2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

329 lines
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; File: MakeFSSpec.a
; Contains: The call MakeFSSpec
; Written by: Dave Feldman
; Copyright: © 1990,1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 11/7/93 pdw ConsultCatalog was assuming totally synchronous behavior (i.e.
; it was using the A7 stack instead of A6). Changed register
; saving and return address handling to use HFS stack.
; <SM1> 4/15/92 kc Removed the "ROM" prefix from the RomBind routines.
; • Pre-SuperMario comments follow •
; <12> 1/6/91 dnf (fjs) Add code to check for terminating ::'s on pathname
; parsing.
; <11> 9/22/90 dnf Add ExtOffLinCheck
; <10> 8/29/90 dnf Make sure TFSVCBTst happens after FndFilName.
; <9> 8/28/90 dnf Don't clobber a3 (WDCB pointer after FndFilName) so external
; file systems can use it.
; <8> 8/6/90 dnf Rename __MakeFSSpec to MakeFSSpec
; <7> 7/30/90 dnf Change all bsr and jsr instructions that point at Rom bind
; symbols into jsrRom macros.
; <6> 7/2/90 dnf Use TFSVCBTst
; <5> 7/2/90 dnf Check for volume-only input and convert to root directory.
; Handle fnfErr, dirNFErr, volume info only, and multiply
; simultaneous error cases.
; <4> 6/2/90 dnf Handle fnfErr case
; <3> 5/4/90 dnf Eliminate hardcoded include pathnames
; <2> 5/4/90 dnf version for a10
; <1> 5/4/90 dnf first checked in
; To Do:
; add proper cname capitalization
print push
print off
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'FileMgrPrivate.a'
include 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
print pop
; Routine: CopyCName
; Registers In:
; a1 - target buffer
; a4 - pointer to CName (no length byte)
; d2.b - length of CName
; All registers preserved
; Prepends length byte to CName in buffer
CopyCNameRegs reg a1/a4/d2
CopyCName: proc
movem.l CopyCNameRegs, -(sp)
andi.w #$00ff, d2 ; kill high byte of low word
move.b d2, (a1)+ ; set name length into string
beq.s @done ; catch zero length strings
subq.b #1, d2 ; -1 for dbra
move.b (a4)+, (a1)+ ; copy the cname
dbra d2, @loop
movem.l (sp)+, CopyCNameRegs
; Routine: ConsultCatalog
; Registers In:
; a2 - VCB of volume to look on
; a3 - pointer to FSSpec to look up
; d7 - catalog hint or zero if none
; Registers Out:
; a2 - VCB of volume to look on
; a3 - pointer to FSSpec to look up
; d7 - new catalog hint or zero if none
; All other registers preserved
; FSSpec on a3:
; vRefNum - not used. Use vcb on a2 instead
; parID - input/output
; CName - input/output
; Function:
; Look up the parID/CName combo in the catalog. Return the spelling of
; the CName as it is in the catalog. If the CName is zero-length,
; treat the parID as a dirID and return its parID/CName.
; The FSSpec passed in here doesn't have to be a true FSSpec. It just needs
; to have a parID and a CName.
ConsultCatalog: proc
ConsultCatalogRegs reg d2/a0/a1/a4
move.l (SP)+,-(A6) ; save return address on A6 stack <SM2> pdw
movem.l ConsultCatalogRegs,-(A6) ; <SM2> pdw
lea.l FSSpec.name(a3), a0 ; a0 = ptr(CName)
tst.b (a0) ; zero length name?
