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synced 2025-02-27 08:29:24 +00:00
617 lines
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617 lines
13 KiB
File: ATISlotUtils.c
Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
Copyright: © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
Change History (most recent first):
<1> 11/5/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/27/93 fau first checked in
<1> 10/19/93 fau first checked in
*Name: ATISlotUtils.c
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/19/92
*Purpose: Contains routines to works with video slot resources
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Exports: MonitorIDToSpID
* FindVideoTimingStruct
* GetTimingSBlock
* GetBitDepth
* GetRowBytes
* GetNumLines
* PruneMonitors
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
* Includes
#include <Types.h>
#include <Video.h>
#include <Devices.h>
#include <Errors.h>
#include <OSUtils.h>
#include <Slots.h>
#include <Memory.h>
#include "NubEqu.h"
#include "ATIStdTypes.h"
#include "ATIDrvr.h"
* Imported Variables
* Imported Procedures
* Local Typedefs and Defines
* Exported Variables
* Exported Procedures
* Local Variables
* Beginning of Procedure Definitions
*Name: MonitorIDToSpID
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Transforms a monitor id into the appropriate slot resource id.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: UInt8
*Note: Today the monitor identification is the slot manager spId.
* You must be careful not get the header file used here out of
* sync with the declaration ROM assembler file.
* We only have values for the 13" RGB currently.
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
MonitorIDToSpID(UInt8 monitorId)
// UInt8 spId;
// DebugStr("\pMonitorIDToSpID");
} /* End of MonitorIDToSpID */
*Name: GetNumLines
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the number of vertical lines for the specified monitor/mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: rowBytes - If the video parameters structure couldn't be
* located zero is returned. Otherwise a 16 bit
* value indicating the number of vertical lines
* is returned.
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetNumLines(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
Rect bounds;
// DebugStr("\pGetNumLines");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
bounds = vpPtr->vpBounds; // Save screen bounds value
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetNumLines */
*Name: GetBitDepth
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the bit depth for the specified monitor/mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetBitDepth(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
UInt16 depth;
// DebugStr("\pGetBitDepth");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
depth = vpPtr->vpPixelSize; // Save depth
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetBitDepth */
*Name: GetRowBytes
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/22/92
*Purpose: Returns the rowBytes value for the specified monitor and mode.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: rowBytes - If the video parameters structure couldn't be
* located zero is returned. Otherwise a 16 bit
* value indicating the rowbytes for the mode is
* returned.
*Exit: UInt16
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetRowBytes(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
VPBlockPtr vpPtr;
UInt16 rowBytes;
unsigned long data;
IOLongWrite(0xF2800000, 0x02 << 12);
data = LByteSwap(*(unsigned long *)0xF2C00000); // Get Vendor ID
if ( data == (0x1002 | (0x4158 << 16)) ) { // look for ATI
if ( data == (0x100E | (0x9001 << 16)) ) { // look for Diamond
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // The id of the monitor sRsrc
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = videoMode; // Find the structure for the mode
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
spPb.spID = mVidParams; // Get the video mode structure
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(0); // Couldn't structure
vpPtr = (VPBlockPtr) spPb.spResult;
rowBytes = vpPtr->vpRowBytes; // Save rowBytes value
DisposPtr((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetRowBytes */
*Name: FindVideoTimingStruct
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Locates the proper sRsrc for the given monitor.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: Ptr
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
FindVideoTimingStruct(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
// DebugStr("\pFindVideoTimingStruct");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot;
#ifdef ROM
spPb.spID = 0x11; // The id of the board sRsrc
spPb.spID = 0x01;
err = SRsrcInfo(&spPb); // Find it, it better be there
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // Something bad has happened
spPb.spID = kATIVidParmSpId; // So far we only know about this one
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // Couldn't locate ATI video tree
spPb.spID = MonitorIDToSpID(monitorID); // Point to a specific monitor timimg set
err = SFindStruct(&spPb); // Go find it
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil); // There is no monitor of that type
return((Ptr) spPb.spsPointer); // Return slot pointer
} /* End of FindVideoTimingStruct */
*Name: GetTimingSBlock
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/12/92
*Purpose: Returns a pointer to the SBlock with all timing parameters.
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Exit: Ptr - If the proper SBlock is located a pointer to the
* block of data is returned. If the block chould
* not be located nil is returned.
*Detailed: It is the responsibility of the caller of this routine to
* dispose of the pointer returned.
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
GetTimingSBlock(UInt8 monitorID, UInt8 videoMode, UInt8 timingSelector, UInt8 ourSlot)
OSErr err;
Ptr vidParmPtr;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
// DebugStr("\pGetTimingSBlock");
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
vidParmPtr = FindVideoTimingStruct(monitorID,ourSlot);
if ( vidParmPtr ) {
spPb.spsPointer = vidParmPtr;
spPb.spID = timingSelector;
if ( timingSelector == kSwatchParmSpId ) {
spPb.spID = kSwatchParmSpId;
err = SFindStruct(&spPb);
if ( err != noErr ) return(nil);
spPb.spID = videoMode;
err = SGetBlock(&spPb);
if ( err == noErr ) {
return((Ptr) spPb.spResult);
} /* End of GetTimingSBlock */
*Name: PruneMonitors
*Creator: George D. Wilson Jr.
*Date: 6/19/92
*Purpose: Removes the unused monitors timing sResources
*File: ATISlotUtils.c
*Called By:
*Entry: monitorID - The monitor identifer to keep around.
* theSlot - The slot we are operating out of
*Exit: void
* Date Programmer Modification
* -------- ---------- -----------------------------------------
PruneMonitors(UInt16 cardType, UInt8 theSlot)
OSErr err;
// UInt8 spId;
SpBlock spPb;
char *p;
short i;
p = (char *) &spPb;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof(SpBlock); i++ ) *p++ = 0;
spPb.spSlot = theSlot; // should be 0x00
if ( cardType == 0x1002) { // look for ATI
spPb.spID = 0x90;
if ( cardType == 0x100E) { // look for Diamond
spPb.spID = 0x80; // The id of the board sRsrc
err = SDeleteSRTRec(&spPb);
} /* End of PruneMonitors */
* End of Module