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; File: Dispatch.a
; Written by: Andy Hertzfeld July 15, 1982
; Copyright: © 1982-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM15> 10/25/93 SAM Roll in <MC4> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC4> 10/25/93 SAM Changed equate name mmCacheUnk1 to mmFigEnable.
; <SM14> 10/15/93 rab Roll ProtectGetTrap and ProtectSetTrap from PatchProtector.a
; into G/SetTrapAddress.
; <SM13> 10/12/93 SAM Roll in <MC2> from mc900ftjesus.
; <MC2> 10/12/93 SAM Redid the figment check to look at universal flags to determine
; if we should switch in the figment aware dispatch table. Side
; effect of this check is the update of MMFlags from PRAM.
; <SM12> 5/26/93 BT Switch polarity of figment switch.
; <SM11> 5/20/93 BT Urgh, forgot something
; <SM10> 5/20/93 BT Update build to only include Figment under conditional compile
; flag "hasNewHeapMgr".
; <SM9> 5/19/93 BT Change PRAM address to end of Spectre's Server Name address.
; Using slot 6 didn't work because it was reset after every second
; boot.
; <SM8> 5/18/93 BT Add some code to check PRAM to see if Figment is supposed to be
; loaded and change which trap table is used, accordingly. The
; alternate trap table is right after the original OS trap table
; in DispTable.a
; <SM7> 5/6/93 SAM On machines with a 68k emulator running, the cacheFlush vector
; is pointed at an RTS (cuz there's no need to be flushin!)
; <SM6> 11/30/92 GD Added support for A-Trap tracing and logging in forRomulator
; builds (with the correct nub).
; <SM5> 11/2/92 kc Remove DispatchTable DeCompression.
; <SM4> 7/1/92 RB Added the TrapAddressBits procedure to Get and Set TrapAddress.
; This function takes a full word trap address and it clears/sets
; the relevant OS/Toolbox bits. The Installer needs this in order
; for it to work on SuperMario.
; <SM3> 5/21/92 RB Changing the name of SetTrapAddress and GetTrapAddress to
; SetTrapAddressTrap and GetTrapAddressTrap because someone forgot
; to finish the damn job.
; <SM2> 5/11/92 PN Remove 68000 conditionals for SuperMario ROM
; <8> 2/12/92 JSM Moving to TrapDispatcher directory, keeping all revisions.
; <7> 8/29/91 JSM Cleanup header.
; <6> 6/12/91 LN Changed #include 'HardwareEqu.a' to 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
; <5> 10/10/90 HJR Save and restore d1 register in the Cache flush routine since it
; needs to be preserved routines that call this code directly.
; <4> 6/25/90 BG Corrected a comment. No code changes.
; <3> 1/15/90 BG Added vCacheFlush68040 to provide 040 cache flushing. Modified
; InitDispatcher to install the 040 cache flushing routine into
; jCacheFlush when appropriate.
; <2> 1/11/90 CCH Added include of HardwarePrivateEqu.a.
; <1.5> 7/17/89 GGD Changed aligns to use alignment equate instead of hard coded 16.
; <1.4> 6/15/89 GGD Incorporated code review optimization to cache flushing routine.
; <1.3> 4/1/89 GGD Removed reference to DispOff, and referenced as an offset from
; ROMBase instead, to eliminate link errors on some machines.
; <1.2> 11/17/88 GGD Completely re-written and optimized. Old change history left
; around for historical purposes.
; <•1.1> 9/23/88 CCH Got rid of inc.sum.d and empty nFiles
; <1.0> 2/10/88 BBM Adding file for the first time into EASE…
; <C914> 10/29/87 rwh Port to Modern Victorian (onMvMac)
; <C668> 1/22/87 bbm added a vector to flush the cache in SetTrapAddress. Added anew
; the same to GetTrapAddress and the routine to do it (called
; vCacheFlush). Even though the routine is in this module, you
; should go through the vector so that UNIX (which runs in user
; mode) can still patch this call.
