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; Version: 3.26
; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 9:59:48 PM
; File:SysErr.a
; Assembler Interface to the Macintosh Libraries
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1991
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is used in these builds: BigBang
; System Error Equates -- This file defines the equates for the Macintosh
; return error codes This is divided into two pieces for assembly
; space and speed considerations. The wholeErrors flag is used to include
; the less common equates which realizes a complete set.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM8> 8/3/93 BH Added manual-eject errors: dsRemoveDisk, dsDirtyDisk.
; <SM7> 11/16/92 CSS Rollin changes from Reality:
; <40> 11/13/92 JDR Added component manager errors.
; <SM6> 9/10/92 CSS Rollin changes from Reality:
; <39> 9/03/92 JDR Changed noMaskFound into noMaskFoundErr.
; <38> 9/3/92 DCL Moved IconUtils error noMaskFound from private to public
; interfaces.
; <SM5> 7/7/92 CSS Rollin changes from Reality:
; <37> 6/25/92 hsK Use the BTree manager error code names instead of the Dictionary
; manager error code names.
; <SM4> 6/19/92 GS Updated Equates for soft Power Off UserAlert System Error code.
; <SM3> 6/10/92 CSS Roll-in Reality Changes:
; <36> 5/27/92 hsK #1030902,<YK>: Add the Dictionary manager error numbers.
; <SM2> 5/17/92 kc Add noMMUErr (-626)
; <35> 1/7/92 RB Changed the name of a slot manager error snNoJmpTbl to
; smReservedSlot.
; <34> 10/24/91 SAM Added PowerBook 100 "you pluged in a SCSI Link cable while I was
; sleeping. Remove it or die!" DS error code. From Regatta.
; <33> 10/1/91 KON Add abortPictPlayback error.
; <32> 8/14/91 JL Changed lower case equ to uppercase to match DSG database
; output.
; <31> 6/14/91 JL Checked in official MPW 3.2ƒ version. Added error constants :
; afpContainsSharedErr - > afpInsideTrashErr (-5033 - -5044) for
; the File System. Updated copyright date.
; <30> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; <29> 1/23/91 JL Changed all equ to EQU.
; <28> 1/16/91 JDR (dba) Moved the Process Mgr error numbers into the Errors
; interface file.
; <27> 1/10/91 dnf (kst) Add notARemountErr (-1308) to return from _MountVol when
; it is in remounts-only mode.
; <26> 12/18/90 stb & JDR; remove dsBufPtrTooLow
; <25> 12/14/90 dba <JDR> add fontNotOutlineErr (was in OutlineCalls.a)
; <24> 12/5/90 dba <dnf> add new system error for setting a bad trap address;
; synchronize SysErr.a, Errors.h, Errors.p by adding PPC errors to
; SysErr.a (which were formerly only in Errors.h and Errors.p) and
; completely rebuilding Errors.h and Errors.p from SysErr.a
; <23> 11/17/90 ngk Add Edition Mgr errors
; <22> 11/15/90 stb & JDR; move dsBufPtrTooLow from StartSystem.a
; <21> 9/25/90 JDR Updating the Sound Manager error codes.
; <20> 9/21/90 KST Adding a new error code "badFidErr" for fileID.
; <19> 9/18/90 DDG Added error codes for picture utilities.
; <18> 8/21/90 KON Added QDErrors -145, -147, -148, -149.
; <17> 8/6/90 stb add dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot, dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks, and
; dsExtensionsDisabled
; <16> 8/6/90 dnf Add desktopDamagedErr and sameFileErr
; <15+> 8/6/90 dnf adding errors
; <15> 5/31/90 DDG Changed the dsNoFPU system error to 90.
; <14> 5/31/90 DDG Added a DS error for no FPU (104).
; <12> 3/27/90 djw Add smDisabledSlot error for slot manager (reclaimed error -305)
; <11> 3/19/90 BBH added dsMDEFNotFound error code
; <9> 2/22/90 KST Move B*tree error codes into a new file:
; Sources:Internal:ASM:BtreeEqu.a
; <8> 2/21/90 DD added badExtResource error (-185) ; extended resource has a bad
; format.
; <7> 2/14/90 KST Fixing 3 B*Tree Manager error codes.
; <6> 2/13/90 dba add dsForcedQuit error code
; <5> 2/2/90 DD Added resource "bent" error - indicating that the resource can't
; be decompressed (it has the bends)
; <4> 1/22/90 KST Added 2 new B*Tree error codes.
; <2> 1/3/90 PP Add userCanceledErr for passing a status of user cancelling out
; of an operation.
; 2.5 KST 11/22/1989 B*Tree Manager has been assigned with a duplicated error
; code. Now change B*Tree error from -400~-411 to -410~-421.
; 2.4 dba 10/11/1989 reorganized file; cleaned up System Errors; added new errors for ShutDown Mgr
; 2.3 EKN 09/29/1989 changed file ID errors and the range from -130 to -140 TO -1300 to -1500.
; 2.2 dnf 09/05/1989 added CatChangedErr
; 2.1 dba 08/30/1989 added selectorErr for selector-based traps; made more similar to MPW 3.1b1
; 2.0 CCH 08/10/1989 NEEDED FOR 6.0.4: Added SlpTypeErr from 6.0.4 sources. Also added
; dsOldSystem and ds32BitMode errors.
