2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: ClockPRAMPrimitives.a
; Contains: low-level routines for accessing the realtime clock and parameter RAM
; Written by: Steve Christensen
; Copyright: © 1991-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
; This file is used in these builds: ROM
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM14> 12/13/93 PN Roll in KAOs and Horror changes to support Malcom and AJ
; machines.
; <SM13> 6/23/93 RC Go back to the Ludwig roll-in since PDM reallly needs this code
; from Cyclone - stay tuned for further fixes/changes from Kurt
; <SM12> 6/21/93 kc Roll out SM10 so that Quadras would wake up with the right time.
; <SM11> 6/14/93 kc Roll in Ludwig.
; <LW3> 1/14/93 GS (RBM) Fix the occassional hang at boot. When outputing from
; the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising
; edge of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before
; acknowledging the shift register interrupt.
; <SM10> 5/20/93 RM EgretReadTime should not call _EgretDispatch. The lowmem global
; 'Time' is self correcting for Egret/Caboose/Cuda. The one second
; interrupt handler for Egret / Caboose / Cuda maintains the
; lowmem global 'Time' in a self correcting manner. This routine
; need only return the lowmem 'Time'. A call to _EgretDispatch
; will cause the AutoPoll timer within Egret / Caboose / Cuda to
; reset, resulting in deferring ADB auto polling. If an
; application calls ReadTime in a tight loop, ADB polling could be
; deferred indefinitely (making the mouse/keyboard appear to hang
; or respond intermittently). Since 'Time' is self correcting,
; the routine just returns 'Time' as the result placed into
; 'GetParam'.
; <SM9> 12/11/92 fau Backed out <SM8> cause it broke Cyclone.
; <SM8> 12/10/92 GS This patch bypasses the physical read of Egret Chip when reading
; the time. The time is automatically updated in the background,
; therefore the low mem global always reflects the accurate time.
; This patch pertains to all Egret Chip based firmware in
; Egret8/9, Caboose, and Cuda.
; <SM7> 11/30/92 SWC Rolled in the rest of the Horror changes, except for HcMac code.
; Added the build conditionals back in.
; <H6> 9/3/92 SWC Fixed a couple of bugs in the RTC-based routines (you mean no
; one had any problems until now?). Thanks, Helder.
; <SM6> 10/21/92 fau Cleaned up a MMCExists that was there from Pandora's timeframe:
; comment P5. Cuda works now, so we don't need to bypass stuff.
; <SM5> 6/26/92 GS (RBM) Rewrite of 'CudaRdXByte' & 'CudaWrXByte' to avoid looking
; for collisions. This is possible because a 'SyncAck' cycle
; occurs immediately after 'InitVias' and disables all
; asynchronous message sources within Cuda. These routines are
; being used after the Cuda manager is installed which will cause
; a loss of data from Cuda so I also made the routine dispatch to
; a trap based function using the Cuda manager once the Cuda
; manager is installed. This is not a particularly clean
; implementation and needs to be looked at further!!!
; <SM4> 5/28/92 kc Add ClkNoMem.
; <SM3> 5/25/92 RB Removed a forCyclone conditional. This WAS the last one left. A
; check for MMC is used instead to skip over RTCClkNoMem.
; <SM2> 5/21/92 RB Making changes for Cyclone. Original comments below: <P6>
; 2/10/92 GS Changed the PRAM IOPrimitives to use the full word of
; a register to set up the address to R/W. <P5> 1/30/92 RMP
; Temporarly disabled RTCClock read/write PRAM since Cuda isn't
; working (I know it doesn't make sense but it's 2:13 in the
; morning). <P4> 1/16/92 GS Updated the PRAMIO routine to use a
; full word as the address to Read/Write <P4> 1/16/92 GS Update
; VIA control bit var names. <P3> 1/16/92 GS Update to include the
; new file CudaMgr Clock and PRAM routines. <P2> 01/14/92 jmp
; (SWC,H5) Fixed PMgrWrXByte (registers were getting trashed).
; <1> 5/17/92 kc first checked in
; <SM0> 5/2/92 kc Roll in Horror. Comments follow:
; <H5> 1/13/92 SWC Fixed PMgrWrXByte (registers were getting trashed).
; <H4> 11/25/91 CCH Used standardized equates for VIA pins.
; <H3> 11/7/91 SWC Re-wrote the Egret code. It was working on an emulator but
; stopped working when the Mac was running stand-alone. Converted
; existing implementations to use a "standard" PramIO routine that
; calls implementation specific read/write PRAM byte routines so
; there's one less routine to write for new PRAM models that can
; use it.
; <H2> 11/6/91 SWC Re-wrote PMGRXPRamIO to fix problems too numerous to mention.
; <H1> 10/15/91 SWC Adding this file into the build.
