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171 lines
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OpenEdge ABL
Pascal Interface to the CommToolBox Utilities
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988-1991
All rights reserved
Change History (most recent first):
<12> 3/30/92 DTY What’s Don up to now? 5 broken builds? Because Packages doesn’t
include StandardFile any more, we need to do it ourselves to get
DlgHookProcPtr. Since this is the only thing that was needed
out of Packages.p, nail Packages.p to keep build time to a
<11> 8/28/91 CH Even more consistency changes.
<10> 8/28/91 CH Updated interface headers for consistency.
<9> 8/5/91 JL Capatalized reserved word "ARRAY".
<8> 7/25/91 JL Checked in database generated file from DSG.
Added NameFilterProcPtr, ZoneFilterProcPtr and DlgHookProcPtr to
match C
Used the ProcPtrs in the Function declaraions to match C.
Used ModalFilterProcPtr and Included Dialogs to match C.
Changed comments to match C.
<7> 6/25/91 JNG Move dialog manipulation routines into Dialogs.p
<6> 3/13/91 JL Added inclusion of Dialogs for the DialogPtr type.
<5> 1/25/91 stb JDR: remove records already defined in AppleTalk.p
<4> 9/15/90 PWD Added _StandardNBP in prep for renaming _NuLookup. <kaz> <crz>
<3> 9/15/90 PWD Moved popup constants to Controls.p. <kaz> <crz>
<2> 9/15/90 PWD Renamed popupUseCQD to popupReserved. <kaz> <crz>
<1> 3/14/90 BBH first checked in
To Do:
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT CTBUtilities;
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingCTBUtilities}
{$SETC UsingCTBUtilities := 1}
{$SETC CTBUtilitiesIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingMemory}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Memory.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingStandardFile}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)StandardFile.p}
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingAppleTalk}
{$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)AppleTalk.p}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := CTBUtilitiesIncludes}
{ version of Comm Toolbox Utilities }
curCTBUVersion = 2;
{ Error codes/types }
ctbuGenericError = -1;
ctbuNoErr = 0;
CTBUErr = OSErr;
{ Choose return codes}
chooseDisaster = -2;
chooseFailed = -1;
chooseAborted = 0;
chooseOKMinor = 1;
chooseOKMajor = 2;
chooseCancel = 3;
{ NuLookup return codes }
nlOk = 0;
nlCancel = 1;
nlEject = 2;
{ Name filter proc return codes }
nameInclude = 1;
nameDisable = 2;
nameReject = 3;
{ Zone filter proc return codes }
zoneInclude = 1;
zoneDisable = 2;
zoneReject = 3;
{ Values for hookProc items }
hookOK = 1;
hookCancel = 2;
hookOutline = 3;
hookTitle = 4;
hookItemList = 5;
hookZoneTitle = 6;
hookZoneList = 7;
hookLine = 8;
hookVersion = 9;
hookReserved1 = 10;
hookReserved2 = 11;
hookReserved3 = 12;
hookReserved4 = 13;
{ "virtual" hookProc items }
hookNull = 100;
hookItemRefresh = 101;
hookZoneRefresh = 102;
hookEject = 103;
hookPreflight = 104;
hookPostflight = 105;
hookKeyBase = 1000;
{ NuLookup structures/constants }
NLTypeEntry = RECORD
hIcon: Handle;
typeStr: Str32;
NLType = ARRAY [0..3] OF NLTypeEntry;
theEntity: EntityName;
theAddr: AddrBlock;
NameFilterProcPtr = ProcPtr;
ZoneFilterProcPtr = ProcPtr;
FUNCTION StandardNBP(where: Point;prompt: Str255;numTypes: INTEGER;typeList: NLType;
nameFilter: NameFilterProcPtr;zoneFilter: ZoneFilterProcPtr;hookProc: DlgHookProcPtr;
VAR theReply: NBPReply): INTEGER;
FUNCTION CustomNBP(where: Point;prompt: Str255;numTypes: INTEGER;typeList: NLType;
nameFilter: NameFilterProcPtr;zoneFilter: ZoneFilterProcPtr;hookProc: DlgHookProcPtr;
userData: LONGINT;dialogID: INTEGER;filterProc: ModalFilterProcPtr;VAR theReply: NBPReply): INTEGER;
{ Obsolete synonyms for above routines }
FUNCTION NuLookup(where: Point;prompt: Str255;numTypes: INTEGER;typeList: NLType;
nameFilter: NameFilterProcPtr;zoneFilter: ZoneFilterProcPtr;hookProc: DlgHookProcPtr;
VAR theReply: NBPReply): INTEGER;
FUNCTION NuPLookup(where: Point;prompt: Str255;numTypes: INTEGER;typeList: NLType;
nameFilter: NameFilterProcPtr;zoneFilter: ZoneFilterProcPtr;hookProc: DlgHookProcPtr;
userData: LONGINT;dialogID: INTEGER;filterProc: ModalFilterProcPtr;VAR theReply: NBPReply): INTEGER;
{$ENDC} { UsingCTBUtilities }
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}