; 1.9 KST 08/07/1989 Added B*Tree Manager error codes.
; 1.8 EKN 07/24/1989 Added FileIDs error codes -133, -134.
; 1.7 dnf 03/29/1989 Added error codes for HFS FileID calls
; 1.6 GMR 05/20/1989 Changed dsParityErr to 101, for CCH
; 1.5 CCH 05/15/1989 Added memory parity error (dsParityErr=50).
; 1.4 CSL 04/17/1989 Added VM error codes for MemoryDispatch
; 1.3 rwh 02/24/1989 fixed spelling of hwParamrErr (dropped the weird r).
; 1.2 SES 01/13/1989 Removed a couple of redundent definitions.
; 1.1 CCH 11/17/1988 Added equates from System Build.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
; <C206/09Oct86> BBM new this date (needed memROZError for heap/heapguts)
; <A301/21Oct86> NSJ merged in all errors from other nfiles (nQuickEqu,
; SlotIntMgr, SlotMgrEqu, nToolEqu) almost the entire
; file is new on this date. also new sound manager errors.
; <A329/02Nov86> RDC Added new error codes and name changes for SlotMgr.a
; <C473/02Dec86> ABO Merged in errors from ASPEqu.a and AFPEqu.a
; <C671/22Jan87> GWN Added new error code for SDM.
; <C679/23Jan87> GWN Added new error code for SDM.
; <C686/25Jan87> RDC New error code for bad slot interrupt
; <C694/26Jan87> RDC Changed error code for bad slot int so it would
; not conflict with undocumented error code for Finder!
; <C696/26Jan87> GWN Added new error code for SDM.
; <C733/02Feb87> DAF Changed Color Manager Error numbers
; <C735/02Feb87> GWN Added new error code for SDM.
; <C744/03Feb87> S.McD. Added deep shit alert equate for bad sane opcodes.
; <C795/11Feb87> GWN Added new error code for SDM.
; <C816/13Feb87 DAF Moved color manager error codes.
; 13 Feb 87 KLH added AppleShare HFS error # -124.
; 1 Apr 87 KLH AppleTalk ATP errors had vanished; back in now.
; 11 May 87 KLH SysEnvirons errors added. Missing AppleTalk errs readded.
; 12 May 87 KLH changed slotNErr to slotNumErr.
; 14 May 87 KLH envSelTooBig & envBadSel changed to envVersTooBig & envBadVers.
; 23 May 87 KLH added ShutDownAlert (called DSShutDown earlier).
; 14 Sep 87 KLH corrected smIntStatVErr & smIntTblVErr to smInitStatVErr & smInitTblVErr.
; 22 Sep 87 KLH further corrected smInitTblVErr to smInitTblErr.
IF (&TYPE('wholeErrors') = 'UNDEFINED') THEN
wholeErrors EQU 0
noErr EQU 0 ; success
; general errors
paramErr EQU -50 ; bad parameter passed
noHardwareErr EQU -200 ; missing the hardware to do this
notEnoughHardwareErr EQU -201 ; inadequate hardware to do this
userCanceledErr EQU -128 ; user canceled the operation status
; VBL Mgr, queueing, etc.
qErr EQU -1 ; queue element not found during deletion
vTypErr EQU -2 ; invalid queue element
corErr EQU -3 ; core routine number out of range
unimpErr EQU -4 ; unimplemented core routine
SlpTypeErr EQU -5 ; invalid queue element
seNoDB EQU -8 ; no debugger installed to handle debugger command
; Device Manager errors
controlErr EQU -17 ; driver can’t respond to Control call / Unimplemented control instruction
statusErr EQU -18 ; driver can’t respond to Status call
readErr EQU -19 ; driver can’t respond to Read call
writErr EQU -20 ; driver can’t respond to Write call
badUnitErr EQU -21 ; driver reference number doesn’t match unit table
unitEmptyErr EQU -22 ; driver reference number specifies NIL handle in unit table
openErr EQU -23 ; requested read/write permission doesn’t match driver’s open permission / Attempt to open RAM serial Driver failed
closErr EQU -24 ; close error
dRemovErr EQU -25 ; tried to remove an open driver
dInstErr EQU -26 ; DrvrInstall couldn’t find driver in resources
abortErr EQU -27 ; I/O request aborted by KillIO / I/O abort error
iIOAbortErr EQU -27 ; I/O abort error (Printing Manager)
notOpenErr EQU -28 ; Couldn’t rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened
unitTblFullErr EQU -29 ; unit table has no more entries
dceExtErr EQU -30 ; DCE extension error
; slot support
slotNumErr EQU -360 ; invalid slot # error
gcrOnMFMErr EQU -400 ; gcr format on high density media error
; File Manager errors
dirFulErr EQU -33 ; directory full
dskFulErr EQU -34 ; disk full
nsvErr EQU -35 ; no such volume
ioErr EQU -36 ; I/O error (bummers)
bdNamErr EQU -37 ; bad file name or volume name (perhaps zero length)
fnOpnErr EQU -38 ; file not open
eofErr EQU -39 ; logical end-of-file reached during read operation
posErr EQU -40 ; attempt to position to before start of file (r/w)
mFulErr EQU -41 ; memory full (open) or file won’t fit (load)
tmfoErr EQU -42 ; too many files open
fnfErr EQU -43 ; file not found
wPrErr EQU -44 ; diskette is write protected
fLckdErr EQU -45 ; file is locked
vLckdErr EQU -46 ; volume is locked
fBsyErr EQU -47 ; file is busy (delete)
dupFNErr EQU -48 ; duplicate filename (rename)
opWrErr EQU -49 ; file already open with with write permission
