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File: PowerMgr.h
Contains: Portable Macintosh Control Panel
Power Manager Interim Equates
Written by: Andy Gong x6595
Copyright: © 1991, 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM2> 2/11/93 CSS Update from Horror. Comments follow <H4-H2>:
<H4> 6/30/92 ag Added new PowerManager command.
<H3> 8/26/91 SWC Fixed <2> (conflict with procedure name in driver).
<H2> 8/26/91 SWC Added definitions for the get/set brightness commands.
<6> 10/30/91 JSM Add a few more comments, remove some power manager commands,
misc. macros, and definition of Sleep(), none of which are used.
<5> 10/29/91 SAM Removed stuff not used by the backlight driver. Reincluded
Power.h from 7.0 change <2>.
<4> 10/28/91 SAM Rolled in Regatta file.
Regatta History (most recent first):
<3> 8/29/91 SAM (ag) added BatteryStatusImmCmd for non-filtered values. This was
a problem with asahi input (samples 1 second averaged).
<2> 6/30/91 SAM Merged from TERROR [<2>].
<1> 5/15/91 SAM Split off from TERRORProj.
Terror Change History:
<2> 6/26/91 ag changed global values to unsigned char.
<1> 1/23/91 ag first checked in
7.0 Change History:
<2> 8/19/91 JSM Include public Power.h, remove stuff that’s in Power.h (except
for BOnIgnoreModem(), which for some reason isn’t there), remove
other stuff that doesn’t appear to be used in the backlight
driver at all. An interesting result of this: all the PowerMgr
routines defined here were C functions, when they are actually
Pascal functions (as defined in Power.h). This fixed a bug in
DRVROpen() in backlight.c which calls SleepQInstall() and was
mistakenly cleaning up too much on the stack. This really wasn't
a problem, though, since it happened just before an unlink which
fixed up the stack correctly.
<1> 2/22/91 ag roll 1.0 backlight driver into 7.0
#include <retrace.h>
#include <Power.h>
/* Power Manager globals from InternalOnlyEqu.a */
typedef struct {
char SleepTime;
char HDTimeout;
struct QHdr SleepQHdr;
char SysTaskFlag;
char LastLevel;
char SaveSpeedo;
char Charger;
char SleepFlags;
char TimeOutdirtyFlag;
Ptr WakeVector;
Ptr HDvector;
int LastAct;
int LastHd;
unsigned char LowWarn; /* <t2> ag this is an unsigned value */
unsigned char Cutoff; /* <t2> ag this is an unsigned value */
Ptr BNmQEntry[9];
char BatQ[8];
char lpMSGvalid;
char IdleFlagCnt;
unsigned char BatAvg; /* <t2> ag this is an unsigned value */
char NTSCcopy;
char pmfree[2];
Ptr RAMwatchPtr;
Ptr ROMwatchPtr;
char watchCrsr;
char BatQIndex;
Ptr SleepNetHook;
Ptr vBatInt;
Ptr vEnvInt;
char WakeWarn;
char Level4Cnt;
Handle lpSICNHndl;
Str255 *(lpSTRPtr[4]);
VBLTask BatVBLTask;
VBLTask SwVBLTask;
} PmgrGlobals;
/* MachineType returned by SysEnvirons for Portable */
#define envPortable 8
/* Power Manager commands */
#define PowerControlCmd 0x10
#define PowerStatusCmd 0x18
#define ModemSetCmd 0x50
#define ScreenSetCmd 0x40
#define SetBrightnessCmd 0x41
#define GetScreenCmd 0x48
#define GetBrightnessCmd 0x49
#define ModemStatusCmd 0x58
#define BatteryStatusCmd 0x68
#define BatteryStatusImmCmd 0x69 /* <H4> command to read immediate not averaged values */
#define SetWTimeCmd 0x80
#define DisableWTimeCmd 0x82
#define ReadWTimeCmd 0x88
/* Masks for ModemStatusCmd and ModemSetCmd */
#define kModemOn 0x01
#define kModemPortA 0x02
#define kModemWakeup 0x04
#define kModemInstalled 0x08
#define kModemRingDetect 0x10
#define kModemOnHook 0x20
/* Parameter block for PMgr calls */
typedef struct {
short pmgrCmd, pmgrCnt;
Ptr pmgrXPtr, pmgrRPtr;
} PMgrPBlock;
typedef PMgrPBlock *PMgrPBPtr;
/* Glue for PMgr calls */
pascal OSErr PMgr(PMgrPBPtr pbp)={0x205F,0xA085,0x3E80};
move.l (sp)+,a0
move d0,(sp)
pascal OSErr Sleep()={0x7002,0xA08A};
moveq #2,d0
/* access to Power Manager's local variables */
#define PMgrLBase 0xd18
#define PMgrLocal(offset) (*((char *)(*((long *)PMgrLBase)+(offset))))
#define TOdirtyFlag 0x11
/* #define BatAvg 0x52 */