2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: SCSIEqu96.a
; Contains: Equates for dealing with the SCSI 53c96 chip
; Written by: Jonathan Abilay
; Copyright: © 1990-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM6> 2/5/93 CSS Rollin from Horror:
; <H4> 10/17/92 jab Added some definitions required for supporting Messaging
; correctly in Wombat.
; <H3> 9/6/92 jab Updated from CubeE and SkyNet for BIOS SCSI.
; <H2> 6/10/92 BG (Actually JAB) Modification of DREQ equates for SCSI access
; through BIOS and renamed SCSIx_DAFB to SCSIx_DREQ to reflect
; that it references the location of the DREQ bit.
; <SM5> 10/18/92 CCH Added equates for location of SCSI DREQ bit on PDM.
; <SM2> 7/7/92 CSS Update from Reality:
; <2> 5/22/92 DTY #1029009 <jab>: Modification of DREQ equates for SCSI access
; through BIOS and renamed SCSIx_DAFB to SCSIx_DREQ to reflect
; that it references the location of the DREQ bit.
; <SM1> 5/22/92 CSS Cyclone roll in.
; <1> 10/24/91 SAM Rolled in Regatta file.
; Terror Change History:
; <7> 6/27/91 BG (actually PDW) Changed various clock conversion factor and
; Selection Timeout constants to reflect real world values.
; <6> 6/27/91 djw (actually PDW) Removed non-96 specific stuff and some
; SCSIBusy/FreeHook stuff. Corrected values for Select timeout.
; Added Select sequence bits in G_State96 (was G_53c80bits).
; <5> 6/8/91 BG (actually PDW) Added tsc_cf_stg_XX equates for DAFB state
; machine initialization.
; <4> 3/30/91 BG (actually JMA) Added FreeHookPend bit & new values to support
; various SCSI clks.
; <3> 2/17/91 BG (actually JMA) Settled on final clkCnvVal & slctTimeout values,
; also added new selector values and new max value.
; <2> 1/5/91 BG (actually JMA) More EQUs.
; <1> 12/7/90 JMA Added to TERROR for the first time.
mgrVersion2 EQU 2 ; SCSI96 based Manager
; SCSI 53C96 (ASC) Register Defs, Offsets
;SCSI539x1 EQU $50F0F000 ; channel 1--internal
;SCSI539x2 EQU $50F0F402 ; channel 2--external
nonSerlzdDisp EQU $040000 ; disp. between serlzd and non-serlzd I/O images <T6> pdw
; EVT1
;SCSI539x1 EQU $F9900000 ; channel 1--internal
;SCSI539x2 EQU $F9900000 ; channel 2--external
; Turbo SCSI IIci card
;SCSI539x0 EQU $50F30000 ; channel 1--internal
;SCSI539x1 EQU $50F31000 ; channel 2--external
rXCL EQU $00 ; Transfer counter LSB (r/w)
rXCM EQU $10 ; Transfer counter MSB (r/w)
rFFO EQU $20 ; FIFO (r/w)
rCMD EQU $30 ; Command (r/w)
rCF1 EQU $80 ; Configuration 1 (r/w)
rCF2 EQU $B0 ; Configuration 2 (r/w)
rCF3 EQU $C0 ; Configuration 3 (r/w)
rSTA EQU $40 ; Status (r)
rINT EQU $50 ; Interrupt (r)
rSQS EQU $60 ; Sequence Step (r)
rFOS EQU $70 ; FIFO Flags/Sequence Step (r)
rDID EQU $40 ; Destination Bus ID (w)
rSTO EQU $50 ; Select/Reselect Timeout (w)
rSYP EQU $60 ; Synchronous Period (w)
rSYO EQU $70 ; Synchronous Offset (w)
rCKF EQU $90 ; Clock Conversion Factor (w)
rTST EQU $A0 ; Test (w)
rRFO EQU $F0 ; Reserve FIFO Byte (w)
rDMA EQU $100 ; Pseudo-DMA regr (r/w)
; SCSI 53C96 (ASC) Command Set
; for NON-DMA mode, bit7=0. DMA mode command bytes have bit7=1.