rfNumErr EQU -51 ; path reference number specifies nonexistent access path
gfpErr EQU -52 ; get file position error
volOffLinErr EQU -53 ; volume not on line error (was Ejected)
permErr EQU -54 ; permissions error (on file open) / Attempt to open locked file for writing
volOnLinErr EQU -55 ; drive volume already on-line at MountVol
nsDrvErr EQU -56 ; no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)
noMacDskErr EQU -57 ; not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)
extFSErr EQU -58 ; volume in question belongs to an external fs
fsRnErr EQU -59 ; file system internal error:
; during rename the old entry was deleted but could
; not be restored
badMDBErr EQU -60 ; bad master directory block: must reinitialize volume
wrPermErr EQU -61 ; Read/write permission doesn’t allow writing
; errors introduced with HFS
dirNFErr EQU -120 ; directory not found
tmwdoErr EQU -121 ; no free WDCB available
badMovErr EQU -122 ; move into offspring error
wrgVolTypErr EQU -123 ; wrong volume type error
volGoneErr EQU -124 ; server volume has been disconnected
; error codes -1300 to -1500 reserved for HFS calls <1.7 DNF>
fidNotFound EQU -1300 ; no file thread exists <1.7 DNF>
fidExists EQU -1301 ; file id already exists <1.7 DNF>
notAFileErr EQU -1302 ; directory specified <1.7 DNF>
diffVolErr EQU -1303 ; files on different volumes <1.8 EKN>
catChangedErr EQU -1304 ; catalog has been modified <2.2 DNF>
desktopDamagedErr EQU -1305 ; desktop database files are corrupted
sameFileErr EQU -1306 ; can't exachange a file with itself
badFidErr EQU -1307 ; file id is dangling or doesn't <20 KST>
; match with the file number
notARemountErr EQU -1308 ; when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't
; get one. <27>
; Dictionary Manager errors <37><36>
;notBTree EQU -410 ; The file is not a dictionary.
;btNoSpace EQU -413 ; Can't allocate disk space.
;btDupRecErr EQU -414 ; Record already exists.
;btRecNotFnd EQU -415 ; Record cannot be found.
;btKeyLenErr EQU -416 ; Maximum key length is too long or equal to zero.
;btKeyAttrErr EQU -417 ; There is no such a key attribute.
unknownInsertModeErr EQU -20000 ; There is no such an insert mode.
recordDataTooBigErr EQU -20001 ; The record data is bigger than buffer size (1024 bytes).
invalidIndexErr EQU -20002 ; The recordIndex parameter is not valid.
; SysEnvirons errors
envNotPresent EQU -5500 ; returned by glue environment not present.
envBadVers EQU -5501 ; Version non-positive , bad version number
envVersTooBig EQU -5502 ; Version bigger than call can handle
; Font Manager errors
fontDecError EQU -64 ; error during font declaration
fontNotDeclared EQU -65 ; font not declared
fontSubErr EQU -66 ; font substitution occured
fontNotOutlineErr EQU -32615 ; bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only
; Disk Driver errors
firstDskErr EQU -84
lastDskErr EQU -64
noDriveErr EQU -64 ; drive not installed
offLinErr EQU -65 ; r/w requested for an off-line drive
noNybErr EQU -66 ; couldn’t find 5 nybbles in 200 tries
noAdrMkErr EQU -67 ; couldn’t find valid addr mark
dataVerErr EQU -68 ; read verify compare failed
badCksmErr EQU -69 ; addr mark checksum didn’t check
badBtSlpErr EQU -70 ; bad addr mark bit slip nibbles
noDtaMkErr EQU -71 ; couldn’t find a data mark header
badDCksum EQU -72 ; bad data mark checksum
badDBtSlp EQU -73 ; bad data mark bit slip nibbles
wrUnderrun EQU -74 ; write underrun occurred
cantStepErr EQU -75 ; step handshake failed
tk0BadErr EQU -76 ; track 0 detect doesn’t change
initIWMErr EQU -77 ; unable to initialize IWM
twoSideErr EQU -78 ; tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive
spdAdjErr EQU -79 ; unable to correctly adjust disk speed
seekErr EQU -80 ; track number wrong on address mark
sectNFErr EQU -81 ; sector number never found on a track
fmt1Err EQU -82 ; can’t find sector 0 after track format
fmt2Err EQU -83 ; can’t get enough sync
verErr EQU -84 ; track failed to verify
; PRAM/Clock errors
clkRdErr EQU -85 ; unable to read same clock value twice
clkWrErr EQU -86 ; time written did not verify
prWrErr EQU -87 ; parameter ram written didn’t read-verify
prInitErr EQU -88 ; InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized
; Serial Driver errors
rcvrErr EQU -89 ; SCC receiver error (framing, parity, OR)
breakRecd EQU -90 ; Break received (SCC)
; Power Manager Errors
pmBusyErr EQU -13000 ; Power Mgr never ready to start handshake
pmReplyTOErr EQU -13001 ; Timed out waiting for reply
pmSendStartErr EQU -13002 ; during send, pmgr did not start hs
pmSendEndErr EQU -13003 ; during send, pmgr did not finish hs
pmRecvStartErr EQU -13004 ; during receive, pmgr did not start hs
pmRecvEndErr EQU -13005 ; during receive, pmgr did not finish hs
; configured for this connection)
; Scrap Manager errors