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
IF hasPwrControls THEN
INCLUDE 'PowerPrivEqu.a'
IF hasEgret THEN
INCLUDE 'EgretEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'IOPrimitiveEqu.a'
; Clock/PRAM primitives vector table
; Tables pointed to by the universal ProductInfo record (ClockPRAMPtr) for low-level
; clock and PRAM routines dependent on the hardware. There should be a table for each
; supported ProductInfo. Note that if a machine has a combination of the "standard"
; PRAM and clock models, it should have a machine-specific table added below
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W (RTCTableEnd-RTCClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L RTCInitHW-RTCClockPRAM ; initialize the hardware (RAM-less)
DC.L RTCWrProtOff-RTCClockPRAM ; write-enable PRAM (RAM-less)
DC.L RTCWrProtOn-RTCClockPRAM ; write-protect PRAM (RAM-less)
DC.L RTCRdXByte-RTCClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L RTCWrXByte-RTCClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L StandardXPramIO-RTCClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps) <H3>
DC.L RTCXParam-RTCClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based)
DC.L RTCReadTime-RTCClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM)
DC.L RTCWriteTime-RTCClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM)
IF hasPwrControls THEN
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W (PMGRTableEnd-PMGRClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L PMGRRdXByte-PMGRClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L PMGRWrXByte-PMGRClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L StandardXPramIO-PMGRClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps) <H3>
DC.L PMGRXParam-PMGRClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based)
DC.L PMGRReadTime-PMGRClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM)
DC.L PMGRWriteTime-PMGRClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM)
IF hasEgret THEN
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W (EgretTableEnd-EgretClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L EgretRdXByte-EgretClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L EgretWrXByte-EgretClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L StandardXPramIO-EgretClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps) <H3>
DC.L EgretXParam-EgretClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based)
DC.L EgretReadTime-EgretClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM)
DC.L EgretWriteTime-EgretClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM)
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W (CudaTableEnd-CudaClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L CudaRdXByte-CudaClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L CudaWrXByte-CudaClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L StandardXPramIO-CudaClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps) <H5>
DC.L EgretXParam-CudaClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based)
DC.L EgretReadTime-CudaClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM)
DC.L EgretWriteTime-CudaClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM)
IF hasProtectedPRAM THEN
DC.W 0 ; flags
DC.W (NoPRAMTableEnd-NoPRAMClockPRAM)/4 ; number of entries
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L 0 ; not used
DC.L NoPRAMRdXByte-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L NoPRAMWrXByte-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; write PRAM byte (RAM-less)
DC.L NoPRAMXPramIO-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (no traps)
DC.L NoPRAMXParam-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read/write PRAM byte[s] (trap-based)
DC.L NoPRAMReadTime-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; read the clock (uses RAM)
DC.L NoPRAMWriteTime-NoPRAMClockPRAM ; write to the clock (uses RAM)
IF hasVIAClock | hasPwrControls | hasEgret | hasPowerMgr THEN ; <H3>
; Routine: StandardXPramIO
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to table of base addresses
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A3 - pointer to PRAM I/O buffer
; D1 - flags indicating which external features are valid
; D3 - [r/w (bit 31)][number of PRAM bytes to read/write][starting PRAM address]
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,A3,D0,D1,D2,D3
; Function: Reads/writes byte[s] from paramter RAM before traps are set up. This calls
; the implementation-specific RdXByte and WrXByte routines to read or write
; each PRAM byte.
MOVEM.L D7/A4-A6,-(SP)
MOVEA.L DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(A0),A2 ; get VIA 1's base address
BCLR #31,D3 ; read or write?
BEQ.S @StartRead ; -> read
;BigBSR6 ClkWPOff,A5 ; write-enable PRAM
BRA.S @StartWrite
MOVE SR,-(SP) ; save the status register
ORI #$0700,SR ; and disable all interrupts
BigBSR6 ClkWPOff,A5 ; write-enable PRAM
SWAP D3 ; get the PRAM address
MOVE.W D3,D1 ; move entire address into D1
MOVE.B (A3)+,D2 ; and a data byte from the caller's buffer
MOVE.L A3,D7 ; (save the buffer pointer)
BigBSR6 WrXByte,A5 ; write a byte to PRAM
MOVEA.L D7,A3 ; (restore the buffer pointer)
ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; next byte
MOVE (SP)+,SR ; restore the status register
bsr.l StdXPRAM2Patch ; call the patch
SWAP D3 ; get the count
DBRA D3,@WriteLoop ; -> keep looping until done
MOVEA.L A1,A6 ; point to this machine's product info
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A6),A6 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table
MOVE.L 4*cpWrProtOn(A6),D0 ; get the offset to the write-protect routine
BEQ.S @Done ; -> it's not supported for this implementation
;ADDA.L D0,A6 ; calculate the routine's address
;LEA @Done,A5 ; (simulate a BSR5)
;JMP (A6) ; and call it to turn on PRAM write-protect
bra.s @Done ; we're done
@ReadLoop SWAP D3 ; get the PRAM address
MOVE.W D3,D1 ; move entire address into D1
MOVE.L A3,D7 ; (save the buffer pointer)
BigBSR6 RdXByte,A5 ; read a byte from PRAM
MOVEA.L D7,A3 ; (restore the buffer pointer)
MOVE.B D1,(A3)+ ; and save it in the caller's buffer
ADDQ.W #1,D3 ; next byte
@StartRead SWAP D3 ; get the count
DBRA D3,@ReadLoop ; -> keep looping until done
@Done MOVEM.L (SP)+,D7/A4-A6
;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• RTC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
; Routine: RTCReadTime
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock
; Trashes: A0,A2,A3,D1,D2,D4,D5, 8 bytes at "GetParam"
; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock
RTCReadTime MOVEM.L A5/A6,-(SP)
MOVEA.L VIA,A2 ; get the VIA 1 base address for RTCClkNoMem
MOVEQ #2-1,D4 ; try reading twice in case the time rolls over
@RetryLoop MOVEQ #$9D-256,D5 ; command to read the high byte of the time
LEA GetParam,A0 ; use clock utility storage
MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; and save a copy for later
@ReadLoop MOVE.B D5,D1 ; get the command into D1
BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; read a byte of the time
MOVE.B D1,(A0)+ ; and save it
SUBQ.B #4,D5 ; next byte
BMI.S @ReadLoop ; -> keep looping until all 8 bytes are read
MOVE.L (A3)+,D0 ; do the two reads of the time match?
