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; File: BalloonExtensions.a
; Contains: Extensions to the Balloon Help Manager used by both the ROM and System.
; Written by: Randy Carr
; Copyright: © 1989-1990, 1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM4> 11/19/92 RB Set ROMMapInsert to MapTrue just before doing some GetResource
; calls so that we look in ROM first.
; <2> 7/8/92 JSM Move HelpMgrInstall, Pack14Entry, ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu,
; ptchHMGetHelpGlobal, ptchHMGetBalloons, and ptchHMSetHelpGlobal
; here from Balloonptch28.a.
; <1> 7/8/92 JSM first checked in
HelpMgrTesting EQU 0
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' ; linked patch stuff
INCLUDE 'BalloonsPriv.a' ; my private help manager equates
INCLUDE 'IconUtilsPriv.a'
INCLUDE 'GestaltEqu.a'
; Macro to put in debug symbols for MacsBug
IF HelpMgrTesting THEN
DoDebugSymbols &name
DC.B $80 + &LEN(&name), '&name'
DC.W $0000
ROMs Plus,SE,II,Portable,IIci
; Routine: HelpMgrInstall
; Inputs: None
; Outputs: None
; Destroys: d0
; Function: This routine installs the linked patch for the Help Manager.
; Since this routine is NOT marked resident, it will be disposed of after
; it has been called.
HelpMgrInstall InstallProc
IMPORT ptchHMBootInitHelpManager
IMPORT ptchHMGestaltIsThereHelp
SUBQ #2,sp ; Save room for OSErr
JSR ptchHMBootInitHelpManager ; Init help mgr
MOVE.W (sp)+,d0 ; if error occurs then
BEQ.S @NoProblem
PEA HMProblemMessage ; get error message
_DebugStr ; output error message
BRA.S @Done
@NoProblem ; else
MOVE.L #gestaltHelpMgrAttr,d0 ; get 'help'
leaResident ptchHMGestaltIsThereHelp,a0 ; get Gestalt function
_NewGestalt ; install Gestalt function
BEQ.S @Done ; if error occurs then
PEA HMProblemMessage ; get error message
_DebugStr ; output error message
DC.B 'Unable to init Help Manager'
; Routine: NewPack14 - patch for Help Manager package.
; Inputs: nothing
; Outputs: N/A jumps to PACK after loading
; Destroys: iff PACK can not be loaded then D0 & A0 are destroyed
; Function: This routine patches the PACKage dispatching in ROM. The reason this
; is done is that the ROM dispatcher will call _SysErr (can you say bomb)
; if the PACKage can not be loaded. This is punishment far in excess
; of the crime. Since all PACK=14 routines now have a return value and
; D0 specifies the amount of parameters on the stack, it is possible
; to remove the parameters and return gracefully with an OSErr.
; PACK 14 entry - Help Manager
Pack14Entry PatchProc _Pack14
IMPORT ptchHMPascalGetBalloons
Pack14Handle EQU App2Packs+24
Pack14Globals EQU ExpandMemRec.emPack14Globals ; use count global for ProcHelper
CMP #kHMGetBalloons,D0 ; special case this call as we don't want
BEQ.S @WasGetBalloons ; to load package to check state, get it from our globals instead
CMP #kHMInitHelpMenu,D0 ; yet another special case
BEQ.S @BootHelpMgrSystemMenu ; initialize the helpmgr menu
; Set up for ProcHelper normally
MOVE.L Pack14Handle,A0 ; A0 = handle to PACK
MOVE.L ExpandMem, A1 ; A1 = expanded memory area
ADD.W #Pack14Globals,A1 ; A1 = pointer to PACK use count
_ProcHelper ; let ProcHelper take over
JMP ptchHMPascalGetBalloons ; what is the state of What Is? mode?
BSaveReg REG A3/A4
movem.l BSaveReg,-(sp)
subq #4,sp ; room for package
move.l #'PACK',-(sp) ; we want the package resource
move #14,-(sp) ; of ID = 14
MOVE.W #MapTrue,RomMapInsert ; look in ROM first <SM4> rb
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; did we get it?
beq.s done ; no, so exit w/o putting up icon
move.l d0,-(sp) ; toss it initially
_ReleaseResource ; we just wanted to see if it was around
subq #4,sp ; Make room for result
move.w #kHMHelpMenuID,-(sp) ; Push the balloon menu ID
_GetRMenu ; Go get it
move.l (sp)+,d0 ; Get the menu handle
beq.s done
move.l d0,a3 ; Save handle across get icon suite
subq #6,sp ; Make room for result+handle address
pea 2(sp) ; Handle return place
move.w #kHMHelpMenuID,-(sp) ; Push the balloon menu ID
move.l #svAllSmallData,-(sp) ; Push the selector to get all small icons
_GetIconSuite ; Go and get them
move.w (sp)+,d0 ; Did it work?
move.l (sp)+,a4 ; Did it work?