noScrapErr EQU -100 ; No scrap exists error
noTypeErr EQU -102 ; No object of that type in scrap
; Memory Manager errors
memROZWarn EQU -99 ; soft error in ROZ
memROZError EQU -99 ; hard error in ROZ
memROZErr EQU -99 ; hard error in ROZ
memFullErr EQU -108 ; Not enough room in heap zone
nilHandleErr EQU -109 ; Handle was NIL in HandleZone or other;
memWZErr EQU -111 ; WhichZone failed (applied to free block);
memPurErr EQU -112 ; trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block;
memAdrErr EQU -110 ; address was odd, or out of range;
memAZErr EQU -113 ; Address in zone check failed;
memPCErr EQU -114 ; Pointer Check failed;
memBCErr EQU -115 ; Block Check failed;
memSCErr EQU -116 ; Size Check failed;
memLockedErr EQU -117 ; trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)
; Resource Manager errors
resNotFound EQU -192 ; resource not found
resFNotFound EQU -193 ; resource file not found
addResFailed EQU -194 ; AddResource failed
addRefFailed EQU -195 ; AddReference failed
rmvResFailed EQU -196 ; RmveResource failed
rmvRefFailed EQU -197 ; RmveReference failed
resAttrErr EQU -198 ; attribute inconsistent with operation
mapReadErr EQU -199 ; map inconsistent with operation
CantDecompress EQU -186 ; resource bent ("the bends") - can't decompress a compressed resource
badExtResource EQU -185 ; extended resource has a bad format.
; Event Manager errors
evtNotEnb EQU 1 ; event not enabled at PostEvent
; QuickDraw errors
noMemForPictPlaybackErr EQU -145
rgnTooBigError EQU -147
pixMapTooDeepErr EQU -148
nsStackErr EQU -149 ; insufficient stack
cMatchErr EQU -150 ; Color2Index failed to find an index
cTempMemErr EQU -151 ; failed to allocate memory for temporary structures
cNoMemErr EQU -152 ; failed to allocate memory for structure
cRangeErr EQU -153 ; range error on color table request
cProtectErr EQU -154 ; colorTable entry protection violation
cDevErr EQU -155 ; invalid type of graphics device
cResErr EQU -156 ; invalid resolution for MakeITable
rgnTooBigErr EQU -500 ; region too big error
updPixMemErr EQU -125 ; insufficient memory to update a pixmap
;cDepthErr EQU -157 defined in QDOffscreen ; invalid pixel depth
AbortPicPlayBackErr EQU -158 ;signature to abort pic playback
; Picture Utilities errors
pictInfoVersionErr EQU -11000 ;wrong version of the PictInfo structure
pictInfoIDErr EQU -11001 ;the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong
pictInfoVerbErr EQU -11002 ;the passed verb was invalid
cantLoadPickMethodErr EQU -11003 ;unable to load the custom pick proc
colorsRequestedErr EQU -11004 ;the number of colors requested was illegal
pictureDataErr EQU -11005 ;the picture data was invalid
; Sound Manager errors
noHardware EQU noHardwareErr ; *** obsolete spelling
notEnoughHardware EQU notEnoughHardwareErr ; *** obsolete spelling
queueFull EQU -203
resProblem EQU -204
badChannel EQU -205
badFormat EQU -206
notEnoughBufferSpace EQU -207 ; could not allocate enough memory
badFileFormat EQU -208 ; was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt
channelBusy EQU -209 ; the channel is being used for a PFD already
buffersTooSmall EQU -210 ; can not operate in the memory allowed
channelNotBusy EQU -211
noMoreRealTime EQU -212 ; not enough CPU cycles left to add another task
siNoSoundInHardware EQU -220
siBadSoundInDevice EQU -221 ; invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice
siNoBufferSpecified EQU -222 ; returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed
siInvalidCompression EQU -223 ; invalid compression type
siHardDriveTooSlow EQU -224 ; hard drive too slow to record to disk
siInvalidSampleRate EQU -225 ; invalid sample rate
siInvalidSampleSize EQU -226 ; invalid sample size
siDeviceBusyErr EQU -227 ; input device already in use
siBadDeviceName EQU -228 ; input device could not be opened
siBadRefNum EQU -229 ; invalid input device reference number
siInputDeviceErr EQU -230 ; input device hardware failure
siUnknownInfoType EQU -231 ; invalid info type selector (returned by driver)
siUnknownQuality EQU -232 ; invalid quality selector (returned by driver)
; Notification Manager errors
nmTypErr EQU -299 ; wrong queue type
; Slot Manager errors *** Yuck! These use positive numbers! ***
siInitSDTblErr EQU 1 ; slot int dispatch table could not be initialized.
siInitVBLQsErr EQU 2 ; VBL queues for all slots could not be initialized.
siInitSPTblErr EQU 3 ; slot priority table could not be initialized.
sdmJTInitErr EQU 10 ; SDM Jump Table could not be initialized.
sdmInitErr EQU 11 ; SDM could not be initialized.
sdmSRTInitErr EQU 12 ; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
sdmPRAMInitErr EQU 13 ; Slot PRAM could not be initialized.
sdmPriInitErr EQU 14 ; cards could not be initialized.