; <C476> 12/2/86 JTC Unroll various cases in order to optimize for speed, not space.
; Some random notes: 1) We were careful to use CMPI.W rather than
; BTST to decode the A-line words, because the immediate
; operations were faster on the 68000; nowadays (on the 020 that
; is), the Bxxx instructions are a single cycle faster in the
; worst case, but in the interest of simplicity we leave well
; enough alone. 2) Although we were careful to use the constant
; numTrapMask to strip the leading bits $A800, we later use BCLRs
; to get rid of the $0600 bits in the OS trap words--just a little
; nit. Change SetTrapAddress to flush the cache, based on David
; Goldsmith’s suggestion that many apps (and formerly MacApp)
; would indiscreetly blast some code into the system heap
; (possibly an absolute jump elsewhere) and _SetTrapAddress. To
; accommodate non-020 systems we leave the cache-clearing code in
; even though we move the entry point down past it in the case of
; 68000s; if a system is to run with the 020, a simple patch will
; be needed to fix the entry points to the cache-buster routines.
; <C456> 11/22/86 bbm moved the code to flush the cache into blockmove, loadseg,
; unloadseg, and read. this might improve performance.
; <C99> 8/5/86 BBM added support for expanded toolbox table on NuMac. (this file
; now includes hwEqu.a)
; <C54> 6/25/86 WRL & BBM Flush cache in trap dispatch for 68020 to fix self
; modifying code.
; 2/19/86 BBM Made some modifications to work under MPW
; 5/5/85 JTC _L... made modifier-bits variants of the original _Set... and
; _Get...
; 3/6/85 JTC Long-word dispatch table entries. Separate OSTable and
; ToolTable. New _LGetTrapAddress and _LSetTrapAddress.
; 1/31/85 LAK Added ATrap68010 for new machine support.
; 1/23/85 LAK Adapted for new equate files.
; 8/8/83 LAK Saved space in SetTrapAddr as per 17-July code review.
; 5/12/83 JTC Tweaked for speedup.
; 2/22/83 LAK Changed OS dispatch to save fewer regs since OS routines now
; observe Pascal regsave conventions; (async bit is bit 10).
; 10/24/82 AJH Added bit 10 auto-pop for toolBox dispatches Added
; GetTrapAddress, SetTrapAddress
; Written by Andy Hertzfeld July 15, 1982
; Re-Written and optimized by Gary G. Davidian November 7, 1988
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1982-1988
; All Rights Reserved
; Ancient Modification History: (for historical purposes only, does not correspond to this code)
; 24-Oct-82 AJH Added bit 10 auto-pop for toolBox dispatches
; Added GetTrapAddress, SetTrapAddress
; 22-Feb-83 LAK Changed OS dispatch to save fewer regs since OS routines
; now observe Pascal regsave conventions;
; (async bit is bit 10).
; 12-May-83 JTC Tweaked for speedup.
; 08-Aug-83 LAK Saved space in SetTrapAddr as per 17-July code review.
; 23 Jan 85 LAK Adapted for new equate files.
; 31 Jan 85 LAK Added ATrap68010 for new machine support.
; 06 Mar 85 JTC Long-word dispatch table entries. Separate OSTable and ToolTable.
; New _LGetTrapAddress and _LSetTrapAddress.
; 05 May 85 JTC _L... made modifier-bits variants of the original _Set... and _Get...
Title 'Dispatch - Line A trap dispatcher'
; EMT1010 -- MacIntosh Operating System Dispatcher
; The following code receives all Line 1010 emulator traps and transfers control
; to the appropriate system code to interpret the trap. Two 32-bit/entry RAM-based
; dispatch tables are used to derive the addresses to dispatch to. Since this table
; is patchable, a system or application program can patch in and intercept any system
; call to fix bugs, etc.
; An A-line trap has the form: 1010 tabc nnnn nnnn
; t=1 ==> Toolbox; t=0 ==> OS. They differ mainly in register saving conventions.
; ToolBox:
; These calls follow Pascal parameter-passing conventions, receiving and returning
; values on the stack, and saving all but D0-D2/A0-A1.
