2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

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File: HALc96.h
Contains: header stuff for 53c96 HBAs (Quadras)
Written by: Paul Wolf
Copyright: © 1992-1994 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<SM20> 2/1/94 DCB Added using601Emulator field to the hardware info record.
<SM19> 11/22/93 pdw Rolling in from <MCxx>.
<SM18> 11/19/93 chp Add IRQ primitive vectors to the HBADesc_53c9x structure.
<SMG3> 9/29/93 chp Add HAL fields to the HAL globals to represent a DB-DMA channel
command list buffer, with both logical and physical addresses.
Include a prerequisite header file. Add prototypes for Grand
Central initialization routines. Make a simple name change since
GrandCentral is so long.
<SMG2> 9/22/93 chp Add Grand Central support.
<SM16> 10/29/93 DCB <MC> rollins.
<SM15> 10/14/93 pdw <MC> roll-in.
<MC2> 10/12/93 pdw Added support for Synchronous data transfers, rewrote State
Machine, message handling etc.
<SM14> 9/12/93 pdw Prototype maintenance.
<SM13> 7/20/93 pdw Added intIRQbitNum and changed intDREQbitNum to a uchar.
<SM12> 7/17/93 pdw Lots of little things.
<SM11> 7/8/93 pdw Changed types of some pointers in HALc96Globals.
<SM10> 6/29/93 pdw Massive checkins: Change asynchronicity mechanism to CallMachine
stack switching mechanism. Adding support for Cold Fusion.
Rearranging HW/SW Init code. Some code optimizations.
<SM9> 5/25/93 DCB Rollin from Ludwig. (The next item below)
<LW8> 5/21/93 PW Adding PRAM selectable Initiator ID stuff.
<SM8> 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest
from Ludwig stuff.
<SM7> 4/8/93 DCB Adding pdmaTypeBIOS type to the dma type enum.
<LW7> 4/30/93 DCB Make DoHalInfo a separate function so it can be stuffed into a
<LW5> 4/14/93 DCB Synced up with SuperMario
<LW4> 3/26/93 PW Changed the hasPSC stuff to more generic dmaType and changed
dreqIn32bit to dreqNeedsSwapMMU.
<LW3> 2/17/93 PW Began to add dual-interrupt support for Quadras.
<SM6> 3/20/93 PW Began to add dual-interrupt support for Quadras.
<SM5> 1/31/93 PW Update from the latest of Ludwig. Also changes required for PDM
(will update Ludwig with these as needed myself).
<LW2> 1/27/93 PW Added HALIntPoll routine to prototypes.
<SM4> 11/20/92 DCB Removed several includes to fix makefile dependency problems
<SM3> 10/8/92 PW Realigned some fields. See HALc96equ.a for more details.
<SM2> 7/28/92 PW Resolved differences in sources.
<SM1> 7/26/92 PW Initial check-in.
#ifndef __HALC96__
#define __HALC96__
#ifndef __SIMCORE__
#include "SIMCore.h"
typedef struct
Ptr baseRegAddr; // base addr of c9x registers (offset of $10 between regs
Ptr pdmaAddr; // addr of Pseudo-dma access
Ptr pdmaNonSerlzdAddr; // addr of Pseudo-dma in non-serialized space access
Ptr dreqAddr; // addr of DAFB register with DREQ bit
Ptr intEnableSCSIAddr; // addr of control register for SCSI interrupt
Ptr intFlagSCSIAddr; // addr of status register for SCSI interrupt
Ptr dafbAddr; // addr of DAFB that needs initialization
Ptr hbaUnusedL1; // addr of
Ptr dmaCntrlAddr; // addr of true DMA control register(s)
Ptr dmaBaseAddr; // addr of true DMA base register(s)
void (*jvClearSCSIIRQ) (void); // hardware-specific primitive routine
void (*jvEnableSCSIIRQ) (void); // hardware-specific primitive routine
void (*jvDisableSCSIIRQ) (void); // hardware-specific primitive routine
void (*jvTestSCSIIE) (void); // hardware-specific primitive routine
Boolean dreqNeedsSwapMMU; // set if dreq status bit is in 32-bit space
Boolean HBAisFast; // set if F9x part capable of Fast Synchronous (10MB/S)
Boolean HBAisDiff; // set if c9x part capable of differential
Boolean usesThreshold8; //
Boolean needsDAFBinit; // set if there's a DAFB that needs to be inited
Boolean using601Emulator; // set if we are running emulated on a 601
Boolean hbaUnusedB2; // set if
Boolean hbaUnusedB3; // set if
Boolean HBAhasDMA; // set if true DMA available
Boolean HBAhasPseudoDMA; // set if Pseudo-DMA available
Boolean HBAhasHskPseudoDMA; // set if handshaked Pseudo-DMA available
Boolean dmaCacheCoherent; // set if DMA is fully cache coherent (no flushing needed)
Boolean hbaUnusedB4; // set if
Boolean hbaUnusedB5; // set if
Boolean hbaUnusedB6; // set if
uchar initiatorID; // ID of Macintosh (Initiator) on this bus <LW8>
uchar testIRQenableValue; // value to test SCSI IRQ enable
uchar enableIRQvalue; // value to write to enable SCSI IRQ
uchar disableIRQvalue; // value to write to disable SCSI IRQ
uchar clearIRQvalue; // value to write to clear SCSI IRQ
uchar intIRQbitNum; // bit to test for IRQ
uchar intDREQbitNum; // bit to test for DREQ
uchar hbaUnusedC1;
uchar hbaUnusedC2;
uchar intTypeSCSI; // type of interrupt control (shared VIA bit, etc.)
