2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: MFSDIR1.a
; Contains: This file contains mostly MFS-specific volume-level routines.
; Copyright: © 1983-1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <2> 9/12/91 JSM Add a header.
; <1.1> 11/10/88 CCH Fixed Header.
; <1.0> 11/9/88 CCH Adding to EASE.
; <1.0> 2/11/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; 1/14/86 LAK Removed CVFlags call in MFSCreate (now checked in TFS code).
; 10/21/85 PWD Changed to save file-locked state in FCB flags [FCBFilLck bit]
; 10/21/85 PWD Changed MFSOpen to save file-locked state in FCB flags
; [FCBFilLck bit]
; 10/20/85 LAK Flush control cache on exit of MFSCreate. Added routine
; MFSCtlFlush to do it.
; 10/17/85 PWD Changed MFSCreate to check for ':' in file name
; 10/1/85 LAK Adjusted for new use of cache . . . removed OwnBuf support.
; 2/27/85 PWD Moved FndFilSpc in from TFSDir1.
; 2/27/85 PWD Split off from TFSDir1 FileOpen code.
; 2/25/85 GJC Created from FSDir1.
; External Routines: None
; Internal Routines: FndFilSpc
; Routine: MFSOpen
; (c) 1983 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block: uses IODrvNum,
; IOFileType,IOFileName,IOPermssn
; D0.W (output) -- 0 if file successfully opened, errcode otherwise
; Note that open does not use equates when transferring data from
; the directory entry to the FCB (to save code).
; Calls: Gt1stFCB,GtNxtFCB,FndFilNam,CmdDone
; Function: Open a file on an MFS volume.
; Modification History:
; 27-Feb-85 PWD Split off from TFSDir1 FileOpen code.
; <21Oct85> PWD Changed to save file-locked state in FCB flags [FCBFilLck bit]
MFSOpen MOVE.L D1,A3 ; get file's FCB ptr
; now get all the info we need for the FCB into regs
MOVE.W CurDB,D7 ; blk num the file was found in <01Oct85>
MOVE.W (A5),D3 ; set up for FCB flags
AND.W #$01FF,D3 ; clear rsrc, dirty bits
BTST #8,D3 ; File locked? <PWD 21Oct85>
BEQ.S @1 ; If cleared, it's not. <PWD 21Oct85>
BSET #FCBFlgPBit,D3 ; Otherwise, duplicate the bit for later use. <PWD 21Oct85>
; [bit 0 is also write-allowed bit] <PWD 21Oct85>
@1 MOVE.L VCBClpSiz(A2),FCBClmpSize(A3) ; use volume's default clump size
LEA FlFlNum(A5),A5 ; get past user-defined words in directory
MOVE.L (A5)+,D2 ; file number
MOVE.W (A5)+,D4 ; file start block (regular fork)
MOVE.L (A5)+,D5 ; file logical length (regular fork)
MOVE.L (A5)+,D6 ; file physical len (regular fork)
; now check whether we are opening resource or regular part of the file
TST.B RegRsrc ; regular part open?
BNE.S @2 ; br for regular part
BSET #FCBFlgRBit,D3 ; mark this FCB a resource FCB
MOVE.W (A5)+,D4 ; file start block (resource fork)
MOVE.L (A5)+,D5 ; file logical length (resource fork)
MOVE.L (A5)+,D6 ; file physical len (resource fork)
@2 BSR PermssnChk ; Check file access permission
BNE.S MFSOpnExit ; Stop if something's uncool
BRA SetUpFCB ; Re-join common code to set up FCB
MFSOpnErr CLR.W IORefNum(A0) ; Invalidate the RefNum on errors
MFSOpnExit BRA CmdDone ; Give up.
; Routine: MFSCreate
; Arguments: A0.L (input) -- pointer to I/O parameter block: uses
; IOFileName
; D0 (output) -- error code
; This call may be executed asynchronously.
; Calls: FndFilNam,CVFlgs,FndFilSpc,CmdDone
; Function: Create a new file on an MFS volume. . .
; Modification History:
; 30-Nov-82 LAK removed file type determination; gets time from lomem var
; 01-Dec-82 LAK changed Scn4Spc call to start from beginning of directory,
; instead of where FndFil left off; included this proc in-line
; 08 Dec 82 LAK changed for new file system data structures.
; 29 Aug 83 LAK changed to specifically disallow file names of 0 length.
; 25 Feb 85 GJC modified slightly to continue MFS support in light of TFS
; 17 Oct 85 PWD Changed to check for ':' in file name.
; file did not already exist. See FndFil to see what regs hold now. Basically:
; A2=ptr to correct VCB, A4=ptr to name, D2=name len
MFSCreate TST.W D2 ; zero-length name?
BEQ.S MFSCrBdNm ; If so, punt <PWD 17Oct85>
MOVE.W D2,D0 ; Pick up name length <PWD 17Oct85>
@1 SUBQ.W #1,D0 ; Count down characters <PWD 17Oct85>
BLT.S MFSCrSt ; If count goes negative, we're all set. <PWD 17Oct85>
CMP.B #':',0(A4,D0) ; Check for a colon in the file name <PWD 17Oct85>
BNE.S @1 ; If it's not one, try the next character <PWD 17Oct85>
MFSCrBdNm MOVEQ #BdNamErr,D0 ; This is bad news
MFSCrExit BRA CmdDone ; that's all folks.
