2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: ENETequ.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here (or delete the whole line) xxx
; Written by: xxx put name of writer here (or delete the whole line) xxx
; Copyright: © 1987-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <1> 10/14/91 JSM first checked in
; <1.2> 11/16/89 WTO Added support for VM deferrals.
; <1.1> 9/8/89 jhl Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in.
; <1.0> 6/14/89 WTO Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time.
;EASE$$$ READ ONLY COPY of file “ENETequ.a”
; 1.2 WTO 11/16/1989 Added support for VM deferrals.
; 1.1 jhl 09/08/1989 Phase 2 AppleTalk with final mods and VM rolled in.
; 1.0 WTO 06/14/1989 Adding AppleTalk 2.0 for first time.
INCLUDE '802Equ.a' ; IEEE equates
; File: ENETEqu.a - equates for the Ethernet driver
; Version 1.1a1
; Copyright 1987 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved
; Control codes.
ESetGeneral EQU 253 ; Set "general" mode
EGetInfo EQU 252 ; Get info
ERdCancel EQU 251 ; Cancel read
ERead EQU 250 ; Read
EWrite EQU 249 ; Write
EDetachPH EQU 248 ; Detach protocol handler
EAttachPH EQU 247 ; Attach protocol handler
EAddMulti EQU 246 ; Add a multicast address
EDelMulti EQU 245 ; Delete a multicast address
FirstENET EQU EDelMulti ; First ENET command
LastENET EQU ESetGeneral ; Last ENET command
; ENET queue element standard structure: arguments passed in the CSParam area
EProtType EQU CSParam ; Offset to protocol type code
EMultiAddr EQU CSParam ; Multicast address (EAddMulti,EDelMulti)
EHandler EQU EProtType+2 ; Offset to protocol handler
EWDSPointer EQU EHandler ; WDS pointer (EWrite)
EBuffPtr EQU EHandler ; Buffer pointer (ERead,EGetInfo)
EKillQEl EQU EHandler ; QEl pointer (ERdCancel)
EBuffSize EQU EBuffPtr+4 ; Buffer size (ERead,EGetInfo)
EDataSize EQU EBuffSize+2 ; Actual data size (Eread)
; Ethernet packet header
EDestAddr EQU 0 ; Offset to destination address
ESrcAddr EQU 6 ; Offset to source address
EType EQU 12 ; Offset to data link type
EHdrSize EQU 14 ; Ethernet header size
EMinDataSz EQU 46 ; Minimum data size
EMaxDataSz EQU 1500 ; Maximum data size
EAddrSz EQU 6 ; Size of an ethernet node address
MAddrSz EQU 8 ; Size of an ethernet multicast address (?)
; These are defined in 802Equ.a
ETHdrSize EQU MHdrSize+LHdrSize+SHdrSize
; Errors and misc.
eLenErr EQU ddpLenErr ; Length error
eMultiErr EQU ddpSktErr ; Multicast address error
EAddrRType EQU 'eadr' ; Alternate address resource type
; Link specific 'atlk' AGetInfo call
ESpeed EQU 10000000 ; Link speed in bits/sec