SUB.L (A3)+,D0
DBEQ D4,@RetryLoop ; -> keep looping if not, or for two tries
BEQ.S @Done ; -> no error
MOVEQ #ClkRdErr,D0 ; note the problem
@Done MOVEM.L (SP)+,A5/A6
; Routine: RTCWriteTime
; Inputs: "Time" contains the 32-bit value to write to the clock
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5
; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock
MOVEM.L D6/A2/A5/A6,-(SP)
MOVEA.L VIA,A2 ; get the VIA 1 base address for RTCClkNoMem
BSR5 RTCWrProtOff ; write-enable the clock chip
MOVEQ #2-1,D5 ; give it two tries
MOVE.L Time,D3 ; get the time to write
@RetryLoop MOVEQ #$01,D6 ; command to write the low byte of the time
MOVEQ #4-1,D4
@WriteLoop MOVE.L D3,D1 ; put the byte to write into the upper word
MOVE.B D6,D1 ; and the command in the lower word
BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; write a byte of the time
ADDQ.B #4,D6 ; address the next register
ROR.L #8,D3 ; get the next byte
DBRA D4,@WriteLoop
BIGJSR ReadTime,A0 ; read the time to verify it was written correctly
BNE.S @Done
CMP.L Time,D3 ; do they match?
DBEQ D5,@RetryLoop ; -> keep looping if not, or for two tries
BEQ.S @Done ; -> they match so we're done
MOVEQ #ClkWrErr,D0 ; note the error
@Done MOVE.L D0,D3 ; save the result code
BSR5 RTCWrProtOn ; turn write-protect back on <H6>
MOVE.L D3,D0 ; restore the result code
MOVEM.L (SP)+,D6/A2/A5/A6
; Routine: RTCXParam
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer
; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address]
; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,A3,D1,D2,D3
; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from RTC-based paramter RAM
RTCXParam MOVEA.L A0,A3 ; get the pointer to the caller's buffer
MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,A1 ; point to the ProductInfo table <H3>
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; and to the decoder table <H3>
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; get the starting PRAM address and count
BTST #12,D1 ; is it a read or write?
BNE.S @ItsRead
BSET #31,D3 ; mark it as a write
@ItsRead BSR.S StandardXPramIO ; go transfer the PRAM bytes <H3>
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; always return "no error"
; Routine: RTCRdXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6
; Function: reads a byte from RTC-based PRAM without using RAM
RTCRdXByte ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; [oooo oooo 7654 3210]
ASL.W #3,D1 ; [oooo o765 4321 0ooo]
ROR.B #1,D1 ; [oooo o765 o432 10oo]
ROR.W #8,D1 ; [o432 10oo oooo o765]
ORI.B #$B8,D1 ; [o432 10oo ioii i765]
BSR5 RTCClkNoMem ; read the PRAM byte
ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; zero-extend the byte
JMP (A3)
; Routine: RTCWrXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A5,A6
; Function: writes a byte to RTC-based PRAM without using RAM
RTCWrXByte SWAP D1 ; copy the byte to write
MOVE.B D2,D1 ; to the upper word of D1
ANDI.W #$00FF,D1 ; [oooo oooo 7654 3210]
ASL.W #3,D1 ; [oooo o765 4321 0ooo]
ROR.B #1,D1 ; [oooo o765 o432 10oo]
ROR.W #8,D1 ; [o432 10oo oooo o765]
ORI.B #$38,D1 ; [o432 10oo ooii i765]
MOVEA.L A3,A5 ; (fake out the return address)
BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write the PRAM byte
; Routine: RTCInitHW
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A0,A2,A5,A6
; Function: initializes the RTC by taking it out of test mode
RTCInitHW MOVEA.L A6,A0 ; save the return address
MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; point to the decoder info
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A2),A2
MOVEA.L DecoderInfo.VIA1Addr(A2),A2 ; get VIA 1's base address <H6>
BSR5 RTCWrProtOff ; write-enable the clock chip
MOVEQ #(0<<16)+($31<<0),D1 ; write zero to test bit in clock chip
MOVEA.L A0,A5 ; restore the return address
; Routine: RTCWrProtOn [RTC utility routine]
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A5 - return address (BSR5)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6
; Function: write-protects RTC-based PRAM when we're done modifying it
RTCWrProtOn MOVE.L #($D5<<16)+($35<<0),D1 ; use 'set write protect' command
BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write it to the clock chip
; Routine: RTCWrProtOff [RTC utility routine]
; Inputs: A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A5 - return address (BSR5)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6
; Function: write-enables RTC-based PRAM so we can write bytes to it
MOVE.L #($55<<16)+($35<<0),D1 ; use 'reset write protect' command
* BRA.S RTCClkNoMem ; write it to the clock chip
; Routine: RTCClkNoMem [RTC utility routine]
; Inputs: D1 - [x] [byte to write] [<extended command>] [command (bit 7: 1=read, 0=write)]
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A5 - return address (BSR5)
; Outputs: D1 - data byte read
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A6
; Function: reads or writes one 8-bit clock register
RTCClkNoMem MOVE SR,D2 ; save the SR
ORI #HiIntMask,SR ; and disable interrupts
MOVE.B D1,D2 ; save a copy of the command
BCLR #vRTCEnb,vBufB(A2) ; enable the clock
MOVEQ #$78,D0 ; mask off the code bits
CMPI.B #$38,D0 ; is this an extended command?
BNE.S @NotExtended ; -> nope
BSR6 SendToClk ; send the first command byte
LSR.W #8,D1 ; move the second command byte into position
TST.B D2 ; is this a read or write command?
