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; File: PrPrivate.a
; Contains: xxx put contents here xxx
; Written by: xxx put writers here xxx
; Copyright: © 1991 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
; Change History (most recent first):
; <5> 1/30/91 gbm sab, #38: Change the ‘already including this file’ variable to
; all uppercase (for security reasons)
; To Do:
; Version: 3.13
; Created: Friday, October 20, 1989 at 9:41:45 PM
;File: PrPrivate (Owned and maintained soley by the Print Shop)
; Copyright © 1984, 1985, 1986 Apple Computer, Inc.
; Printing Equates -- This file supplements the high-level equates for the
; Macintosh printing software in PrEqu. These equates are private
; to Apple Computer, Inc. and should be used solely for building system
; software such as Apple printer drivers. The lines commented out
; reflect equates which appear in PrEqu and are included here just for
; convenience.
; 1.0 CCH 11/ 9/1988 Adding to EASE.
;•1.1 CCH 9/14/1988 Updated EASE with the current rev of this file.
; Printing Code Constants
; These are the PrDrvr constants.
lPrLFSixth EQU -1 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for 1/6 th inch paper advance
lPrLFEighth EQU -2 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for 1/8 th inch paper advance
iPrDocOpen EQU 1 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for doc begin
iPrPageClose EQU 2 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for page end
;iPrLineFeed equ 3 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for paper advance
iPrPageOpen EQU 4 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for page begin
iPrDocClose EQU 5 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for doc end
iPrLFStd EQU -1 ; The PrDevCtl Proc's CParam for std paper advance
iMscCtl EQU 9 ; Msc Text state / Drvr State ctl number
iPvtCtl EQU 10 ; Private Ctls start here
; State Constants
bPrDevOpen EQU 1 ; The DevOpen State Indicator
bPrDocOpen EQU 2 ; The DocOpen State Indicator
bPrPageOpen EQU 3 ; The PageOpen State Indicator
bPrPrinting EQU 4 ; The Printing State Indicator
bPrPageClose EQU 5 ; The PageClose State Indicator
bPrDocClose EQU 6 ; The DocClose State Indicator
bPrDevClose EQU 0 ; The DevClose State Indicator
; These are misc Alert & Dialog constants
iOK EQU 1 ; OK Button
iCancel EQU 2 ; Cancel Button
iPrStlDlg EQU $E000 ; {-8192} Style Dialog
iPrJobDlg EQU $E001 ; {-8191} Job Dialog
iPrCfgDlg EQU $E002 ; {-8190} Configuration Dialog
iPgFeedAx EQU $E00A ; {-8182} Page Feed Dialog
iPicSizAx EQU $E00B ; {-8181} Pic Size Alert
iIOAbrtAx EQU $E00C ; {-8180} IO Timeout Alert
iPrPgFst EQU 1
iPrPgMax EQU 9999
iPrSavPFil EQU $FFFF ; Abort but save print file
; Printing data structures
; Print Info data structure
; The parameters needed for page composition.
;iDev already defined in PrEqu.a
;iDev EQU 0 ; Font mgr/QuickDraw device code [word]
iVRes EQU 2 ; V Resolution of device, in device coord.[word]
iHRes EQU 4 ; H resolution [word]
iPrInfoSize EQU 14 ; The PrInfo size.[14]
; Printer Style data structure
; The printer configuration and usage information.
;wDev EQU 0 ; The drvr #, Hi byte=RefNum, Lo byte=variant [word]
bPort EQU 6 ; The IO port number [byte]
iPrStlSize EQU 8 ; The PrStl size.[8]
; Print eXtra Info data structure
; The print time eXtra information.
iRowBytes EQU 0 ; The Band's rowBytes. [word]
iBandV EQU 2 ; V Size of band, in device coordinates [word]
iBandH EQU 4 ; H size of band [word]
iBands EQU 8 ; Number of bands per page.
bPatScale EQU 10 ; Pattern scaling [byte]
bULThick EQU 11 ; 3 Underscoring parameters [byte]
bULOffset EQU 12 ; [byte]
bULShadow EQU 13 ; [byte]
scan EQU 14 ; Band scan direction [byte]
bXInfoX EQU 15 ; An eXtra byte. [byte]
iPrXInfoSize EQU 16 ; The PrXInfo size.[16 bytes]
; Print Job data structure
; Print "form" for a single print request.
;iFstPage EQU 0 ; Page Range [word]
;iLstPage EQU 2 ; [word]
;iCopies EQU 4 ; # copies [word]
;bJDocLoop EQU 6 ; Draft quality print flag [byte]
;fFromApp EQU 7 ; Printing from an App (not PrApp) flag [byte]
;pIdleProc EQU 8 ; Idle Proc [pointer]
;pFileName EQU 12 ; Spool File Name: NIL for default [pointer]
;iFileVol EQU 16 ; Spool File vol [word]
;bFileVers EQU 18 ; Spool File version [byte]
bJobX EQU 19 ; An eXtra byte [byte]
;iPrJobSize EQU 20 ; The PrJob size.[20]
; Print Port structure
; A graf port, its procs, plus some extra.
