the button
; perform Hilite if necessary
tst.b isDimmed(a6)
beq.s @PotentialInvert
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @NoColor6 ; if on B&W, then skip
pea textColor(a6)
pea bodyColor(a6)
move.l (A5),A0
pea Gray(A0)
move.w #patBIC,-(SP)
move.l theControlRect+botRight(a6),-(sp) ; create a temp rect
move.l theControlRect+topLeft(a6),-(sp)
pea (sp)
move.l #$00010001,-(sp)
_InsetRect ; that is inset by one
pea (sp) ; push inset rect
move.l D4,-(SP) ; push rounding factor
_PaintRoundRect ; gray it out
add #8,sp ; dispose of temp rect
bra.s @DoneDrwBut ; and continue...
tst.b isInverted(a6) ; only invert if needed
beq.s @DoneDrwBut
tst.b d6
bne.s @DoneDrwBut ; only invert on non-CQD systems
pea theControlRect(a6)
move.l D4,-(SP) ; push rounding factor
_InverRoundRect ; hilite by inverting
; restore original pen state
pea savedPen(A6) ; push savedPenState
_SetPenState ; restore original pen state
move.l savedClip(a6),a2 ; retreive orginal clip
move.l a2,-(sp) ; push old clip region
_SetClip ; restore it
move.l a2,-(sp) ; dispose of temporary region
_DisposRgn ; de-allocate it
; clean up color stuff
tst.b D6 ; are we on a color system?
beq.s @done ; if on B&W, then skip
pea savedFgColor(A6) ; restore the port colors
_RGBForeColor ;
pea savedBkColor(A6) ;
_RGBBackColor ;
@done rts ; all done!
; RoundCalc calculates the rounding factor in D4 based on the control’s rect
moveq #0,d4
btst #0,d7 ; a 1 in bit-0 of variation code means square corners
bne.s @done ; otherwise round corners like normal buttons
MOVE.W theControlRect+Bottom(A6),D4 ; get bottom coordinate
SUB.W theControlRect+Top(A6),D4 ; figure out vertical height
LSR #1,D4 ; scale it down by a factor of 2
MOVE D4,D0 ; fill both halves with it
SWAP D4 ; get in high part
MOVE D0,D4 ; and in low part
@done RTS
; HitPBut handles the button hit-test
HitPBut tst.b isDimmed(a6) ; is button dimmed ?
bne.s @done ; if so, skip
subq #2,sp ; make room for function result
move.l D3,-(SP) ; push the point
pea theControlRect(A6) ; push address of rect
_PtInRect ; in the rectangle?
tst.b (SP)+ ; examine result
beq.s @done ; if not, we’re done
move.w #inButton,result+2(A6); return that it was
@done rts
move.w #1,result(A6) ; return 1 to show that we respond
; CalcPBut returns the bounding region of the button
BSR.S RoundCalc ; calculate rounding factor
_HidePen ; dont draw anything
MOVE.L A3,A0 ; copy to A0 for HLock <C424/18Nov86> DAF
_HLock ; lock it down <C424/18Nov86> DAF
pea theControlRect(A6) ; push address of rect
MOVE.L D4,-(SP) ; push rounding factor
_FrameRoundRect ; frame the button
MOVE.L D3,-(SP) ; push the region
_CloseRgn ; make the rounded rectangular region
MOVE.L A3,A0 ; copy to A0 for HLock <C424/18Nov86> DAF
_HUnlock ; unlock the control <C424/18Nov86> DAF
; set the pattern for indicator dragging ????
MOVE.L (A5),A0 ; get qDraw globals
LEA Gray(A0),A0 ; point to gray pattern
MOVE.L (A0)+,DragPattern ; move in the 1st half
MOVE.L (A0),DragPattern+4 ; move in the 2nd half
RTS ; all done!
END ; of file