;---The following errors may be generated during system Init. If they are,
; they will be logged into the sInfo array and returned each time a call
; to the slot manager is made (for the card wich generated the error).
; Errors specific to the Start Mgr
smSDMInitErr EQU -290 ; SDM could not be initialized.
smSRTInitErr EQU -291 ; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
smPRAMInitErr EQU -292 ; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.
smPriInitErr EQU -293 ; cards could not be initialized.
smEmptySlot EQU -300 ; No card in slot
smCRCFail EQU -301 ; CRC check failed for declaration data
smFormatErr EQU -302 ; FHeader Format is not Apple's
smRevisionErr EQU -303 ; Wrong revison level
smNoDir EQU -304 ; Directory offset is Nil
smDisabledSlot EQU -305 ; This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad) <12>
smNosInfoArray EQU -306 ; No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.
smResrvErr EQU -307 ; Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.
smUnExBusErr EQU -308 ; Unexpected BusError
smBLFieldBad EQU -309 ; ByteLanes field was bad.
smFHBlockRdErr EQU -310 ; Error occured during _sGetFHeader.
smFHBlkDispErr EQU -311 ; Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block).
smDisposePErr EQU -312 ; _DisposePointer error
smNoBoardSRsrc EQU -313 ; No Board sResource.
smGetPRErr EQU -314 ; Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).
smNoBoardId EQU -315 ; No Board Id.
smInitStatVErr EQU -316 ; The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init.
smInitTblVErr EQU -317 ; An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table.
smReservedSlot EQU -318 ; slot is reserved, VM should not use this address space. <35> rb
smBadBoardId EQU -319 ; BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record
smBusErrTO EQU -320 ; BusError timeout
;---The following errors are for primary or secondary init code. The errors are logged in the
; vendor status field of the sInfo record. Normally the vendor error is not Apple's concern,
; but a special error is needed to patch secondary inits.
svTempDisable EQU -32768 ; temporarily disable card but run primary init
svDisabled EQU -32640 ; reserve range -32640 to -32768 for Apple temp disables
;---The following errors may be generated at any time after system Init and will not
; be logged into the sInfo array.
smBadRefId EQU -330 ; Reference Id not found in List
smBadsList EQU -331 ; Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ... format is not followed.
smReservedErr EQU -332 ; Reserved field not zero
smCodeRevErr EQU -333 ; Code revision is wrong
smCPUErr EQU -334 ; Code revision is wrong
smsPointerNil EQU -335 ; LPointer is nil {From sOffsetData. If this error occurs, check sInfo rec for more information.}
smNilsBlockErr EQU -336 ; Nil sBlock error {Dont allocate and try to use a nil sBlock}
smSlotOOBErr EQU -337 ; Slot out of bounds error
smSelOOBErr EQU -338 ; Selector out of bounds error
smNewPErr EQU -339 ; _NewPtr error
smBlkMoveErr EQU -340 ; _BlockMove error
smCkStatusErr EQU -341 ; Status of slot = fail.
smGetDrvrNamErr EQU -342 ; Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.
smDisDrvrNamErr EQU -343 ; Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.
smNoMoresRsrcs EQU -344 ; No more sResources
smsGetDrvrErr EQU -345 ; Error occurred during _sGetDriver.
smBadsPtrErr EQU -346 ; Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer
smByteLanesErr EQU -347 ; NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.
smOffsetErr EQU -348 ; Offset was too big (temporary error, should be fixed)
smNoGoodOpens EQU -349 ; No opens were successfull in the loop.
smSRTOvrFlErr EQU -350 ; SRT over flow.
smRecNotFnd EQU -351 ; Record not found in the SRT.
