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; File: GibblyMacros.a
; Contains: macros for use in CPU Gibbly source
; Written by: Dean Yu
; Copyright: © 1990-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <7> 6/30/92 DTY Pop 'lodr' off the stack.
; <6> 6/27/92 DTY #1033818: Now that Gibblies are initially placed underneath the
; system resource map, some extra steps need to be taken to get
; the linked patch loader from the System file. Now, if a linked
; patch loader is not found in the Gibbly, use the one in the
; System. SysErr only if a 'lodr' resource is not found in the
; System file.
; <5> 6/24/92 DTY #1033818 <csd>: Gibblies are no longer the top resource map when
; MakeGibblyResident is called. Look for the Gibbly at the bottom
; of the resource chain, and unset the twoDeepBit on the map above
; it.
; <4> 6/2/92 FM Fix the DoStandardBoot macro to put a copy of the handle to the
; 'boot' 3 resource in A3 because thats what 'boot' 3 resources
; expect. Otherwise we would be detaching the handle in a3 when
; DoStandardBoot is called.
; <3> 4/8/92 DTY Add conditionals that set ROMMapInsert instead of calling
; _UseResFile if &lpchResFile is 1. This is how Gibblies can
; specify ROM resources.
; <2> 2/21/92 DTY Keep the use of &ptblResID and &lpchResFile consistent.
; <1> 2/6/92 DTY first checked in
include 'SysErr.a'
include 'Traps.a'
INCLUDE 'SysPrivateEqu.a'
include 'Private.a'
include 'ResourceMgrPriv.a'
; DoStandardBoot: Boot the machine with the 'boot' 3 resource from the System file.
; In order to call this macro correctly you should have the following registers
; set up with the values passed in to your Gibbly. If you don't, the 'boot' 3 that
; is being called won't work correctly.
; Registers passed in from boot blocks:
; A4 = dirID of the startup application (for pre-7.0 systems; used by the remote booting INIT)
; A5 = pointer to globals (SP + 400)
; A6 = pointer to boot blocks (used by the remote booting INIT)
move.l ExpandMem,a0
move.b ExpandMemRec.emScanOverrideMaps(a0),-(sp) ; Save current override state
clr.b ExpandMemRec.emScanOverrideMaps(a0) ; Turn off overrides explicitly since SetScanOverride may not be implemented yet.
subq #2,sp
_CurResFile ; Remember current resource map
clr.w -(sp)
_UseResFile ; Get 'boot from System file.
subq #4,sp
move.l #'boot',-(sp)
move.w #3,-(sp)
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; Save 'boot' handle in D1 where it won’t get trashed by _UseResFile
bz.s @noBootResource
_UseResFile ; Restore the previous resource map
move.l ExpandMem,a0
move.b (sp)+,ExpandMemRec.emScanOverrideMaps(a0) ; Restore override state
move.l d1,a3 ; Boot code expects handle in A3 on entry
move.l (a3),d0
move.l d0,a0
jmp (a0) ; Jump to the boot code.
move.w #dsBadPatch,d0
; LoadLinkedPatchesFrom: Load the linked patches from the specified resource file.
LoadLinkedPatchesFrom &lpchResFile
subq #2,sp
_CurResFile ; Get the current resource file
if &lpchResFile = '#1' then
move.w #MapTrue,ROMMapInsert
move.w &lpchResFile,CurMap ; Get 'lpch' resources from this file.
subq #4,sp
move.l #'lodr',-(sp)
move.w #-16385,-(sp)
_GetResource ; Use the first linked patch loader we can find.
move.l (sp),d0
bnz.s @stripLoaderAddress&lpchResFile ; Uniquely identify this label in case caller is loading lpchs from several files.
move.w SysMap,d0 ; <6> Get system resource map
cmp.w CurMap,d0 ; <6> Did we just try to get the system’s linked patch loader?
beq.s @noLinkedPatchLoader ; <6> If we did, and we couldn’t, bomb out
move.w SysMap,CurMap ; <6> If we tried to get a linked patch loader from the Gibbly, and failed, try to use the one from the system
bra.s @getLinkedPatchLoader&lpchResFile ; <6>
moveq #dsBadPatch,d0 ; Couldn’t find the patch loader code
if &lpchResFile = '#1' then
move.w #MapTrue,ROMMapInsert
move.w &lpchResFile,CurMap ; Get 'lpch' resources from this file.
move.l d0,a0
move.l (a0),d0
move.l d0,a0
jsr (a0) ; Call the loader
_ReleaseResource ; Done with the linked patch loader
_UseResFile ; Restore the current resource map
; LoadRangeOfLinkedPatchesFrom: Load a range of linked patches from the specified resource file
LoadRangeOfLinkedPatchesFrom &lpchResFile,&ptblResID
if &lpchResFile = '#1' then
move.w #MapTrue,ROMMapInsert
subq #4,sp
move.l #'ptbl',-(sp) ; This macro is resource based.
move.w &ptblResID,-(sp) ; Push the resource ID of the 'ptbl' resource
move.l (sp),d0
bnz.s @gotPatchRangeHandle&ptblResID
moveq #dsBadPatch,d0
move.l d0,a3 ; Get handle to 'ptbl' resource
move.l (a3),d0
_StripAddress ; Strip it for grins
move.l d0,a3 ; Linked patch loader wants a pointer to a range table in A3.
LoadLinkedPatchesFrom &lpchResFile ; Load the linked patches from this resource file
_ReleaseResource ; Done with the 'ptbl' resource
; MakeGibblyResident: Turns the Gibbly’s resource map into an override map for the system.
; This macro assumes that there will be at least two resource maps in the resource chain,
; and that the Gibbly’s resource map is the one at the bottom of the chain.
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a2,-(sp) ; <4>
move.l SysMapHndl,a1 ; <4>
@findBottomResourceMap: ; <4>
move.l (a1),a0 ; <4>
move.l mNext(a0),d0 ; <4> Get the next map
bz.s @gotBottomResourceMap ; <4> Assume the resource map at the bottom of the chain is the Gibbly’s map
move.l a1,a2 ; <4> Remember the map above the one at the bottom
move.l d0,a1 ; <4>
bra.s @findBottomResourceMap ; <4> Find the map at the bottom
; Got the resource map at the bottom of the chain. Clear the twoDeepBit in the map above it.
@gotBottomResourceMap: ; <4>
move.l (a2),a0 ; <4>
bclr #twoDeepBit,mInMemoryAttr(a0) ; <4> The map above it will now be the bottom map, so clear out the twoDeep bit.
move.l a1,-(sp) ; <4> A1 has a handle to the Gibbly’s resource map
move.l SysMapHndl,-(sp) ; <4> Override the system map
_InsertOverrideMap ; <4>
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a2 ; <4>