; All registers are preserved up to the time the target routine is reached; the
; stack is as though a JSR had been executed.
; a=1 ==> an extra return address was on the stack when the trap was executed
; (e.g. a dumb compiler required a JSR to the A-line trap). This superfluous
; address will be removed by the dispatcher.
; bcnnnnnnnn = trap number
; OS:
; All parameters are passed in registers. Routine must follow Pascal
; conventions about D3-D7/A2-A7. D0/A0-A1 are passed through to the
; routine unchanged. D1.W is the actual A-line instruction.
; c=1 ==> D1-D2/A1 are preserved by the dispatcher (so values can be returned
; in D0/A0).
; c=0 ==> D1-D2/A0-A1 are preserved by the dispatcher (so D0 can be returned).
; a,b = don't care, but are used by the traps to indicate, say, SYS/APPL,
; nnnnnnnn = trap number
; Dispatch addresses are maintained in two tables of long words, ToolTable with 512 entries,
; and OSTable with 256 entries. (They used to be rolled into one table of 512 word entries.)
; For backward compatibility, the GetTrapAddress and SetTrapAddress routines use the original
; trap numbering scheme, that is traps $00-$4F, $54, and $57 are OS traps, and the rest are
; Tool traps.
; The expanded routines GetTrapAddress and SetTrapAddress routines use
; bits #10 to specify Tool=1/OS=0 and #9 to specify New=1/Old=0 numbering. Bit #10 is ignored
; when bit #9 is 0.
; A few things to remember. Although toolbox routines use pascal register
; saving conventions, the trap dispatcher must preserve all registers when
; dispatching a toolbox trap, since there are some routines which are
; documented as saving all registers (_Debugger, _LoadSeg, _FP68K, …).
; Even though the OS trap dispatcher saves A0-A2/D1-D2 for the user, it
; may not modify A0 or A1 before calling the OS routine, since routines
; like _BlockMove expect paramaters in A0/A1/D0. Additionally, register
; D1 must contain a copy of the A-Trap word, since that is how routines
; read the additional trap bits (eg. _NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR).
; Although the register save order, and format of the stack frame for an
; OS trap is undocumented, Microsoft does a SetTrapAddress on _GetHandleSize
; and and their new routine calls the ROM GetHandleSize, and then restores
; the registers that the trap dispatcher saved, and does a TST.L on D0.
; Because of this, register save order must be maintained for compatibility,
; since we may never get back to restore them.
; For machines with CPUs earlier than the 68020, we include 3 versions of the
; trap dispatcher in ROM, 68000, 68010, and 68020/030. At startup time we determine
; which CPU we are running on, and install the correct dispatcher. We also modify
; the dispatch addresses for GetTrapAddress, SetTrapAddress, and BlockMove to use
; cache flushing versions when the CPU is a 68020 or later.
; On systems with 68020/030 cpus, we only provode the 020/030 versions.
print off
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
include 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
include 'UniversalEqu.a'
print on
print nomdir
machine mc68020 ; assembles 68020 instructions, even for a 68000
; Conditionals used only within this code and unlikely to change.
FasterTool equ 1 ; favor toolbox traps at the expense of OS (68000 only)
Opt68010 equ 0 ; share code with 68000, and don't use separate optimized 68010 code
LotusKludge equ 1 ; add extra code to be compatible with a Lotus kludge
Dispatcher proc export
export EMT1010 ; default line A-Trap dispatcher
export GetTrapAddressTrap ; <SM3> rb
export SetTrapAddressTrap ; <SM3> rb
export CacheFlush
export vCacheFlush
export InitDispatcher
export BadTrap
import SysErr1
import BlockMove68020
If hasNewHeapMgr Then
import PramIO ; <SM8 BT>
Title 'Dispatch - ATrap68020'
; Routine: ATrap68020
; Function: Dispatch A-line emulator traps to Mac system.