; Edition Mgr errors
editionMgrInitErr EQU -450 ; edition manager not inited by this app
badSectionErr EQU -451 ; not a valid SectionRecord
notRegisteredSectionErr EQU -452 ; not a registered SectionRecord
badEditionFileErr EQU -453 ; edition file is corrupt
badSubPartErr EQU -454 ; can not use sub parts in this release
multiplePublisherWrn EQU -460 ; A Publisher is already registered for that container
containerNotFoundWrn EQU -461 ; could not find editionContainer at this time
containerAlreadyOpenWrn EQU -462 ; container already opened by this section
notThePublisherWrn EQU -463 ; not the publisher that last wrote to that container
; TextEdit errors
teScrapSizeErr EQU -501 ; scrap item too big for text edit record
; other OS errors
hwParamErr EQU -502 ; bad selector for _HWPriv <1.3>
; Process Manager errors
procNotFound EQU -600 ; no eligible process with specified descriptor
memFragErr EQU -601 ; not enough room to launch app w/special requirements
appModeErr EQU -602 ; memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean
protocolErr EQU -603 ; app made module calls in improper order
hardwareConfigErr EQU -604 ; hardware configuration not correct for call
appMemFullErr EQU -605 ; application SIZE not big enough for launch
appIsDaemon EQU -606 ; app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this
; MemoryDispatch errors
notEnoughMemoryErr EQU -620 ; insufficient physical memory <1.4>
notHeldErr EQU -621 ; specified range of memory is not held <1.4>
cannotMakeContiguousErr EQU -622 ; cannot make specified range contiguous <1.4>
notLockedErr EQU -623 ; specified range of memory is not locked <1.4>
interruptsMaskedErr EQU -624 ; don’t call with interrupts masked <1.4>
cannotDeferErr EQU -625 ; unable to defer additional functions <1.4>
noMMUErr EQU -626 ; no MMU present
; AppleTalk errors
ddpSktErr EQU -91 ; error in socket number
ddpLenErr EQU -92 ; data length too big
noBridgeErr EQU -93 ; no network bridge for non-local send
lapProtErr EQU -94 ; error in attaching/detaching protocol
excessCollsns EQU -95 ; excessive collisions on write
portInUse EQU -97 ; driver Open error code (port is in use)
portNotCf EQU -98 ; driver Open error code (parameter RAM not
; AppleTalk - NBP errors
nbpBuffOvr EQU -1024 ; Buffer overflow in LookupName
nbpNoConfirm EQU -1025 ; Name not confirmed on ConfirmName
nbpConfDiff EQU -1026 ; Name confirmed at different socket
nbpDuplicate EQU -1027 ; Duplicate name exists already
nbpNotFound EQU -1028 ; Name not found on remove
nbpNISErr EQU -1029 ; Error trying to open the NIS
; ASP errors (.XPP driver)
aspBadVersNum EQU -1066 ; Server cannot support this ASP version
aspBufTooSmall EQU -1067 ; Buffer too small
aspNoMoreSess EQU -1068 ; No more sessions on server
aspNoServers EQU -1069 ; No servers at that address
aspParamErr EQU -1070 ; Parameter error
aspServerBusy EQU -1071 ; Server cannot open another session
aspSessClosed EQU -1072 ; Session closed
aspSizeErr EQU -1073 ; Command block too big
aspTooMany EQU -1074 ; Too many clients (server error)
aspNoAck EQU -1075 ; No ack on attention request (server err)
;AppleTalk - ATP errors
reqFailed EQU -1096 ; SendRequest failed: retry count exceeded
tooManyReqs EQU -1097 ; Too many concurrent requests
tooManySkts EQU -1098 ; Too many concurrent responding-sockets
badATPSkt EQU -1099 ; Bad ATP-responding socket
badBuffNum EQU -1100 ; Bad response buffer number specififed
noRelErr EQU -1101 ; No release received
cbNotFound EQU -1102 ; Control Block (TCB or RspCB) not found
noSendResp EQU -1103 ; AddResponse issued without SendResponse
noDataArea EQU -1104 ; No data area for request to MPP
reqAborted EQU -1105 ; SendRequest aborted by RelTCB
; Component Manager & components errors
invalidComponentID EQU -3000
validInstancesExist EQU -3001
componentNotCaptured EQU -3002
componentDontRegister EQU -3003
badComponentInstance EQU $80008001
badComponentSelector EQU $80008002
;AppleTalk - ATP errors
buf2SmallErr EQU -3101 ; buffer too small error
noMPPErr EQU -3102 ; no MPP error
ckSumErr EQU -3103 ; check sum error
extractErr EQU -3104 ; extraction error
readQErr EQU -3105 ; read queue error
atpLenErr EQU -3106 ; ATP length error
atpBadRsp EQU -3107 ; ATP bad response error
recNotFnd EQU -3108 ; Record not found
sktClosedErr EQU -3109 ; Socket closed error
; AFP errors (.XPP driver)
afpAccessDenied EQU -5000 ; AFP access denied
afpAuthContinue EQU -5001 ; AFP authorization continue
afpBadUAM EQU -5002 ; AFP bad UAM
afpBadVersNum EQU -5003 ; AFP bad version number
afpBitmapErr EQU -5004 ; AFP bit map error
afpCantMove EQU -5005 ; AFP can't move error
afpDenyConflict EQU -5006 ; AFP deny conflict
afpDirNotEmpty EQU -5007 ; AFP dir not empty
afpDiskFull EQU -5008 ; AFP disk full
afpEofError EQU -5009 ; AFP End-of-File error
afpFileBusy EQU -5010 ; AFP file busy
afpFlatVol EQU -5011 ; AFP flat volume
afpItemNotFound EQU -5012 ; AFP item not found
afpLockErr EQU -5013 ; AFP lock error
afpMiscErr EQU -5014 ; AFP misc error
afpNoMoreLocks EQU -5015 ; AFP no more locks
afpNoServer EQU -5016 ; AFP no server
afpObjectExists EQU -5017 ; AFP object already exists
afpObjectNotFound EQU -5018 ; AFP object not found
afpParmErr EQU -5019 ; AFP parm error
afpRangeNotLocked EQU -5020 ; AFP range not locked
afpRangeOverlap EQU -5021 ; AFP range overlap
afpSessClosed EQU -5022 ; AFP session closed
afpUserNotAuth EQU -5023 ; AFP user not authorized
afpCallNotSupported EQU -5024 ; AFP call not supported
afpObjectTypeErr EQU -5025 ; AFP object type error
afpTooManyFilesOpen EQU -5026 ; AFP too many files open
afpServerGoingDown EQU -5027 ; AFP server going down
afpCantRename EQU -5028 ; AFP can't rename
afpDirNotFound EQU -5029 ; AFP directory not found
afpIconTypeError EQU -5030 ; AFP icon type error
afpVolLocked EQU -5031 ; Volume is Read-Only
afpObjectLocked EQU -5032 ; Object is M/R/D/W inhibited
afpContainsSharedErr EQU -5033 ;$FFFFEC57 the folder being shared contains a shared folder }
afpIDNotFound EQU -5034 ;$FFFFEC56
afpIDExists EQU -5035 ;$FFFFEC55
afpDiffVolErr EQU -5036 ;$FFFFEC54
afpCatalogChanged EQU -5037 ;$FFFFEC53
afpSameObjectErr EQU -5038 ;$FFFFEC52
afpBadIDErr EQU -5039 ;$FFFFEC51
afpPwdSameErr EQU -5040 ;$FFFFEC50 someone tried to change their password to the same password on a mantadory password change
afpPwdTooShortErr EQU -5041 ;$FFFFEC4F the password being set is too short: there is a minimum length that must be met or exceeded
afpPwdExpiredErr EQU -5042 ;$FFFFEC4E the password being used is too old: this requires the user to change the password before log-in can continue
afpInsideSharedErr EQU -5043 ;$FFFFEC4D the folder being shared is inside a shared folder OR
; the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into a shared folder OR
; the folder contains a shared folder and is being moved into the descendent of a shared folder.