bne.s @NotZeroLength
suba.l a0,a0 ; pass null to CMGetCN
move.l FSSpec.parID(a3), d0 ; move parID to input reg for GetCN
move.l d7, d2 ; move catalog hint to input reg for CMGetCN
jsrROM CMGETCN ; go consult with the expert
bne.s @Exit ; errors are good cause to leave
move.l ckrParID(a0), FSSpec.parID(a3) ; set parID for directory name case
lea.l FSSpec.name(a3), a1 ; a1 = ptr(name buffer in FSSpec)
lea.l ckrCName(a0), a4 ; a4 = correctly capitalized cname pstring
move.b (a4)+, d2 ; d2 = length of cname
bsr CopyCName ; copy correctly capitalized name into FSSpec
move.l d2, d7 ; restore catalog hint
movem.l (A6)+, ConsultCatalogRegs ; <SM2> pdw
move.l (A6)+,-(SP) ; Restore the return address <SM2> pdw
tst.w d0 ; set condition codes
; Routine: MakeFSSpec
; Registers In:
; a0 - user param block
; ioNamePtr - any pathname
; ioVRefNum - any legal vol/wd spec
; ioDirID - (optional) dirID
; ioMisc - pointer to an FSSpec
; Function: Munges the three input parameters into a friendly FSSpec for
; caller consumption. Tries to be as much like HFS parsing as
; possible.
; Extensions to the "standard" HFS parsing rules:
; When the leaf requested by the caller doesn't exist, return
; an FSSpec for that (nonexistent) leaf and return an fnfErr
; to indicate this condition.
; When there is no name (null or zero-length), return the name
; of the directory whose ID came in dirID. If there is no
; dirID, use the dirID from a wdRef in ioVRefNum or use fsRtDirID.
; Return the spelling of the leaf name directly from the catalog
; Special cases:
; When FndFilName returns an fnfErr it certainly means that
; the leaf doesn't exist. However, if the cName is a single
; segment (no colons) and the directory id is to a non-existent
; directory, FndFilName still returns an fnfErr instead of a
; dirNFErr. We need to check for the existence of the directory
; to distinguish the cases.
; When FndFilName is given a zero-length name it returns a
; bdNamErr. We need to make sure that the bad name was caused
; by a zero-length input (as opposed to the other bad name cases)
; and return an FSSpec on the volume/directory (i.e. vRef or wdRef)
; When FndFilName is given a pathname ending in a directory leaf name
; and a double colon (i.e "vol:dir1:dir2::") it returns a string length
; of zero, leaves d6 with the dirID of dir2 and a5 pointing to the
; directory record of dir1. To get around this, whenever we see
; directory records returned from FndFilName, we'll check the path
; name to see if it ends in '::'. If so, we'll substitute
; the catalog record's dir ID (dirDirID(a5)) for the dirID in d6.
; Note that if FndFilName is fixed a5 will still point to the
; same record, so we'll still work.
; When FndFilName is given a nil name it returns just a volume
; spec. We need to converted this into an FSSpec on the
; volume/directory (i.e. vRef or wdRef).
; Let the compatibility layer handle MFS volumes.
MakeFSSpec: proc export
jsrROM DTRMV3 ; get at least the volume
bne @Exit
moveq.l #wrgVolTypErr, d0 ; assume the worst
jsrROM TFSVCBTST ; split HFS/MFS volumes
bne @Exit ; go handle MFS in the compatibility layer
moveq.l #0, d6 ; no input dirID
move.l d6, d7 ; no catalog hint
bset.b #SkipPMSP,HFSFlags ; Don't bother with PMSP for this operation
jsrROM FNDFILNAME ; parse things up
; After FndFilName, registers are:
; a2 - vcb ptr
; a4 - file name ptr
; a5 - catalog data record
; d2 - name length
; d6 - parent ID
; d7 - catalog hint
move.w d0, d5 ; save the FndFilName error for later
beq.s @NoFndFilNameErr ; keep going if there wasn't any
; Check out the error that we got
cmp.w #fnfErr, d5 ; file not found?
beq.s @FileNotFoundErr ; check this one more closely
cmp.w #bdNamErr, d5 ; bad name error?
beq.s @BadNameErr ; check this one more closely
bra @Exit ; pass other errors right on back
; Separate the bad name cases. The only one we rescue when the input name
; is null but a valid volume is determined from the vRefNum. Since we got
; a bad name we have no idea whether the dirID is valid, so fall through
; to the FileNotFoundErr case.