; Input: (SP) - status register
; 2(SP) - address of trapped instruction
; 6(SP) - stack frame format word
; Output: none
; Called by: Jump through vector at $28 when trap occurs.
; 68020 / 68030 / 68040 A-line trap dispatcher <4>
; Approx Mem information ROM Reads RAM Reads RAM Writes
; ToolBox, autopop 13 8 7
; ToolBox, normal 12 8 8
; OpSys, A0 not saved 20 10 10
; OpSys, normal 20 11 11
align alignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
ATrap68020 ; 2 1 4 overhead for A-Trap exception
move.l a2,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save a2, stack has a2/x/pc/x
move.l d2,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save d2, stack has d2/a2/x/pc/x
movea.l 4+4+2(sp),a2 ; 1 2 0 get return address
move.w (a2)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 get trap word, inc pc
cmpi.w #$A800,d2 ; 1 0 0 see if os or tool trap
blo.s @OsTrap ; 0 0 0 os-traps are lower
subi.w #($A800+autoPop)\ ; 1 0 0 subtract tool trap start
,d2 ; and see if auto-pop set
bhs.s @AutoPop ; 1 0 0 handle auto pop separatly
move.l (ToolTable\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
+(autoPop*4)\ ; biased by autopop bit
,d2.w*4),4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l a2,4+4+4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
rts ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align alignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@AutoPop ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l (ToolTable,d2.w*4)\ ; 2 1 1 get trap table entry
,4+4(sp) ; setup routine address
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
rtd #4 ; 1 1 0 jump to the routine
align alignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@OsTrap ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.l d1,-(sp) ; 1 0 1 save d1, stack has d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.l a1,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a1, stack has a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
move.w d2,d1 ; 1 0 0 pass trap word to OStraps in D1
move.l a2,5*4(sp) ; 1 0 1 save updated return pc
andi.w #$0100,d2 ; 1 0 0 test the don't save A0 bit
bne.s @A0NotSaved ; 0 0 0 handle it separatly
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 zero extend the trap table index
move.l a0,-(sp) ; 0 0 1 save a0, stack has a0/a1/d1/d2/a2/xx/pc
jsr ([OSTable,d2.w*4]) ; 3 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a0 ; 1 1 0 restore a0
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 0 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 1 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 0 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 1 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 0 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 1 0 0 pop hole from stack
rts ; 1 1 0 return
align alignment ; align on cache line boundary <1.5>
@A0NotSaved ; 1 0 0 overhead needed to branch here
move.b d1,d2 ; 1 0 0 get the trap table index
jsr ([OSTable-($100*4),d2.w*4]) ; 2 1 1 call the routine
movea.l (sp)+,a1 ; 1 1 0 restore a1
move.l (sp)+,d1 ; 0 1 0 restore d1
move.l (sp)+,d2 ; 1 1 0 restore d2
movea.l (sp)+,a2 ; 0 1 0 restore a2
tst.w d0 ; 1 0 0 set conditions based on d0.w
addq.w #4,sp ; 0 0 0 pop hole from stack
Rts020Disp rts ; 2 1 0 return
EMT1010 equ ATrap68020
Title 'Dispatch - Find Table Entry'
; Routine: FindTableEntry
; Function: Return address of trap entry in the dispatch table. (flushes Inst cache on 020).