uchar intSensSCSI; // type of sensitivity (LEVEL, EDGE, STICKYBIT)
uchar intTypeDMA; // type of interrupt control (shared VIA bit, etc.)
uchar intSensDMA; // type of sensitivity (LEVEL, EDGE, STICKYBIT)
uchar dmaType; // type of programming model for DMA (PSC, AMIC,…)
uchar dmaAlignmentSize; // alignment requirements (i.e. 8, 16 etc)
uchar hbaUnusedC4; //
uchar hbaUnusedC5;
ushort intOSNumberSCSI; // OS registration number for the SCSI interrupt
ushort intOSNumberDMA; // OS registration number for the DMA interrupt
ushort hbaUnusedS1;
ushort hbaUnusedS2;
} HBADesc_53c9x;
enum {
dmaTypeNone = 0,
dmaTypePSC = 1,
dmaTypeAMIC = 2,
pdmaTypeBIOS = 3,
dmaTypeGC = 4,
//----- Incomplete HAL globals ----- (the rest are in HALc96equ.a)
typedef struct {
// Static description of bus
HBADesc_53c9x hwDesc; // hwDesc: copy is made of structure that's passed in
void * SIMstaticPtr; // ptr to SIM's globals (for SSM callbacks)
void (*XPT_ISRptr)(); // ptr to XPT's ISR, so we can install it
void (*unusedRPtr)(); // ptr to
void (*ReconnectISRptr)(); // ptr to SIM's Reconnect ISR for us to call
ushort busID; // bus ID of this HAL's bus
ushort rsrvdS2; // <SM3> pdw
Ptr cclPhysicalAddr; // addr of DB-DMA channel command list buffer (physical)
Ptr cclLogicalAddr; // addr of DB-DMA channel command list buffer (logical)
Ptr physicalCopyBuffer; // physical address of locked/noncachable copy buffer
Ptr logicalCopyBuffer; // logical address of copy buffer to DMA into/out of
void * otherHALg; // other HAL's globals
Ptr privStackTop; // top of our private stack
ulong minDMAsize; // transfer size crossover between polled and DMA
long supported_scFlags;
short supported_scIOFlags;
short supported_scDataTypes;
ulong unusedCA1[4];
} HALc96Globals;
enum {
enum {
EDGE = 0,
LEVEL = 1, // no clear necessary
/****** External Prototypes ********/
long GetHalInfo( HALc96Globals *HALg, SCSIBusInquiryPB *infoPB );
Boolean DoWeHaveFastSCSI( void * hwAddr);
/****** Function Prototypes For Inter-HAL *******/
// HALc96.c
long HALinit( HALinitInfo * HALinfoPtr);
void * Init53c9xSW( HBADesc_53c9x *hwDescPtr);
void * ReInitHAL( HBADesc_53c9x *hwDescPtr, ushort busID);
// HALc96HWInit.a
long Init53c9xHW( HBADesc_53c9x *hwDescPtr);
// HALc96.a
extern long SizeOfGlobals( void); // HALc96.a
extern long HAL_SingleISR( HALc96Globals *HALg); // HALc96Routines.a
extern long HAL_DualISR( HALc96Globals *HALg); // HALc96Routines.a
extern long HALIntPoll( HALc96Globals *HALg); // HALc96Routines.a
extern void Initc96Asm( HALc96Globals * HALg); // HALc96.a
extern void HALaction( HALactionPB * halPBptr); // HALc96.a
extern void HALResetBus( HALc96Globals * HALg); // HALc96.a
extern void HALSyncConfig( long, long, HALc96Globals * HALg); // HALc96.a
extern void HALAssertATN( HALc96Globals * HALg); // HALc96.a
extern void HALTeardownIO( SIM_IO * ioPtr, uchar * HALg); // HALc96.a
extern void HandleSelected( void); // HALc96.a
extern void ReadInitiatorID( HBADesc_53c9x *hwDescPtr); // HALc96.a
extern uchar GetInitiatorID( HBADesc_53c9x *hwDescPtr); // HALc96.a
// HALc96PSC.c, HALc96AMIC.c, HALc96GC.c, etc.
OSErr InitSW_PSC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
OSErr InitHW_PSC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
OSErr InitSW_AMIC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
OSErr InitHW_AMIC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
OSErr InitSW_GC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
OSErr InitHW_GC( HALc96Globals *HALg);
// HALc96Routines.a
extern void ClearVIASCSIIRQ (void);
extern void EnableVIASCSIIRQ (void);
extern void DisableVIASCSIIRQ (void);
extern void TestVIASCSIIE (void);
// HALc96GC.a
extern void ClearGCSCSI0IRQ (void);
extern void ClearGCSCSI1IRQ (void);
extern void EnableGCSCSI0IRQ (void);
extern void EnableGCSCSI1IRQ (void);
extern void DisableGCSCSI0IRQ (void);
extern void DisableGCSCSI1IRQ (void);
extern void TestGCSCSI0IE (void);
extern void TestGCSCSI1IE (void);
#endif __HALC96__