cNOP EQU $00 ; NOP command
cFlshFFO EQU $01 ; flush FIFO command
cRstSChp EQU $02 ; reset SCSI chip
cRstSBus EQU $03 ; reset SCSI bus
cIOXfer EQU $10 ; non-DMA Transfer command
cCmdComp EQU $11 ; Initiator Command Complete Sequence
cMsgAcep EQU $12 ; Message Accepted
cSlctNoAtn EQU $41 ; Select Without ATN Sequence
cSlctAtn EQU $42 ; Select With ATN Sequence
cSlctAtnStp EQU $43 ; Select With ATN and Stop Sequence
cSetAtn EQU $1A ; Set ATN command
cRstAtn EQU $1B ; Reset ATN command
cDMAXfer EQU $90 ; DMA Transfer command
cDMASlctNoAtn EQU $C1 ; Select Without ATN Sequence, use DMA
cDMASelWOAtn EQU $C1 ; Select Without ATN Sequence, use DMA <H3>
cDMASelWAtn EQU $C2 ; Select With ATN Sequence, use DMA <H3>
cDMASelWAtnStp EQU $C3 ; Select With ATN and Stop Sequence, use DMA <H4>
; SCSI 53C96 (ASC) Bit Defs
; rINT bits
bFNC EQU 3 ; function complete bit (intrp regr)
bBSS EQU 4 ; bus service bit (intrp regr)
bDSC EQU 5 ; disconnected bit (intrp regr)
dbFNC EQU bFNC+16 ; shifted 16 bits
dbBSS EQU bBSS+16 ; shifted 16 bits
dbDSC EQU bDSC+16 ; shifted 16 bits
; rSTA bits
bTRC EQU 4 ; terminal count bit (status regr)
bINT EQU 7 ; interrupt bit (status regr)
dbTRC EQU bTRC+16 ; shifted 16 bits
dbINT EQU bINT+16 ; shifted 16 bits
; rINT bits
bINTMode EQU 4 ; SCSI c9x is in initiator mode (rCMD)
bTRGMode EQU 5 ; SCSI c9x is in target mode (rCMD)
bDSCMode EQU 6 ; SCSI c9x is in disconnected mode (rCMD)
bIDENT EQU 7 ; Identify <H4>
; SCSI 53C96 (ASC) Constants
iSQSMsk EQU $07 ; sequence bits mask value (rSQS) <T3>
iSQSMsk2 EQU $E0 ; sequence bits mask value (rFOS) <T3>
iFOFMsk EQU $1F ; FIFO count mask value (rFOS)
iCOM EQU $80 ; completion sequence (rFOS)
iDcBsMsk EQU $30 ; Disconnect & Bus Service mask bits(rINT)
iDcBsFcMsk EQU iDcBsMsk+$08 ; Disconnect, Bus Service
; & Function complete mask bits (rINT)
iDcBsOK EQU $10 ; not discnct + bs
iBsFcOK EQU iDcBsOk+$08 ; not discnct + bs + fc bits (rINT)
iFifoSize EQU $10 ; FIFO size in bytes
iPhaseMsk EQU $07 ; MASK value for phase bits
iDataOut EQU $00 ; Data-Out SCSI Phase value
iDataIn EQU $01 ; Data-In SCSI Phase value
iCommand EQU $02 ; Command Phase value
iStatus EQU $03 ; Status Phase value
iMsgOut EQU $06 ; Msg-Out SCSI Phase value
iMsgIn EQU $07 ; Msg-In SCSI Phase value
cBDR EQU $0C ; Bus Device Reset Message <H4>
cABRT EQU $06 ; Abort Command Message <H4>
cTERM EQU $11 ; Terminate I/O Process Message <H4>
; For SCSIStat result word
aPM EQU iPM<<8 ; assert Phase Match
aATN EQU iATN<<8 ; assert ATN
; G_State96 Bit defs (bits 0-7 available)
HandleBusErrs EQU $7 ; Supposed to handle bus errors flag
SelMsgOut EQU $6 ; We did the Select with ATN thing <H4>
PendBusFree EQU $5 ; Bus Free should be expected <H4>
FldFakeSel EQU $6 ; <SM1> CSS we failed select in cmd <P1> pdw
OurBus EQU $5 ; <SM1> CSS we are initiator on bus <P1> pdw
FCIntPend EQU $4 ; Functional Complete Intrp pending bit <T6> pdw
SelInProg EQU $3 ; Select (or Select w/ATN) cmd is executing bit <T6> pdw
NeedMsgOut EQU $2 ; we expect a msg_out phase that we need to complete the select <T6> pdw
NeedCmdSent EQU $1 ; we expect a command phase that we need to complete the select <T6> pdw
FreeHookPend EQU $0 ; Free Hook pending bit %%% old vm stuff %%% <T4>
; SCSICfg96 defs (bits 31-0 available)
bQuadraSCSI EQU 0 ; Quadra 700/900/950 SCSI DAFB setup <H3>
bHasBIOS EQU 1 ; Wombat 20/25/33/40 BIOS SCSI setup <H3>
; Miscellaneous Constants
SCSI0_DREQ_BIOS EQU $50F03A00 ; address to access SCSI1 DREQ bit for BIOS access <H1>
bDREQ_BIOS EQU 0 ; SCSI DREQ status bit for BIOS access <H1>
SCSI0_DREQ_PDM EQU $50F26003 ; address to access SCSI1 DREQ bit for PDM <SM3>
bDREQ_PDM EQU 0 ; SCSI DREQ status bit for PDM access <SM3>