BMI.S @ItsRead ; -> read
BSR6 SendToClk ; send the command byte
SWAP D1 ; get the data byte
BSR6 SendToClk ; and send it
BRA.S @Done
@ItsRead BSR6 SendToClk ; send the command byte
BSR6 ReadFrClk ; and read the data byte
@Done BSET #vRTCEnb,vBufB(A2) ; disable the clock
MOVE D2,SR ; re-enable interrupts
; Routine: SendToClk [RTC utility routine]
; Inputs: D1 - command/data byte to write to RTC
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1
; Function: writes a command or data byte to the RTC (assumes interrupts masked to $2700)
SendToClk MOVEQ #8-1,D0 ; shifting out 8 bits
@ShiftLoop SWAP D0 ; save the count
MOVE.B vBufB(A2),D0 ; get the VIA register's contents
ROR.B #1,D0 ; shift the bits to position the RTC data bit (bit 0)
ADDX.B D1,D1 ; shift the next data bit into the extend bit
ADDX.B D0,D0 ; shift the data bit from the extend bit to the RTC data bit
MOVE.B D0,VBufB(A2) ; stuff it back into the VIA register
BCLR #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) ; and clock the bit out
BSET #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2)
SWAP D0 ; get the bit counter back
DBRA D0,@ShiftLoop ; -> keep looping until all bits are shifted out
; Routine: ReadFrClk [RTC utility routine]
; Inputs: A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: D1 - data byte read from RTC
; Trashes: D0
; Function: reads a data byte from the RTC (assumes interrupts masked to $2700)
ReadFrClk BCLR #vRTCData,vDirB(A2) ; set the RTC data bit's direction to input
MOVEQ #1,D1 ; initialize the result with a flag bit
@ShiftLoop BCLR #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2) ; clock the next bit in
BSET #vRTCClk,vBufB(A2)
MOVE.B vBufB(A2),D0 ; read the register
LSR.B #vRTCData+1,D0 ; shift the RTC data bit into the carry/X
ADDX.B D1,D1 ; shift in the new bit towards the msb
BCC.S @ShiftLoop ; -> keep looping until the flag bit shifts out
BSET #vRTCData,vDirB(A2) ; restore the RTC data bit's direction to output
ENDIF ; {hasVIAClock}
IF hasPwrControls THEN
;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Power Manager ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
WITH PMCommandRec
IMPORT USTPmgrSendCommand, USTPMgrSendByte, USTPMGRRecvByte
; Routine: PMGRReadTime
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock
; Trashes: A0
; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock
PEA GetParam ; pmRBuffer
MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; pmSBuffer (not used)
CLR.W -(SP) ; pmLength = 0
MOVE.W #TimeRead,-(SP) ; pmCommand = read time
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_PmgrOp ; read the time
LEA pmRBuffer+4(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: PMGRWriteTime
; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0
; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock
PEA Time ; pmRBuffer (not used)
MOVE.L (SP),-(SP) ; pmSBuffer
MOVE.W #4,-(SP) ; pmLength = 4 bytes of time
MOVE.W #TimeWrite,-(SP) ; pmCommand = write time
MOVE.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_PmgrOp ; read the time
LEA pmRBuffer+4(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: PMGRXParam
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer
; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address]
; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D1,D2,D3
; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from PMGR-based parameter RAM
PMGRXParam MOVEA.L SP,A2 ; point to the current top of stack
MOVE.L D0,D2 ;
SWAP D2 ; D2.L=[starting PRAM address][count]
ADDQ.W #2+1,D2 ; make space on the stack for a buffer and 2 parameter bytes
BCLR #0,D2 ; and round up to the next word
MOVE.L A0,-(SP) ; pmRBuffer
MOVE.L A1,-(SP) ; pmSBuffer
MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; put the PRAM address
MOVE.B D0,(A1)+ ; and count at the start of the send buffer
MOVEQ #xPramRead,D3 ; assume it's a read
MOVEQ #2,D2 ;
BTST #12,D1 ; is this a write command?
BNE.S @NoWrBuffer ; -> no
MOVEQ #xPramWrite,D3
ADD.W D0,D2 ; adjust the count to include the bytes to be written
BRA.S @StartCopy
@CopyLoop MOVE.B (A0)+,(A1)+ ; copy the write buffer into the stack buffer
@StartCopy DBRA D0,@CopyLoop
@NoWrBuffer MOVE.W D2,-(SP) ; pmLength
MOVE.W D3,-(SP) ; pmCommand
_PMgrOp ; have the PMGR read/write PRAM
MOVEA.L A2,SP ; restore the stack pointer
; Routine: PMGRWrXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D1,D2
; Function: writes a byte to PMGR-based PRAM without using RAM
PMGRWrXByte MOVEA.L A3,A4 ; save the return address
EXG D3,D1 ; save D3 in D1, put PRAM address in the upper word of D3
EXG D4,D2 ; save D4 in D2, put data byte in the upper word of D4
MOVE.L D6,D0 ; save D6
MOVE.W #(xPramWrite<<0)|\ ; pmCommand
(-1<<8),D3 ; pmLength = -1 (just send command byte)
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to the decoder table
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0
BigBSR6 USTPmgrSendCommand,A5 ; send the command to the PMGR
BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error
MOVE.B #3,D3 ; send pmLength = 3 (address, count, data)
BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6
BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error
SWAP D3 ; send the PRAM address
BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6
BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error
MOVEQ #1,D3 ; send the PRAM byte count
BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6
BNE.S @PMgrDone ; -> error
MOVE.L D4,D3 ; send the PRAM data byte
BigBSR5 USTPMgrSendByte,A6
@PMgrDone MOVE.L D1,D3 ; restore registers
JMP (A4)
; Routine: PMGRRdXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: A0,A3,A4,A5,A6,D0,D2
; Function: reads a byte from PMGR-based PRAM without using RAM
PMGRRdXByte MOVEA.L A3,A4 ; save the return address
EXG D3,D1 ; save D3 in D1, put command/data bytes in D3
MOVE.L D4,D0 ; save other registers
ANDI.L #$000000FF,D3 ; mask the PRAM address and build the command:
ORI.L #(xPramRead<<16)|\ ; pmCommand
(2<<24)|\ ; pmLength
(1<<8),D3 ; count = 1 byte
SWAP D3 ; D1.L=[count][addr][pmLength][pmCommand]
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to the decoder table
ADDA.L ProductInfo.DecoderInfoPtr(A0),A0
BigBSR6 USTPmgrSendCommand,A5 ; send the command to the PMGR
BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error
BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read a byte back
BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error
CMPI.B #xPramRead,D3 ; is it the reply byte?