move.l a4, d1 ; get name pointer
beq @AdjustErrExit ; null names have non-zero pointers
tst.b (a4) ; zero-length name?
bne.s @AdjustErrExit ; if not, must truly be a bad name
move.l a2, d1 ; do we have a good volume spec?
beq.s @AdjustErrExit ; if not, leave
moveq.l #noErr, d5 ; cancel the bdNamErr; just a zero-length name
move.l d5, d2 ; set the name length to zero
suba.l a4, a4 ; clear the name pointer
; Distinguish the real fnfErr cases from the dirNFErr cases.
move.l ioFSSpecPtr(a0), a3 ; a3 = ptr(FSSpec)
move.l d6, FSSpec.parID(a3) ; fill in the parent ID
clr.b FSSpec.name(a3) ; set name length to zero
bsr ConsultCatalog ; look up the name of the directory
cmp.w #cmnotfound, d0 ; directory not found?
beq.s @DirNFErrExit ; go tell the caller
tst.w d0 ; some other catalog manager error?
beq.s @PrepareFSSpec ; no? keep on trucking
bra.s @Exit ; if so, that's real trouble
cmpi.b #cdrDirRec, cdrType(a5) ; a directory record?
bne.s @PrepareFSSpec ; only directories have trouble with colons
move.l ioNamePtr(a0), d0 ; grab caller's pathname
beq.s @PrepareFSSpec ; no colon problems on nil string ptrs
movea.l d0, a1
moveq.l #0, d0 ; clear high bytes
move.b (a1), d0 ; get length byte
beq.s @PrepareFSSpec ; no colon problems in null strings
lea.l 1(a1, d0.w), a1 ; make a1 point after last character
cmp.b #':', -(a1) ; did we end with a ':'?
bne.s @PrepareFSSpec ; if not, we can't have colon trouble
cmp.b #':', -(a1) ; did we end with a '::'?
bne.s @PrepareFSSpec ; no? we're all set
; Bummer. We have a leaf name that ended in '::'. FndFileName
; has unfortunately left d6 aimed at the offspring of the directory
; in a5. We can fix this by pulling the dirID out of the directory
; record, and falling through to our regular case. This will look
; like a straight dirID-only lookup, since d2 is always zero from
; FndFilName when there's a terminal ::.
move.l dirDirID(a5), d6 ; be a thread case
; Registers:
; d2 - length of leafname
; d5 - saved error code
; a0 - iopb
; a2 - vcb
; a4 - leafname ptr if d2 > 0
; Check for the cases where we have a dirID instead of a parID + cName
move.l ioFSSpecPtr(a0), a3 ; a3 = ptr (FSSpec)
move.w vcbVRefNum(a2), FSSpec.vRefNum(a3) ; fill in the volume refnum
move.l d6, FSSpec.parID(a3) ; fill in the dir ID
tst.w d2 ; zero-length name?
beq.s @FollowThread ; yup. Don't try to copy the leaf name
; Move the leaf name into the FSSpec
lea.l FSSpec.name(a3), a1 ; a1 = ptr(name buffer in FSSpec)
bsr CopyCName ; copy name from a4/d2 to Pstring in a1
bra.s @CorrectLeaf
clr.b FSSpec.name(a3) ; set the spec's name length to 0
tst.w d5 ; did we get an fnfErr from FndFilName?
bne.s @AdjustErrExit ; if so, we can leave now
bsr ConsultCatalog ; look up the name of the leaf
bra.s @Exit ; pass errors straight back
move.w #dirNFErr, d5
move.w d5, d0 ; set the correct error code
tst.w d0 ; do we have any errors?
beq.s @1 ; if not, we're done
cmp.w #fnfErr, d0 ; did we get an fnfErr?
beq.s @1 ; then don't clear the FSSpec
move.l ioFSSpecPtr(a0), a1 ; a1 = ptr (FSSpec)
clr.l (a1)+ ; clear the volume & high word of directory
clr.l (a1)+ ; clear the directory & length byte of string