; Input: D0 - trap number in low bits
; D1 - Get/Set TrapAddress trap word (for NewTool/NewOs bit testing)
; Output: A1 - address of trap table entry for specified trap number
_AssumeEq OldDisp,ToolDisp-1 ; OldDisp is next to, and lower than ToolDisp
lsl.w #16-ToolDisp,d1 ; ccr.c <- ToolDisp, ccr.n <- OldDisp
bpl.s @oldTrap ; if OldDisp = 0, it's an old style trap
bcc.s @osTrap ; if ToolDisp = 0, it's a new style OS trap
; otherwise, it's a new style ToolBox trap
@toolTrap andi.w #numTrapMask,d0 ; clear all but trap bits
lea (ToolTable,d0.w*4),a1 ; index into the Toolbox table
bra CacheFlush ; flush inst cache and return (destroys only reg D1) <SM14>
@oldTrap andi.w #$01FF,d0 ; clear irrelevant bits
moveq.l #-$0057,d1 ; setup to check for ToolBox range
add.w d0,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $0057
bgt.s @toolTrap ; $0058 … $01FF are tool box traps
beq.s @osTrap ; $0057 is an OS trap
addq.w #$0057-$004F,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $004F
ble.s @osTrap ; $0000 … $004F are OS traps
subq.w #$0054-$004F,d1 ; d1 := TrapNum - $0054
bne.s @toolTrap ; $0054 is an OS trap, $50…$53,$55,$56 are tool box
@osTrap andi.w #$00FF,d0 ; only 8 bits for OS trap numbers
lea (OSTable,d0.w*4),a1 ; index into the OS table
bra.s CacheFlush ; flush inst cache and return (destroys only reg D1)
Title 'Dispatch - Get / Set Trap Address'
IMPORT TrapAddressBits ; <SM4> rb
; Routine: GetTrapAddress
; Function: Return trap address from dispatch table.
; Input: D0 - trap number in low 9 bits
; Output: A0 - trap address
kBranchOverJMPLOpcode equ $6006 ; <SM14>
kJMPLOpcode equ $4EF9 ; <SM14>
kComeFromHeader equ (kBranchOverJMPLOpcode << 16) + kJMPLOpcode ; <SM14>
GetTrapAddressTrap ; <SM3> rb
bsr TrapAddressBits ; makes sure trap word is correct <SM14>begin
move ccr,-(sp) ; save condition register
bsr.s OldGetTrapAddress ; call the old GetTrapAddress
move (sp)+,ccr ; get condition codes back
bcs.s @done ; come-from patches bypass our trickery
cmp.l #kComeFromHeader,(a0) ; does this have the come-from header?
bne.s @done ; no we are done
move.l 4(a0),a0 ; go on to the next
bra.s @next
moveq #0,d0 ; must zero the result code again
OldGetTrapAddress ; ; <SM14>end
bsr.s FindTableEntry ; locate the dispatch table entry
movea.l (a1),a0 ; get the routine address from the table
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return with success
rts ; all done
; Routine: SetTrapAddress
; Function: Load new trap vector into dispatch table.
; On 020 machines, flush the cache as well.
; Input: D0 - trap number in low 9 bits
; A0 - trap address
; Output: none
SetTrapAddressTrap ; <SM3> rb
move.l (a0),d2 ; get header of trap, and check for bus errors <5><SM14>begin
bsr TrapAddressBits ; makes sure trap word is correct <SM4> rb
bcs.s OldSetTrapAddress ; come-from patches bypass our trickery
cmp.l #kComeFromHeader,d2 ; headers can only be used on come-from patches <5>
beq.s @illegalHeader ; saw a header, so I must system error <5>
movem.l d0-d1/a0,-(sp) ; save trap address, number, and bits
bsr OldGetTrapAddress ; call the old GetTrapAddress
move.l #0,a1 ; no come-froms found yet
cmp.l #kComeFromHeader,(a0)+ ; does this have the come-from header?
bne.s @done ; no we are done
move.l a0,a1 ; remember this address
move.l (a0),a0 ; go on to the next
bra.s @next
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0 ; restore trap address, number, and bits
cmp.l #0,a1 ; any come-froms found?
beq.s OldSetTrapAddress ; no, go do the real SetTrapAddress
move.l a0,(a1) ; set the trap address
move.l jCacheFlush,-(sp) ; get the cache flush vector <9>
rts ; call it, and then return to the trap dispatcher <9>
move.w #dsBadPatchHeader,d0 ; get error code <5>
_SysError ; report it to the unsuspecting user <5>
bsr.s FindTableEntry ; locate the dispatch table entry
move.l a0,(a1) ; install the new routine address into the table
moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; return with success
move.l jCacheFlush,-(sp) ; get the cache flush vector <9>
rts ; call it, and then return to the trap dispatcher <9><SM14>end
; Macros: CacheFlush, vCacheFlush
; Function: Flush the 68020 Cache. For programs that do self modifying code, etc.