BNE.S @NoReplyByte ; -> no, new protocol
BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read the count byte
BNE.S @PMgrError ; -> error
BigBSR5 USTPMGRRecvByte,A6 ; read the PRAM byte
BEQ.S @PMgrDone ; -> got it
@PMgrError MOVEQ #0,D3 ; return a zero if an error occurs
@PMgrDone EXG D1,D3 ; restore D3, return PRAM byte in D1
MOVE.L D0,D4 ; restore other registers
TST.B D1 ; set up the CCR if anybody cares
JMP (A4)
ENDIF ; {hasPwrControls}
IF hasEgret THEN
;••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Egret ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
; Routine: EgretReadTime
; The one second interrupt handler for Egret/Caboose/Cuda maintains the lowmem global <sm10>
; 'Time' in a self correcting manner. This routine need only return the lowmem 'Time'.
; A call to _EgretDispatch will cause the AutoPoll timer within Egret/Caboose/Cuda to
; reset, resulting in deferring ADB auto polling. If an application calls ReadTime
; in a tight loop, ADB polling could be deferred indefinitely (making the mouse/keyboard
; appear to hang or respond intermittently). Since 'Time' is self correcting, the
; routine just returns 'Time' as the result placed into 'GetParam'.
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock
; Trashes: A0
; Function: reads the time from the realtime clock
clr.l d0 ; result code = noErr <sm10>
move.l Time,GetParam ; return current time <sm10>
; CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil <sm12>
; LEA pbCmdType-pbCompletion(SP),SP ; <sm12>
; MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type <sm12>
; (RdTime<<0),(SP) ; pbCmd = read time <sm12>
; MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block <sm12>
; _EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read the time <sm12>
; MOVE.L pbParam(A0),GetParam ; move the time into a temporary buffer <sm12>
; LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack <sm12>
; Routine: EgretWriteTime
; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0
; Function: writes a new time value to the realtime clock
CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil
LEA pbParam-pbCompletion(SP),SP
MOVE.L Time,(SP) ; pbParam = current time
MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type
+(WrTime<<0),-(SP) ; pbCmd = write time
MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read the time
LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: EgretXParam
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer
; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address]
; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0
; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from Egret-based parameter RAM
EgretXParam CLR.L -(SP) ; pbCompletion = nil
SUBQ.W #pbCompletion-pbBufPtr,SP
MOVE.L A0,(SP) ; pbBufPtr = pointer to user's buffer
MOVE.W D0,-(SP) ; pbByteCnt = number of PRAM bytes to read/write
SUBQ.W #pbByteCnt-pbParam,SP
ADDI.W #$0100,D0 ;• convert PRAM address to 6805 address (temporary?)
MOVE.W D0,(SP) ; pbParam = starting PRAM address
MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type
(Rd6805Addr<<0),-(SP) ; pbCmd = read PRAM
BTST #12,D1 ; is this a write command?
BNE.S @NotWrite ; -> no
MOVE.W #(pseudopkt<<8)+\ ; pbCmdType = pseudo type
(Wr6805Addr<<0),(SP) ; pbCmd = write PRAM
@NotWrite MOVEA.L SP,A0 ; point to the parameter block
_EgretDispatch ; call Egret to read/write PRAM
LEA EgretPBSize(SP),SP ; clean up the stack
; Routine: EgretWrXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A5,A6
; Function: writes a byte to Egret-based PRAM without using RAM
MOVE.B D2,D1 ; save the byte to send
BSET #15,D1 ; mark this as a write
; fall into EgretRdXByte
; Routine: EgretRdXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6
; Function: reads a byte from Egret-based PRAM without using RAM
BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; pending transaction?
BEQ.S @NotPending ; -> no
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait a bit
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait some more
BRA.S @NotPending
@Abort BSR6 EgretReadByte ; too many bytes being returned so
BEQ.S @Abort ; keep throwing them out until there are no more,
BRA.S @Reset ; then start over
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait for the interrupt to occur
TST.B vSR(A2) ; then read the ATTN byte to clear the interrupt
@Reset BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; and de-assert VIA full
BCLR #SRdir,vACR(A2) ; define shift direction = FROM Egret
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait
@ThrowAway BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; set SYS session
BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read a byte to throw away
@CheckXCVR BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)?
BEQ.S @ThrowAway ; -> yes, throw away the byte
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait
@NotPending ORI.B #ACRMode++(1<<SRdir),vACR(A2) ; set VIA shift register to shift out with external clock
BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)?
BEQ.S @DisposePacket ; -> yes, dispose of the packet
BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; assert sys session signal
MOVEQ #pseudopkt,D0 ; packet type
BSR6 EgretSendByte
BMI.S @Reset ; -> Egret's hung, so try to reset
BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)?
BEQ.S @Reset ; -> yes, throw out the packet
MOVEQ #rdPram,D0 ; assume we're doing a read
TST.W D1 ; are we?
BPL.S @SendCmd
MOVEQ #wrPram,D0 ; no, we're writing
@SendCmd BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the command byte
BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the MSB of the PRAM address
BSR6 EgretSendByte ; send the LSB of the PRAM address
TST.W D1 ; are we writing?
BPL.S @SendDone
MOVE.L D1,D0 ; yes, get the data byte
BSR6 EgretSendByte ; and send it
@SendDone BCLR #SRdir,vACR(A2) ; define shift direction = FROM Egret
BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session
@WaitForIRQ BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete
BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; is XCVR session asserted (active low)?
BNE.S @WaitForIRQ ; -> no, keep polling until it is
TST.B vSR(A2) ; read the ATTN byte to clear the interrupt
BSR5 EgretDelay ; wait
BSET #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; assert sys session again
BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the response packet type
BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again
BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the response packet flag
BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again
TST.W D1 ; is this a read or write?
BPL.S @FinishRead ; -> read
BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the "command was" byte
BEQ.S @Abort ; -> XCVR session is still on, so try again
CMPI.B #wrPram,D0 ; is this the correct packet?
