2019-06-29 23:17:50 +08:00

270 lines
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; File: Recorder.a
; Contains: Cousin Itt debugging event tape recorder
; Written by: Paul Wolf
; Copyright: © 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <SM13> 11/22/93 pdw Rolling in from <MCxx>.
; <MC5> 11/10/93 pdw Moved the event break stuff down to the bottom of RecordEvent.
; <MC4> 11/8/93 pdw Added better build-time control over tape_length and
; noncachability.
; <MC3> 11/5/93 pdw Series of attempts and re-attempts to fix various VM/FileShare
; problems.
; <SM12> 10/29/93 DCB <MC> roll-in.
; <MC2> 10/28/93 pdw Completely change how Record_Event stuff is done. Now it's back
; to front, among other things.
; <SM11> 10/14/93 pdw <MC> roll-in.
; <SM10> 9/9/93 pdw Lots of little changes. Name changes, temporary cache_bug
; stuff.
; <SM9> 7/17/93 pdw Minor change to StopRecordOnFull.
; <SM8> 7/8/93 pdw Adding RecordError stuff and StopRecordAtFull ability.
; <SM7> 6/29/93 pdw Changed where I get the event-debug trigger values. Used to be 0
; and 4, now it's $90 and $94 off SCSIGlobals.
; <SM6> 5/5/93 PW Converted names to meanies-friendly names. Updated with latest
; from Ludwig stuff.
; <LW5> 5/1/93 PW Changed mechanism for removing this routine when RECORD_ON==0.
; <LW4> 4/30/93 DCB Adding an RTS to the front of RecordEvent to prevent a crash in
; the unlikely event that someone calls it.
; <LW2> 3/3/93 PW Get rid of drop to int level 6.
; <SM3> 12/5/92 PW Added Break-at-event-match stuff.
; <SM2> 10/30/92 DCB Name Change for SCSI.a
MACHINE MC68020 ; '020-level
LOAD 'StandardEqu.d'
INCLUDE 'Debug.a' ; for NAME macro
; Input
; D0 = size
; Output
; none
InitRecorder PROC EXPORT
move.l #2*PAGE_SIZE, D0
_NewPtr Sys, Clear ; returns ptr in A0 to tape buffer
move.l A0, D0 ; did we get some?
bne.s @1
DebugStr 'Could not allocate Record buffer'
subq.l #1, D0
and.w #$10000-PAGE_SIZE, D0 ; align to previous page
add.l #PAGE_SIZE, D0 ;
move.l D0, A0
move.l A0, -(sp) ; save around LockMemory/GetPhysical
move.l #PAGE_SIZE, A1
move.l (sp), A0 ; get address back
subq.l #8, sp ; make room for physical result
move.l #PAGE_SIZE, -(sp) ; parm: length
move.l A0, -(sp) ; parm: logical address
move.l sp, A0 ; pass in addr of log to phys table
move.l #1, A1 ; setup the count
_GetPhysical ; do the translation
tst.w D0
beq.s @3
DebugStr 'GetPhysical failed'
addq.l #8, sp ; forget about logical addr/count
move.l (sp)+, A2 ; get physical address (result)
move.l (sp)+, D0 ; get physical count
move.l (sp)+, A0 ; pop logical address
move.l #TAPE_LENGTH, D0
_NewPtr Sys, Clear ; returns ptr in A0 to tape buffer
move.l #TAPE_LENGTH, D0
move.w #-1, A2
move.l SCSIGlobals, A1
move.l A0, SCSIGlobalsRec.recStartLog(A1) ; store ptr to tape storage
move.l D0, SCSIGlobalsRec.recSize(A1)
add.l A0, D0 ; pt to the end of actual tape
move.l D0, SCSIGlobalsRec.recCurrent(A1) ; current ptr is at the end
move.l A2, SCSIGlobalsRec.recStartPhys(A1) ; store physical for user
clr.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recordBreak0(A1) ; clear our break-at-event stuff
clr.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recordBreak4(A1)
NAME 'InitRecorder'
StackFrame RECORD {link},DECR
params EQU *
;---- parameters ----
eventName ds.l 1
event ds.l 1
;---- mechanics
paramSize EQU params-*
returnAddr ds.l 1 ; return address
link ds.l 1 ; location of old A6 (after LINK A6)
linkSize EQU *
VMG equ $B78 ; pointer to our low-memory pointer to VM globals
; Input
; (A7+4)^.L = event
WITH StackFrame
trashedRegs REG D0-D1/A0-A1
link A6, #linkSize
movem.l trashedRegs, -(sp)
move.w SR, D0 ; keep old SR in D0
ori.w #$0700,SR ; disable all ints
; Generate and update address of next event
move.l SCSIGlobals, A1
move.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recCurrent(A1), A0 ; get ptr to tape storage
sub.l #$10, A0
cmp.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recStartLog(A1), A0 ; at or after start of tape?
bcc.s @asis ; yes-> use ptr as is
add.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recSize(A1), A0 ; no: pt to end
move.l A0, SCSIGlobalsRec.recCurrent(A1) ; store current ptr
; Stuff passed in parameters
move.l eventName(A6), (A0)+ ; record event Name
move.l event(A6), (A0)+ ; record event Data
; Stuff additional constant data
; First long
move.l A5, D1 ; lwA527DB
swap D1
move.w D0, D1 ; SR xxxx2700
move.b Ticks+3, D1 ; xxxx27Ti
move.b SCSIGlobalsRec.isfLevel0Count(A1), D1
lsl.b #4, D1
add.b SCSIGlobalsRec.isfLevel1Count(A1), D1
move.b FSBusy, D1
lsl.l #8, D1
tst.l VMG
bmi.s @11
move.b ([VMG],$49), D1 ; userCodeDisabled xx27TixU
lsl.b #4, D1 ; xx27TiUx
add.b ([VMG],$4b), D1 ; pageFaultFatal xx27TiUP
lsl.l #8, D1 ; 27TiUPxx
move.b #0, D1
tst.b $D92 ; Deferred Task Q flag
beq.s @noDT
add.b #$D0, D1 ; 27TiUPDx
tst.b $160 ; VBL flag byte
beq.s @noVBL
add.b #$B, D1 ; 27TiUPDB
move.l D1, (A0)+ ; record VBL, DTflags, Ticks, SR
; Second long
move.w FSQHead+2, D1
swap D1
move.w ticks+2, D1
move.l D1, (A0)+
; Check for event match breakpoint
move.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recordBreak0(A1), D1
beq.s @noDebug
cmp.l eventName(A6), D1
bne.s @noDebug
move.l SCSIGlobalsRec.recordBreak4(A1), D1
beq.s @doDebug
cmp.l event(A6), D1
bne.s @noDebug
DebugStr 'Break at Event Match ; dm A0-10'
move.w D0, SR ; restore SR
movem.l (sp)+, trashedRegs
unlk A6
NAME 'RecordEvent'
BreakAtEventMatch PROC
NAME 'BreakAtEventMatch'
pea 'Err!'
move.l 8(sp), -(sp)
bsr RecordEvent
addq.l #8, sp
NAME 'RecordError'