; Arguments: none
; Invoked by: BlockMove, GetTrapAddress, LoadSeg, Read, SetTrapAddress, UnloadSeg
; Note that this routine only trashes one register, namely D1. D1 was chosen to speed up
; blockmove. In blockmove we can trash D1, since D1 is not used in blockmove, and since D1
; is preserved by the trap dispatcher. In the 040 case, NO registers are destroyed. <3>
move.l jCacheFlush,-(sp) ; push the vector
rts ; jump through the vector
move.l d1,-(SP) ; save this f*&%$ng register <5>
movec.l cacr,d1 ; get current cache state of 68020
addq.w #1<<3,d1 ; flush the instruction cache <1.4>
movec.l d1,cacr ; write back to the control register
move.l (SP)+,d1 ; restore register <5>
rts ; all done
vCacheFlush68040 ; 68040 cache flushing for self-modifying programs <3>
; NOTE - since the 040 I-Cache never gets "dirty", it only needs to be invalidated. <3>
; BUT - if someone writes self-modifying code, it will end up in the D-Cache (!), <3>
; the D-Cache must be flushed since the I-Cache does not snoop the D-Cache <3>
; (and verse visea).[MC68040 User's Manual, 1st Ed., pg 7-7] <3>
MACHINE MC68040 ; perform 040 cache flushing <3>
cpusha bc ; invalidate the i-cache, flush d-cache <3>
rts ; return to caller - no registers destroyed <3>
MACHINE MC68020 ; reset to previous MACHINE directive <3>
Title 'Dispatch - InitDispatcher'
; InitDispatcher: Load Tool and OS trap tables, separate blocks of 512 and 256
; 32-bit addresses.
; Encoded table contains 512 Tooltraps, then as many OS traps as used. Format of entries is:
; $80 ==> skip entry
; $FF ==> next 4 bytes are absolute ROM address
; 1xxx xxxx ==> xxxx xxx0 is a positive offset from last trap address
; 0yyy ... y ==> yyyy yyyy yyyy yyy0 is a SIGNED offset from last trap address
; 0000 ... 0 ==> end of table
; Table begins at offset DispTableOff from base of ROM.
; Destroys D0-D3/A0-A4
; Called by StartInit
if LotusKludge then
; The following code is to accommodate Lotus, which, on Mac+ and later machines,
; looks INTO THE ROM INSTRUCTION STREAM to derive the address of the a-trap handler,
; presumably to bypass any debugger that may be installed. This code is NOT executed
; by this ROM, it is only here for compatibility. I assume they search for the final
; "move.l a0,line1010" instruction, and look for the LEA's relative to it, so this code
; must come before the real dispatcher installation code so that we don't confuse them.
; See the MacPlus ROMs locs $4005AE…$4005BB.
lea EMT1010,A0 ; default dispatcher (cpuflag=0)
beq.s @kludge ; br if 680000
lea ATrap68020,a0 ; otherwise use the 68020 dispatcher
@kludge move.l a0,Line1010 ; install the Line-A exception handler
InitDispatcher ; initialize / install the trap dispatcher
If &Type('NewBuildSystem') = 'Undefined' Then
NewBuildSystem Equ 0
If NewBuildSystem Then ; This is a temporary hack <SM5>.start
; initialize the trap dispatch tables
with ROMHeader
lea BadTrap,a4 ; a4 := trap handler for undefined A-Traps
move.l ROMBase,a3 ; a3 := address of ROM base
movea.l a3,a2 ; a2 := address of ROM base
add.l DispTableOff(a3),a2 ; a2 += dispatch table offset
; initialize ToolBox table
lea ToolTable,a1 ; a1 := ToolBox dispatch table ptr
move.w #numTbTrap-1,d0 ; d0 := loop counter for toolbox trap table
ToolLoop move.l (a2)+,d1 ; get the next entry from the ROM dispatch table
beq.s @BadTrap ; if zero then unused trap
@GoodTrap add.l a3,d1 ; add ROM base to offset
bra.s @Install ; install trap handler
@BadTrap move.l a4,d1 ; install bad trap handler
@Install move.l d1,(a1)+ ; install it into the ToolBox dispatch table
@NextEntry dbra d0,ToolLoop ; loop till end of table
; initialize OS table
if hasNewHeapMgr Then ; <MC2> SAM
With ProductInfo
BTST #hasNewMemMgr,UnivROMFlags ; Does this ROM support Figment?