BNE.S @Reset ; -> no, try again
BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; and de-assert VIA full
BSR5 EgretDelay ; delay to let Egret see the lines change state
JMP (A3)
@FinishRead BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the "command was" byte
BNE.S @Reset ; -> XCVR session turned off early, so try again
SUBQ.B #rdPram,D0 ; is this the correct packet?
BNE.S @Reset ; -> no, try again
BSR6 EgretReadByte ; read the PRAM data byte
BCLR #vSysSesbit,vBufB(A2) ; turn off SYS session
@Wait4XCVR BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; wait for XCVR session to turn off
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full
BSR5 EgretDelay ; delay to let Egret see the lines change state
MOVE.B D0,D1 ; return the byte in D1
JMP (A3)
; Routine: EgretSendByte [Egret utility routine]
; Inputs: D0 - byte to send to Egret
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D2,A5
; Function: sends a byte to Egret
MOVEA.L A6,A5 ; save the return address
MOVE.B D0,vSR(A2) ; load byte into shift register
BSET #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; indicate shift register is full
MOVE.W #32767,D0 ; set a 42msec timeout
@Wait4Shift BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete
DBNE D0,@Wait4Shift
BEQ.S EgretSendTO ; -> timed out
TST.B vSR(A2) ; clear the interrupt
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; then negate VIA full bit
; delay a bit so Egret can keep up...
EgretDelay MOVEQ #104,D2 ; delay 125µs minimum (we actually delay 134µsec)
@wait TST.B (A2) ; sync to VIA clock (about 1.28µsec/access)
DBRA D2,@wait ; delay at least 100 us (very rough)
EgretSendTO TST.W D0 ; set CCR: BMI if send timeout, BPL if OK
; Routine: EgretReadByte [Egret utility routine]
; Inputs: A2 - VIA1 base address
; A6 - return address (BSR6)
; Outputs: D0 - byte read
; Trashes: D2,A5
; Function: reads a byte from Egret
BCLR #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; de-assert VIA full
@Wait4Shift BTST #ifSR,vIFR(A2) ; wait for shift to complete
BEQ.S @Wait4Shift
BSET #vViaFullBit,vBufB(A2) ; acknowlege byte
MOVE.B vSR(A2),D0 ; read the byte
BSR5 EgretDelay ; give Egret time to see it
BTST #vXcvrSesBit,vBufB(A2) ; return with the state of XCVR session
; Routine: CudaRdXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: D0,D2,A5,A6
; Function: reads a byte from Egret-based PRAM without using RAM
; This routine can only be executed after a SyncAck cycle. The SyncAck cycle,
; which is executed immediately after InitVia will disable all asynchronous
; message sources within Cuda. This allows the following routine to be written
; without regard to detecting collisions between command packets and response
CudaRdXByte cmp.l #$8000,sp ; is there any stack yet?
ble.s @5 ; no, use register based
cmp.w #0,EgretBase
bne.s @5
movec VBR,d2 ; get the contents of VBR
tst.l d2 ; check for zero
bne.s @5
; This code allows the low level routines to be used after the Cuda manager is installed
; by constructing a parameter block on the stack and issuing a call to CudaDispatch. This
; is absolutely necessary because the low level routines do not detect collisions which can
; occur once the Cuda manager is installed. Further, it is almost impossible to determine
; how to to synchronize Cuda after an asynchronous re-boot has occurred.
movem.l a0-a6/d0/d2-d7,-(sp)
suba.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; make room on the stack for Cuda parameter block
move.b #pseudoPkt,pbCmdType(sp) ; set packet type
move.b #RdPram,pbCmd(sp) ; set packet command
move.w d1,pbParam(sp) ; set pram address
move.w #1,pbByteCnt(sp) ; 1 byte to send
move.l sp,pbBufPtr(sp)
add.l #pbParam+2,pbBufPtr(sp) ; point to our data buffer
move.b #0,pbFlags(sp)
move.w #0,pbResult(sp)
move.l #0,pbCompletion(sp) ; execute synchronously
move.l sp,a0 ; parameter block in a0
_EgretDispatch ; (this is actually the Cuda A-Trap)
move.w pbParam+2(sp),d1 ; get pram data
adda.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; remove parameter block from stack
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0/d2-d7
jmp (a3)
; The following code is executed only when the Cuda manager is not installed.
ori.b #ACRmode,vacr(a2) ; else initialize via mode
bset.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; set output mode
move.b #pseudopkt,vSR(a2) ; send packet type & clear any pending shift irq
bclr.b #TIP,vBufB(a2) ; start the transaction
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read
beq.s @10
; When outputing from the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising edge
; of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before acknowledging the shift
; register interrupt. (R. Montagne 1/11/93)
moveq #10,d2 ; delay for 10µS min. <LW3><VIA rbm>
@m7dly ; <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS <LW3><VIA rbm>
sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte <LW3><VIA rbm>
bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ
moveq #rdpram,d2 ; Send the command byte
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
move.l d1,d2
lsr.l #8,d2 ; Send PRAM address MSB
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
move.l d1,d2 ; Send PRAM address LSB
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
bclr.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; Define direction FROM Cuda
btst.b #SRdir,vACR(a2)
bne.s @69up
ori.b #((1<<vCudaTIP)|\
(1<<vCudaByteAck)),vBufB(a2) ; terminate current command transaction
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for attention IRQ
beq.s @Wait4Attn
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Read attn byte from VIA (clears IRQ)
bclr.b #vCudaTIP,vBufB(a2) ; assert TIP to begin response transaction
BSR6 CudaReadByte ; Read a byte - response packet type
BSR6 CudaReadByte ; next byte - response packet flag
BSR6 CudaReadByte ; next byte - "cmd was" byte
BSR6 CudaReadByte ; finally! PRAM data in d2
ori.b #((1<<vCudaTIP)|\
(1<<vCudaByteAck)),vBufB(a2) ; terminate current response transaction
btst.b #vCudaTReq,vBufB(a2) ; Wait for TReq to negate
beq.s @Wait4CudaDone
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for idle state IRQ
beq.s @Wait4IdleIRQ
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Read idle state byte (clears IRQ)
move.l d2,d1 ; return data in d1
jmp (a3) ; return to caller
; Routine: CudaWrXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: D0,D1,D2,A5,A6
; Function: writes a byte to Egret-based PRAM without using RAM
; This routine can only be executed after a SyncAck cycle. The SyncAck cycle,
; which is executed immediately after InitVia will disable all asynchronous
; message sources within Cuda. This allows the following routine to be written
; without regard to detecting collisions between command packets and response
CudaWrXByte cmp.l #$8000,sp ; is there any stack yet? <SM5>(rbm)<2> begin {
ble.s @5 ; no, use register based
cmp.w #0,EgretBase
bne.s @5
movec vbr,d5 ; get a copy of VBR
tst.l d5 ; is it zero?