afpInsideTrashErr EQU -5044 ;$FFFFEC4C the folder being shared is inside the trash folder OR
; the shared folder is being moved into the trash folder OR
; the folder is being moved to the trash and it contains a shared folder
; PPC errors
notInitErr EQU -900 ; PPCToolBox not initialized
nameTypeErr EQU -902 ; Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in locationName
noPortErr EQU -903 ; Unable to open port or bad portRefNum
noGlobalsErr EQU -904 ; The system is hosed, better re-boot
localOnlyErr EQU -905 ; Network activity is currently disabled
destPortErr EQU -906 ; Port does not exist at destination
sessTableErr EQU -907 ; Out of session tables, try again later
noSessionErr EQU -908 ; Invalid session reference number
badReqErr EQU -909 ; bad parameter or invalid state for operation
portNameExistsErr EQU -910 ; port is already open (perhaps in another app)
noUserNameErr EQU -911 ; user name unknown on destination machine
userRejectErr EQU -912 ; Destination rejected the session request
noMachineNameErr EQU -913 ; user hasn't named his Macintosh in the Network Setup Control Pannel
noToolboxNameErr EQU -914 ; A system resource is missing, not too likely
noResponseErr EQU -915 ; unable to contact destination
portClosedErr EQU -916 ; port was closed
sessClosedErr EQU -917 ; session was closed
badPortNameErr EQU -919 ; PPCPortRec malformed
noDefaultUserErr EQU -922 ; user hasn't typed in owners name in Network Setup Control Pannel
notLoggedInErr EQU -923 ; The default userRefNum does not yet exist
noUserRefErr EQU -924 ; unable to create a new userRefNum
networkErr EQU -925 ; An error has occured in the network, not too likely
noInformErr EQU -926 ; PPCStart failed because destination did not have inform pending
authFailErr EQU -927 ; unable to authenticate user at destination
noUserRecErr EQU -928 ; Invalid user reference number
badServiceMethodErr EQU -930 ; illegal service type, or not supported
badLocNameErr EQU -931 ; location name malformed
guestNotAllowedErr EQU -932 ; destination port requires authentication
noMaskFoundErr EQU -1000 ; Icon Utilties Error
IF wholeErrors THEN
; Serial Driver error masks
swOverrunErr EQU 1
parityErr EQU 16
hwOverrunErr EQU 32
framingErr EQU 64
; These are System Errors. They use a different numbering space from the OS errors above, so there
; can be a System Error and an OS error with the same number. System Errors are intercepted by
; MacsBug or displayed by the System Error Handler, which uses a DSAT resource to determine how to
; display them. Some errors are used to put up dialogs with the System Error Handler, rather than to
; report an error. These are not intercepted by MacsBug. MacsBug’s rule is to stop any system errors
; with positive numbers, except for errors 30 and 42. Older versions of MacsBug (6.2d4 and older)
; used a different rule.
; System Errors that should cause MacsBug to stop (0-29, 31-41, 43-16383)
; and look good in the System Error alert because they are in the range 0-29, 31-41, or 43-99
dsBusError EQU 1 ; bus error
dsAddressErr EQU 2 ; address error
dsIllInstErr EQU 3 ; illegal instruction error
dsZeroDivErr EQU 4 ; zero divide error
dsChkErr EQU 5 ; check trap error
dsOvflowErr EQU 6 ; overflow trap error
dsPrivErr EQU 7 ; privilege violation error
dsTraceErr EQU 8 ; trace mode error
dsLineAErr EQU 9 ; line 1010 trap error
dsLineFErr EQU 10 ; line 1111 trap error
dsMiscErr EQU 11 ; miscellaneous hardware exception error
dsCoreErr EQU 12 ; unimplemented core routine error
dsIrqErr EQU 13 ; uninstalled interrupt error
dsIOCoreErr EQU 14 ; I/O core error
dsLoadErr EQU 15 ; Segment Loader error
dsFPErr EQU 16 ; floating point error
dsNoPackErr EQU 17 ; package 0 not present
dsNoPk1 EQU 18 ; package 1 not present
dsNoPk2 EQU 19 ; package 2 not present
dsNoPk3 EQU 20 ; package 3 not present
dsNoPk4 EQU 21 ; package 4 not present
dsNoPk5 EQU 22 ; package 5 not present
dsNoPk6 EQU 23 ; package 6 not present
dsNoPk7 EQU 24 ; package 7 not present
dsMemFullErr EQU 25 ; out of memory
dsBadLaunch EQU 26 ; can’t launch file (CODE 0 missing or ...)