BEQ.S @noFigment ; -> No. Don't bother w/PRAM
MOVEM.L A0-A3/D1/D3,-(SP) ; save regs
MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,a1 ; Get product info pointer
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; Make a copy into A1
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A1),A0 ; Get ptr to hardware bases
MOVE.L ProductInfo.ExtValid(A1),D1 ; Get external features (0-31)
MOVE.L #MMPRAMloc,D3 ; Read MMFlags from PRAM
LEA MMFlags,A3 ; A3 points to MMFlags lomem
BSR.L PramIO ; Get the current MMFlags
MOVEM.L (SP)+,A0-A3/D1/D3 ; restore regs
BTST #mmFigEnable,MMFlags ; Is Figment enabled for this boot?
BEQ.S @noFigment ; -> Nope. Use old MemMgr
ADD.L #numOSTrap*4,A2 ; Yes, skip to second table
@noFigment lea OSTable,a1 ; a1 := OS dispatch table ptr
move.w #numOsTrap-1,d0 ; d0 := loop counter for toolbox trap table
OSLoop move.l (a2)+,d1 ; get the next entry from the ROM dispatch table
beq.s @BadTrap ; if zero then unused trap
@GoodTrap add.l a3,d1 ; add ROM base to offset
bra.s @Install ; install trap handler
@BadTrap move.l a4,d1 ; install bad trap handler
@Install move.l d1,(a1)+ ; install it into the OS dispatch table
@NextEntry dbra d0,OSLoop ; loop till end of table
Else ;Not NewBuildSystem ; This is a temporary hack <SM5>.end
; setup registers
lea BadTrap,a4 ; a4 := trap handler for undefined A-Traps
movea.l ROMBase,a3 ; a3 := absolute address of base of ROM
movea.l a3,a2 ; a2 := trap handler address (start at ROMBase)
lea ToolTable,a1 ; a1 := RAM based dispatch table ptr (ToolBox first)
movea.l a3,a0 ; a0 := ROM based encoded dispatch table ptr
adda.l ROMHeader.DispTableOff(a0),a0 ; add offset stored in ROM by PostLinker <1.3>
moveq.l #$7F,d2 ; d2 := constant $7F for masking
move.w #numTbTrap-1,d0 ; d0 := loop counter for toolbox trap table
; initialize the RAM based dispatch tables
@TablesLoop move.b (a0)+,d1 ; get next byte from encoded ROM table
bmi.s @notSignedWord ; signed word offsets have high bit cleared
lsl.w #8,d1 ; position high byte, make room for low byte
move.b (a0)+,d1 ; insert the low byte
add.w d1,d1 ; double it to form 16 bit even signed offset
beq.s @TablesDone ; an offset of zero terminates the loop
adda.w d1,a2 ; add offset to previous trap handler address
@WriteEntry move.l a2,(a1)+ ; install it into the RAM based dispatch table
@nextEntry dbra d0,@TablesLoop ; loop through the Toolbox table, and then OsTable
; end of ToolBox table, switch to OsTable, and continue until end of ROM table found
lea OSTable,a1 ; a1 := RAM based dispatch table ptr (OSTalbe last)
bra.s @TablesLoop ; loop through OSTable (loop count = $FFFF from DBRA)
and.w d2,d1 ; clear high bits, check for $80
beq.s @unused ; $80 indicated unused trap number
cmp.w d2,d1 ; check for $FF (which is now $7F)
bne.s @DoubleOffset ; if $81…$FE, low 7 bits are positive offset
; $FF indicates that a 4 byte absolute (from ROMBase) offset follows
movea.l (a0)+,a2 ; get the offset