bne.s @5
; This code allows the low level routines to be used after the Cuda manager is installed
; by constructing a parameter block on the stack and issuing a call to CudaDispatch. This
; is absolutely necessary because the low level routines do not detect collisions which can
; occur once the Cuda manager is installed. Further, it is almost impossible to determine
; how to to synchronize Cuda after an asynchronous re-boot has occurred.
movem.l a0-a6/d0/d3-d7,-(sp)
suba.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; make room on the stack for Cuda parameter block
move.b #pseudoPkt,pbCmdType(sp) ; set packet type
move.b #WrPram,pbCmd(sp) ; set packet command
move.w d1,pbParam(sp) ; set pram address
move.w d2,pbParam+2(sp) ; set pram data
move.w #1,pbByteCnt(sp) ; 1 byte to send
move.l sp,pbBufPtr(sp)
add.l #pbParam+2,pbBufPtr(sp) ; point to our data buffer
move.b #0,pbFlags(sp)
move.w #0,pbResult(sp)
move.l #0,pbCompletion(sp) ; execute synchronously
move.l sp,a0 ; parameter block in a0
_EgretDispatch ; (this is actually the Cuda A-Trap)
adda.l #EgretPBSize,sp ; remove parameter block from stack
movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0/d3-d7
jmp (a3)
; The following code is executed only when the Cuda manager is not installed.
@5 move.l d2,d5 ; Save the write data
ori.b #ACRmode,vacr(a2) ; else initialize via mode
bset.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; set output mode
move.b #pseudopkt,vSR(a2) ; send packet type & clear any pending shift irq
bclr.b #TIP,vBufB(a2) ; start the transaction
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read
beq.s @10
; When outputing from the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising edge
; of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before acknowledging the shift
; register interrupt. (R. Montagne 1/11/93)
move.b #10,d2 ; mode 7 interrupt occurs at falling edge CB1 <LW3><VIA rbm>
@m7dly ; <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS <LW3><VIA rbm>
sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte <LW3><VIA rbm>
bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ
moveq #wrpram,d2 ; Send the command byte
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
move.l d1,d2
lsr.l #8,d2 ; Send PRAM address MSB
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
move.l d1,d2 ; Send PRAM address LSB
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
move.l d5,d2 ; Send the write data
BSR6 CudaWriteByte
bclr.b #SRdir,vACR(a2) ; Define direction FROM Cuda
ori.b #((1<<vCudaTIP)|\
(1<<vCudaByteAck)),vBufB(a2) ; terminate current transaction
@40 btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for attention byte shift register IRQ
beq.s @40
btst.b #vCudaTReq,vBufB(a2) ; Is TReq asserted? (active low)
bne.s @40 ; continue polling if TReq is not asserted
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Read attn byte from VIA (clears IRQ)
bclr.b #vCudaTIP,vBufB(a2) ; assert TIP to begin response transaction
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read
beq.s @20
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ
ori.b #((1<<vCudaTIP)|\
(1<<vCudaByteAck)),vBufB(a2) ; terminate the response transaction
@41 btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for idle state IRQ
beq.s @41
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Read idle state byte (clears IRQ)
jmp (a3)
EXPORT CudaWriteByte
move.b d2,vSR(a2) ; Put data in VIA data reg
eori.b #1<<vCudaByteAck,vBufB(a2) ; indicate data moved into VIA
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for shift register IRQ to indicate byte was read
beq.s @10
; When outputing from the VIA to Cuda, the interrupt will occur prior to the rising edge
; of CB1. Delay long enough for the edge to occur before acknowledging the shift
; register interrupt. (R. Montagne 1/11/93)
move.b #10,d2 ; mode 7 interrupt occurs at falling edge CB1 <LW3><VIA rbm>
@m7dly ; <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vBufB(a1) ; hardware access is 1.2µS <LW3><VIA rbm>
sub.b #1,d2 ; can only trash low byte <LW3><VIA rbm>
bne.s @m7dly ; wait long enough for CB1 to rise (10µS delay) <LW3><VIA rbm>
tst.b vSR(a2) ; Clear the shift register IRQ
EXPORT CudaReadByte
btst.b #ifSR,vIFR(a2) ; Wait for IRQ
beq.s CudaReadByte
move.b vSR(a2),d2 ; Read data from VIA (clears IRQ)
and.w #$00FF,d2 ; isolate the byte
eori.b #1<<vCudaByteAck,vBufB(a2) ; handshake the byte
btst.b #vCudaTReq,vBufB(a2) ; Return with state of TReq Session <SM5>(rbm)<2> end }
ENDIF ; {hasEgret}
IF hasProtectedPRAM THEN
; •••••••••••••••••••••••• PRAM in VRAM, clock is someplace else ••••••••••••••••••••••••
WITH ProductInfo, VideoInfo
; Routine: NoPRAMReadTime
; Inputs: none
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; "GetParam" contains the 32-bit time value read from the clock
; Trashes: TBD
; Function: Would read the time from the clock if we knew what kind it was. This routine
; is provided as an aid to the person who has to code for this case.