SCSI0_DAFB EQU $F9800024 ; DAFB address to access SCSI1 DREQ bit <T2>
SCSI1_DAFB EQU $F9800028 ; DAFB address to access SCSI2 DREQ bit <T2>
bDREQ EQU 9 ; SCSI DREQ status bit <T2>
; SCSI DAFB Regr Values <T5>
tsc_cf_stg_25 EQU $1EC ; DAFB state maching config value for 25 MHz CPU <T5>
tsc_cf_stg_33 EQU $041 ; DAFB state maching config value for 33 MHz CPU <T5>
; Debug Defs
overFlow EQU $0 ;
; 53C96 Regr Values
;Clock Conversion Values (based on SCSI chip clock - not CPU clock)
ccf10MHz EQU $02 ; CLK conv factor 10.0Mhz
ccf10to15MHz EQU $03 ; CLK conv factor 10.01 to 15.0Mhz
ccf15to20MHz EQU $04 ; CLK conv factor 15.01 to 20.0Mhz
ccf20to25MHz EQU $05 ; CLK conv factor 20.01 to 25.0Mhz
ccf25to30MHz EQU $06 ; CLK conv factor 25.01 to 30.0Mhz
ccf30to35MHz EQU $07 ; CLK conv factor 30.01 to 35.0Mhz <T4>
ccf35to40MHz EQU $00 ; CLK conv factor 35.01 to 40.0Mhz (0 <- 8) <T4>
SelTO16Mhz EQU 126 ; ($7e) using the formula: RV (regr value) <T7>
; 126 = (16MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 4) <T7>
; 250mS is ANSI standard.
SelTO25Mhz EQU 167 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value)
; 163 = (25MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 5)
; 250mS is ANSI standard.
SelTO33Mhz EQU 167 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value) <T4> thru next <T4>
; 153 = (33MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 7)
; 250mS is ANSI standard.
SelTO40Mhz EQU 167 ; ($a7) using the formula: RV (regr value)
; 163 = (40MHz * 250mS)/ (7682 * 8)
; 250mS is ANSI standard. <T4>
;Configuration 1 Regr bit defs
SlowCableMode EQU $80 ; Slow Cable Mode enabled bit
SCSIRstRptIntDis EQU $40 ; SCSI Reset Reporting Intrp Disabled bit
ParityTestMode EQU $20 ; Parity Test Mode bit
EnableParity EQU $10 ; Enable Parity Checking bit
EnableChpTstMd EQU $08 ; Enable Chip Test Mode bit
myBusID EQU $07 ; My SCSI Bus ID Mask
;myBusID EQU scDefaultID ; My SCSI Bus ID Mask
;Configuration 2 Regr bit defs
RsrvFIFOByte EQU $80 ; Reserve FIFO Byte
EnablePhsLtch EQU $40 ; Enable Phase Latch
EnableByteCntl EQU $20 ; Enable Byte Control
DREQHiZ EQU $10 ; DREQ High Impedance
SCSI2 EQU $08 ; SCSI-2 Mode
TrgtBadPrtyAbrt EQU $04 ; Target Bad Parity Abort
RegrPrtyEn EQU $02 ; Regr Parity Enable
DMAPrtyEn EQU $01 ; DMA Parity Enable
;Configuration 3 Regr bit defs
; bit8-3 are reserved
SaveRsdlByte EQU $04 ; Save Residual Byte
AltDMAMode EQU $02 ; Alternate DMA Mode
Threshold8 EQU $01 ; Threshold 8
initCF1 EQU SCSIRstRptIntDis + myBusID ; Initial CF1 value: <T6> pdw
; 1 - slow cable mode enabled
; 1 - disable intrp to host on bus reset
; 0 - parity test mode disabled
; 0 - parity checking disable
; (ie. do not check parity on incoming data)
; 0 - chip mode test disabled
; 0 - use 0 as default myBusID
initCF2 EQU $00 ; Initial CF2 value:
; 0 - do not reserve FIFO byte during sync xfer
; 0 - disable phase latch
; (Ie. status regr is a live state indicator
; of SCSI phase lines)
; 0 - ignore byte control inputs
; 0 - DACK* is enabled decr the xfer counter
; 0 - do not use SCSI-2 features
; 0 - do not abort is parity error is detected
; 0 - do not flag outgoing parity errs (IO-xfer)
; 0 - do not flag outgoing parity errs (DMA-xfer)
initCF3 EQU SaveRsdlByte ; Initial CF3 value: <T6> pdw
; 1 - do not assert DREQ on residual byte at end of xfer
; 0 - disable alterante DMA mode
; 0 - disable threshold 8 mode
asyncXfer EQU $0 ; Asynchronous Data Transfer = 0 Synch Offset value
; a non-zero value indicates Synch data xfer
initOp EQU asyncXfer ; use this operation
clkCnvVal EQU ccf20to25MHz ; use this clock conversion factor <T3>
slctTimeout EQU SelTO25Mhz ; use this Select timeout value <T3>