adda.l a3,a2 ; add in ROMBase
bra.s @WriteEntry ; write out the table entry
; $80 indicates that the trap number for this entry is undefined
@unused move.l a4,(a1)+ ; install bad trap handler (dont change prev handler addr)
bra.s @nextEntry ; go on the next table entry
EndIf ; Not NewBuildSystem
; now install the trap dispatcher
lea EMT1010,a0 ; point to the dispatcher
TestFor has68kEmulator ; Are we emulating a 68020? <SM7> SAM
beq.s @noEmu ; -> Nope. <SM7>
lea Rts020Disp,A1 ; Point A1 to an rts (hopefully near some cache resident code) <SM7>
bra.s @StuffFlush ; -> Install it <SM7>
@noEmu cmpi.b #cpu68040,CpuFlag ; check if we need to install 040 Cache Flush routine <3>
bne.s @notAn040 ; NO ... perform 020/030 cache-flush <3>
lea vCacheFlush68040,a1 ; YES ... get addr. of 040 cache flush routine <3>
@StuffFlush move.l a1,jCacheFlush ; ... and install it <3>
@notAn040 ; <3>
move.l a0,Line1010 ; install the Line-A exception handler
IF forRomulator THEN ; register the Line-A handler with the nub <SM6>
movec vbr,a0 ; |
movea.l ResetPC(a0),a0 ; v
cmpi.l #'nver',2(a0) ; does nub have a version number?
bne.s @skipLog ; no, then don't do this…
cmpi.w #$0120,6(a0) ; else check the version number
blo.s @skipLog ; if version too low, then bail…
adda.l $0A(a0),a0 ; get nub logging routine address from vect table
tst.l (a0) ; be paranoid
beq.s @skipLog ; bail if vector is null
jsr (a0) ; call nub supplied routine (finally) ^
@skipLog ; |
ENDIF ; forRomulator <SM6>
rts ; A-Trap dispatcher is now initialized
; BadTrap: receiver for unimplemented core routines.
; Destroys D0
; Called by default routine for unimplemented routines.
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a7,SEVars ; save regs in debugger space
moveq.l #dsCoreErr,d0 ; get DS alert ID for bad traps
jmp SysErr1 ; invoke the DS manager
; <SM4> rb, start from PatchProtector.a
TrapAddressBits proc export
; TrapAddressBits
; In:
; d0.w trap number
; d1.w [GS]etTrapAddress trap word
; Out:
; d1.w (modified) [GS]etTrapAddress trap word
; ccr CC if it is not a come-from, CS if it is a come-from
; bits in trap numbers and Set/GetTrapAddress opcodes
TrapNumber record 0
toolboxBit equ 11
TrapAddressOpcode record 0
newBit equ 9
toolboxBit equ 10
btst #TrapAddressOpcode.newBit,d1 ; is this N[GS]etTrapAddress?
bnz.s @notFullWord ; yes, don’t handle it
btst #TrapAddressOpcode.toolboxBit,d1 ; is this normal [GS]etTrapAddress?
bz.s @notFullWord ; yes, don’t handle it
; adjust the trap bits
bset #TrapAddressOpcode.newBit,d1 ; is this NGetTrapAddress?
btst #TrapNumber.toolboxBit,d0 ; is the trap a Toolbox trap?
bnz.s @toolbox ; yes, leave the bit set
bclr #TrapAddressOpcode.toolboxBit,d1 ; clear bit for OS
cmp.w #$C000,d0 ; is this a come-from trap word?
blo.s @notComeFrom ; no, it is not
cmp.w #$D000,d0 ; is it a come-from trap word?
bhs.s @notComeFrom ; no, it is not
; oooh... carry is set for us, we can return
and #$FE,ccr ; clear the carry bit
; <SM4> rb, end