;gPort EQU 0 ; The Printer's graf port
gProcs EQU 108 ; ..and its procs [13 pointers]
lGParam1 EQU 160 ; Some params: Our relocatable stuff etc [long]
lGParam2 EQU 164 ; [long]
lGParam3 EQU 168 ; [long]
lGParam4 EQU 172 ; [long]
fOurPtr EQU 176 ; PrPort allocation done by us? [byte]
fOurBits EQU 177 ; BitMap allocation done by us? [byte]
;iPrPortSize EQU 178 ; The PrPort size.[178]
; Print Status data structure
;iTotPages EQU 0 ; Total pages in Print File [word]
;iCurPage EQU 2 ; Current page number [word]
;iTotCopies EQU 4 ; Total copies requested [word]
;iCurCopy EQU 6 ; Current copy number [word]
;iTotBands EQU 8 ; Total bands per page [word]
;iCurBand EQU 10 ; Current band number [word]
;fPgDirty EQU 12 ; current page has been written to? [byte]
;fImaging EQU 13 ; in band's DrawPic call? [byte]
;hPrint EQU 14 ; active Printer record [handle]
;pPrPort EQU 18 ; active PrPort [pointer]
hPic EQU 22 ; active Picture [handle]
;iPrStatSize EQU 26 ; The PrStatus size[26 bytes]
; Print dialog
dlg EQU 0 ; DialogWindow
pFltrProc EQU 170 ; filter Proc [pointer]
pItemProc EQU 174 ; item evaluating proc [pointer]
hPrintUsr EQU 178 ; user's print record [handle]
fDoIt EQU 182 ; Boolean
fDone EQU 183 ; Boolean
lPrDlg1 EQU 184 ; users to hang global data [long]
lPrDlg2 EQU 188 ; [long]
lPrDlg3 EQU 192 ; [long]
lPrDlg4 EQU 196 ; [long]
iPrDlgSz EQU 200
; Less common print code stuff
; These are the definitions for the Print code
fPrDbgOK EQU 1 ; Debug enable
iPrSystemError EQU 29 ; Printcode System Error
; The Private Print Globals; 16 bytes located at [SysEqu] PrintVars
PrintVars EQU $944 ; print code variables [16 bytes]
PrintErr EQU $944 ; Current Printer Error
;ChooserBits EQU $946 ; bit 7 = 0 don't run; bit 6 = 0 gray out AppleTalk
iPrErr EQU 0 ; Offset to current print error. Set to iPrAbort to abort printing.
bDocLoop EQU 2 ; The Doc style: Draft, Spool, .., and ..
; Currently use low 2 bits; the upper 6 are for flags.
bUser1 EQU 3
lUser1 EQU 4
lUser2 EQU 8
lUser3 EQU 12
iPrResFileRefNum EQU 14 ; The current print driver's resource file refnum
iPrVarSize EQU 16 ; The PrVar's size.[16]
iPrError EQU PrintVars+iPrErr ; abs loc of PrintError
bPrFlags EQU PrintVars+bDocLoop ; abs loc of pr flags
bPrType EQU PrintVars+bUser1 ; abs loc of pr type field = -bDev [default = imagewriter = FF]
fNewRunBit EQU 2 ; Bit 2 (3rd bit) in bDocLoop: new JobRun indicator
fHiResOK EQU 3 ; Bit 3 (4th bit) is hi res indicator for paint
fWeOpenedRF EQU 4 ; Bit 4 (5th bit) is set if driver opend the prres file.
iPrRefNum EQU PrintVars+iPrResFileRefNum
; abs loc of the current print driver's resource file refnum
; Printer Type Constants (each new printer has its own index value)
bDevCItoh EQU 1 ; Imagewriter
bDevDaisy EQU 2 ; Daisy wheel printer (scrapped)
bDevLaser EQU 3 ; LaserWriter
; Miscellaneous constants.
scanTB EQU 0 ; scan top-bottom
scanBT EQU 1 ; scan bottom-top
scanLR EQU 2 ; scan left-right
scanRL EQU 3 ; scan right-left
; These are the constants for using resources to swap in the non-driver
; print code. Three numbers are needed:
; ResType
; ResID
; Offset into the seg's jump table
; The offset is really a formatted Long that contains three fields:
; Frame Size; Unlock flag; Offset into the seg's jump table
; We could use the topmost byte for further stuff: a stack adjust for
; storing the registers needed by the link code so that it would be re-entrant.
lPDefType EQU $50444546 ; Pr Resource TYPE: "PDEF"
iPrDraftID EQU 0 ; Pr Draft Resource ID
iPrSpoolID EQU 1 ; Pr Spool Resource ID
iPrUser1ID EQU 2 ; Pr Spare1 Resource ID
iPrUser2ID EQU 3 ; Pr Spare2 Resource ID
lOpenDoc EQU $000C0000 ; PrOpenDoc JumpTable offset
lCloseDoc EQU $00048004 ; PrCloseDoc JumpTable offset
lOpenPage EQU $00080008 ; PrOpenPage JumpTable offset
lClosePage EQU $0004000C ; PrClosePage JumpTable offset
iPrDlgsID EQU 4 ; Pr Dialogs Resource ID
lDefault EQU $00048000 ; PrintDefault JumpTable offset
lStlDialog EQU $00048004 ; PrStlDialog JumpTable offset
lJobDialog EQU $00048008 ; PrJobDialog JumpTable offset
lStlInit EQU $0004000C ; PrStlInit JumpTable offset
lJobInit EQU $00040010 ; PrJobInit JumpTable offset
lDlgMain EQU $00088014 ; PrDlgMain JumpTable offset
lPrValidate EQU $00048018 ; PrintValidate JumpTable offset
lPrJobMerge EQU $0008801C ; PrintValidate JumpTable offset
iPrPicID EQU 5 ; Pic Printing Resource ID
lPrPicFile EQU $00148000 ; PrPicFile JumpTable offset
iCfgDlgID EQU 6 ; Configuration proc Resource ID
lCfgDialog EQU $00008000 ; PrCfgDialog JumpTable offset
iPrHackID EQU 7 ; The "Oops, I Forgot" Resource ID
lPrHack EQU $000C8000 ; PrHack JumpTable offset
ENDIF ; ...already included |