bne.s done ; Guess not
move.l a4,d0
beq.s done
bsr.s StuffSuiteIntoMenu ; a3=menuhandle, a4=suite
move.l a3,-(sp) ; Push the menuhandle
move.w #0,-(sp) ; Insert after everyone
_InsertMenu ; Blast it in
movem.l (sp)+,BSaveReg
; StuffSuiteIntoMenu
; Stuffs the icon suitehandle in a4 into the title of the menuhandle in a3
; Enter: a3 = menuHandle
; a4 = icon suite handle
; Trashes: A0,D0
move.l (a3),a0 ; dereference menu handle
lea menudata(a0),a0 ; point to the menudata
cmp.b #5,(a0) ; is the length of the data OK
beq.s @readytostuff ; if ok, go ahead and stuff icon
bra.s @SysErr127 ; *** someday call the code below
; Bummer, the title area is not the right size to stuff the handle
; subq #4,sp ; Make room for munger result
; move.l a3,-(sp) ; Push menuhandle
; move.l #menudata,-(sp) ; Push offset to menudata
; clr.l -(sp) ; ptr1=nil -> replace offset,length
; move.l (a3),a0 ; dereference menuhandle
; moveq #0,d0 ; clear high bytes
; move.b menudata(a0),d0 ; get the length
; addq #1,d0 ; be sure and replace the length byte too
; move.l d0,-(sp) ; len1=title length + 1
; moveq #6,d0 ; new size of title string
; move.l d0,-(sp) ; ptr2=anything but nil and odd (replace)
; move.l d0,-(sp) ; len2=6 replacement size
; _Munger ; Munge in 6 bytes from address 6 as title
; addq #4,sp ; ignore result
; move.l (a3),a0 ; dereference menu handle
; lea menudata(a0),a0 ; point to the menudata
move.w #$0501,(a0)+ ; Set the magic cookie
move.l a4, (a0) ; Stuff the icon
moveq #127,d0
ENDPROC ; Pack14Entry
; PROCEDURE ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu;
; This code updates the text in the items of the help menu.
; Everytime _MenuSelect is called, this routine is called. Why? Because since there
; are multiple copies of the help menu in different heaps and we don't keep a list of
; those menus around, we just stuff the menu item text each time. It also doesn't help
; to remember what state balloons was in, because we would have to do a comparestring
; for the text of the menu, instead, we just restuff the text each time.
; The reason we don't need to keep a list of menus around is that a copy of the global
; system help menu is made each time someone calls _InsertMenu. We don't have to worry
; then about an application crashing with this menu, cuz the app heap just gets reinited
; and voila, the menu goes away.
; Destroys pascal register conventions
ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu PROC EXPORT
IMPORT ptchHMGetBalloons
MOVE.L D7,-(SP) ; save a work register
SUBQ #4,SP ; make some space
MOVE.W #kHMHelpMenuID,-(SP) ; we want our help menu handle
_GetMHandle ; get the handle
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; pop the menu handle (if any) into D0
BEQ.S @MenuNotThere ; yikes! menu handle wasn't found
MOVE.L D0,-(SP) ; push the menu handle
MOVE.W #kHMShowBalloonsItem,-(SP) ; set item number #kHMShowBalloonsItem
MOVE #kHMBalloonHelpID,D0 ; start w/ this index
JSR ptchHMGetBalloons ; what is the state of What Is? mode?
BEQ.S @OffMenuString ; EQ means the mode was off
ADDQ #1,D0 ; convert Boolean result to 'STR ' res ID
SUBQ #4,SP ; room for string handle
MOVE D0,-(SP) ; push string res ID
_GetString ; get the string resource
MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ; D7 = string handle
BEQ.S @noStringFound ; EQ means it was NIL so stuff a default string (*** for now)
MOVE.L D7,A0 ; A0 = string handle
_HLock ; always lock the string (it always gets purged!)
MOVE.L (A0),A0 ; deref to get pointer
BRA.S @gotTheMenuString ; go set the item with the string found
LEA whatIsDefaultString,A0 ; use this default string instead
_SetItem ; set the What Is? menu item with the Show/Hide string
MOVE.L D7,D0 ; test the contents of D7 (possibly a string handle)
BEQ.S @MenuNotThere ; EQ means NIL
MOVE.L D7,A0 ; put string handle in A0
_HUnlock ; and unlock it
MOVE.L (SP)+,D7 ; restore the register
RTS ; return to caller
whatIsDefaultString DC.B 'Show/Hide Balloons' ; this is the default text for the current menu item
IF HelpMgrTesting THEN
DoDebugSymbols ptchHMUpdateHelpMenu ; label for MacsBug
; FUNCTION ptchHMGetHelpGlobal: HMGlobalPtr; ; we need this for pascal
; Returns our global ptr for the help manager globals
ptchHMGetHelpGlobal PROC EXPORT
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; point to the expand mem ptr
MOVE.L ExpandMemRec.emHelpGlobals(A0),4(SP) ; return the global ptr on the stack
RTS ; return to caller
IF HelpMgrTesting THEN
DoDebugSymbols ptchHMGetHelpGlobal ; label for MacsBug
; ptchHMGetBalloons
; Returns with CCRs set (& flag in D0.B) if WhatIs mode is on (this routine is a speed/code saver 4 the ptch only)
; Preserves all registers except A0
ptchHMGetBalloons PROC EXPORT
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; point to the expand mem ptr
MOVE.L ExpandMemRec.emHelpGlobals(A0),A0 ; get the global ptr in A0
TST.B hmgWhatIs(A0)
RTS ; return to caller
IF HelpMgrTesting THEN
DoDebugSymbols ptchHMGetBalloons ; label for MacsBug
; PROCEDURE ptchHMSetHelpGlobal(gp: HMGlobalPtr);
; Sets the help manager global ptr to the specified ptr
ptchHMSetHelpGlobal PROC EXPORT
MOVE.L (SP)+,D0 ; get return address
MOVE.L ExpandMem,A0 ; point to the expand mem ptr
MOVE.L (SP)+,ExpandMemRec.emHelpGlobals(A0) ; stuff the global ptr
MOVE.L D0,A0 ; put the return address in A0
JMP (A0) ; ok, jump to it!
IF HelpMgrTesting THEN
DoDebugSymbols ptchHMSetHelpGlobal ; label for MacsBug