MFSCrSt ;LAK<14Jan86>;BSR CVFlgs ; check the volume flags for writability
;LAK<14Jan86>;BNE.S MFSCrExit ; (requires A2=VCB ptr) - br if an error
BSR.S FndFilSpc ; find space in the directory
BNE.S MFSCrExit ; exit if directory full or disk error
; first make sure the entire entry is zeroed
MOVE.W D5,D0 ; entry length
MOVE.L A5,A1 ; pointer to entry
@1 CLR.W (A1)+ ; entry lengths are always even
SUBQ.W #2,D0
BHI.S @1
BSET #7,FlFlags(A5) ; in-use bit set
MOVE.B IOFileType(A0),FlTyp(A5) ; file type field
MOVE.L VCBNxtFNum(A2),FlFlNum(A5) ; use next file number
ADDQ.L #1,VCBNxtFNum(A2) ; increment next file number field
LEA FlCrDat(A5),A5
MOVE.L Time,(A5) ; created now
MOVE.L (A5)+,(A5)+ ; also mod date
; now move in file name: D2 is name length, A4 points to name, (A5)
; points to destination for name . . .
MOVE.B D2,(A5)+
BEQ.S @3 ; br if 0 (just in case)
@2 MOVE.B (A4)+,(A5)+ ; move byte by byte
SUBQ.B #1,D2
BHI.S @2
; now update VCB and we're done.
@3 BSR MarkVCB ; mark volume info changed
ADDQ.W #1,VCBNmFls(A2) ; incr VCB file count
BSR.S MFSCtlFlush ; flush control cache for MFS <20Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; flawless
BRA.S MFSCrExit ; all done folks.
MFSCtlFlush ; A2=VCB ptr on entry - D0/A1/D1 wiped <20Oct85>
MOVE.W VCBVRefNum(A2),D0 ; pass volume refnum <20Oct85>
MOVE.L SysCtlCPtr,A1 ; catalog blk read: MFS catalog blks <01Oct85>
MOVEQ #0,D1 ; regular flush options
JMP FlushCache ; only flushes if there are too many
; dirty blocks
; Routine: FndFilSpc
; Arguments: A2.L (input) -- VCB pointer
; D2.W (input) -- new directory entry name length
; D5.W (output) -- entry length
; A5.L (output) -- pointer to directory space
; D0.W (output) -- error code (directory full)
; Preserves: A0,A2,D2,A4
; Clobbers: other regs
; Also marks this buffer dirty (anticipation) and invalidates the
; volume index,blk num fields
; This routine may return to one level above caller.
; Calls: Rd1stDB,RdNxtDB
; Called By: Create,Rename(via GetSpace)
; Function: Find space in the directory for a new file entry. This routine
; first checks for a directory block in the volume buffer and
; searches it first. If space enough is not found, the directory
; is scanned from the first block. A pointer to the space is
; returned and the next entry is marked empty (directory space
; is always at the end of a block).
; Modification History:
; 09 Dec 82 LAK New today.
; 16 Jan 82 LAK Modified for latest changes (no directory entry length byte).
; Note that FlNTLen+2 is the minimum size of a directory entry (an entry for
; a file with a 1-byte name).
MOVE.L (SP)+,A3 ; preserve caller's address
MOVEQ #FlNTLen+2,D5 ; entry len, no name + length byte +1
ADD.W D2,D5 ; add name length (excluding length byte)
BCLR #0,D5 ; make it an even value
BSR MFSRd1stDB ; special case first read <01Oct85>
BRA.S scnNxB1
scnNxB BSR MFSRdNxtDB ; get next dir blk <01Oct85>
scnNxB1 BNE.S fndFSExit ; exit on bad reads or dir full
scnSp2 MOVEQ #0,D0 ; init the index
@1 TST.B FlFlags(A5,D0) ; free space?
BEQ.S blkOpnng ; br if so
BSR.S GtNxEntry ; point (A5,D0) to next entry
BCS.S @1
blkOpnng MOVE.W D0,D4 ; now see if new entry will fit this block
ADD.W D5,D4 ; compute new end of entries in the block
CMP.W #BufSiz,D4 ; did it fit?
BCC.S ScnNxB ; if not, go scan the next block
JSR MarkA5Block ; mark this block dirty (will soon be) <01Oct85>
LEA 0(A5,D0.W),A5 ; point right to the entry
CLR.L VCBDirIndex(A2) ; invalidate our index,blk num pair
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; success
fndFSExit JMP (A3) ; return to caller
; routine shared by FndFilSpc, FndFilNam, GetFileInfo, and FClose
; trashes D6, (A5,D0) point to next entry, BCS works if there is more room
GtNxEntry MOVEQ #0,D6
MOVE.B FlNam(A5,D0),D6 ; get name length
ADD.W D6,D0 ; update to point at next entry
ADD.W #FlNTLen+2,D0 ; full entry length including name
BCLR #0,D0 ; make sure have an even value
CMP.W #(BufSiz-FlNTLen-2),D0 ; only scan thru the block
RTS ; BCS branches if not at end