MOVEQ #dsCoreErr,D0 ; just die so we know something didn't happen
MOVEQ #clkRdErr,D0 ; and leave this as a clue to why
; Routine: NoPRAMWriteTime
; Inputs: "Time" contains 32-bit quantity to write to clock
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: TBD
; Function: Would write the time to the clock if we knew what kind it was. This routine
; is provided as an aid to the person who has to code for this case.
MOVEQ #dsCoreErr,D0 ; just die so we know something didn't happen
MOVEQ #clkWrErr,D0 ; and leave this as a clue to why
; Routine: NoPRAMXParam
; Inputs: A0 - pointer to user's buffer
; D0 - [number of bytes to transfer][starting PRAM address]
; D1 - bit 12: 1=read, 0=write
; Outputs: D0 - result code
; Trashes: A0,A1,A2,D1,D2,D3
; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM
; (assumes that traps and the MMU are set up)
MOVEA.L A0,A2 ; save the pointer to the user's buffer,
MOVE.L D0,D3 ; and the starting PRAM address and count
MOVEQ #true32b,D0 ; switch into 32-bit addressing mode
MOVEA.L UnivInfoPtr,A1 ; point to this machine's product info,
ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A1),A1 ; which leads to video info,
MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A1),A1 ; which leads to the base address of video,
LEA -256(A1),A1 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory
ADD.W D3,A1 ; index into start of desired PRAM
SWAP D3 ; get the number of bytes to transfer
BTST #12,D1 ; is it a write?
BNE.S @StartCopy ; -> no
EXG A1,A2 ; yes, exchange source and destination pointers
BRA.S @StartCopy
@CopyPRAM MOVE.B (A1)+,(A2)+ ; move the bytes
@StartCopy DBRA D3,@CopyPRAM
_SwapMMUMode ; restore the addressing mode
MOVEQ #0,D0 ; never an error
; Routine: NoPRAMXPramIO
; Inputs: A0 -- pointer to table of base addresses
; A1 -- pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A3 -- pointer to PRAM I/O buffer
; D1 -- flags indicating which external features are valid
; D3 -- [r/w (bit 31)][number of PRAM bytes to read/write][starting PRAM address]
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A2,A3,D3
; Function: reads/writes byte[s] from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM
; before traps (or the MMU) are set up
MOVEA.L A1,A2 ; point to this machine's product info,
ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A2),A2 ; which leads to video info,
MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A2),A2 ; which leads to the base address of video,
LEA -256(A2),A2 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory
ADD.W D3,A2 ; index into start of desired PRAM
SWAP D3 ; get the number of bytes to transfer
BCLR #15,D3 ; is it a write?
BEQ.S @StartCopy ; -> no
EXG A2,A3 ; yes, exchange source and destination pointers
BRA.S @StartCopy
@CopyPRAM MOVE.B (A2)+,(A3)+ ; move the bytes
@StartCopy DBRA D3,@CopyPRAM
; Routine: NoPRAMRdXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to read
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: D1 - byte read from PRAM
; Trashes: A0,D0
; Function: reads a byte from parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM without using RAM
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to this machine's product info,
ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; which leads to video info,
MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A0),A0 ; which leads to the base address of video,
LEA -256(A0),A0 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory
MOVE.B D1,D0 ; zero-extend the byte number to make an index
MOVE.B 0(A0,D0),D1 ; and get the byte
JMP (A3)
; Routine: NoPRAMWrXByte
; Inputs: D1 - address of PRAM byte to write
; D2 - byte to write to PRAM
; A1 - pointer to ProductInfo record for this machine
; A2 - VIA1 base address
; A3 - return address
; Outputs: none
; Trashes: A0,D0
; Function: writes a byte to parameter RAM that hides in unused video RAM without using RAM
MOVEA.L A1,A0 ; point to this machine's product info,
ADDA.L VideoInfoPtr(A0),A0 ; which leads to video info,
MOVEA.L VRAMPhysAddr(A0),A0 ; which leads to the base address of video,
LEA -256(A0),A0 ; which leads to PRAM in unused video memory
MOVE.B D1,D0 ; zero-extend the byte number to make an index
MOVE.B D2,0(A0,D0) ; and write the byte
JMP (A3)
ENDWITH ; {ProductInfo, VideoInfo}
ENDIF ; {hasProtectedPRAM}
; ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
; Routine: ClkNoMem
; Inputs: A1 - VIA 1 base address
; A5 - return address (BSR5)
; D1 - clock chip command byte (bit 7: 0=write, 1=read)
; D2 - data byte to write
; Outputs: D2 - data byte read
; Trashes: A0,A1,A5,A6,D1,D3
; Function: support for the jClkNoMem vector (do we still need this?)
ClkNoMem RTS5
;________________________________________________________________________________________ <H9>thru next <H9>
; These patches change the behavior of StandardXPramIO so that during a multi-byte
; write to PRAM, interrupts are disabled and re-enabled around the write of each byte,
; and the RTC is write-enabled and then write-protected again during the time that
; interrupts are off. This fixes a problem where the Reliability Manager's interrupt
; task, which calls this routine to write to PRAM every 5 minutes, interrupts during
; this loop, resulting in PRAM being left write-protected; when control returns to the
; foreground, remaining bytes to be written to PRAM don't get written.
; Monte Benaresh - 7/2/93
StdXPRAM2Patch ; patch for StandardXPramIO
MOVEA.L A1,A6 ; point to this machine's product info
ADDA.L ProductInfo.ClockPRAMPtr(A6),A6 ; and get the address of its clock/PRAM table
MOVE.L 4*cpWrProtOn(A6),D0 ; get the offset to the write-protect routine
BEQ.S @Done ; -> it's not supported for this implementation
ADDA.L D0,A6 ; calculate the routine's address
movea.l (sp)+,A5 ; simulate a BSR5 which returns to our caller
JMP (A6) ; and call it to turn on PRAM write-protect
rts ; <H9>