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File: Layers.h
Contains: Private interface to the layer manager.
Written by: Ed Tecot
Copyright: © 1989-1992 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<18> 7/28/92 DCL Moved applicationFloatKind & systemFloatKind constants out of
the public eye and into the private Layers header file. At the
request of TechPubs, and with moral support from Dean, Greg and
<17> 8/27/91 JSM Cleanup header.
<16> 1/3/91 VL (RLC) Add a new public call RedrawAll.
<15> 9/7/90 DFH Changed SetLayerLock to GetDeskPort
<14> 7/23/90 EMT Changed IsLayerLocked to WindowType.
<13> 5/30/90 DC Added interface for GlobalPortRect
<12> 4/18/90 DC Add a symbolic constant for the dialog centering divisor
<11> 4/2/90 EMT Added interface for PaintOnePal.
<10> 3/16/90 DC Added interface for CheckWindow
<9> 3/14/90 DC Added Error codes for SetWIndowState
<8> 3/8/90 DC Changed names of some window positioning constants
<7> 2/27/90 EMT No more AppLayer.
<5> 2/23/90 HJR Correct Build problem in that type Size is undefined.
<1> 2/21/90 HJR Moved from Interfaces:CIncludes to Internal.
<7> 2/20/90 DC Added PositionWindow, AutoPositionWindow, GetWindowState, SetWindowState
<6> 2/15/90 EMT Changed AuxCtlHndl to AuxCtlHandle to match I.M.
<5> 2/15/90 JAL Changed AuxWinHndl to AuxWinHandle to match I.M.
<4> 2/14/90 EMT Moved reserved2 bits here. Made constants for -1 and 0.
<2> 12/21/89 EMT Changed interfaces to CheckUpdateIn and FrontWindowIn to use
LayerPtr rather than LayerPeek.
<1.2> 12/11/89 EMT Added CheckUpdateIn, FrontWindowIn and ActiveWindow.
<1.1> 12/11/89 EMT Moved layer stuff in Windows.h to here.
<1.0> 5/15/89 CCH Adding from System project.
#ifndef __LAYERS__
#define __LAYERS__
#ifndef __WINDOWS__
#include <Windows.h>
#ifndef __MEMORY__
#include <Memory.h>
enum {
applicationFloatKind = 6, /* floating window created by applications */
systemFloatKind = 7 /* floating window belongs to text services */
#define lmDialogConstant 5
typedef enum {
} LocationControlValues;
typedef enum {
} HorizontalControlValues;
typedef enum {
} VerticalControlValues;
typedef enum {
} CheckControlValues;
struct LayerRecord {
GrafPort port;
short windowKind;
Boolean visible;
Boolean reserved1;
Boolean neverActive;
Boolean reserved2;
RgnHandle strucRgn;
RgnHandle contRgn;
RgnHandle updateRgn;
long reserved3;
struct LayerRecord *parent;
AuxWinHandle auxWinHead;
short reserved4;
AuxCtlHandle auxCtlHead;
WindowPeek nextWindow;
WindowPeek subWindows;
long refCon;
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef struct LayerRecord LayerRecord;
typedef LayerRecord *LayerPeek;
typedef GrafPtr LayerPtr;
#define fLayerLocked 0x80 /* Bit in reserved2 which determines if this layer is locked. */
#define fLayerBelow 0x40 /* Bit in reserved2 is set if there are any layers in this layer. */
#define fLayerPUpdate 0x04 /* Bit in reserved2 if this layer needs a palette update. */
#define fLayerPaint 0x02 /* Bit in reserved2 if this layer needs to be painted. */
#define fLayerCalcVis 0x01 /* Bit in reserved2 if this layer needs to have visRgns calculated. */
#define skipChildren 700 /* For WindowAction, but could be used generically. */
#define haltIterator 701 /* For WindowAction, but could be used generically. */
#define badWindowType 702 /* For SetWindowState - zoom a non-zommable window. */
#define badVersNo 703 /* For SetWindowState - wrong version of structure. */
#define badWindPos 704 /* For SetWindowState - window too obscured. */
typedef pascal OSErr WindowAction(WindowPeek window, LayerPeek parent, void *privateData);
#define firstWindow ((WindowPeek) -1) /* Used in NewWindow, GetNewWindow, EachWindow. */
#define afterLastWindow ((WindowPeek) 0) /* Used in NewWindow, GetNewWindow, EachWindow. */
#define afterLastLayer ((WindowPeek) -1) /* Used as stop parameter in EachWindow. */
/* Window "types" */
#define isWindow 1
#define isLayer 0
#define isLockedLayer -1
/* Private routines */
pascal OSErr InitLayers(void)
= {0x7000,0xA829};
pascal LayerPtr GetRootLayer(void)
= {0x70FF,0xA829};
pascal WindowPtr ActiveWindow(void)
= {0x70FE,0xA829};
pascal WindowPtr FrontWindowIn(LayerPtr inLayer)
= {0x70FD,0xA829};
pascal Boolean CheckUpdateIn(EventRecord *event, LayerPtr inLayer)
= {0x70FC,0xA829};
pascal OSErr GetDeskPort(GrafPtr *)
= {0x70FB,0xA829};
pascal short WindowType(WindowPtr window)
= {0x70FA,0xA829};
pascal LayerPeek GetParent(WindowPtr window)
= {0x70F9,0xA829};
pascal OSErr EachWindow(WindowPeek start, WindowPeek stop, LayerPeek parent, WindowAction *action, void *privateData)
= {0x70F8,0xA829};
pascal void PaintOnePal(WindowPeek window, RgnHandle clobberedRgn)
= {0x70F7,0xA829};
pascal void GlobalPortRect(WindowPtr window, Rect *portRect)
= {0x70F6,0xA829};
/* "Public" routines */
pascal OSErr NewLayer(LayerPtr *layer, Boolean visible, Boolean neverActive, WindowPtr behind, long refCon)
= {0x7001,0xA829};
pascal Boolean IsLayer(WindowPtr window)
= {0x7002,0xA829};
pascal LayerPtr GetCurLayer(void)
= {0x7003,0xA829};
pascal void SetCurLayer(LayerPtr layer)
= {0x7004,0xA829};
pascal LayerPtr SwapCurLayer(LayerPtr layer)
= {0x7005,0xA829};
pascal WindowPeek GetSubWindows(LayerPtr layer)
= {0x7006,0xA829};
pascal short FindLayer(Point thePoint, WindowPtr *theWindow)
= {0x7007,0xA829};
pascal void PositionWindow(WindowPtr whichWindow,const Rect *referenceRect,
Boolean findScreen,
HorizontalControlValues horizontalControl,
VerticalControlValues verticalControl)
= {0x7008,0xA829};
pascal void AutoPositionWindow(WindowPtr whichWindow, LocationControlValues where,
HorizontalControlValues horizontalControl,
VerticalControlValues verticalControl)
= {0x7009,0xA829};
pascal OSErr GetWindowState(WindowPtr whichWindow, Handle windState, Size *infoSize)
= {0x700A,0xA829};
pascal OSErr SetWindowState(WindowPtr whichWindow, Handle windState)
= {0x700B,0xA829};
pascal Boolean CheckWindow(WindowPtr whichWindow,
CheckControlValues checkControl,
Boolean entirelyOnScreen)
= {0x700C,0xA829};
pascal void RedrawAll(void)
= {0x700D,0xA829};
#endif __LAYERS__