dsFSErr EQU 27 ; file system map has been trashed
dsStknHeap EQU 28 ; stack has moved into application heap
negZcbFreeErr EQU 33 ; zcbFree has gone negative
dsFinderErr EQU 41 ; can’t load the Finder
dsBadSlotInt EQU 51 ; unserviceable slot interrupt
dsBadSANEOpcode EQU 81 ; bad opcode given to SANE
dsBadPatchHeader EQU 83 ; SetTrapAddress saw the “come-from” header
menuPrgErr EQU 84 ; a menu was purged while in use
dsMBarNFnd EQU 85 ; could not load MBDF
dsHMenuFindErr EQU 86 ; could not find HMenu’s parent in MenuKey
dsWDEFNotFound EQU 87 ; could not load WDEF
dsCDEFNotFound EQU 88 ; could not load CDEF
dsMDEFNotFound EQU 89 ; count not load MDEF
dsNoFPU EQU 90 ; an FPU instruction was executed and the machine doesn’t have one
; System Errors that should cause MacsBug to stop (0-29, 31-41, 43-16383)
; these look good in the System Error alert because of special templates in the DSAT
dsNoPatch EQU 98 ; can’t load patch for particular model
dsBadPatch EQU 99 ; can’t load patch resource
dsParityErr EQU 101 ; memory parity error <1.5><1.6>
dsOldSystem EQU 102 ; System is too old for this ROM <2.0>
ds32BitMode EQU 103 ; booting in 32-bit on a 24-bit sys <2.0>
dsNeedToWriteBootBlocks EQU 104 ; need to write new boot blocks
dsNotEnoughRAMToBoot EQU 105 ; must have at least 1.5MB of RAM to boot 7.0
; System Errors that should not cause MacsBug to stop (30, 42, 16384-32767)
; these all have special templates in the DSAT
; if you need to make new errors of this type, use numbers from 20000 up.
dsReinsert EQU 30 ; request user to reinsert off-line volume
shutDownAlert EQU 42 ; tell the user he can shut down his machine
dsShutDownOrRestart EQU 20000 ; user choice between ShutDown and Restart
dsSwitchOffOrRestart EQU 20001 ; user choice between switching off and Restart
dsForcedQuit EQU 20002 ; allow the user to ExitToShell, return if Cancel
dsRemoveDisk EQU 20003 ; request user to remove disk from manual eject drive <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
dsDirtyDisk EQU 20004 ; request user to return a manually-ejected dirty disk <SM8> <BH 03Aug93>
dsShutDownOrResume EQU 20109 ; allow user to return to Finder or ShutDown <SMx> gjs <P2> gjs
dsSCSIWarn EQU 20010 ; Portable SCSI adapter warning. <34>
; System Errors that are used after MacsBug is loaded to put up dialogs
; since these should not cause MacsBug to stop, they must be in the range (30, 42, 16384-32767)
; negative numbers add to an existing dialog without putting up a whole new dialog
dsMacsBugInstalled EQU -10 ; say “MacsBug Installed”
dsDisassemblerInstalled EQU -11 ; say “Disassembler Installed”
dsExtensionsDisabled EQU -13 ; say “Extensions Disabled”
; System Errors that are used before MacsBug is loaded to put up dialogs
; MacsBug does not have to special-case these, since it is not loaded yet!
; negative numbers add to an existing dialog without putting up a whole new dialog
dsGreeting EQU 40 ; welcome to Macintosh greeting
; System Errors that are never actually generated
; *** do not pass any of these to SysErr ***
dsSysErr EQU 32767 ; catch-all error used in DSAT
; old names here for compatibility’s sake
; obsolete System Errors that are no longer used, but I don’t have the guts to remove from this file
dsNotThe1 EQU 31 ; not the disk I wanted
dsBadStartupDisk EQU 42 ; unable to mount boot volume (sad Mac only)
dsSystemFileErr EQU 43 ; can’t find System file to open (sad Mac only)
dsHD20Installed EQU -12 ; say “HD20 Startup”
mBarNFnd EQU -126 ; *** replaced by dsMBarNFnd
hMenuFindErr EQU -127 ; *** replaced by dsHMenuFindErr
; System Errors
userBreak EQU -490 ; debugger break
strUserBreak EQU -491 ; debugger break; display string on stack
exUserBreak EQU -492 ; debugger break; debugger commands on stack
; obsolete errors that are no longer used, but I don’t have the guts to remove from this file
selectorErr EQU paramErr ; bad selector, for selector-based traps
ENDIF ; ...already included