2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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; File: KbdPatches.a
; Contains: Linked Patches for ADB keyboards.
; Written by: Sam Barone
; Copyright: © 1991, 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., All rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM2> 11/9/93 KW added some eieioSTP macros. Only expands for CygnusX1 ROM
; <3> 10/28/91 SAM/KSM Rolled in Regatta file.
; Regatta Change History:
; <4> 9/11/91 SAM We now check for the existence of a Keyswitch and if its is off
; then putter patch is not executed (because in secure mode, ADB
; calls made asychronously will not get their completion routines
; called, ever. This is bad.)
; <3> 7/17/91 SAM Making the PutterKbd fix not run under A/UX.
; <2> 6/30/91 SAM Moved to its own file. Boot time linked patch that sends
; Talk R3 commands to the connected keyboard to wake up a “Putter”
; ISO keyboard if it is there & asleep.
; <1> 6/30/91 SAM First checked in..
; To Do:
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a'
INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a'
INCLUDE 'UniversalEqu.a'
; ADB Putter Keyboard Fix:
; A bit of history: This INIT fixes a bug in the Elmer keyboard. On powerup, Elmer does not
; scan for keys in it's idle loop, and when it's not scanning it may fail to recognize
; the ATTN pulse on commands. Scanning is only enabled after it recognizes a command
; addressed to it. On Mac powerup, when the ADB bus is initialized, the Mac will send one
; talk R3 to each ADB address, looking for devices on the bus. If Elmer missed it's talk, it
; will never enable key scanning (though it seems to interpret mouse data (rarely)
; as a talk to it), so the keyboard won't work.
; The INIT attempts to fix the problem in the following way: it first checks to see if
; a keyboard was actually present at boot time, and if so, the INIT just exits.
; If a keyboard was not found, it will issue up to 8 talk R3 commands to the keyboard,
; checking for a response. If no response after 8 tries, the INIT just exits. If one of
; the talk commands returned with a response, it will then call ADBReInit to fix up the
; ADB device list.
; Modification History:
; gmr-90oct07 New today.
tryCount EQU 8 ; issue up to 8 talks to addr 2 to enable kbd scanning (kbd bug fix)
hasDev EQU 332 ; offset into ADB vars (ADB devices found bit mask)
; Stack frame equates for this patch
aGlobPtr EQU -4
aCompRtn EQU aGlobPtr-4
aBufPtr EQU aCompRtn-4 ; used for ADBOp call
sFrame EQU aBufPtr
PutterFix InstallProc (SE,II,IIci,notAUX) ; Run this on all machines with ADB without built-in keyboards (if the
; machine has a built-in keyboard Putter will wake up by itself)
; Dont load under A/UX because we cannot make ADBOp calls and the
; boot system should have awakened the kbd anyway. <1><3>
move.l ROMBase,A0 ; Get base of ROM <4>
cmpi.w #$067C,8(A0) ; Do we have universal flags? (this should be more a more general check...)
bne.s @doThePatch ; -> No universal, no Keyswitch, run the patch <4>
move.l #KeyswMask,d0 ; get isolation mask ready <4>
and.l UnivROMFlags,d0 ; grab keyswitch bits in UnivROMFlags <4>
sub.l #KeyswCaboose,d0 ; Do we have a Keyswitch? <4>
bne.s @doThePatch ; -> No, run the patch. <4>
movea.l VIA2RBV,a0 ; Get the address of VIA2 <4>
btst.b #v2Keyswitch,VBufB(a0) ; Is the keyswitch SECUREd? (0 = secure) <4>
beq.s @Done ; -> Yes, do not run the patch. Exit <4>
link a6, #sFrame ; Make a stack frame
move.l ADBBase,a0 ; get ptr to ADBBase
btst.b #2,hasDev+1(a0) ; does a keyboard exist?
bne.s @exit ; yes, don't do anything...
moveq #tryCount,d2 ; else, send up to n talks to the keyboard
; to enable it's keyboard scanning...(keyboard bug fix)
@talkLoop lea aFlag,a0
clr.b (a0) ; reset our 'done' flag
move.l a0,aGlobPtr(a6) ; save ptr to aFlag
lea ourComp,a0 ; get address of our completion rtn
move.l a0,aCompRtn(a6) ; stuff it in param block
lea aBuffer,a0 ; get ptr to our data buffer
move.l a0,aBufPtr(a6) ; save in param block
lea aBufPtr(a6),a0
moveq #%00101111,d0 ; talk Addr 2, Reg 3
_ADBOp ; issue it
lea aFlag,a0
@wait tst.b (a0) ; finished?
beq.s @wait ; no, wait for the ADB command to complete
dbpl d2,@talkLoop ; yes, retry until count expires or it responds...
bmi.s @exit ; didn't respond after n trys, just exit
; the keyboard talked... now ReInit the bus...
_ADBReInit ; yes, it responded, reinit the bus (should work now)
@exit unlk a6
@Done rts
; This is our Talk completion routine.
; Inputs: D0 - command number
; a0 - ptr to talk data (len,d0..d7)
; a1 - ptr to this rtn
; a2 - ptr to data area (the aFlag byte)
ourComp move.b (a0),(a2) ; copy byte count to our 'done' flag
bne.s @exit ; if it responded, exit (#$02)
st.b (a2) ; else, return bad result (#$FF)
@exit rts
; here are some temp globals for this patch...
aBuffer ds.b 10 ; talk buffer
aFlag ds.w 1 ; async flag